CaDate | |
CAlleleFreq | Class to handle statistics and constructs based on allele frequencies |
CAlleleFreq1616 | |
CAlleleFreq256_16 | |
CALMaSS_MathFuncs | ALMaSS_MathFuncs constructor |
CAlmassCrop | Struct for storing ALMaSS crop type (TTypesOfVegetation) with a corresponding value (mainly crop area) |
►CAnimalPosition | A class defining an animals position |
CInTrapPosition | A class for storing the position of the trap the vole is in |
CRoeDeerInfo | Part of the basic ALMaSS system (obselete) Communicates the range centre, age and size of animals to other objects |
►CAOR_Probe | |
CAOR_Probe_Goose | |
CAPoint | A simple class defining an x,y coordinate set |
CBeetleToleParams | |
CBeetleToleTovs | |
CBeetleTovParams | |
►CBinaryMapBase | |
CTrapLineMap | A class for simulation virtual traplines |
CCalendar | |
CCannibalisationEvent | |
►CCfgBase | Base class for a configurator entry |
►CCfgArray_Double | |
CCfgFunction | Function configurator entry class The function pointers are all of type <void ()>. The user is responsible for casting them for usage to proper type. The constructor is responsible for casting them for storage to void() using reinterpret_cast |
CCfgArray_Int | Array_Int configurator entry class |
CCfgBool | Bool configurator entry class |
CCfgFloat | Double configurator entry class |
CCfgInt | Integer configurator entry class |
CCfgStr | String configurator entry class |
CCompareEggX | Function class to compare to Eggs X |
CCompareState | Function to compare to TAnimal's Current behavioural state |
CCompareStateAlive | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to anything but -1 |
CCompareStateDead | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to -1 |
CCompareStateR | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo |
CCompareX | Function to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_x |
CCompareY | |
CConfigurator | A class to provide standard parameter entry facilities |
►CCrop | The base class for all crops |
CBEBeet | BEBeet class
CBEBeetSpring | BEBeetSpring class
CBECatchPeaCrop | BECatchPeaCrop class
CBEGrassGrazed1 | BEGrassGrazed1 class
CBEGrassGrazed1Spring | BEGrassGrazed2 class
CBEGrassGrazed2 | BEGrassGrazed2 class
CBEGrassGrazedLast | BEGrassGrazedLast class
CBEMaize | BEMaize class
CBEMaizeCC | BEMaize class
CBEMaizeSpring | BEMaizeSpring class
CBEOrchardCrop | |
CBEPotatoes | BEPotatoes class
CBEPotatoesSpring | BEPotatoesSpring class
CBEWinterBarley | BEWinterbarley class
CBEWinterBarleyCC | BEWinterBarleyCC class
CBEWinterWheat | BEWinterWheat class
CBEWinterWheatCC | BEWinterWheatCC class
CBroadBeans | |
CCarrots | |
CCloverGrassGrazed1 | |
CCloverGrassGrazed2 | |
CDE_AsparagusEstablishedPlantation | |
CDE_BushFruitPerm | DE_BushFruitPerm class
CDE_Cabbage | DE_Cabbage class
CDE_Carrots | DE_Carrots class
CDE_GrasslandSilageAnnual | DE_GrasslandSilageAnnual class
CDE_GreenFallow_1year | DE_GreenFallow_1years class
CDE_HerbsPerennial_1year | |
CDE_HerbsPerennial_after1year | |
CDE_Legumes | DE_Legumes class
CDE_Maize | DE_Maize class
CDE_MaizeSilage | DE_MaizeSilage class
CDE_OAsparagusEstablishedPlantation | |
CDE_Oats | DE_Oats class
CDE_OBushFruitPerm | DE_OBushFruitPerm class
CDE_OCabbages | DE_OCabbages class
CDE_OCarrots | |
CDE_OGrasslandSilageAnnual | DE_OGrasslandSilageAnnual1 class
CDE_OGreenFallow_1year | DE_OGreenFallow_1years class
CDE_OHerbsPerennial_1year | |
CDE_OHerbsPerennial_after1year | |
CDE_OLegume | |
CDE_OMaize | |
CDE_OMaizeSilage | |
CDE_OOats | |
CDE_OOrchard | DE_OOrchard class
CDE_OPeas | |
CDE_OPermanentGrassGrazed | DE_OPermanentGrassGrazed class
CDE_OPermanentGrassLowYield | |
CDE_OPotatoes | |
CDE_Orchard | DE_Orchard class
CDE_OSpringRye | |
CDE_OSugarBeet | |
CDE_OTriticale | DE_OTriticale class
CDE_OWinterBarley | DE_OWinterBarley class
CDE_OWinterRape | |
