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ALMaSS  1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
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Hare_Infant Class Reference

Class for infant hares (stationary, only milk inputs) More...

#include <Hare_All.h>

Inheritance diagram for Hare_Infant:
THare TAnimal TALMaSSObject Hare_Young

Public Member Functions

void BeginStep (void) override
 BeginStep for the Hare_Infant. More...
void Step (void) override
 Step for the Hare_Infant. More...
void EndStep (void) override
 EndStep for the Hare_Infant. More...
 Hare_Infant (int p_x, int p_y, Landscape *p_L, THare_Population_Manager *p_PPM)
 Hare infant constructor. More...
void ReInit (struct_Hare a_data)
 Infant object reinitiation. More...
void Init ()
 Object initiation. More...
 ~Hare_Infant () override
 Hare infant destructor. More...
void ON_Dead () override
 This hare has been killed. More...
void ON_BeingFed (double a_someMilk)
 Get energy from milk given. More...
void SetWeight (double w)
 Set the weight. More...
void SetMum (Hare_Female *a_af)
 Set the mother pointer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from THare
 THare (int p_x, int p_y, Landscape *p_L, THare_Population_Manager *p_PPM)
 Constructor. More...
void THareInit (int p_x, int p_y, THare_Population_Manager *p_PPM)
 Object Initiation. More...
 ~THare () override
 Destructor. More...
virtual TTypeOfHareState st_Dispersal ()
 Base implementation only - reimplemented. More...
double GetWeight ()
double GetTotalWeight ()
 Provide the wet weight of the hare. More...
int GetAge ()
 Provide the age of the hare. More...
void ON_MumDead (Hare_Female *a_Mum)
 Inform Mum that we are dead. More...
Hare_FemaleGetMum ()
 Get the mother pointer. More...
double GetRMR ()
 Get todays RMR. More...
virtual bool WasPredated ()
 Test for predation. More...
int GetRefNum ()
 Get the refnum for this hare. More...
void loadVegPalatability (void)
 Loads static member m_vegPalatability with data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TAnimal
 TAnimal (int x, int y, Landscape *L)
 The TAnimal constructor saving the x,y, location and the landscape pointer. More...
 TAnimal (int x, int y)
 The TAnimal constructor saving the x,y used if landscape is already set. More...
void SetGuardMapIndex (int a_index_x, int a_index_y)
 Set the guard map index, this is used to avoid two animals operating in the same location when using multithread. More...
unsigned SupplyFarmOwnerRef () const
 Get the current location farm ref if any. More...
AnimalPosition SupplyPosition () const
 Returns the objects location and habitat type and veg type. More...
APoint SupplyPoint () const
 Returns the objects location in ALMaSS coordinates. More...
int SupplyPolygonRef () const
 Returns the polygon reference where the object is located. More...
TTypesOfLandscapeElement SupplyPolygonType () const
 Returns the polygon type where the object is located. More...
int Supply_m_Location_x () const
 Returns the ALMaSS x-coordinate. More...
int Supply_m_Location_y () const
 Returns the ALMaSS y-coordinate. More...
int SupplyGuardCellX () const
 Returns the x-index to the guard cell. More...
int SupplyGuardCellY () const
 Returns the y-index to the guard cell. More...
int SupplyAge () const
 Returns the animals age in days. More...
void SetAge (int a_age)
 Sets the animals age in days. More...
virtual void KillThis ()
 Sets all parameters ready for object destruction. More...
virtual void CopyMyself ()
 Used to copy the object details to another in descendent classes. More...
void SetX (const int a_x)
 Sets the x-coordinate. More...
void SetY (const int a_y)
 Sets the y-coordinate. More...
virtual void ReinitialiseObject (int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr)
virtual void ReinitialiseObject (int a_x, int a_y)
 Used to re-use an object - must be implemented in descendent classes. More...
virtual int WhatState ()
 Returns the objects current state number. More...
virtual void Dying ()
 A wrapped for KillThis - ideally should not be used. More...
void CheckManagement ()
 Used to start a check for any management related effects at the objects current location. More...
void CheckManagementXY (int a_x, int a_y)
 Used to start a check for any management related effects at x,y. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TALMaSSObject
int GetCurrentStateNo () const
 Returns the current state number. More...
void SetCurrentStateNo (int a_num)
 Sets the current state number. More...
bool GetStepDone () const
 Returns the step done indicator flag. More...
void SetStepDone (bool a_bool)
 Sets the step done indicator flag. More...
void ReinitialiseObjectBase ()
 Used to initialise an object. More...
 TALMaSSObject ()
 The constructor for TALMaSSObject. More...
virtual ~TALMaSSObject ()=default
 The destructor for TALMaSSObject. More...

