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1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Element class for flower strips. More...
#include <Elements.h>
Public Member Functions | |
FlowerStrip (Landscape *L, int a_type) | |
virtual void | DoDevelopment (void) |
void | SetSubType (int a_subtype) |
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VegElement (TTypesOfLandscapeElement tole, Landscape *L) | |
virtual | ~VegElement (void) |
virtual double | GetDigestibility (void) |
virtual double | GetLAGreen (void) |
virtual double | GetLATotal (void) |
virtual bool | GetIsVeg (void) |
virtual double | GetVegCover (void) |
virtual double | GetVegHeight (void) |
virtual double | GetVegBiomass (void) |
virtual double | GetDeadBiomass (void) |
virtual double | GetGreenBiomass (void) |
virtual double | GetInterestedGreenBiomass (void) |
virtual double | GetGreenBiomassProp (void) |
virtual double | GetWeedBiomass (void) |
virtual int | GetVegDensity (void) |
virtual bool | GetSkScrapes (void) |
void | Tick (void) override |
virtual void | SetVegGrowthScalerRand () |
virtual double | GetInsectPop (void) |
virtual void | SetInsectPop (double insects) |
virtual TTypesOfVegetation | GetVegType (void) |
virtual TTypesOfCrops | GetCropType () |
virtual void | SetCropType (TTypesOfCrops a_type) |
void | SetInsectBiomassParametersIndex (TTypesOfCrops a_type) |
void | SetInterestedBiomassFractionForCrop (TTypesOfCrops a_crop_type) |
virtual void | Insecticide (double a_fraction) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_Veg (void) |
virtual void | Set_Att_Veg (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegPatchy (void) |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegPatchy (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegCereal () |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegCereal (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegMatureCereal () |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegMatureCereal (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegMaize () |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegMaize (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegGrass () |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegGrass (bool p) |
virtual bool | Is_Att_VegGooseGrass () |
virtual void | Set_Att_VegGooseGrass (bool p) |
bool | IsMatureCereal () |
bool | IsMaize () |
bool | IsCereal () |
bool | IsGooseGrass () |
void | SetVegPatchy (bool p) |
virtual void | InsectMortality (double a_fraction) |
virtual void | ReduceWeedBiomass (double a_fraction) |
virtual void | ToggleCattleGrazing (void) |
virtual void | TogglePigGrazing (void) |
virtual void | GrazeVegetation (double a_grams, bool a_force) |
virtual void | GrazeVegetationHeight (double a_reduc) |
virtual void | GrazeVegetationTotal (double a_grams) |
The function that reduces the vegetation due to grazing. More... | |
virtual void | SetVegType (TTypesOfVegetation a_vege_type) |
virtual void | SetVegType (TTypesOfVegetation a_vege_type, TTypesOfVegetation a_weed_type) |
virtual void | SetCropData (double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, int) |
virtual void | SetCropDataAll (double, double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, double, int, double, bool, double, double, double) |
virtual void | SetVegHeight (double a_veg_height) |
virtual void | SetDigestibility (double a_digestability) |
virtual void | SetGrazingLevel (int a_grazing) |
virtual void | SetVegParameters (double a_veg_height, double a_LAtotal, double a_LAgreen, double a_WeedBiomass) |
virtual void | SetGrowthPhase (int a_phase) |
virtual void | StoreLAItotal () |
virtual void | ForceGrowthInitialize (bool a_force_decreasing=false) |
virtual void | ForceGrowthInitialiseForFirstYearCrop (void) |
virtual void | ForceGrowthTest (void) |
virtual void | ForceGrowthDevelopment (void) |
virtual void | ZeroVeg (void) |
virtual void | ReduceVeg (double a_reduc) |
virtual void | ReduceVeg_Extended (double a_reduc) |
virtual void | ResetDigestibility () |
sets growth record to zero More... | |
virtual int | GetVegPhase () |
virtual void | SetSpeciesFunction (TTypesOfPopulation a_species) |
Sets the correct species simulation behaviour for the current species. More... | |
void | SetInterestedBiomassFraction (double a_interested_biomass_fraction) |
Function to set the instrested biomass fraction. More... | |
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LE (Landscape *L) | |
virtual | ~LE (void) |
virtual int | GetAphidDensity () |
int | GetVegStore (void) |