CDE_OWinterRye | DE_OWinterRye class
CDE_OWinterWheat | |
CDE_Peas | DE_Peas class
CDE_PermanentGrassGrazed | |
CDE_PermanentGrassLowYield | |
CDE_Potatoes | DE_Potatoes class
CDE_PotatoesIndustry | DE_PotatoesIndustry class
CDE_SpringBarley | DE_SpringBarley class
CDE_SpringRye | DE_SpringRye class
CDE_SugarBeet | DE_SugarBeet class
CDE_Triticale | DE_Triticale class
CDE_WinterBarley | DE_WinterBarley class
CDE_WinterRape | DE_WinterRape class
CDE_WinterRye | DE_WinterRye class
CDE_WinterWheat | DE_WinterWheat class
CDE_WinterWheatLate | DE_WinterWheatLate class
CDK_BushFruit_Perm1 | DK_BushFruit_Perm1 class
CDK_BushFruit_Perm2 | DK_BushFruit_Perm2 class
CDK_Cabbages | DK_Cabbages class
CDK_Carrots | |
CDK_Carrots_Spring | |
CDK_CatchCrop | |
CDK_CerealLegume | |
CDK_CerealLegume_Whole | |
CDK_ChristmasTrees_Perm | DK_ChristmasTrees_Perm class
CDK_CloverGrassGrazed1 | |
CDK_CloverGrassGrazed2 | DK_CloverGrassGrazed2 class
CDK_CloverGrassGrazed3 | DK_CloverGrassGrazed3 class
CDK_EnergyCrop_Perm | DK_EnergyCrop_Perm class
CDK_FarmForest_Perm | |
CDK_FarmYoungForest_Perm | |
CDK_FodderBeet | |
CDK_GrassGrazed_Perm | DK_GrassGrazed_Perm class
CDK_GrassLowYield_Perm | |
CDK_GrassTussocky_Perm | |
CDK_GrazingPigs | |
CDK_GrazingPigs_Perm | |
CDK_Legume_Beans | |
CDK_Legume_Peas | |
CDK_Legume_Whole | |
CDK_Maize | |
CDK_MaizeSilage | |
CDK_MixedVeg | |
CDK_OBushFruit_Perm1 | DK_OBushFruit_Perm1 class
CDK_OBushFruit_Perm2 | DK_OBushFruit_Perm2 class
CDK_OCabbages | DK_OCabbages class
CDK_OCarrots | |
CDK_OCatchCrop | |
CDK_OCerealLegume | |
CDK_OCerealLegume_Whole | |
CDK_OChristmasTrees_Perm | DK_OChristmasTrees_Perm class
CDK_OCloverGrassGrazed1 | DK_OCloverGrassGrazed1 class
CDK_OCloverGrassGrazed2 | DK_OCloverGrassGrazed2 class
CDK_OCloverGrassGrazed3 | DK_OCloverGrassGrazed3 class
CDK_OEnergyCrop_Perm | DK_OEnergyCrop_Perm class
CDK_OFarmForest_Perm | |
CDK_OFarmYoungForest_Perm | |
CDK_OFodderBeet | |
CDK_OGrassGrazed_Perm | DK_OGrassGrazed_Perm class
CDK_OGrassLowYield_Perm | |
CDK_OGrazingPigs | |
CDK_OGrazingPigs_Perm | |
CDK_OLegume | |
CDK_OLegume_Beans | |
CDK_OLegume_Beans_CC | |
CDK_OLegume_Peas | |
CDK_OLegume_Peas_CC | |
CDK_OLegume_Whole | |
CDK_OLegume_Whole_CC | |
CDK_OLegumeCloverGrass_Whole | |
CDK_OLentils | |
CDK_OLupines | |
CDK_OMaize | |
CDK_OMaizeSilage | |
CDK_OMixedVeg | |
CDK_OOrchApple | DK_OOrchApple class
CDK_OOrchardCrop_Perm | DK_OOrchardCrop_Perm class
CDK_OOrchCherry | DK_OOrchCherry class
CDK_OOrchOther | DK_OOrchOther class
CDK_OOrchPear | DK_OOrchPear class
CDK_OPotato | |
CDK_OPotatoIndustry | |
CDK_OPotatoSeed | |
CDK_OptimalFlowerMix1 | DK_OptimalFlowerMix1 class
CDK_OptimalFlowerMix2 | |
CDK_OptimalFlowerMix3 | |
CDK_OrchApple | DK_OrchApple class
CDK_OrchardCrop_Perm | DK_OrchardCrop_Perm class
CDK_OrchCherry | DK_OrchCherry class
CDK_OrchOther | DK_OrchOther class
CDK_OrchPear | DK_OrchPear class
CDK_OSeedGrassRye_Spring | |
CDK_OSetAside | DK_OSetAside class
CDK_OSetAside_AnnualFlower | DK_OSetAside_AnnualFlower class
CDK_OSetAside_PerennialFlower | DK_OSetAside_PerennialFlower class
CDK_OSetAside_SummerMow | DK_OSetAside_SummerMow class
CDK_OSpringBarley | |
CDK_OSpringBarley_CC | |
CDK_OSpringBarleyCloverGrass | |
CDK_OSpringBarleySilage | |
CDK_OSpringFodderGrass | DK_OSpringFodderGrass class
CDK_OSpringOats | |
CDK_OSpringOats_CC | |
CDK_OSpringWheat | |
CDK_OSugarBeet | |
CDK_OVegSeeds | |
CDK_OWinterBarley | |
CDK_OWinterCloverGrassGrazedSown | DK_OWinterCloverGrassGrazedSown class
CDK_OWinterFodderGrass | DK_OWinterFodderGrass class
CDK_OWinterRape | |
CDK_OWinterRye | |
CDK_OWinterRye_CC | |
CDK_OWinterWheat | DK_OWinterWheat class
CDK_OWinterWheat_CC | DK_OWinterWheat_CC class
CDK_PlantNursery_Perm | |
CDK_Potato | |
CDK_PotatoIndustry | |
CDK_PotatoSeed | |
CDK_SeedGrassFescue_Spring | DK_SeedGrassFescue_Spring class
