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1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
The class to handle all Aphid population related matters in the whole landscape. More...
#include <Aphid_Population_Manager.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Aphid_Population_Manager (Landscape *L, string a_aphid_specie_name="English grain aphid") | |
virtual | ~Aphid_Population_Manager () |
Aphid * | CreateObjects (TAnimal *pvo, struct_Aphid *data, int number) |
virtual int | calNextStage (int current_stage, double density=1) |
Return the next life stage for the given life stage. More... | |
virtual void | updateDevelopmentSeason () |
The function to update the development season. More... | |
virtual unsigned | supplyDevelopmentSeason () |
The function to supply the development season. More... | |
virtual void | initialisePopulation () |
The function to initialise the population when starting aphid simulation, this function is called in the subpopulation_mananger constructor. More... | |
int | calNextStageShared (int current_stage) |
The function to calculate the next life stage for all aphids. More... | |
void | initialiseSimWithEggs (void) |
The function to initilise the simulation with eggs. More... | |
virtual void | updateMortalityArray (void) |
The fucntion to update the base mortality rate, it will call the corresponding function pointer. More... | |
void | updateMortalityArrayShared (void) |
The function to calculate the base mortality rate for all aphids. More... | |
virtual int | calOffspringStage (int current_stage, double *offspring_num=NULL, double a_age=1, double a_density=-1, double a_growth_stage=0, double *a_propotion=NULL, bool winter_host_flag=false) |
The function to calculate the offspring stage. More... | |
int | calOffspringStageEGandPEA (int current_stage, double *offspring_num=NULL, double a_age=1, double a_density=-1, double a_growth_stage=0, double *a_propotion=NULL, bool winter_host_flag=false) |
The function to calculate the offspring stage for English grain and pea aphids. More... | |
int | calOffspringStageBBandPP (int current_stage, double *offspring_num=NULL, double a_age=1, double a_density=-1, double a_growth_stage=0, double *a_propotion=NULL, bool winter_host_flag=false) |
The function to calcto calculate the offspring stage for black bean and peach potato aphids. More... | |
virtual bool | isEnoughNextLifeStage (int a_life_stage) |
bool | isEnoughNextLifeStageShared (int a_life_stage) |
double | supplyNymphNumWeight (void) |
The function to return the daily nymph number weight. More... | |
virtual void | doSpeciesLastThing () |
The function to return the species. More... | |
virtual void | writeCalibrationFiles (void) |
Write probe files for calibration. More... | |
virtual double | calHatchChance () |
The function to calculate the hatch chance for eggs, this function must be override in the derived class. More... | |
double | SupplyAphidDensity (int a_x, int a_y) |
Function to supply the aphid density in the given location. More... | |
void | KillAphid (int a_x, int a_y, double a_num) |
Function to kill the given number of aphids in the given location. More... | |
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SubPopulation_Population_Manager (Landscape *L, string DevReproFile="", int a_sub_w=10, int a_sub_h=10, int a_num_life_stage=5, int a_max_long_dist=1000, int a_peak_long_dist=100, float a_scale_wind_speed=1.1, float a_max_wind_speed=16, int a_wind_direc_num=8, int a_wind_speed_step_size=2, int a_max_alive_day=300) | |
virtual | ~SubPopulation_Population_Manager (void) |
SubPopulation_Manager Destructor. More... | |
double | supplyAllPopulationGivenStage (int index) |
Supply the population size at the given life stage for the who landscape. More... | |
double | supplyTotalPopulationInCell (int x_indx, int y_indx) |
Supply whole population size at the given cell. More... | |
int | supplyCellNumX () |
Supply number of subpopulation in x coordinate. More... | |
int | supplyCellNumY () |
Supply number of subpopulation in y coordinate. More... | |
double | supplyCellWidth () |
Supply the width of a subpopulation cell. More... | |
double | supplyCellHeight () |
Supply the height of a subpopulation cell. More... | |
double | supplySizeSubpopulationCell () |
Supply the size of aphid subpopulation cell. More... | |
bool | openSubpopulationBaseProbeFile () |
Open the storing file. More... | |
virtual void | subpopuBaseOutputProbe () |
Below are the functions for saving result. More... | |
double | getTotalSubpopulationInCell (int x_indx, int y_indx) |
Supply the total subpopulation size in the given cell. More... | |
double | getSubpopulationInCellLifeStage (int x_indx, int y_indx, int a_life_stage) |
Supply the subpopulation size at the given life stage in the given cell. More... | |
double | getSuitabilityInCell (int x_indx, int y_indx) |
Supply the suitability in the given cell. More... | |
SubPopulation * | supplySubPopulationPointer (int indx, int indy) |
Supply the pointer of the subpopulation object in the given cell. More... | |
int | supplyLifeStageNum () |
Supply the number of life stage. More... | |
int | supplyMaxColNum () |
Supply the maximum number of column in the development array. More... | |
int | supplyNextLifeStage (int life_circle_index, int life_stage_index) |
Supply the next life stage index for a given life stage and a given life path. More... | |
std::vector< int > | supplyOldEnoughIndex (int life_stage_index) |
int | supplyNewestIndex (int life_stage_index) |
virtual unsigned | GetLiveArraySize (int a_listindex) |
Must be re-implemented in descendent classes. Gets the number of 'live' objects. More... | |
void | readDevReproFile (string inputfile) |
Function to read the development time and lifestage. More... | |
void | relocatePopulation (void) |
Relocate the population in each cell based on the suitability and movement ability. More... | |
virtual void | DoLast () |
virtual void | DoFirst () |
virtual void | calLongMovementMask (void) |
Function to calculate the movement mask. More... | |
void | doDevelopment () |
Function to make the development for all the subpopulation object. More... | |
void | addNewDay () |
Add new day to the newest and oldest array. More... | |
void | updateWholePopulationArray (int a_listindex, double number) |
The function to update the whole population array in the whole landscape. More... | |
void | updateWholePopulationArray (blitz::Array< double, 1 > a_array) |
void | setFirstFlagLifeStage (int life_stage, bool pvalue) |
The function to set the flag indicating whether a given lifestage is the first time of existing. More... | |
bool | supplyFirstFlagLifeStage (int life_stage) |
The function to supply the flag of first for the given life stage. More... | |
void | setOldIndex (int life_stage, int p_value) |