Variable used to record the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles */ double m_volegrazing; /**. More... | |
void | SetVegStore (int a_veg) |
void | ZeroVegAge () |
int | GetVegAge () |
virtual double | GetVegGrowthStage (void) |
virtual APoint | GetCentroid () |
virtual int | GetCentroidX () |
virtual int | GetCentroidY () |
virtual void | SetCentroid (int x, int y) |
virtual double | GetDayDegrees (void) |
virtual void | ToggleIrrigation (void) |
virtual void | SetVegBiomass (int) |
virtual void | GrazeVeg_Extended (double) |
virtual double | GetTrafficLoad (void) |
virtual TTypesOfVegetation | GetPreviousTov (int) |
bool | GetPoison (void) |
void | SetPoison (bool a_poison) |
bool | Is_Att_High (void) |
void | Set_Att_High (bool a_high) |
bool | Is_Att_Water (void) |
void | Set_Att_Water (bool a_water) |
bool | Is_Att_Forest (void) |
void | Set_Att_Forest (bool a_forest) |
bool | Is_Att_Woody (void) |
void | Set_Att_Woody (bool a_woody) |
bool | Is_Att_UrbanNoVeg (void) |
void | Set_Att_UrbanNoVeg (bool a_unv) |
bool | Is_Att_UserDefinedBool (void) |
void | Set_Att_UserDefinedBool (bool a_value) |
int | Is_Att_UserDefinedInt (void) |
void | Set_Att_UserDefinedInt (int a_value) |
void | SetVegPatchy (bool p) |
int | GetCattleGrazing (void) |
bool | GetPigGrazing (void) |
bool | HasTramlines (void) |
bool | IsRecentlyMown (void) |
int | IsRecentlySprayed (void) |
int | GetPoly (void) |
Returns the polyref number for this polygon. More... | |
int | GetMapIndex (void) |
void | SetMapIndex (int a_map_index) |
int | GetOwnerFile (void) |
int | GetOwnerIndex (void) |
int | GetLastTreatment (int *a_index) |
int | GetLastTreatment () |
Returns the last treatment recorded for the polygon. More... | |
void | ClearManagementActionSum () |
clears the management action counters More... | |
void | AddManagementActionDone (FarmManagementCategory a_action) |
Record management action throught a crop management action. More... | |
vector< int > | GetManagementTotals () |
Farm * | GetOwner (void) |
double | GetArea (void) |
double | GetGooseGrazingForage (GooseSpecies a_goose) |
double | GetBirdSeed (void) |
void | SetBirdSeed (double a_forage) |
double | GetBirdMaize (void) |
void | SetBirdMaize (double a_forage) |
int | GetCountryDesignation (void) |
void | SetCountryDesignation (int a_designation) |
long | GetOldDays (void) |
void | SetOwner (Farm *a_owner, int a_owner_num, int a_owner_index) |
void | SetPoly (int a_poly) |
void | SetMapValid (bool a_valid) |
bool | GetMapValid (void) |
void | SetArea (double a_area) |
int | GetSoilType () |
int | GetSoilTypeR () |
void | SetSoilType (int a_st) |
void | SetLastSownVeg (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov) |
Records the last vegetation type to be sown. More... | |
TTypesOfVegetation | GetLastSownVeg () |
Returns the last vegetation type to be sown. More... | |
void | SetLastTreatment (int a_treatment) |
void | SetSprayedToday (bool a_didit) |
bool | GetSprayedToday () |
void | SetCopyTreatment (int a_treatment) |
void | SetOldDays (long a_days) |
void | SetRotIndex (int a_index) |
int | GetRotIndex (void) |
void | SetTramlinesDecay (int a_decaytime_days) |
void | SetHerbicideDelay (int a_decaytime_days) |
void | SetMownDecay (int a_decaytime_days) |
void | AddArea (double a_area_diff) |
LE * | GetBorder (void) |
int | GetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (void) |
void | SetBorder (LE *a_border) |
void | SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (int a_unsprayedmargin) |
void | SetPesticideCell (int a_cell) |
int | GetPesticideCell () |
void | SetValidXY (int a_valid_x, int a_valid_y) |
int | GetValidX (void) |
int | GetValidY (void) |
int | GetMaxX (void) |
int | GetMaxY (void) |
int | GetMinX (void) |
int | GetMinY (void) |
void | SetMaxX (int x) |
void | SetMaxY (int y) |
void | SetMinX (int x) |
void | SetMinY (int y) |
int | GetMDates (int a, int b) |
void | SetMDates (int a, int b, int c) |
int | GetMConstants (int a) |
void | SetMConstants (int a, int c) |
double | GetVegDDegs () |
Get the total of day degrees for the crop/veg on this element. More... | |
int | GetOpenness (void) |
For goose model functionality, openness score for the polygon. More... | |
double | GetElevation (void) |
Get elevation data. More... | |
double | GetSlope (void) |
double | GetAspect (void) |
void | SetGooseNos (int a_number, int a_day) |
void | SetGooseSpNos (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose) |
void | SetGooseNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day) |
void | SetGooseSpNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose) |
void | SetGooseRoostDist (int a_dist, GooseSpecies a_goose) |
int | GetGooseNosToday () |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today. More... | |
int | GetGooseNosTodayTimed () |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today at a predefined time. More... | |
int | GetGooseNos () |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday. More... | |
int | GetQuarryNos () |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday which can be hunted as legal quarry. More... | |
int | GetGooseSpNosToday (GooseSpecies a_goose) |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday. More... | |
int | GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed (GooseSpecies a_goose) |
For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday at a predefined time. More... | |
int | GetGooseRoostDist (GooseSpecies a_goose) |
For goose model functionality, returns the distance to closest roost. More... | |
void | SetOpenness (int a_openness) |
Records the openness statistic for this polygon. More... | |
void | SetElevation (double a_elevation) |
Records the elevation of the polygon. More... | |
void | SetSlope (double a_slope) |
void | SetAspect (double a_aspect) |
void | DoCopy (const LE *a_Le) |
a copy function to be used because a copy constuctor won't work More... | |
virtual void | SetMaleNewtPresent (bool) |
Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More... | |
virtual bool | IsMaleNewtPresent () |
Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More... | |
void | SetStubble (bool a_flag) |
Sets the in stubble flag. More... | |
bool | GetStubble () |
Return the in stubble flag. More... | |
PlantProtectionProducts | GetSprayPPPType (void) |
Return the sprayed pesticide type in the field. More... | |
double | GetSprayPPPRate (void) |
Return the sprayed pesticide application rate. More... | |
void | SetSprayPPPType (PlantProtectionProducts a_type) |
Set the sprayed pesticide type in the field. More... | |
void | SetSprayPPPRate (double a_rate) |
Set the sprayed pesticide application rate. More... | |
void | SetPollenNectarCurveRef (int a_PollenNectarCurve) |
Sets the pollen/nectar curve number. More... | |
void | SetPollenNectarType (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg) |
sets the pollen and nectar information based on tov More... | |
virtual PollenNectarData | GetPollen () |
Gets the pollen quantity & quality for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual PollenNectarData | GetNectar () |
Gets the nectar quantity & quality for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetPollenQuantity () |
Gets the pollen quantity for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetPollenQuality () |
Gets the pollen quality for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetNectarQuantity () |
Gets the nectar quantity for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetSugar () |
Gets the nectar quality (sugar) for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetTotalPollen () |
Returns the total pollen quantity for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual double | GetTotalNectar () |
Returns the total nectar quantity for this landscape element. More... | |
virtual void | ChangeTotalPollen (double a_amount) |
Removes a_amount from total LE pollen. More... | |
virtual void | ChangeTotalNectar (double a_amount) |
Removes a_amount from total LE nectar. More... | |
void | SetPollenNectarCurves (PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet *a_set) |
Set method for pollen and nectar curves. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg) |
The function to calculate flower resource for the crop in a year. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateFlowerResourceForCropSow (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg) |
virtual double | supplyNecDD () |
virtual double | supplySugDD () |
virtual double | supplyPolDD () |
virtual bool | GetPollenNectarFlag () |
Returns the flag showing whether there is potential pollen/nectar here or not. More... | |
int | GetPollenNectarCurveRef (void) |
Returns the pollen nectart curve number. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | Cutting (int a_today) |
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void | ReadBugPercentageFile (void) |
virtual void | RecalculateBugsNStuff (void) |
This method is responsible for. More... | |
void | CalcGooseForageResources () |
Calculates spilled grain and grazing forage resources for geese. More... | |
