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ALMaSS  1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CAlleleFreqClass to handle statistics and constructs based on allele frequencies
 CALMaSS_MathFuncsALMaSS_MathFuncs constructor
 CAlmassCropStruct for storing ALMaSS crop type (TTypesOfVegetation) with a corresponding value (mainly crop area)
 CAnimalPositionA class defining an animals position
 CAPointA simple class defining an x,y coordinate set
 CCfgBaseBase class for a configurator entry
 CCompareEggXFunction class to compare to Eggs X
 CCompareStateFunction to compare to TAnimal's Current behavioural state
 CCompareStateAliveFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to anything but -1
 CCompareStateDeadFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo to -1
 CCompareStateRFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_CurrentStateNo
 CCompareXFunction to compare to TAnimal's m_Location_x
 CConfiguratorA class to provide standard parameter entry facilities
 CCropThe base class for all crops
 CCropActualValuesStruct for storing actual data on crop type, area of a field it is grown in, biomass at harvest, numbers of pesticide applications and missed pesticide applications
 CCropOptimisedA class for storing all parameters and results of crop optimisation
 CCurveClassProvides a flexible curve class which provides a quick way to calculate return values for any given x-vale with a resolution of 10,000 units on the x-axis
 CDataForOptimisationClass for storing data for optimisation
 CFarmThe base class for all farm types
 CDataForOptimisation::FarmDataClass storing farm information: farm's number used in ALMaSS system, farm's soil type, farm's size (business or private) and farm's real ID number
 CFarmerListA class to manage simple farmer list functionality
 CFarmEventA struct to hold the information required to trigger a farm event
 CfarminfoUsed during saving farm/hunter information
 CFarmManagerThe Farm Manager class
 CGeneticMaterialClass for the genetic material optionally carried by animals in ALMaSS
 CGooseFieldListItemA list item entry of field polygon reference numbers with associated openness and goose food scores
 CHunterInfoA data structure to hold hunter information for distribution
 CIDMap< a_type >Used to map locations of animals in space
 CIDMap< TAnimal * >
 CIntArray100A struct of 100 ints
 CLandscapeThe landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data
 CLivestockA class for storing livestock parameters and variables for optimising farms
 CLowPriPair< ELEMTYPE >Used in event handling
 CMovementMapMovement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0-3 only
 CMovementMap16Movement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0-15 only
 CMovementMapUnsignedMovement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0 to max int This is the fastest version of movementmap classes and has dedicated set values for 0-3. For a 10x10km landscape the memory footprint is approximately 200MB larger than the boost++ version for short
 CMRR_DataClass for running mark-release-recapture experiments
 CMRR_EntryData entry for mark release recapture data MRR_Data
 COsmiaPollenNectarThresholdsA data class to hold each pair of pollen and nectar thresholds
 COsmiaPolygonEntryIs the list of nests held by a polygon and associated density controls
 CPermCropDataUsed for storing permanent crop data for the farm rotation
 CPestIncidenceManagerA small class to generate pest incidence information
 CPointDirectionAn extended point structure for movement with direction
 CPollenNectarCellInfoA data structure to store the pollen and nectar information for each cell
 CPollenNectarDataA data class to store nectar or pollen data
 CPollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSetThis class justs holds the set of resource curves related to a specific plant community or crop. It is a data class, with no behaviour, but is convenient to group curves together
 CPollenNectarDevelopmentDataA class to manage a range of pollen and nectar development curves based on indexed rates
 CPopulation_Manager_BaseBase class for all population managers
 CPopulationManagerListA small class to hold the pointers to active population managers
 CPositionMapUsed to map locations of individuals for density estimates
 CProbe_DataData structure to hold & output probe data probe data is designed to be used to return the number of objects in a given area or areas in specific element or vegetation types or farms
 CrectangleA struct defining two x,y coordinate sets of positive co-ords only
 CReturnLessThanXTest the given animal's x-coordinate against the given x-coordinate
 CReturnMoreThanXTest the given animal's y-coordinate against the given y-coordinate
 CSimplePositionMapUsed to map locations of individuals for density estimates - space inefficient but good for testing
 CSimplePositionMapPointers< AnimalTypes >
 Cstruct_AphidUsed for creation of a new Aphid object
 CStruct_BeetleA data class for Beetle data
 Cstruct_HareClass used to pass hare information to CreateObjects
 Cstruct_OsmiaUsed for creation of a new Osmia object
 Cstruct_PredatorUsed for creation of a new predator object
 Cstruct_SpiderThis is a data class that is used to create new instances of spider objects by CreateObjects in the relevant Spider_Population_Manager descendent class
 Cstruct_SubPopulationUsed for creation of a new struct_SubPopulation object
 Cstruct_Vole_AdultA struct for passing data to create a new vole
 CTALMaSSObjectThe base class of all ALMaSS objects requiring Step code
 CtpctUsed for storing farmers field size vectors
 CVoleSummaryOutputA base class for summary outputs