CDK_SeedGrassRye_Spring | DK_SeedGrassRye_Spring class
CDK_SetAside | DK_SetAside class
CDK_SetAside_SummerMow | DK_SetAside_SummerMow class
CDK_SpringBarley | |
CDK_SpringBarley_CC | |
CDK_SpringBarley_Green | |
CDK_SpringBarleyCloverGrass | |
CDK_SpringBarleySilage | |
CDK_SpringFodderGrass | |
CDK_SpringOats | |
CDK_SpringOats_CC | |
CDK_SpringWheat | |
CDK_SugarBeet | |
CDK_VegSeeds | |
CDK_WinterBarley | |
CDK_WinterCloverGrassGrazedSown | |
CDK_WinterFodderGrass | |
CDK_WinterRape | |
CDK_WinterRye | |
CDK_WinterRye_CC | |
CDK_WinterWheat | |
CDK_WinterWheat_CC | |
CDKOBroadBeans_test | |
CDummyCrop | |
CDummyCropPestTesting | |
CFI_BufferZone | FI_BufferZone class
CFI_BufferZone_Perm | FI_BufferZone_Perm class
CFI_Caraway1 | FI_Caraway1 class
CFI_Caraway2 | FI_Caraway2 class
CFI_FabaBean | FI_FabaBean class
CFI_FeedingGround | FI_FeedingGround class
CFI_FeedingGround | FI_FeedingGround class
CFI_FeedingGround | FI_FeedingGround class
CFI_GrasslandPasturePerennial1 | FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial1 class
CFI_GrasslandPasturePerennial2 | FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial2 class
CFI_GrasslandSilageAnnual | FI_GrasslandSilageAnnual class
CFI_GrasslandSilagePerennial1 | FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial1 class
CFI_GrasslandSilagePerennial2 | FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial2 class
CFI_GreenFallow_1year | FI_GreenFallow_1year class
CFI_GreenFallow_Perm | FI_GreenFallow_Perm class
CFI_NaturalGrassland | FI_NaturalGrassland class
CFI_NaturalGrassland_Perm | FI_NaturalGrassland_Perm class
CFI_OCaraway1 | FI_OCaraway1 class
CFI_OCaraway2 | FI_OCaraway2 class
CFI_OFabaBean | FI_OFabaBean class
CFI_OPotato_North | |
CFI_OPotato_South | |
CFI_OPotatoIndustry_North | |
CFI_OPotatoIndustry_South | |
CFI_OSpringBarley_Fodder | FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder class
CFI_OSpringBarley_Malt | FI_OSpringBarley_Malt class
CFI_OSpringOats | FI_OSpringOats class
CFI_OSpringRape | FI_OSpringRape class
CFI_OSpringWheat | FI_OSpringWheat class
CFI_OStarchPotato_North | |
CFI_OStarchPotato_South | |
CFI_OTurnipRape | FI_OTurnipRape class
CFI_OWinterRye | FI_OWinterRye class
CFI_OWinterWheat | FI_OWinterWheat class
CFI_Potato_North | |
CFI_Potato_South | |
CFI_PotatoIndustry_North | |
CFI_PotatoIndustry_South | |
CFI_SpringBarley_Fodder | FI_SpringBarley_Fodder class
CFI_SpringBarley_Malt | FI_SpringBarley_Malt class
CFI_SpringOats | FI_SpringOats class
CFI_SpringRape | FI_SpringRape class
CFI_SpringWheat | FI_SpringWheat class
CFI_SpringWheat | FI_SpringWheat class
CFI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder | FI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder class
CFI_StarchPotato_North | |
CFI_StarchPotato_South | |
CFI_SugarBeet | |
CFI_SugarBeet | |
CFI_TurnipRape | FI_TurnipRape class
CFI_WinterRye | FI_WinterRye class
CFI_WinterWheat | FI_WinterWheat class
CFieldPeas | |
CFieldPeasSilage | |
CFieldPeasStrigling | |
CFodderBeet | |
CFodderGrass | |
CFR_Grassland | FR_Grassland class
CFR_Grassland_Perm | FR_Grassland_Perm class
CFR_Maize | FR_Maize class
CFR_Maize_Silage | FR_Maize_Silage class
CFR_Potatoes | FR_Potatoes class
CFR_Sorghum | FR_Sorghum class
CFR_SpringBarley | FR_SpringBarley class
CFR_SpringOats | FR_SpringBarley class
CFR_SpringWheat | FR_SpringWheat class
CFR_Sunflower | FR_Sunflower class
CFR_WinterBarley | FR_WinterBarley class
CFR_WinterRape | FR_WinterRape class
CFR_WinterTriticale | FR_WinterTriticale class
CFR_WinterWheat | FR_WinterWheat class
CGenericCatchCrop | GenericCatchCrop class
CHorticultureCrop | |
CIRGrassland_no_reseed | IRGrassland_no_reseed class
CIRGrassland_reseed | IRGrassland_reseed class
CIRSpringBarley | IRSpringBarley class
CIRSpringOats | IRSpringOats class