The function to set the oldest index for the given life stage. More... | |
void | doFlying (int ind, int index_x, int index_y) |
The function to fly the winged adults. More... | |
void | doLocalMovement (int index_x, int index_y, double proportion) |
The function for local movement. More... | |
bool | isWinterHostTole (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_ele) |
Test whether it is a winter host tole. More... | |
bool | isSummerHostTole (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_ele) |
Test whether it is a summer host tole. More... | |
bool | isWinterHostTov (TTypesOfVegetation a_ele) |
Test whether it is a winter host tov. More... | |
bool | isSummerHostTov (TTypesOfVegetation a_ele) |
Test whether it is a summer host tov. More... | |
double | supplyMortality (int a_life_stage, int a_age) |
The function to supply the mortality rate for the given life stage and the age. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | supplyMortalityWholeArray (void) |
The function to supply the whole base mortality rate array. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 1 > | supplyMortalityStageArray (int a_life_stage) |
The function to supply the 1D base morality rate array for the given life stage. More... | |
double | calLandingCurve (double a_dis, double a_peak, double a_furthest) |
The function to calculate the landing curve along the wind direction. More... | |
SubPopulation * | CreateObjects (TAnimal *pvo, struct_SubPopulation *data, int number) |
int | supplyAgeInDay (int lifestage_index, int column_index) |
The function to return the age in days given an element in the subpopulation table. More... | |
double | supplyAgeInDayDegree (int lifestage_index, int column_index) |
virtual void | SupplyLocXY (unsigned index_x, unsigned index_y, int &x, int &y) |
A stub for identifying an individual at a location. More... | |
std::vector< int > | supplyVecFlyingLifeStages () |
Supply the vector of life stages for flying. More... | |
int | supplyNumFlyingLifeStages () |
Supply the number of life stages that can fly. More... | |
std::vector< int > | supplyVecLocMoveLifeStages () |
Supply the vector of life stages that can do local movement. More... | |
int | supplyNumLocMovLifeStages () |
Supply the number of life stages thah can do local movement. More... | |
virtual unsigned | GetPopulationSize (int a_listindex) |
Must be re-implemented in descendent classes. More... | |
std::vector< int > | supplyWinterTolePeriod (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_tole) |
The function to supply the available period vector for the given winter tole host. More... | |
std::vector< int > | supplySummerTolePeriod (TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_tole) |
The function to supply the available period vector for the given summer tole host. More... | |
virtual void | doParasitoidDevelopment () |
The function for parasitoid calculation, it does nothing in this base class. More... | |
virtual void | doSpecicesLastThing () |
The special last thing for the drived species. More... | |
void | updateWholePopulation () |
Update whole population info. More... | |
virtual void | SetNoProbesAndSpeciesSpecificFunctions (int a_pn) |
Sets up probe and species specifics. More... | |
virtual void | readHosts (string a_file_name) |
The fuction to read the host lists for aphid. More... | |
bool | supplySummerHostOn (void) |
bool | supplyWinterHostOn (void) |
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Population_Manager_Base (Landscape *L) | |
The Population_Manager_Base constructor. More... | |
virtual void | Catastrophe (int) |
Must be re-implemented in descendent classes. More... | |
int | SupplySimW () const |
Returns landscape width in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimH () const |
Returns landscape height in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimWH () const |
Returns half the landscape width in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimHH () const |
Returns half the landscape height in m. More... | |
virtual int | ProbeFileInput (char *p_Filename, int p_ProbeNo) |
A stub to build specfic probes and functions. More... | |
virtual char * | SpeciesSpecificReporting (int, int) |
A stub to build specfic reporting. More... | |
int | SupplyListNameLength () const |
const char * | SupplyListName (int a_i) const |
Get a list name from the list. More... | |
virtual TAnimal * | FindClosest (int, int, unsigned) |
A stub for identifying an individual at a location. More... | |
std::string | SupplySimulationName () |
virtual void | OpenTheAOROutputProbe (const string &a_string) |
An empty method that needs to be here because the population manager lists might contain sub-population models which will skip Population_Manager functionality. More... | |
void | SetStepCounterInADay (int a_counter) |
Set step counter in a day. More... | |
int | GetStepCounterInADay (void) |
Return the sep counter in a day. More... | |
virtual double | GetAphidDensity (int, int) |
Return the aphid density, it is only used when aphid simulations are running. More... | |
virtual TAnimal * | SupplyAnimalPtr (unsigned int a_index, unsigned int a_animal) |
Return the animal pointer for the give life stage and number. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
string | m_aphid_specie_name |
This is to store the aphid species name. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_mortality |
The variable to store the aphid egg mortality. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_mortality_sd |
The variable to store the standard deviation of the gee mortality. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_a |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_b |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_c |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter C. More... | |
double | m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_a |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_b |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_c |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter C. More... | |
double | m_aphid_adult_longevity_para_a |
The variable to store the adult longevity parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_adult_longevity_para_b |
The variable to store the adult longevity parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_starting_degree_days |
The variable to store the egg's starting degree days when the simulation starts. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_threshold |
The threshold of hatch value to start the delay of egg hatch, this is to avoid the eggs hatching from the same day. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_delay_degree_days |