Protected Member Functions

TTypeOfHareState st_Developing ()
 Developmental behaviour for the infant hare. More...
void st_NextStage ()
 'mature' to become a young More...
bool OnFarmEvent (FarmToDo event) override
 Do we require a response to a farm event. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from THare
bool Run (int a_dist, int a_direction)
 Run a distance in a direction. More...
void EnergyBalance (TTypeOfActivity a_activity, int dist)
 Adjust energy balance for an activity. More...
void TimeBudget (TTypeOfActivity a_activity, int dist)
 Adjust time budger for an activity. More...
void st_Dying ()
 Tidy up before removing the object on death. More...
virtual void Running (int a_max_dist)
 Run. More...
void Walking (int a_dist, int a_direction)
 Walking. More...
double Forage (int &time)
 Foraging. More...
double ForageP (int &time)
 Foraging but also incorporating pesticide exposure. More...
virtual void InternalPesticideHandlingAndResponse ()
 Handles internal effects of pesticide exposure. If any effects are needed this method must be re-implemented by descendent classes. More...
virtual void GeneralEndocrineDisruptor (double)
 Handles internal effects of endocrine distrupter pesticide exposure. If any effects are needed this method must be re-implemented by descendent classes. More...
virtual void GeneralOrganoPhosphate (double)
 Handles internal effects of organophosphate pesticide exposure. If any effects are needed this method must be re-implemented by descendent classes. More...
double ForageSquare (int a_x, int a_y)
 Forage from an area. More...
double ForageSquareP (int a_x, int a_y, double *a_pestexposure)
 Forage from an area and resturn pesticide exposure as well as food. More...
int GetPegDistance ()
 Get peg distance. More...
int GetPegPull ()
 Get attractive force of peg. More...
int GetPegDirection ()
 Get direction of peg. More...
void MovePeg ()
 Move the peg according to attraction forces. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TAnimal
void CorrectWrapRound ()
 Corrects wrap around co-ordinate problems. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from THare
static void SetMum (Hare_Female *)
 Set the mother pointer. Reimplemented in Hare_Infant. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TAnimal
static void SetSimulationWidth (int a_value)
 Sets the simulation width. More...
static void SetSimulationHeight (int a_value)
 Sets the simulation height. More...
static void SetDayInYear (int a_value)
 Sets the day in year attribute. More...
static void SetOurLandscape (Landscape *a_value)
 Sets the landscape pointer. More...
static void SetTempToday (double a_value)
 Sets the temperature today attribute. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TALMaSSObject
static void OnArrayBoundsError ()
 Used for debugging only, tests basic object properties. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from THare
static double * m_vegPalatability = nullptr
 Will hold and array of palatability for hare for each tov type. Most are 1, but unpalatable vegetation can be specified here. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from THare
TTypeOfHareState m_CurrentHState
 Defines the current activity. More...
int m_Age = 0
 State variale - hare age. More...
Hare_Object m_Type
 State variale - the type of hare. More...
double m_weight = 0.0
 State variale - hare weight g. More...
double m_old_weight = 0.0
 State variale - last hare weight. More...
Hare_Femalem_MyMum = nullptr
 Pointer to the hare's mum. More...
 Pointer to the hare population manager. More...
int m_Lifespan = 0
 Physiolocal lifespan, assuming nothing else kills the hare (unlikely to reach this age) More...
int m_ActivityTime = 0
 Minutes of potential activity time per day. More...
int m_StarvationDays = 0
 State variable - the number of consecutive days in negative energy balance. More...
double m_fatReserve = 0.0
 State variable - the energy reserve of the hare. More...
double m_TodaysEnergy = 0.0
 State variable - the amount of energy available today, can be in deficit. More...
double m_EnergyMax = 0.0
 State variable - the amount of energy it is possible to eat as a multiplyer or RMR. More...
double m_KJRunning = 0.0
 KJ/m cost of running per kg hare. More...
double m_KJWalking = 0.0
 KJ/m cost of walking per kg hare. More...
double m_KJForaging = 0.0
 KJ/m cost of foraging per kg hare. More...
double m_SpeedRunning = 0.0
 m/min speed of running per kg hare More...
double m_SpeedWalking = 0.0
 m/min speed of walking per kg hare More...
double m_foragingenergy = 0.0
 Energy obtained from foraging/feeding. More...
int m_peg_x = 0
 peg x-coordinate More...
int m_peg_y = 0
 peg y-coordinate More...
int m_RefNum = 0
 Unique hare reference number, also functions as sex flag. More...
int m_experiencedDensity = 0
 State variable used in alternative density-dependent configurations. More...
int m_lastYearsDensity = 0
 State variable used in alternative density-dependent configurations. More...
int m_ddindex = 0
 State variable used in alternative density-dependent configurations. More...
int m_expDensity [365] = {}
 State variable used in alternative density-dependent configurations. More...
int m_DensitySum = 0
 State variable used in alternative density-dependent configurations. More...
bool m_IamSick = false
 flag for sickness - used in conjunction with disease configurations More...
double m_pesticide_burden = 0.0
 State variable used to hold the current body-burden of pesticide. More...
double m_pesticidedegradationrate = 0.0
 State variable used to hold the daily degredation rate of the pesticide in the body. More...
bool m_pesticideInfluenced1 = false
 Flag to indicate pesticide effects (e.g. can be used for endocrine distruptors with delayed effects until birth). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TAnimal
int m_Location_x
 The objects ALMaSS x coordinate. More...
int m_Location_y
 The objects ALMaSS y coordinate. More...
int m_guard_cell_x
 The index x to the guard cell. More...
int m_guard_cell_y
 The index y to the guard cell. More...
int m_AgeDays {0}
 To hold the age in days. More...
PesticideToxicity m_my_pesticide
- Protected Attributes inherited from TALMaSSObject
int m_CurrentStateNo
 The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death. More...
bool m_StepDone
 Indicates whether the iterative step code is done for this timestep. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TAnimal
static Landscapem_OurLandscape = nullptr
 A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects. More...
static int m_SimulationWidth = 0
 A static member for the simulation width because it is often used by descendent classes. More...
static int m_SimulationHeight = 0
 A static member for the simulation height because it is often used by descendent classes. More...
static double m_TemperatureToday = 0.0
 A holder for the temperature today shared with all TAnimal objects. More...
static int m_DayInYear = 0
 A holder for the day in year shared with all TAnimal objects. More...