CIRSpringWheat | IRSpringWheat class
CIRWinterBarley | IRWinterBarley class
CIRWinterOats | IRWinterOats class
CIRWinterWheat | IRWinterWheat class
CITGrassland | ITGrassland class
CITOOrchard | ITOOrchardd class
CITOrchard | ITOrchardd class
CMaize | |
CMaizeSilage | |
CMaizeStrigling | |
CNLBeet | NLBeet class
CNLBeetSpring | NLBeetSpring class
CNLCabbage | NLCabbage class
CNLCabbageSpring | NLCabbageSpring class
CNLCarrots | NLCarrots class
CNLCarrotsSpring | NLCarrotsSpring class
CNLCatchCropPea | NLCatchCropPea class
CNLGrassGrazed1 | NLGrassGrazed1 class
CNLGrassGrazed1Spring | NLGrassGrazed1Spring class
CNLGrassGrazed2 | NLGrassGrazed2 class
CNLGrassGrazedExtensive1 | NLGrassGrazedExtensive1 class
CNLGrassGrazedExtensive1Spring | NLGrassGrazedExtensive1Spring class
CNLGrassGrazedExtensive2 | NLGrassGrazedExtensive2 class
CNLGrassGrazedExtensiveLast | NLGrassGrazedExtensiveLast class
CNLGrassGrazedLast | NLGrassGrazedLast class
CNLMaize | NLMaize class
CNLMaizeSpring | NLMaizeSpring class
CNLOrchardCrop | |
CNLPermanentGrassGrazed | NLPermanentGrassGrazed class
CNLPermanentGrassGrazedExtensive | NLPermanentGrassGrazedExtensive class
CNLPotatoes | NLPotatoes class
CNLPotatoesSpring | NLPotatoesSpring class
CNLSpringBarley | NLSpringBarley class
CNLSpringBarleySpring | NLSpringBarleySpring class
CNLTulips | NLTulips class
CNLWinterWheat | NLWinterWheat class
CNorwegianOats | |
CNorwegianPotatoes | |
CNorwegianSpringBarley | |
COats | |
COBarleyPeaCloverGrass | |
COCarrots | |
COCloverGrassGrazed1 | |
COCloverGrassGrazed2 | |
COCloverGrassSilage1 | |
COFieldPeas | |
COFieldPeasSilage | |
COFirstYearDanger | |
COFodderBeet | |
COGrazingPigs | |
COMaizeSilage | |
COOats | |
COPermanentGrassGrazed | |
COPotatoes | |
COrchardCrop | |
COSBarleySilage | |
COSeedGrass1 | |
COSeedGrass2 | |
COSpringBarley | |
COSpringBarleyExt | |
COSpringBarleyPigs | |
COTriticale | |
COWinterBarley | |
COWinterBarleyExt | |
COWinterRape | |
COWinterRye | |
COWinterWheat | |
COWinterWheatUndersown | |
COWinterWheatUndersownExt | |
CPermanentGrassGrazed | |
CPermanentGrassLowYield | |
CPermanentGrassTussocky | |
CPermanentSetAside | |
CPLBeans | PLBeans class
CPLBeet | PLBeet class
CPLBeetSpr | PLBeetSpr class
CPLCarrots | PLCarrots class
CPLFodderLucerne1 | PLFodderLucerne1 class
CPLFodderLucerne2 | PLFodderLucerne2 class
CPLMaize | PLMaize class
CPLMaizeSilage | PLMaizeSilage class
CPLPotatoes | PLPotatoes class
CPLSpringBarley | PLSpringBarley class
CPLSpringBarleySpr | PLSpringBarleySpr class
CPLSpringWheat | PLSpringWheat class
CPLWinterBarley | PLWinterBarley class
CPLWinterRape | PLWinterRape class
CPLWinterRye | PLWinterRye class
CPLWinterTriticale | PLWinterTriticale class
CPLWinterWheat | PLWinterWheat class
CPLWinterWheatLate | PLWinterWheatLate class
CPotatoes | |
CPotatoesIndustry | |
CPTBeans | PTBeans class
CPTCabbage | PTCabbage class
CPTCabbage_Hort | PTCabbage_Hort class
CPTCloverGrassGrazed1 | PTCloverGrassGrazed1 class
CPTCloverGrassGrazed2 | PTCloverGrassGrazed2 class
CPTCorkOak | PTCorkOak class
CPTFodderMix | PTFodderMix class
CPTGrassGrazed | PTGrassGrazed class
CPTHorticulture | PTHorticulture class
CPTMaize | PTMaize class
CPTMaize_Hort | PTMaize_hort class
CPTOats | PTOats class
CPTOliveGroveIntensive | |
CPTOliveGroveSuperIntensive | |
CPTOliveGroveTraditional | |
CPTOliveGroveTradOrganic | |
CPTOtherDryBeans | PTOtherDryBeans class
CPTPermanentGrassGrazed | PTPermanentGrassGrazed class
CPTPotatoes | PTPotatoes class
CPTRyegrass | PTRyegrass class
CPTSetAside | PTSetAside class
CPTShrubPastures | PTShrubPastures class
CPTSorghum | PTSorghum class
CPTTriticale | PTTriticale class
CPTTurnipGrazed | PTTurnipGrazed class
CPTVineyards | PTVineyards class
CPTWinterBarley | PTWinterBarley class
CPTWinterRye | PTWinterRye class
CPTWinterWheat | PTWinterWheat class