The number of degree days to delay the egg's hatch. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a_after_threshold |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter A after threshold. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b_after_threshold |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter B after threshold. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_turing_degree_days |
The variable to store the turning degree day for egg hatch chance. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_max_degree_days |
The variable to store the largest degree days for egg hatch chance being one. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees |
The variable to store the nymph with wings development day degrees. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees_sd |
The variable to store the nymph with wings development day degrees's standard deviation. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees |
The variable to store the nymph without wings development day degrees. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees_sd |
The variable to store the nymph without wings development day degrees's standard deviation. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_production_para_a |
The variable to store the egg production parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_production_para_b |
The variable to store the egg production parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_production_para_c |
The variable to store the egg production parameter C. More... | |
double | m_aphid_egg_production_para_sd |
The variable to store the egg production parameter's standard deviation. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a1 |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter A1. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b1 |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter B1. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a2 |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter A2. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b2 |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter B2. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_changing_add |
The variable to store the nymph production changing accumulated degree days. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_a |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_b |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_c |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter C. More... | |
double | m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_a |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter A. More... | |
double | m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_b |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter B. More... | |
double | m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_c |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter C. More... | |
double | m_aphid_male_reproduction_day_length |
The day length in minutes for male reproduction. This is used for EG and PEA. More... | |
double | m_aphid_female_reproduction_day_length |
The day length in minutes for female reproduction. This is used for EG and PEA. More... | |
double | m_aphid_winter_host_day_length |
THe day length in minutes to turn on winter host. This is used for BB and PP. More... | |
double | m_aphid_summer_host_day_length |
The day length in minutes to turn on summer host. This is used for BB and PP. More... | |
vector< double > | m_aphid_adult_mortality_inflection_point_dd |
The vector to store inflection point of accumulated day degrees for adult mortality. More... | |
vector< double > | m_aphid_adult_mortality_vec |
The vector to store the adult mortality for the inflection point. More... | |
double | m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_average_add |
The average required accumulated degree days to enable sexual reproduction after the first egg hatches. More... | |
double | m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_add_sd |
The standard deviation of the required accumulated degree days to enable sexual reproduction after the first egg hatches. More... | |
TTypesOfAphidDevelopmentSeason | m_current_developtype |
The variable to show the development season. More... | |
int(Aphid_Population_Manager::* | m_next_life_func_pointer )(int current_stage) |
The function pointer for calculation of next life stage. More... | |
void(Aphid_Population_Manager::* | m_update_mortality_array_pointer )() |
The function pointer for calculation of the shared base mortality rate for the whole landscape. More... | |
int(Aphid_Population_Manager::* | m_offspring_func_pointer )(int current_stage, double *offspring_num, double a_age, double a_density, double a_growth_stage, double *a_propotion, bool winter_host_flag) |
The function pointer for calculation of the offsrping stage number. More... | |
bool(Aphid_Population_Manager::* | m_is_ready_next_liff_func_pointer )(int a_life_stage) |
THe function pointer for testing whether the given life stage is ready for the next one. More... | |
int | m_max_adult_dd |
THe variable to store the maximum number of degree days for aphid. More... | |
vector< double > | m_nymph_per_day |
The vector to store the age (in degree days) related reproduction offsping nymph. More... | |
vector< double > | m_egg_per_day |
The vector to store the age (in degree days) related reproduction offspring egg. More... | |
double | m_nymph_produced_num_weight |
The weight to regulate the number of nymph produced per day based on temperature. More... | |
bool | m_egg_reproduction_flag |
The flag to enable sexual development. More... | |
double | m_accu_ddeg_egg_reproduction |
The accumulated day degrees to enable sexual development. More... | |
bool | m_first_egg_hatch_flag |
The flag to show the first hatch of egg. More... | |
double | m_max_day_degree_adult |
The longest day degrees that a adult can have. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Probe_Data * | TheProbe [100] = {nullptr} |
Holds a list of pointers to standard output probes. More... | |
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virtual void | Run (int NoTSteps) |
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~Population_Manager_Base ()=default | |
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blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_development_degree_day |
The array to store the average max and std development time for each life stage, max and std time for reproducing. More... | |
int | m_num_x_range |
The number of subpopulation in x range. More... | |
int | m_num_y_range |
The number of subpopulation in y range. More... | |
int | m_num_life_stage |
The number of life stages for the animal. More... | |
bool | m_mul_hosts_flag |
Flag to show whether it has both winter and summer host. More... | |
int | m_sub_w |
Variable to record the width of the subpopulation cell. More... | |
int | m_sub_h |