Detailed Description

Class for infant hares (stationary, only milk inputs)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Hare_Infant()

Hare_Infant::Hare_Infant ( int  p_x,
int  p_y,
Landscape p_L,
THare_Population_Manager p_PPM 

Hare infant constructor.

1183  : THare(
1184  p_x, p_y, p_L, p_PPM) { Init(); }

References Init().

◆ ~Hare_Infant()

Hare_Infant::~Hare_Infant ( )

Hare infant destructor.

1201  {
1202  //Nothing to do
1203 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ BeginStep()

void Hare_Infant::BeginStep ( void  )

BeginStep for the Hare_Infant.

Tests for mortality. Both standard mortality tests and optional density dependent mortality. NB this differs from all other ALMaSS models in that the farm events do not have any direct impact on any hare stage except this one. I assume that all other stages can run away - seems not to cause a problem with fitting to Illum�

Reimplemented from THare.

Reimplemented in Hare_Young.

1213  {
1214  if (m_CurrentStateNo == -1) return;
1215  // These are all the same value - this may change to so I have kept all three
1216  // for now ver 00005
1217  m_KJWalking = m_OurPopulationManager->GetKJperM(static_cast<int>(m_weight));
1218  m_KJRunning = m_KJWalking * 2;
1220  m_ActivityTime = 1440; // Start the day
1222 #ifdef __DDEPMORT
1224 #ifdef __THRESHOLD_DD
1225  if (dens<m_OurPopulationManager->m_HareThresholdDD) dens=0;
1226 #endif
1227  double inter=m_OurPopulationManager->GetInterference(dens);
1228  if (g_rand_uni() > inter) {
1229  ON_Dead();
1230  m_StepDone=true; // We need to skip the step code, we are dead
1231  return;
1232  }
1233 #endif
1235  {
1236  ON_Dead();
1237  m_StepDone = true; // We need to skip the step code, we are dead
1238  }
1240  if (m_MyMum == nullptr)
1241  {
1242  ON_Dead();
1243  m_StepDone = true; // We need to skip the step code, we are dead
1244  }
1245  // Set out maximum intake possible
1246  CheckManagement();
1247 }

References TAnimal::CheckManagement(), g_rand_uni_fnc(), THare_Population_Manager::GetInterference(), THare_Population_Manager::GetKJperM(), THare_Population_Manager::GetTotalDensity(), THare::m_ActivityTime, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, THare::m_KJForaging, THare::m_KJRunning, THare::m_KJWalking, TAnimal::m_Location_x, TAnimal::m_Location_y, THare::m_MyMum, THare::m_old_weight, THare::m_OurPopulationManager, TALMaSSObject::m_StepDone, THare::m_weight, THare_Population_Manager::m_YoungMortRate, and ON_Dead().

◆ EndStep()

void Hare_Infant::EndStep ( void  )

EndStep for the Hare_Infant.

Reimplemented from THare.

Reimplemented in Hare_Young.