CPTYellowLupin | PTYellowLupin class
CSE_SpringBarley | SE_SpringBarley class
CSE_WinterRape_Seed | SE_WinterRape_Seed class
CSE_WinterWheat | SE_WinterWheat class
CSeedGrass1 | |
CSeedGrass2 | |
CSetAside | Rotational set-aside management class
CSpringBarley | |
CSpringBarleyCloverGrass | |
CSpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyPTreatment | |
CSpringBarleySeed | |
CSpringBarleySilage | |
CSpringBarleySKManagement | |
CSpringBarleySpr | |
CSpringBarleyStrigling | |
CSpringBarleyStriglingCulm | |
CSpringBarleyStriglingSingle | |
CSpringRape | |
CSugarBeet | |
CTestCrop | |
CTriticale | |
CUKBeans | UKBeans class
CUKBeet | UKBeet class
CUKMaize | |
CUKPermanentGrass | UKPermanentGrass class
CUKPotatoes | UKPotatoes class
CUKSpringBarley | UKSpringBarley class
CUKTempGrass | UKTempGrass class
CUKWinterBarley | UKWinterBarley class
CUKWinterRape | UKWinterRape class
CUKWinterWheat | UKWinterWheat class
CWheatPControl | |
CWinterBarley | |
CWinterBarleyStrigling | |
CWinterRape | |
CWinterRapeStrigling | |
CWinterRye | |
CWinterRyeStrigling | |
CWinterWheat | WinterWheat class
CWinterWheatStrigling | |
CWinterWheatStriglingCulm | |
CWinterWheatStriglingSingle | |
CYoungForestCrop | |
CCropActualValues | Struct for storing actual data on crop type, area of a field it is grown in, biomass at harvest, numbers of pesticide applications and missed pesticide applications |
CCropGrowth | |
CCropOptimised | A class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation |
CCropRotation | |
CCropStartStruct | |
►CCurveClass | Provides a flexible curve class which provides a quick way to calculate return values for any given x-vale with a resolution of 10,000 units on the x-axis |
CGompertzCurveClass | A Gompertz curve class |
CHollingsDiscCurveClass | A Hollings Disc curve class - type II functional response |
CPettiforFeedingTimeCurveClass | A curve for feeding time derived from Pettifor et al (2000). Journal of Applied Ecology 37: 103-135 |
CPolynomial2CurveClass | A polynomial curve class |
CThresholdCurveClass | A rectangular threshold curve class |
CDataForOptimisation | Class for storing data for optimisation |
►CFarm | The base class for all farm types |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm1 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm2 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CAgroChemIndustryCerealFarm3 | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CConventionalCattle | Inbuilt farm type |
CConventionalPig | Inbuilt farm type |
CConventionalPlant | Inbuilt farm type |
CConvMarginalJord | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CNoPesticideBaseFarm | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CNoPesticideNoPFarm | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
COrganicCattle | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
COrganicPig | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
COrganicPlant | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CPesticideTrialControl | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CPesticideTrialToxicControl | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CPesticideTrialTreatment | Inbuilt special purpose farm type |
CUserDefinedFarm | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm1 | |
CUserDefinedFarm10 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm11 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm12 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm13 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm14 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm15 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm16 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm17 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm2 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm3 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm4 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm5 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm6 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm7 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm8 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CUserDefinedFarm9 | A farm that can have its rotation defined by the user at runtime |