Variable to record the height of the subpopulation cell. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_cell_popu_density |
Array for weighted population density in each subpopulation cell. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_cell_suitability |
Array for suitable value in each subpopulation cell. More... | |
blitz::Array< SubPopulation *, 2 > | m_the_subpopulation_array |
Vector to store the all the pointers for the subpopulation object. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 4 > | m_short_move_mask |
Short distance movement mask. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 4 > | m_long_move_mask |
Long distance movement mask. More... | |
int | m_max_long_distance |
The longest distance that the specieces can fly for long distance dispersal. More... | |
int | m_peak_long_distance |
The distance for the peak amount of landing. More... | |
float | m_scale_wind_speed |
The scale for wind. More... | |
float | m_max_flying_wind_speed |
The larget wind speed for winged adults to fly. More... | |
int | m_wind_speed_step_size |
The sampling step size for wind speed. More... | |
int | m_wind_direction_num |
The number of wind directions. More... | |
int | m_wind_speed_num |
The number of wind speed samples. More... | |
blitz::Array< int, 1 > | m_wind_speed_lookup_table |
The look up table for wind speed index in the flying mask. More... | |
double | m_max_short_distance |
The longest distance that the specieces can move for short distance dispersal. More... | |
int | m_long_move_mask_x_num |
Variable to record the dimension of the long distance movement mask. - x. More... | |
int | m_long_move_mask_y_num |
Variable to record the dimension of the long distance movement mask. - y. More... | |
int | m_long_move_mask_x_num_half |
Variable to record the dimension of the short distance movement mask. - x. More... | |
int | m_long_move_mask_y_num_half |
blitz::Array< int, 1 > | m_long_move_mask_x_num_half_array |
Array to store the number of cells for longest flying at different windspeed. More... | |
blitz::Array< int, 1 > | m_long_move_mask_y_num_half_array |
int | m_short_move_mask_x_num |
int | m_short_move_mask_y_num |
Variable to record the dimension of the short distance movement mask. - y. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_accumu_degree_days |
Array for accumulated degree days for each life circle. More... | |
blitz::Array< int, 2 > | m_index_new_old |
Array for index of the newest and oldest life stages. More... | |
int | m_max_alive_days |
The longest alive day among all the life stages. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 1 > | m_lowest_temp_dev |
Lowest development temperatures for each life stage. This is the last step in each day. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_life_circle_path |
The life circle array. It could have more than one life circle paths. More... | |
bool | m_hibernated_hatch_flag |
Flag variable to indicate hibernated eggs are ready to hatch. More... | |
blitz::Array< bool, 1 > | m_first_flag_life_stage |
Array to track whether it is the first existence for a life stage. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 1 > | m_current_flying_array |
Temporal array for the flying subpopulation. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 1 > | m_current_landing_array |
Temporal array for the landing subpopulation. More... | |
std::vector< TTypesOfLandscapeElement > | m_winter_hosts_tole |
The vector to hold winter host landscape type. More... | |
std::vector< std::vector< int > > | m_winter_hosts_tole_period |
The vector to store the exsiting period for winter host tole. More... | |
std::map< int, int > | m_winter_hosts_tole_period_map |
The map to store the index for the winter host period. More... | |
std::vector< TTypesOfVegetation > | m_winter_hosts_tov |
The vector to hold winter host vegetation type. More... | |
std::vector< TTypesOfLandscapeElement > | m_summer_hosts_tole |
The vector to hold summer host landscape type. More... | |
std::vector< std::vector< int > > | m_summer_hosts_tole_period |
The vector to store the exsiting period for summer host tole. More... | |
std::map< int, int > | m_summer_hosts_tole_period_map |
The map to store the index for the summer host period. More... | |
std::vector< TTypesOfVegetation > | m_summer_hosts_tov |
The vector to hold sumber host vegetation type. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_current_mortality_array |
This a lookup table for the age and temperature dependent mortality rate. This is the same for the whole landscape for each day. Further cell specific related calculate should be done in the SubPopulation class. More... | |
blitz::Array< double, 2 > | m_wind_direction_array |
The array to hold the wind directions. More... | |
blitz::Array< blitz::Array< double, 2 >, 2 > | m_landing_masks |
The array to store the landing masks. The vector is indexed by the wind speed index first and the second index is the wind direction. Each element is a 2-D dimensional blitz array. More... | |
std::vector< int > | m_flying_life_stage_array |
The vector to store the life stages that can fly. More... | |
std::vector< int > | m_landing_life_stage_array |
The vector to store the life stage when a flying one lands, it could be different from the flying one, e.g., they drop theri wings. More... | |
std::vector< int > | m_local_moving_life_stage_array |
The vector to store the life stags that can move locally. More... | |
std::ofstream | m_subpopulation_base_prb_file |
The file for the storing the data. More... | |
std::vector< std::vector< SubPopulation * > > | m_vec_subpopulation_pointers_polygon |
The vector used to store the pointers of all the subpopulation objects in each polygon. More... | |
bool | m_summer_host_on |
The flag to enable summer host. More... | |
bool | m_winter_host_on |
The flag to enalble winter host. More... | |
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int | SimH |
stores the simulation height More... | |
int | SimW |
stores the simulation width More... | |
int | SimHH |
stores the simulation height halved More... | |
int | SimWH |
stores the simulation width halved More... | |
string | m_SimulationName |
stores the simulation name More... | |
Landscape * | m_TheLandscape |
holds an internal pointer to the landscape More... | |
int | m_ListNameLength {} |
the number of life-stages simulated in the population manager More... | |
const char * | m_ListNames [32] {} |
A list of life-stage names. More... | |
std::string | m_AORProbeFileName {"AOR_Probe.txt"} |
name of the AOR Probe file More... | |
std::string | m_ProbeFileName {"Probe.res"} |
name of the Probe file More... | |
int | m_step_counter_in_a_day |
Step counter in a day, this is used for the animals with finer step size other than one day. More... | |
The class to handle all Aphid population related matters in the whole landscape.