1295  {
1297  {
1298  // Legal returns are:
1299  // tohs_Developing
1300  // tohs_NextStage
1301  // tohs_Dying
1303  }
1304  if (m_CurrentHState == tohs_Dying) { ON_Dead(); }
1305  else MovePeg();
1306 }

References THare::m_CurrentHState, THare::MovePeg(), ON_Dead(), st_Developing(), tohs_Developing, and tohs_Dying.

◆ Init()

void Hare_Infant::Init ( void  )

Object initiation.

1193  {
1194  m_Type = hob_Infant;
1195  m_weight = -1; // just so we know we must set this somewhere else
1196  m_old_weight = 0;
1197  m_Age = 1; // We are 0 day old today
1198 }

References hob_Infant, THare::m_Age, THare::m_old_weight, THare::m_Type, and THare::m_weight.

Referenced by Hare_Infant(), Hare_Young::Hare_Young(), ReInit(), and Hare_Young::ReInit().

◆ ON_BeingFed()

void Hare_Infant::ON_BeingFed ( double  a_someMilk)

Get energy from milk given.

The conversion efficiency is pre-calcualted in GetgperKJ so this function is quite simply a conversion from KJ to g
NOTE There are no limits here - the limit to growth has to be by the limited amount of milk supplied - the ultimate limit to this has got to be defined somewhere else (e.g. female forage).

1539  {
1544  m_TodaysEnergy += a_someMilk;
1545 }

References THare::m_TodaysEnergy.

◆ ON_Dead()

void Hare_Infant::ON_Dead ( void  )

This hare has been killed.

Do the housekeeping necessary before dying

Reimplemented from THare.

Reimplemented in Hare_Young.

1532 { st_Dying(); }

References THare::st_Dying().

Referenced by BeginStep(), EndStep(), and OnFarmEvent().

◆ OnFarmEvent()

bool Hare_Infant::OnFarmEvent ( FarmToDo  event)

Do we require a response to a farm event.

Checks to see if any nasty farm event has caused the death of the infant.
Currently there is only one response to those events where death is possible. However, this may not always be the case so the code is structured as for the other ALMaSS animals (i.e. it could be a bit easier to overview if it were written differently).

Reimplemented from THare.

Reimplemented in Hare_Young.

1312  {
1313  bool result = false;
1314  switch (event)
1315  {
1316  case sleep_all_day:
1317  break;
1318 // Here begins cutting and soil cultivation mortality
1319  case burn_straw_stubble:
1320  case burn_top: /*\todo is this alright? */
1321  case cut_to_hay:
1322  case cut_to_silage:
1323  case cut_weeds:
1324  case flower_cutting:
1325  case green_harvest: /*\todo is this alright? */
1326  case harvest:
1327  case harvestshoots: /*\todo is this alright? */
1328  case hay_bailing:
1329  case hay_turning:
1330  case mow: /*\todo is this alright? */
1331  case shredding:
1332  case straw_chopping:
1333  case strigling:
1334  case strigling_hill:
1335  case strigling_sow:
1337  case swathing:
1338  case fiber_covering:
1339  case fiber_removal:
1340  case fa_greenmanure:
1341  case fp_greenmanure:
1342  if (g_random_fnc(100) < cfg_hare_i_cut.value()) result = true;
1343  break;
1344  case deep_ploughing:
1345  case spring_sow:
1346  case spring_sow_with_ferti:
1347  case stubble_harrowing:
1348  case stubble_plough:
1349  case flammebehandling: /*\todo is this alright? */
1350  case autumn_harrow:
1352  case autumn_plough:
1353  case autumn_roll:
1354  case autumn_sow:
1355  case autumn_sow_with_ferti:
1356  case bed_forming:
1357  case bulb_harvest:
1358  case spring_harrow:
1359  case spring_plough:
1360  case spring_roll:
1361  case summer_harrow:
1362  case summer_plough:
1363  case summer_sow:
1364  case winter_harrow:
1365  case winter_plough:
1366  case preseeding_cultivator:
1368  case row_cultivation:
1369  case shallow_harrow:
1371  case hilling_up:
1372  if (g_random_fnc(100) < cfg_hare_i_tillage.value()) result = true;
1373  break;
1375 // Here begins grazing mortality
1376  case pigs_out: /*\todo why does this have 100% probability */
1377  result = true;
1378  break;
1379 // Here begin LOW-mortality events
1380  case cattle_out:
1381  case cattle_out_low:
1382  case biocide:
1383  case fa_ammoniumsulphate:
1384  case fa_boron:
1385  case fa_calcium:
1386  case fa_cu:
1387  case fa_k:
1388  case fa_manganesesulphate:
1389  case fa_manure:
1390  case fa_n:
1391  case fa_nk:
1392  case fa_npk:
1393  case fa_npks:
1394  case fa_p:
1395  case fa_pk:
1396  case fa_pks:
1397  case fa_rsm:
1398  case fa_sk:
1399  case fa_sludge:
1400  case fa_slurry:
1401  case fp_ammoniumsulphate:
1402  case fp_boron:
1403  case fp_calcium:
1404  case fp_cu:
1405  case fp_k:
1406  case fp_liquidNH3:
1407  case fp_manganesesulphate:
1408  case fp_manure:
1409  case fp_n:
1410  case fp_nc:
1411  case fp_nk:
1412  case fp_npk:
1413  case fp_npks:
1414  case fp_ns:
1415  case fp_p:
1416  case fp_pk:
1417  case fp_pks:
1418  case fp_rsm:
1419  case fp_sk:
1420  case fp_sludge:
1421  case fp_slurry:
1422  case fungicide_treat:
1423  case glyphosate:
1424  case growth_regulator:
1425  case herbicide_treat:
1426  case insecticide_treat:
1427  case last_treatment:
1428  case manual_weeding:
1429  case molluscicide:
1430  case org_fungicide:
1431  case org_herbicide:
1432  case org_insecticide:
1433  case pheromone:
1434  case product_treat:
1435  case pruning:
1436  case straw_covering:
1437  case straw_removal:
1438  case suckering:
1439  case syninsecticide_treat:
1440  case trial_control:
1442  case trial_toxiccontrol:
1443  case water:
1444  case harvest_bushfruit:
1445  if (g_random_fnc(100) < cfg_hare_i_tractor.value()) result = true;
1446  break;
1447  default:
1448  m_OurLandscape->Warn( "Hare_Infant::OnFarmEvent(): Unknown event type:", m_OurLandscape->EventtypeToString( event ) );
1449  exit( 1 );
1450  }
1451  if (result) {
1452  ON_Dead();
1453  }
1454  return result;
1455 }