CDataForOptimisation::FarmData | Class storing farm information: farm's number used in ALMaSS system, farm's soil type, farm's size (business or private) and farm's real ID number |
CFarmerAttributes | |
CFarmerList | A class to manage simple farmer list functionality |
CFarmEvent | A struct to hold the information required to trigger a farm event |
CFarmFuncsCostBenefits | |
Cfarminfo | Used during saving farm/hunter information |
CFarmManager | The Farm Manager class |
CGeneticMaterial | Class for the genetic material optionally carried by animals in ALMaSS |
CGeneticMaterial1616 | |
CGeneticMaterial256_16 | |
CGooseFieldListItem | A list item entry of field polygon reference numbers with associated openness and goose food scores |
CHunterInfo | A data structure to hold hunter information for distribution |
CIDMap< a_type > | Used to map locations of animals in space |
►CIDMap< TAnimal * > | |
CIDMapScaled | Used to map locations of animals in space |
CIntArray100 | A struct of 100 ints |
CLadybirdToleParams | |
CLadybirdToleTovs | |
CLadybirdTovParams | |
CLandscape | The landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data |
►CLE | |
►CNonVegElement | |
CLargeRoad | |
CPond | Ponds are defined as freshwater bodies between 25m2 and 5000m2. For newts the effective size is limited to 400m2 |
CSmallRoad | |
►CVegElement | |
CBeetleBank | |
CField | |
CFieldBoundary | Element class for field boudaries |
►CFlowerStrip | Element class for flower strips |
CFlowerStripWithRotation | Element class for flower strips |
CForestElement | |
CHedgeBank | |
CHedges | |
CMownGrassStrip | |
CNaturalGrass | |
COrchard | |
COrchardBand | |
CPastureElement | |
CPermanentSetaside | |
CRoadsideVerge | |
CUnsprayedFieldMargin | |
CWaterBufferZone | |
CLE_TypeClass | |
CLivestock | A class for storing livestock parameters and variables for optimising farms |
CLowPriPair< ELEMTYPE > | Used in event handling |
CManagementDependency | |
CMapErrorMsg | |
CMovementMap | Movement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0-3 only |
CMovementMap16 | Movement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0-15 only |
CMovementMapUnsigned | Movement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0 to max int This is the fastest version of movementmap classes and has dedicated set values for 0-3. For a 10x10km landscape the memory footprint is approximately 200MB larger than the boost++ version for short |
CMRR_Data | Class for running mark-release-recapture experiments |
CMRR_Entry | Data entry for mark release recapture data MRR_Data |
COsmia_Nest_Manager | |
COsmiaForageMask | |
COsmiaForageMaskDetailed | |
COsmiaNestData | |
COsmiaParasitoidSubPopulation | |
COsmiaPollenNectarThresholds | A data class to hold each pair of pollen and nectar thresholds |
COsmiaPolygonEntry | Is the list of nests held by a polygon and associated density controls |
CPermCropData | Used for storing permanent crop data for the farm rotation |
CPesticide | |
CPesticideEvent | |
►CPesticideOutput | |
CPesticideMap | |
CPesticideTable | |
Cpesticiderecord | |
►CPesticideStore | |
CPesticideToxicity | |
CPestIncidenceManager | A small class to generate pest incidence information |
CPlantGrowthData | |
CPoecilusCupreusToleParams | |
CPoecilusCupreusToleTovs | |
CPoecilusCupreusTovParams | |
CPointDirection | An extended point structure for movement with direction |