Aphid_Population_Manager::Aphid_Population_Manager | ( | Landscape * | L, |
string | a_aphid_specie_name = "English grain aphid" |
) |
Construct a new Aphid_Population_Manger object
References cfg_AphidLandingSurvivalRateVec, cfg_AphidResultFileSuffix, cfg_AphidResultPath, cfg_Subpopu_Base_Output_Used, g_rand_uni_fnc(), initialisePopulation(), m_accu_ddeg_egg_reproduction, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a_after_threshold, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b_after_threshold, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_threshold, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_turing_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_hatch_delay_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_production_para_a, m_aphid_egg_production_para_b, m_aphid_egg_production_para_c, m_aphid_egg_production_para_sd, m_aphid_nymph_production_changing_add, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a1, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a2, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b1, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b2, m_aphid_specie_name, m_egg_per_day, m_egg_reproduction_flag, m_first_egg_hatch_flag, m_max_adult_dd, m_nymph_per_day, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::openSubpopulationBaseProbeFile(), CfgBool::value(), CfgStr::value(), and CfgArray_Double::value().
virtual |
virtual |
The function to calculate the hatch chance for eggs, this function must be override in the derived class.
References SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_accumu_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_max_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a_after_threshold, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b_after_threshold, and m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_turing_degree_days.
virtual |
Return the next life stage for the given life stage.
Return the next life stage based on the density
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References m_next_life_func_pointer.
int Aphid_Population_Manager::calNextStageShared | ( | int | current_stage | ) |
The function to calculate the next life stage for all aphids.
This function is used both for pean and english grain aphid.
current_stage |
References m_egg_reproduction_flag, m_first_egg_hatch_flag, toa_Alate, toa_Aptera, toa_Egg, toa_Female, toa_Male, toa_Nymph, toa_Nymph_F, toa_Nymph_M, and toa_Nymph_W.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
virtual |
The function to calculate the offspring stage.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References m_offspring_func_pointer.
int Aphid_Population_Manager::calOffspringStageBBandPP | ( | int | current_stage, |
double * | offspring_num = NULL , |
double | a_age = 1 , |
double | a_density = -1 , |
double | a_growth_stage = 0 , |
double * | a_propotion = NULL , |
bool | winter_host_flag = false |
) |
The function to calcto calculate the offspring stage for black bean and peach potato aphids.
This function is used both for black bean and peach potato Aphid.
current_stage | |
offspring_num | |
a_age | |
a_density | |
a_growth_stage | |
a_propotion |
References m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_a, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_b, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_c, m_egg_per_day, m_egg_reproduction_flag, m_nymph_per_day, m_nymph_produced_num_weight, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_winter_host_on, Landscape::SupplyMonth(), toa_Alate, toa_Aptera, toa_Egg, toa_Female, toa_Nymph, toa_Nymph_F, and toa_Nymph_W.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
int Aphid_Population_Manager::calOffspringStageEGandPEA | ( | int | current_stage, |
double * | offspring_num = NULL , |
double | a_age = 1 , |
double | a_density = -1 , |
double | a_growth_stage = 0 , |
double * | a_propotion = NULL , |
bool | winter_host_flag = false |
) |
The function to calculate the offspring stage for English grain and pea aphids.
This function is used both for Pea and English Grain Aphid.
current_stage | |
offspring_num | |
a_age | |
a_density | |
a_growth_stage | |
a_propotion |
References g_landscape_ptr, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_a, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_b, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_c, m_aphid_female_reproduction_day_length, m_egg_per_day, m_egg_reproduction_flag, m_nymph_per_day, m_nymph_produced_num_weight, Landscape::SupplyDaylength(), toa_Alate, toa_Aptera, toa_Egg, toa_Female, toa_Nymph, toa_Nymph_F, toa_Nymph_M, and toa_Nymph_W.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
Aphid * Aphid_Population_Manager::CreateObjects | ( | TAnimal * | pvo, |
struct_Aphid * | data, | ||
int | number | ||
) |
References struct_Aphid::empty_flag, struct_Aphid::farm_flag, struct_Aphid::h, struct_Aphid::index_x, struct_Aphid::index_y, struct_Aphid::L, struct_Aphid::NPM, struct_Aphid::random_biomass_weight, struct_Aphid::species, struct_Aphid::starting_popu_density, struct_Aphid::starting_suitability, struct_Aphid::summer_landscape_host, toa_Egg, struct_Aphid::w, struct_Aphid::winter_landscape_host, struct_Aphid::x, and struct_Aphid::y.
Referenced by initialiseSimWithEggs().
virtual |
The function to return the species.
References SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_accumu_degree_days, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_index_new_old, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_max_alive_days, m_max_day_degree_adult, toa_Aptera, and toa_Male.