void | RandomVegStartValues (double *a_LAtotal, double *a_LAgreen, double *a_veg_height, double *a_weed_biomass) |
void | ForceGrowthSpringTest (void) |
virtual void | PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation () |
This methods calculates the daily availability of pollen and nectar per square meter and in total. More... | |
void | CalculateDigestibility () |
Sets vegetation digestability for hare and vole. More... | |
void | CalculateAphidDrivers () |
Determines the amount of new growth. More... | |
void | CalculateInsectBiomass () |
An insect biomass calculation for those species that need it. More... | |
virtual void | PollenNectarReset () |
Resets the daily availability of pollen and nectar per square meter and in total to zero. More... | |
void | ResetGeese (void) |
Reset geese numbers to zero in case this was not done by the population manager (the normal situation). More... | |
void | DoNothing (void) |
The default for SpeciesSpecificCalculations. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
long | m_DateCut {-1} |
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int | m_insect_biomass_parameters_index { 0 } |
double | m_interested_biomass_fraction |
Fraction of the the interested biomass. More... | |
TTypesOfVegetation | m_vege_type |
int | m_curve_num |
int | m_weed_curve_num |
int | m_veg_phase |
double | m_growth_scaler |
int | m_nutrient_status |
double | m_LAtotal |
double | m_oldLAtotal |
double | m_LAgreen |
double | m_insect_pop |
double | m_veg_biomass |
double | m_total_biomass |
double | m_total_biomass_old |
double | m_green_biomass |
double | m_interested_green_biomass |
double | m_dead_biomass |
double | m_weed_biomass |
double | m_veg_height |
int | m_veg_density |
bool | m_att_veg |
bool | m_att_veg_patchy |
bool | m_att_veg_cereal |
bool | m_att_veg_maturecereal |
bool | m_att_veg_maize |
bool | m_att_veg_grass |
bool | m_att_veg_goosegrass |
bool | m_att_veg_forest |
double | m_veg_cover |
double | m_newgrowth |
double | m_new_weed_growth |
bool | m_forced_phase_shift |
double | m_digestability |
double | m_oldnewgrowth [32] |
double | m_oldnewgrowth2 [14] |
int | m_newoldgrowthindex |
int | m_newoldgrowthindex2 |
double | m_newgrowthsum |
double | m_newgrowthruningaveragesum |
double | m_newgrowthruningaverage |
double | m_greenbiomass_per |
double | m_force_Weed |
double | m_force_LAgreen |
double | m_force_LAtotal |
double | m_force_veg_height |
bool | m_force_growth |
bool | m_start_dd_flower |
The flag to start accumulating day degrees for flower resource. More... | |
ifstream | m_ifile |
int | m_crop_index |
double | m_acc_DD_flower_resource |
Contains the day degrees since the sowing, this is only used for the crops. More... | |
double | m_num_flowring_peroid |
Contains the number of days of the flowring period, this is only used for the crops. More... | |
void(VegElement::* | SpeciesSpecificCalculations )(void) |
A useful function pointer that we can use to specify species specific calculations. The default does nothing. More... | |
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Landscape * | m_Landscape |
vector< int > | m_ManagementActionCounts |
int | m_ptrace [256] |
int | m_pdates [256] |
int | m_pindex |
long | m_running |
LE * | m_border |
int | m_unsprayedmarginpolyref |
int | m_valid_x |
int | m_valid_y |
int | m_centroidx |
int | m_centroidy |
int | m_vege_danger_store |
int | m_PesticideGridCell |
bool | m_is_in_map |
int | m_subtype |
int | m_maxx |
int | m_minx |
int | m_maxy |
int | m_miny |
long | m_olddays |
long | m_management_loop_detect_date |
long | m_management_loop_detect_count |
Farm * | m_owner {nullptr} |
int | m_countrydesignation |
int | m_owner_file |
int | m_owner_index |
int | m_rot_index |
bool | m_sprayedtoday |
flag to indicate an overspray situation More... | |
int | m_poly |
The polyref number for this polygon. More... | |
int | m_map_index |
int | m_almass_le_type |
This holds the ALMaSS element type reference number. More... | |
int | m_farmfunc_tried_to_do |
int | m_tramlinesdecay |
int | m_mowndecay |
int | m_herbicidedelay |
TTypesOfLandscapeElement | m_type |
TTypesOfLandscapeElement | m_owner_tole |
double | m_area |
The element area in m2. More... | |
int | m_gooseNos [366] |
The number of geese each day. More... | |
int | m_gooseSpNos [366][gs_foobar] |
The number of geese of each species each day. More... | |
int | m_gooseNosTimed [366] |
The number of geese at a predefined time per day. More... | |
int | m_gooseSpNosTimed [366][gs_foobar] |
The number of geese of each species at a predefined time per day. More... | |