CPollenNectarCellInfo | A data structure to store the pollen and nectar information for each cell |
CPollenNectarData | A data class to store nectar or pollen data |
CPollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet | This class justs holds the set of resource curves related to a specific plant community or crop. It is a data class, with no behaviour, but is convenient to group curves together |
CPollenNectarDevelopmentData | A class to manage a range of pollen and nectar development curves based on indexed rates |
►CPopulation_Manager_Base | Base class for all population managers |
►CPopulation_Manager | Base class for all population managers for agent based models |
►CBeetle_Population_Manager | The population manager class for beetles |
CBembidion_Population_Manager | |
CLadybird_Population_Manager | |
CPoecilusCupreus_Population_Manager | |
CNone_Population_Manager | A class for running simulations without animals |
COsmia_Population_Manager | The class to handle all Osmia bee population related matters |
COsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager | |
CSkylark_Population_Manager | |
►CSpider_Population_Manager | |
CErigone_Population_Manager | |
COedothorax_Population_Manager | |
CTHare_Population_Manager | The class that handles all the population lists for hares |
CTPredator_Population_Manager | The class to handle all predator population related matters |
CVole_Population_Manager | The class to handle all vole population related matters |
►CSubPopulation_Population_Manager | The class to handle all subpopulation-based ainimal population related matters in the whole landscape |
CAphid_Population_Manager | The class to handle all Aphid population related matters in the whole landscape |
CPopulationManagerList | A small class to hold the pointers to active population managers |
CPositionMap | Used to map locations of individuals for density estimates |
►Cpriority_queue | |
CLowPriority< ELEMTYPE > | Used in event handling |
CLowPriority< FarmEvent * > | |
Cprobability_distribution | |
CProbe_Data | Data structure to hold & output probe data probe data is designed to be used to return the number of objects in a given area or areas in specific element or vegetation types or farms |
CRasterMap | |
Crectangle | A struct defining two x,y coordinate sets of positive co-ords only |
CReturnLessThanX | Test the given animal's x-coordinate against the given x-coordinate |
CReturnMoreThanX | Test the given animal's y-coordinate against the given y-coordinate |
CRotation | |
►CSimplePositionMap | Used to map locations of individuals for density estimates - space inefficient but good for testing |
CScalablePositionMap | Used to map locations of individuals for density estimates. Each cell can only contain one value (it is binary) |
CSimplePositionMapInt | |
CSimplePositionMapPointers< AnimalTypes > | |
CSimpleStatistics | |
CSkQualGrid | |
CskSpiralResult | |
CSkTerritories | |
CskTerritory_struct | |
CskTTerritory | |
►CSkylark_struct | |
CAdultSkylark_struct | |
CNestling_struct | |
CPreFledgeling_struct | |
CskClutch_struct | |
CStarter | |
Cstruct_Aphid | Used for creation of a new Aphid object |
CStruct_Beetle | A data class for Beetle data |
Cstruct_Hare | Class used to pass hare information to CreateObjects |
Cstruct_Osmia | Used for creation of a new Osmia object |
Cstruct_Predator | Used for creation of a new predator object |
Cstruct_Spider | This is a data class that is used to create new instances of spider objects by CreateObjects in the relevant Spider_Population_Manager descendent class |
Cstruct_SubPopulation | Used for creation of a new struct_SubPopulation object |
Cstruct_Vole_Adult | A struct for passing data to create a new vole |
CSunSet | |
►CTALMaSSObject | The base class of all ALMaSS objects requiring Step code |