virtual |
The function to initialise the population when starting aphid simulation, this function is called in the subpopulation_mananger constructor.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References calNextStageShared(), calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), cfg_BBAphidAdultMortality, cfg_BBAphidAdultMortalityDdeg, cfg_BBAphidAdultMortalityParaA, cfg_BBAphidAdultMortalityParaB, cfg_BBAphidAdultMortalityParaC, cfg_BBAphidAlatePropParaA, cfg_BBAphidAlatePropParaB, cfg_BBAphidAlatePropParaC, cfg_BBAphidDevelopmentBaseTempArray, cfg_BBAphidDevelopmentTurningTempArray, cfg_BBAphidDualLinearModelFlagDD, cfg_BBAphidEggHatchChanceParaA, cfg_BBAphidEggHatchChanceParaB, cfg_BBAphidEggHatchDelayDD, cfg_BBAphidEggHatchDelayThreshold, cfg_BBAphidEggMortalityRate, cfg_BBAphidEggMortalityRateStd, cfg_BBAphidEggReproductionParaA, cfg_BBAphidEggReproductionParaB, cfg_BBAphidEggReproductionParaC, cfg_BBAphidEggReproductionParaSTD, cfg_BBAphidEggStartingADD, cfg_BBAphidHostFile, cfg_BBAphidLongevityParaA, cfg_BBAphidLongevityParaB, cfg_BBAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWing, cfg_BBAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWingStd, cfg_BBAphidNymphDevDayDegWing, cfg_BBAphidNymphDevDayDegWingStd, cfg_BBAphidNymphMortalityParaA, cfg_BBAphidNymphMortalityParaB, cfg_BBAphidNymphMortalityParaC, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionChangeADD, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionParaA1, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionParaA2, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionParaB1, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionParaB2, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaA, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaB, cfg_BBAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaC, cfg_BBAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdeg, cfg_BBAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdegStd, cfg_BBAphidSummerHostDayLength, cfg_BBAphidWinterHostDayLength, cfg_EGAphidAdultMortality, cfg_EGAphidAdultMortalityDdeg, cfg_EGAphidAdultMortalityParaA, cfg_EGAphidAdultMortalityParaB, cfg_EGAphidAdultMortalityParaC, cfg_EGAphidAlatePropParaA, cfg_EGAphidAlatePropParaB, cfg_EGAphidAlatePropParaC, cfg_EGAphidDayLengthFemale, cfg_EGAphidDayLengthMale, cfg_EGAphidDevelopmentBaseTempArray, cfg_EGAphidDevelopmentTurningTempArray, cfg_EGAphidDualLinearModelFlagDD, cfg_EGAphidEggHatchChanceParaA, cfg_EGAphidEggHatchChanceParaB, cfg_EGAphidEggHatchDelayDD, cfg_EGAphidEggHatchDelayThreshold, cfg_EGAphidEggMortalityRate, cfg_EGAphidEggMortalityRateStd, cfg_EGAphidEggReproductionParaA, cfg_EGAphidEggReproductionParaB, cfg_EGAphidEggReproductionParaC, cfg_EGAphidEggReproductionParaSTD, cfg_EGAphidEggStartingADD, cfg_EGAphidHostFile, cfg_EGAphidLongevityParaA, cfg_EGAphidLongevityParaB, cfg_EGAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWing, cfg_EGAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWingStd, cfg_EGAphidNymphDevDayDegWing, cfg_EGAphidNymphDevDayDegWingStd, cfg_EGAphidNymphMortalityParaA, cfg_EGAphidNymphMortalityParaB, cfg_EGAphidNymphMortalityParaC, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionChangeADD, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionParaA1, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionParaA2, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionParaB1, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionParaB2, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaA, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaB, cfg_EGAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaC, cfg_EGAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdeg, cfg_EGAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdegStd, cfg_PEAAphidAdultMortality, cfg_PEAAphidAdultMortalityDdeg, cfg_PEAAphidAdultMortalityParaA, cfg_PEAAphidAdultMortalityParaB, cfg_PEAAphidAdultMortalityParaC, cfg_PEAAphidAlatePropParaA, cfg_PEAAphidAlatePropParaB, cfg_PEAAphidAlatePropParaC, cfg_PEAAphidDayLengthFemale, cfg_PEAAphidDayLengthMale, cfg_PEAAphidDevelopmentBaseTempArray, cfg_PEAAphidDevelopmentTurningTempArray, cfg_PEAAphidDualLinearModelFlagDD, cfg_PEAAphidEggHatchChanceParaA, cfg_PEAAphidEggHatchChanceParaB, cfg_PEAAphidEggHatchDelayDD, cfg_PEAAphidEggHatchDelayThreshold, cfg_PEAAphidEggMortalityRate, cfg_PEAAphidEggMortalityRateStd, cfg_PEAAphidEggReproductionParaA, cfg_PEAAphidEggReproductionParaB, cfg_PEAAphidEggReproductionParaC, cfg_PEAAphidEggReproductionParaSTD, cfg_PEAAphidEggStartingADD, cfg_PEAAphidHostFile, cfg_PEAAphidLongevityParaA, cfg_PEAAphidLongevityParaB, cfg_PEAAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWing, cfg_PEAAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWingStd, cfg_PEAAphidNymphDevDayDegWing, cfg_PEAAphidNymphDevDayDegWingStd, cfg_PEAAphidNymphMortalityParaA, cfg_PEAAphidNymphMortalityParaB, cfg_PEAAphidNymphMortalityParaC, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionChangeADD, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionParaA1, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionParaA2, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionParaB1, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionParaB2, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaA, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaB, cfg_PEAAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaC, cfg_PEAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdeg, cfg_PEAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdegStd, cfg_PPAphidAdultMortality, cfg_PPAphidAdultMortalityDdeg, cfg_PPAphidAdultMortalityParaA, cfg_PPAphidAdultMortalityParaB, cfg_PPAphidAdultMortalityParaC, cfg_PPAphidAlatePropParaA, cfg_PPAphidAlatePropParaB, cfg_PPAphidAlatePropParaC, cfg_PPAphidDevelopmentBaseTempArray, cfg_PPAphidDevelopmentTurningTempArray, cfg_PPAphidDualLinearModelFlagDD, cfg_PPAphidEggHatchChanceParaA, cfg_PPAphidEggHatchChanceParaB, cfg_PPAphidEggHatchDelayDD, cfg_PPAphidEggHatchDelayThreshold, cfg_PPAphidEggMortalityRate, cfg_PPAphidEggMortalityRateStd, cfg_PPAphidEggReproductionParaA, cfg_PPAphidEggReproductionParaB, cfg_PPAphidEggReproductionParaC, cfg_PPAphidEggReproductionParaSTD, cfg_PPAphidEggStartingADD, cfg_PPAphidHostFile, cfg_PPAphidLongevityParaA, cfg_PPAphidLongevityParaB, cfg_PPAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWing, cfg_PPAphidNymphDevDayDegNoWingStd, cfg_PPAphidNymphDevDayDegWing, cfg_PPAphidNymphDevDayDegWingStd, cfg_PPAphidNymphMortalityParaA, cfg_PPAphidNymphMortalityParaB, cfg_PPAphidNymphMortalityParaC, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionChangeADD, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionParaA1, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionParaA2, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionParaB1, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionParaB2, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaA, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaB, cfg_PPAphidNymphReproductionTempWeightParaC, cfg_PPAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdeg, cfg_PPAphidSexualDevelopmentRequiredDdegStd, cfg_PPAphidSummerHostDayLength, cfg_PPAphidWinterHostDayLength, initialiseSimWithEggs(), isEnoughNextLifeStageShared(), m_aphid_adult_longevity_para_a, m_aphid_adult_longevity_para_b, m_aphid_adult_mortality_inflection_point_dd, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_a, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_b, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_c, m_aphid_adult_mortality_vec, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_a, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_b, m_aphid_alate_proportion_para_c, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_a, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_para_b, m_aphid_egg_hatch_chance_threshold, m_aphid_egg_hatch_delay_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_mortality, m_aphid_egg_mortality_sd, m_aphid_egg_production_para_a, m_aphid_egg_production_para_b, m_aphid_egg_production_para_c, m_aphid_egg_production_para_sd, m_aphid_egg_starting_degree_days, m_aphid_female_reproduction_day_length, m_aphid_male_reproduction_day_length, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_a, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_b, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_c, m_aphid_nymph_production_changing_add, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a1, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_a2, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b1, m_aphid_nymph_production_para_b2, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_a, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_b, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_c, m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees, m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees_sd, m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees, m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees_sd, m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_add_sd, m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_average_add, m_aphid_specie_name, m_aphid_summer_host_day_length, m_aphid_winter_host_day_length, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_flying_life_stage_array, m_is_ready_next_liff_func_pointer, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_landing_life_stage_array, Population_Manager_Base::m_ListNameLength, Population_Manager_Base::m_ListNames, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_local_moving_life_stage_array, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_lowest_temp_dev, m_max_adult_dd, m_max_day_degree_adult, m_next_life_func_pointer, m_offspring_func_pointer, Population_Manager_Base::m_SimulationName, m_update_mortality_array_pointer, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::readHosts(), toa_Alate, toa_Aptera, toa_Female, toas_BB, toas_EG, toas_PEA, toas_PP, updateMortalityArrayShared(), CfgFloat::value(), CfgBool::value(), CfgStr::value(), and CfgArray_Double::value().
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager().
void Aphid_Population_Manager::initialiseSimWithEggs | ( | void | ) |
The function to initilise the simulation with eggs.
References cfg_AphidEggStartingNumVec, CreateObjects(), struct_Aphid::empty_flag, struct_Aphid::farm_flag, g_rand_uni_fnc(), struct_Aphid::h, struct_Aphid::index_x, struct_Aphid::index_y, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::isSummerHostTole(), SubPopulation_Population_Manager::isWinterHostTole(), struct_Aphid::L, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_accumu_degree_days, m_aphid_egg_starting_degree_days, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_cell_popu_density, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_cell_suitability, m_current_developtype, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_mul_hosts_flag, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_h, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_w, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_the_subpopulation_array, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_vec_subpopulation_pointers_polygon, struct_Aphid::NPM, struct_Aphid::random_biomass_weight, Population_Manager_Base::SimH, Population_Manager_Base::SimW, struct_Aphid::starting_popu_density, struct_Aphid::starting_suitability, struct_Aphid::summer_landscape_host, Landscape::SupplyElementType(), Landscape::SupplyInterestedGreenBiomassTotal(), Landscape::SupplyPolyRefIndex(), toAphidHibernate, tole_Field, tole_Foobar, CfgArray_Int::value(), struct_Aphid::w, struct_Aphid::winter_landscape_host, struct_Aphid::x, and struct_Aphid::y.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
virtual |
\breif The functions to test whether it is ready for the next life stages for aphid.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References m_is_ready_next_liff_func_pointer.
bool Aphid_Population_Manager::isEnoughNextLifeStageShared | ( | int | a_life_stage | ) |
References g_rand_uni_fnc(), SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_accumu_degree_days, m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees, m_aphid_nymph_with_wings_development_day_degrees_sd, m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees, m_aphid_nymph_without_wings_development_day_degrees_sd, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_index_new_old, m_max_adult_dd, toa_Egg, toa_Nymph, toa_Nymph_F, toa_Nymph_M, and toa_Nymph_W.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
void Aphid_Population_Manager::KillAphid | ( | int | a_x, |
int | a_y, | ||
double | a_num | ||
) |
Function to kill the given number of aphids in the given location.
References SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_h, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_w, and SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_the_subpopulation_array.
double Aphid_Population_Manager::SupplyAphidDensity | ( | int | a_x, |
int | a_y | ||
) |
Function to supply the aphid density in the given location.
References SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_h, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_sub_w, and SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_the_subpopulation_array.
inlinevirtual |
The function to supply the development season.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References m_current_developtype.
inline |
virtual |
The function to update the development season.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References g_landscape_ptr, m_accu_ddeg_egg_reproduction, m_aphid_summer_host_day_length, m_aphid_winter_host_day_length, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_mul_hosts_flag, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_summer_host_on, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_winter_host_on, Landscape::SupplyDayInYear(), and Landscape::SupplyDaylength().
virtual |
The fucntion to update the base mortality rate, it will call the corresponding function pointer.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
References m_update_mortality_array_pointer.
void Aphid_Population_Manager::updateMortalityArrayShared | ( | void | ) |
The function to calculate the base mortality rate for all aphids.
References g_landscape_ptr, g_rand_uni_fnc(), m_accu_ddeg_egg_reproduction, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_accumu_degree_days, m_aphid_adult_mortality_inflection_point_dd, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_a, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_b, m_aphid_adult_mortality_para_c, m_aphid_adult_mortality_vec, m_aphid_egg_mortality, m_aphid_egg_mortality_sd, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_a, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_b, m_aphid_nymph_mortality_para_c, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_a, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_b, m_aphid_nymph_production_temp_weight_para_c, m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_add_sd, m_aphid_sexual_reproduction_average_add, SubPopulation_Population_Manager::m_current_mortality_array, m_egg_reproduction_flag, m_first_egg_hatch_flag, m_nymph_produced_num_weight, Landscape::SupplyTemp(), Landscape::SupplyTempHour(), toa_Aptera, toa_Egg, toa_Male, toa_Nymph, and toa_Nymph_M.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
virtual |
Write probe files for calibration.
Reimplemented from SubPopulation_Population_Manager.
private |
The accumulated day degrees to enable sexual development.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), updateDevelopmentSeason(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the adult longevity parameter A.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the adult longevity parameter B.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
private |
The vector to store inflection point of accumulated day degrees for adult mortality.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter A.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter B.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the adult mortality parameter C.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The vector to store the adult mortality for the inflection point.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter A.
Referenced by calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter B.
Referenced by calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store alate proportion calculation parameter C.
Referenced by calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the largest degree days for egg hatch chance being one.
Referenced by calHatchChance().
private |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter A.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calHatchChance(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter A after threshold.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and calHatchChance().
private |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter B.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calHatchChance(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg hatch chance parameter B after threshold.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and calHatchChance().
private |
The threshold of hatch value to start the delay of egg hatch, this is to avoid the eggs hatching from the same day.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the turning degree day for egg hatch chance.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and calHatchChance().
private |
The number of degree days to delay the egg's hatch.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the aphid egg mortality.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the standard deviation of the gee mortality.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the egg production parameter A.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg production parameter B.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg production parameter C.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg production parameter's standard deviation.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the egg's starting degree days when the simulation starts.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and initialiseSimWithEggs().
private |
The day length in minutes for female reproduction. This is used for EG and PEA.
Referenced by calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The day length in minutes for male reproduction. This is used for EG and PEA.
Referenced by initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter A.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter B.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph temperature based mortality parameter C.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph production changing accumulated degree days.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter A1.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter A2.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter B1.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the nymph production parameter B2.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter A.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter B.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the temperature weighted nymph production parameter C.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph with wings development day degrees.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStageShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph with wings development day degrees's standard deviation.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStageShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph without wings development day degrees.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStageShared().
private |
The variable to store the nymph without wings development day degrees's standard deviation.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStageShared().
private |
The standard deviation of the required accumulated degree days to enable sexual reproduction after the first egg hatches.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The average required accumulated degree days to enable sexual reproduction after the first egg hatches.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
This is to store the aphid species name.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The day length in minutes to turn on summer host. This is used for BB and PP.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateDevelopmentSeason().
private |
THe day length in minutes to turn on winter host. This is used for BB and PP.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateDevelopmentSeason().
private |
The variable to show the development season.
Referenced by initialiseSimWithEggs(), and supplyDevelopmentSeason().
private |
The vector to store the age (in degree days) related reproduction offspring egg.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calOffspringStageBBandPP(), and calOffspringStageEGandPEA().
private |
The flag to enable sexual development.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calNextStageShared(), calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The flag to show the first hatch of egg.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calNextStageShared(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
THe function pointer for testing whether the given life stage is ready for the next one.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStage().
private |
THe variable to store the maximum number of degree days for aphid.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), initialisePopulation(), and isEnoughNextLifeStageShared().
private |
The longest day degrees that a adult can have.
Referenced by doSpeciesLastThing(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The function pointer for calculation of next life stage.
Referenced by calNextStage(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The vector to store the age (in degree days) related reproduction offsping nymph.
Referenced by Aphid_Population_Manager(), calOffspringStageBBandPP(), and calOffspringStageEGandPEA().
private |
The weight to regulate the number of nymph produced per day based on temperature.
Referenced by calOffspringStageBBandPP(), calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), supplyNymphNumWeight(), and updateMortalityArrayShared().
private |
The function pointer for calculation of the offsrping stage number.
Referenced by calOffspringStage(), and initialisePopulation().
private |
The function pointer for calculation of the shared base mortality rate for the whole landscape.
Referenced by initialisePopulation(), and updateMortalityArray().