References autumn_harrow, autumn_or_spring_plough, autumn_plough, autumn_roll, autumn_sow, autumn_sow_with_ferti, bed_forming, biocide, bulb_harvest, burn_straw_stubble, burn_top, cattle_out, cattle_out_low, cfg_hare_i_cut, cfg_hare_i_tillage, cfg_hare_i_tractor, cut_to_hay, cut_to_silage, cut_weeds, deep_ploughing, Landscape::EventtypeToString(), fa_ammoniumsulphate, fa_boron, fa_calcium, fa_cu, fa_greenmanure, fa_k, fa_manganesesulphate, fa_manure, fa_n, fa_nk, fa_npk, fa_npks, fa_p, fa_pk, fa_pks, fa_rsm, fa_sk, fa_sludge, fa_slurry, fiber_covering, fiber_removal, flammebehandling, flower_cutting, fp_ammoniumsulphate, fp_boron, fp_calcium, fp_cu, fp_greenmanure, fp_k, fp_liquidNH3, fp_manganesesulphate, fp_manure, fp_n, fp_nc, fp_nk, fp_npk, fp_npks, fp_ns, fp_p, fp_pk, fp_pks, fp_rsm, fp_sk, fp_sludge, fp_slurry, fungicide_treat, g_random_fnc(), glyphosate, green_harvest, growth_regulator, harvest, harvest_bushfruit, harvestshoots, hay_bailing, hay_turning, heavy_cultivator_aggregate, herbicide_treat, hilling_up, insecticide_treat, last_treatment, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, manual_weeding, molluscicide, mow, ON_Dead(), org_fungicide, org_herbicide, org_insecticide, pheromone, pigs_out, preseeding_cultivator, preseeding_cultivator_sow, product_treat, pruning, row_cultivation, shallow_harrow, shredding, sleep_all_day, spring_harrow, spring_plough, spring_roll, spring_sow, spring_sow_with_ferti, straw_chopping, straw_covering, straw_removal, strigling, strigling_hill, strigling_sow, stubble_cultivator_heavy, stubble_harrowing, stubble_plough, suckering, summer_harrow, summer_plough, summer_sow, swathing, syninsecticide_treat, trial_control, trial_insecticidetreat, trial_toxiccontrol, CfgInt::value(), Landscape::Warn(), water, winter_harrow, and winter_plough.

◆ ReInit()

void Hare_Infant::ReInit ( struct_Hare  a_data)

Infant object reinitiation.

1185  {
1186  m_Location_x = a_data.x;
1187  m_Location_y = a_data.y;
1188  m_OurLandscape = a_data.L;
1189  m_CurrentStateNo = 0;
1190  THareInit(a_data.x, a_data.y, a_data.HM);
1191  Init();
1192 }

References struct_Hare::HM, Init(), struct_Hare::L, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, TAnimal::m_Location_x, TAnimal::m_Location_y, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, THare::THareInit(), struct_Hare::x, and struct_Hare::y.