►CTAnimal | The base class for all ALMaSS animal classes. Includes all the functionality required to be handled by classes derived from Population_Manager, hence a number of empty methods that MUST be reimplemented in descendent classes e.g. CopyMyself() |
►CBeetle_Base | The base class for all beetles |
►CBeetle_Adult | The class describing the adult (female) beetle objects |
CBembidion_Adult | |
CLadybird_Adult | |
CPoecilusCupreus_Adult | |
►CBeetle_Egg_List | The class describing the beetle Egg_List objects |
CBembidion_Egg_List | The class describing the Bembidion Egg_List objects. In general case this class should have only a constructor |
CLadybird_Egg_List | The class describing the beetle Egg_List objects |
CPoecilusCupreus_Egg_List | The class describing the PoecilusCupreus Egg_List objects. In general case this class should have only a constructor |
►CBeetle_Larvae | The class describing the beetle larvae objects |
►CBembidion_Larvae1 | Class for beetle larval stage 1, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CBembidion_Larvae2 | Class for beetle larval stage 2, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
CBembidion_Larvae3 | Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CLadybird_Larvae1 | |
►CLadybird_Larvae2 | Class for beetle larval stage 2, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CLadybird_Larvae3 | Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
CLadybird_Larvae4 | Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CPoecilusCupreus_Larvae1 | Class for beetle larval stage 1, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CPoecilusCupreus_Larvae2 | Class for beetle larval stage 2, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
CPoecilusCupreus_Larvae3 | Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae |
►CBeetle_Pupae | The class describing the beetle pupae objects |
CBembidion_Pupae | |
CLadybird_Pupae | |
CPoecilusCupreus_Pupae | |
►CLadybird_Base | |
CLadybird_Adult | |
CLadybird_Larvae1 | |
CLadybird_Pupae | |
►COsmia_Base | |
►COsmia_Egg | |
►COsmia_Larva | |
►COsmia_Prepupa | |
►COsmia_Pupa | |
►COsmia_InCocoon | |
COsmia_Female | |
COsmia_Nest | The Osmia nest is assumed to be a linear element with egg cells added one by one |
►CSkylark_Base | |
►CSkylark_Adult | |
CSkylark_Female | |
CSkylark_Male | |
CSkylark_Clutch | |
►CSkylark_Nestling | |
CSkylark_PreFledgeling | |
►CSpider_Base | |
►CSpider_Egg | The generic base class for spider eggsacs
CErigone_Egg | |
COedothorax_Egg | |
►CSpider_Juvenile | The generic base class for juvenile spiders
CErigone_Juvenile | |
COedothorax_Juvenile | |
►CSpider_Female | The generic base class for female spiders
CErigone_Female | |
COedothorax_Female | |
►CSubPopulation | The class for base animal using subpopulation method |
CAphid | The class for base Aphid using subpopulation method |
►CTHare | The base class for all hare classes |
►CHare_Infant | Class for infant hares (stationary, only milk inputs) |
CHare_Young | Class for young hares (low mobility, milk and solid food inputs) |
►CHare_Juvenile | Class for juvenile hares (after 5 weeks old, fully mobile) |
CHare_Female | Class for female hares |
CHare_Male | Class for male hares |
►CTPredator | The base class for predators encompsassing all their general behaviours |
COwl | One of two current implementations of TPredator |
CWeasel | One of two current implementations of TPredator |
►CVole_Base | Base class for voles - all vole objects are descended from this class |
►CVole_JuvenileFemale | The class for female voles |
CVole_Female | The class for female voles |
►CVole_JuvenileMale | The class for juvenile male voles |
CVole_Male | The class for male voles |
Ctpct | Used for storing farmers field size vectors |
►Cvector | |
CTSkylarkList< T > | |
CVoleSummaryOutput | A base class for summary outputs |
CWeather | |