bool | m_instubble |
A flag describing the state of the field from a visual perspective - will be in stubble following a cereal crop until either soil cultivation or March 1st. More... | |
double | m_birdseedforage |
The grain forage present in seeds/m2. More... | |
double | m_birdmaizeforage |
The maize forage present in seeds/m2. More... | |
double | m_goosegrazingforage [gs_foobar] |
The grazing forage present in KJ/min. The last value indicates cereal 1 or not -1. More... | |
TTypesOfVegetation | m_lastsownvegtype |
Records the last vegegetation type that was sown on the element. More... | |
int | m_openness |
The openness metric for a field (if any) More... | |
double | m_elevation |
Elevation data. More... | |
double | m_slope |
double | m_aspect |
double | m_dist_to_closest_roost [gs_foobar] |
An array holding the distance to the nearest goose roost. More... | |
int | m_vegage |
int | m_soiltype |
int | m_days_since_insecticide_spray |
bool | m_att_high |
bool | m_att_water |
bool | m_att_forest |
bool | m_att_woody |
bool | m_att_urbannoveg |
bool | m_att_userdefinedbool |
a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values More... | |
int | m_att_userdefinedint |
a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values More... | |
bool | m_poison |
int | m_cattle_grazing |
int | m_default_grazing_level |
bool | m_pig_grazing |
double | m_vegddegs |
double | m_yddegs |
double | m_weedddegs |
double | m_ddegs |
vector< int > | m_lasttreat |
unsigned int | m_lastindex |
int | MDates [2][25] |
int | MConsts [10] |
LE_Signal | m_signal_mask |
double | m_OsmiaNestProb |
to record the chance of osmia nesting More... | |
int | m_maxOsmiaNests |
to record the number of possible osmia nests More... | |
int | m_currentOsmiaNests |
to record the number of actual osmia nests More... | |
PollenNectarData | m_polleninfo |
PollenNectarData | m_nectarinfo |
double | m_totalPollen |
double | m_totalNectar |
int | m_pollen_nectar_curve_index |
Variable to record the pollen and nectar curve number. More... | |
int | m_flowering_day_counter |
The day counter to enter the flowering period. More... | |
vector< int > | m_flowering_phases |
The array to store the day numbers of for turning point of flower resource. More... | |
vector< double > | m_nectar_amount |
The array to store the nectar amount for each period. More... | |
vector< double > | m_pollen_amount |
The array to store the pollen amount for each period. More... | |
vector< double > | m_sugar_amount |
The array to store the sugar quality for each period. More... | |
PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet * | m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet {NULL} |
pointer to the correct pollen curve set More... | |
bool | m_PollenNectarFlag |
Records whether there is any pollen possibility here or not. More... | |
PlantProtectionProducts | m_spray_ppp_type |
This is to store the sprayed pesticide type. More... | |
double | m_spray_ppp_rate |
This is to store the sprayed pesticide rate. More... | |
Element class for flower strips.
FlowerStrip::FlowerStrip | ( | Landscape * | L, |
int | a_type | ||
) |
References g_crops, VegElement::m_curve_num, VegElement::m_vege_type, VegElement::Set_Att_VegPatchy(), SetSubType(), VegElement::SetVegGrowthScalerRand(), VegElement::SetVegType(), tov_FlowerStrip1, tov_FlowerStrip2, tov_FlowerStrip3, and PlantGrowthData::VegTypeToCurveNum().
protected |
References g_pest, LE::GetMapIndex(), LE::GetMaxX(), LE::GetMaxY(), LE::GetMinX(), LE::GetMinY(), VegElement::GetVegBiomass(), harvest1, m_DateCut, VegElement::m_LAgreen, VegElement::m_LAtotal, VegElement::m_veg_height, mow, VegElement::RecalculateBugsNStuff(), Pesticide::ReducePlantPesticide(), RV_CUT_GREEN, RV_CUT_HEIGHT, RV_CUT_TOTAL, VegElement::SetGrowthPhase(), LE::SetLastTreatment(), and VegElement::StoreLAItotal().
Referenced by DoDevelopment().
virtual |
Reimplemented from VegElement.
Reimplemented in FlowerStripWithRotation.
References cfg_flowerstripCutChance, cfg_flowerstripCutEnd, cfg_flowerstripCutStart, Cutting(), Calendar::DayInYear(), VegElement::DoDevelopment(), g_date, g_rand_uni_fnc(), m_DateCut, VegElement::Set_Att_VegGrass(), CfgInt::value(), and CfgFloat::value().
inline |
References g_crops, VegElement::m_curve_num, VegElement::m_vege_type, VegElement::SetVegType(), tov_FlowerStrip1, tov_FlowerStrip2, tov_FlowerStrip3, and PlantGrowthData::VegTypeToCurveNum().
Referenced by FlowerStrip().
protected |
Referenced by Cutting(), DoDevelopment(), and FlowerStripWithRotation::DoDevelopment().