◆ SetMum()

void Hare_Infant::SetMum ( Hare_Female a_af)

Set the mother pointer.

862 { m_MyMum = a_af; }

References THare::m_MyMum.

Referenced by THare_Population_Manager::CreateObjects().

◆ SetWeight()

void Hare_Infant::SetWeight ( double  w)

Set the weight.

This is only used when a hare is born, so no need to have it in the base class

857 { m_weight = w; }

References THare::m_weight.

Referenced by THare_Population_Manager::CreateObjects().

◆ st_Developing()

TTypeOfHareState Hare_Infant::st_Developing ( )

Developmental behaviour for the infant hare.

This code must be called by the EndStep.
To do this we need to add growth and energy requirements. The idea is to grow immediately on milk supply - handled via ON_someMilk()but if there are any other adjustments to be made they ought to be done here, e.g. if energy is needed for movement or thermoregululation. The easiest way to manage things is to use weight as a measure of energy, and convert freely between the two. This means that conversion efficiencies need to be applied to the energy inputs (done in on_BeingFed)

First remove our BMR

Make sure m_TodaysEnergy is zero before we run the risk of getting milk from Mum again during Step tomorrow.

If all is well then mature to become a Hare_Young

1461  {
1467  //int weight=(int) (floor(m_weight+0.5));
1468  double lost = m_OurPopulationManager->GetRMR(m_Age, GetTotalWeight()); // Uses age, weight and ambient temperature
1470  //** Then grow if possible, or shrink if -ve energy
1471  double gained = m_TodaysEnergy - lost;
1474  m_weight += gained * eff;
1476  // We need to know whether the growth rate is positive or negative.
1477  // We could look at lost here, but it is probably easier to use the same
1478  // approach for Young as well, and they need the oldweight variable, so might as well use this.
1480  // Take a check on our growth - if we are below X% of the max expected weight then die
1481  if (m_weight < m_OurPopulationManager->m_DMWeight[m_Age]) return tohs_Dying;
1482 #else
1483  if (m_weight<m_old_weight) {
1484  m_StarvationDays++;
1485  }
1486  else m_StarvationDays=0;
1491  return tohs_Dying;
1492  }
1493 #endif
1496  m_TodaysEnergy = 0;
1498  if (++m_Age > 10) return tohs_NextStage;
1499  return tohs_Developing;
1500 }

References cfg_infant_starvation_threshold, THare_Population_Manager::GetGrowthEfficiency(), THare_Population_Manager::GetMaxDailyGrowthEnergyP(), THare_Population_Manager::GetRMR(), THare::GetTotalWeight(), THare::m_Age, THare::m_old_weight, THare::m_OurPopulationManager, THare::m_StarvationDays, THare::m_TodaysEnergy, THare::m_weight, tohs_Developing, tohs_Dying, tohs_NextStage, and CfgInt::value().

Referenced by EndStep().

◆ st_NextStage()

void Hare_Infant::st_NextStage ( )

'mature' to become a young

This creats a Hare_Young object via a call to create objects then sets the flag for destruction of this object.

1505  {
1509  auto sp = new struct_Hare;
1510  sp->HM = m_OurPopulationManager;
1511  sp->L = m_OurLandscape;
1512  sp->x = m_Location_x;
1513  sp->y = m_Location_y;
1514  sp->weight = m_weight;
1515  sp->age = m_Age;
1516  // Updating of Mum is done through the population manager
1517  sp->Mum = m_MyMum;
1518  // *** Debug ***
1519  //sp->oldMum = m_MyOldMum;
1520  //
1521  m_OurPopulationManager->CreateObjects(1, this, nullptr, sp, 1);
1522  // Clean-up
1523  m_CurrentStateNo = -1; // Destroys the object at the next opportunity
1525  m_MyMum = nullptr;
1526  delete sp;
1527 }

References THare_Population_Manager::CreateObjects(), struct_Hare::HM, THare::m_Age, THare::m_CurrentHState, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, TAnimal::m_Location_x, TAnimal::m_Location_y, THare::m_MyMum, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, THare::m_OurPopulationManager, THare::m_weight, and tohs_DestroyObject.

Referenced by Step().

◆ Step()

void Hare_Infant::Step ( void  )

Step for the Hare_Infant.

The step code is the main activity sub-stepfor each time-step. A dead animal will have m_CurrentStateNo set to -1 It is essential that before an animal is killed that it has sent all the necessary messages to others (in this case to its mother).

m_CurrentHState holds the current behavioural state

Reimplemented from THare.

Reimplemented in Hare_Young.

1261  {
1262  if (m_StepDone || m_CurrentStateNo == -1) return;
1263  // The next line causes a jump to the correct behavioural state
1264  switch (m_CurrentHState)
1265  {
1266  case tohs_InitialState: // Initial state
1268  break;
1269  case tohs_Developing:
1270  m_StepDone = true;
1271  break;
1272  case tohs_NextStage:
1273  // Legal returns are:
1274  // NONE
1275  st_NextStage();
1276  m_StepDone = true;
1277  break;
1278  case tohs_Running:
1280  break;
1281  case tohs_Dying:
1282  m_StepDone = true;
1283  break;
1284  default:
1285  m_OurLandscape->Warn("Hare_Infant::Step - unknown state", nullptr);
1286  exit(1);
1287  }
1288 }

References THare::m_CurrentHState, TALMaSSObject::m_CurrentStateNo, TAnimal::m_OurLandscape, TALMaSSObject::m_StepDone, st_NextStage(), tohs_Developing, tohs_Dying, tohs_InitialState, tohs_NextStage, tohs_Running, and Landscape::Warn().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: Hare_All.h:80
int x
Definition: Hare_All.h:138
Definition: Treatment.h:129
Definition: Treatment.h:64
Definition: Treatment.h:84
void CreateObjects(int ob_type, TAnimal *pvo, void *null, struct_Hare *data, int number)
Method used to create new hares.
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:873
Definition: Treatment.h:71
Definition: Treatment.h:88
Definition: Treatment.h:68
Definition: Treatment.h:144
Definition: Treatment.h:52
Definition: Treatment.h:89
double g_rand_uni_fnc()
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:56
Definition: Treatment.h:94
Definition: Treatment.h:142
Definition: Treatment.h:83
Definition: Treatment.h:99
int y
Definition: Hare_All.h:139
Definition: Treatment.h:76
Definition: Treatment.h:35
Definition: Treatment.h:81
Definition: Treatment.h:43
Definition: Treatment.h:91
Definition: Treatment.h:127
Definition: Treatment.h:103
Definition: Treatment.h:121
Definition: Treatment.h:44
Definition: Treatment.h:56
Definition: Treatment.h:125
void st_NextStage()
'mature' to become a young
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:1505
double GetKJperM(int a_size)
Get the cost of moving 1m in KJ dependent upon mass (.
Definition: Hare_All.h:628
CfgInt cfg_hare_i_cut("HARE_CUTTING_MORT_INFANT", CFG_CUSTOM, 50)
Definition: Treatment.h:61
Definition: Treatment.h:80
Definition: Treatment.h:60
Definition: Treatment.h:90
Definition: Treatment.h:123
Definition: Treatment.h:131
Definition: Treatment.h:138
Definition: Treatment.h:122
Definition: Treatment.h:39
Definition: Treatment.h:110
Definition: Treatment.h:51
Definition: Hare_All.h:72
Definition: Treatment.h:143
int m_ActivityTime
Minutes of potential activity time per day.
Definition: Hare_All.h:203
Definition: Treatment.h:133
Definition: Treatment.h:104
Definition: Treatment.h:85
THare_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulationManager
Pointer to the hare population manager.
Definition: Hare_All.h:194
THare_Population_Manager * HM
Definition: Hare_All.h:142
Definition: Treatment.h:140
void Init()
Object initiation.
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:1193
Definition: Treatment.h:38
Definition: Treatment.h:117
Definition: Treatment.h:120
Definition: Treatment.h:59
double m_KJForaging
KJ/m cost of foraging per kg hare.
Definition: Hare_All.h:238
Definition: Treatment.h:100
Definition: Treatment.h:150
Definition: Treatment.h:124
Definition: Treatment.h:139
Definition: Treatment.h:126
void THareInit(int p_x, int p_y, THare_Population_Manager *p_PPM)
Object Initiation.
Definition: Hare_THare.cpp:70
Definition: Treatment.h:149
Definition: Treatment.h:132
Definition: Treatment.h:148
Definition: Treatment.h:67
Definition: Hare_All.h:79
Definition: Treatment.h:42
Definition: Treatment.h:65
Definition: Treatment.h:45
Definition: Treatment.h:98
Definition: Treatment.h:77
double m_KJWalking
KJ/m cost of walking per kg hare.
Definition: Hare_All.h:233
Definition: Treatment.h:96
Definition: Treatment.h:54
Definition: Treatment.h:130
Definition: Treatment.h:97
Definition: Treatment.h:141
Definition: Hare_All.h:81
double m_KJRunning
KJ/m cost of running per kg hare.
Definition: Hare_All.h:228
int m_Location_y
The objects ALMaSS y coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:366
Definition: Treatment.h:70
Definition: Treatment.h:46
CfgInt cfg_hare_i_tillage("HARE_TILLAGE_MORT_INFANT", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
static Landscape * m_OurLandscape
A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:342
void CheckManagement()
Used to start a check for any management related effects at the objects current location.
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1591
Landscape * L
Definition: Hare_All.h:141
static CfgInt cfg_infant_starvation_threshold("HARE_INFANT_STARVE_THRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)
Definition: Treatment.h:111
Definition: Treatment.h:135
Definition: Treatment.h:82
Definition: Treatment.h:63
double GetMaxDailyGrowthEnergyP(int a_age)
Get the maximum daily energy needed for growth for this a_age for use in protein construction.
Definition: Hare_All.h:563
void MovePeg()
Move the peg according to attraction forces.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:535
Definition: Treatment.h:62
Definition: Treatment.h:119
Definition: Treatment.h:72
double GetRMR(int a_age, double a_size)
Returns the RMR given a specific age and mass.
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:932
Definition: Treatment.h:112
Definition: Treatment.h:137
Definition: Treatment.h:40
Definition: Treatment.h:53
double m_old_weight
State variale - last hare weight.
Definition: Hare_All.h:185
Definition: Treatment.h:145
Definition: Treatment.h:86
double m_TodaysEnergy
State variable - the amount of energy available today, can be in deficit.
Definition: Hare_All.h:218
Definition: Treatment.h:49
Definition: Treatment.h:95
Definition: Treatment.h:147
Definition: Treatment.h:36
Definition: Hare_All.h:59
bool m_StepDone
Indicates whether the iterative step code is done for this timestep.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:133
Definition: Treatment.h:116
Definition: Treatment.h:93
void ON_Dead() override
This hare has been killed.
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:1532
Definition: Hare_All.h:73
Definition: Treatment.h:114
CfgInt cfg_hare_i_tractor("HARE_TRACTOR_MORT_INFANT", CFG_CUSTOM, 5)
int value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:116
double m_YoungMortRate
Input variable - Young mortality rate.
Definition: Hare_All.h:745
Definition: Treatment.h:75
Definition: Treatment.h:47
Definition: Treatment.h:106
Definition: Treatment.h:109
Definition: Treatment.h:48
void st_Dying()
Tidy up before removing the object on death.
Definition: Hare_THare.cpp:165
std::string EventtypeToString(int a_event)
Returns the text representation of a treatment type.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:6024
Definition: Treatment.h:146
Definition: Treatment.h:134
int m_Age
State variale - hare age.
Definition: Hare_All.h:170
Definition: Treatment.h:118
Definition: Treatment.h:113
Definition: Hare_All.h:74
TTypeOfHareState m_CurrentHState
Defines the current activity.
Definition: Hare_All.h:165
Class used to pass hare information to CreateObjects.
Definition: Hare_All.h:136
double GetInterference(int h)
Return the proportion of time used in communicating with con-specifics.
Definition: Hare_All.h:707
Definition: Treatment.h:41
THare(int p_x, int p_y, Landscape *p_L, THare_Population_Manager *p_PPM)
Definition: Hare_THare.cpp:64
Definition: Treatment.h:37
Definition: Treatment.h:79
int m_StarvationDays
State variable - the number of consecutive days in negative energy balance.
Definition: Hare_All.h:208
Definition: Treatment.h:74
Definition: Treatment.h:136
Definition: Treatment.h:108
Definition: Treatment.h:69
Definition: Treatment.h:105
TTypeOfHareState st_Developing()
Developmental behaviour for the infant hare.
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:1461
double GetTotalWeight()
Provide the wet weight of the hare.
Definition: Hare_All.h:370
Definition: Treatment.h:78
Hare_Female * m_MyMum
Pointer to the hare's mum.
Definition: Hare_All.h:190
int g_random_fnc(const int a_range)
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:74
Definition: Treatment.h:66
Definition: Treatment.h:92
Definition: Treatment.h:102
double m_weight
State variale - hare weight g.
Definition: Hare_All.h:180
Hare_Object m_Type
State variale - the type of hare.
Definition: Hare_All.h:175
Definition: Treatment.h:57
Definition: Treatment.h:87
int m_CurrentStateNo
The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:131
double GetGrowthEfficiency(int a_age)
Get the growth efficiency for this a_age.
Definition: Hare_All.h:589
Definition: Treatment.h:101
Definition: Treatment.h:73
Definition: Treatment.h:55
void Warn(std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Wrapper for the g_msg Warn function.
Definition: Landscape.h:2250
int GetTotalDensity(int x, int y)
Density function - returns the density of all hares in the square containing by x,...
Definition: Hare_All.h:683
Definition: Treatment.h:34
int m_Location_x
The objects ALMaSS x coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:362
Definition: Treatment.h:58
Definition: Treatment.h:128
Definition: Treatment.h:50
Definition: Treatment.h:115
Definition: Treatment.h:33
Definition: Treatment.h:107