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ALMaSS  1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
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LE Class Reference

#include <Elements.h>

Inheritance diagram for LE:
NonVegElement VegElement LargeRoad Pond SmallRoad BeetleBank Field FieldBoundary FlowerStrip ForestElement HedgeBank Hedges MownGrassStrip NaturalGrass Orchard OrchardBand PastureElement PermanentSetaside RoadsideVerge UnsprayedFieldMargin WaterBufferZone

Public Member Functions

 LE (Landscape *L)
virtual ~LE (void)
virtual int GetAphidDensity ()
int GetVegStore (void)
 Variable used to record the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ double m_volegrazing; /**. More...
void SetVegStore (int a_veg)
void ZeroVegAge ()
int GetVegAge ()
virtual void DoDevelopment (void)
virtual void RecalculateBugsNStuff (void)
virtual int GetVegPhase (void)
virtual bool GetIsVeg (void)
virtual double GetVegGrowthStage (void)
virtual double GetVegCover (void)
virtual double GetVegHeight (void)
virtual APoint GetCentroid ()
virtual int GetCentroidX ()
virtual int GetCentroidY ()
virtual void SetCentroid (int x, int y)
virtual double GetDigestibility (void)
virtual int GetVegDensity (void)
virtual bool GetSkScrapes (void)
virtual void SetVegGrowthScalerRand ()
virtual double GetDayDegrees (void)
virtual double GetLAGreen (void)
virtual double GetLATotal (void)
virtual double GetGreenBiomass (void)
virtual double GetInterestedGreenBiomass (void)
virtual double GetGreenBiomassProp (void)
virtual double GetDeadBiomass (void)
virtual double GetVegBiomass (void)
virtual double GetWeedBiomass (void)
virtual double GetInsectPop (void)
virtual void SetInsectPop (double)
virtual void Insecticide (double)
virtual void InsectMortality (double)
virtual void ReduceWeedBiomass (double)
virtual void ToggleCattleGrazing (void)
virtual void TogglePigGrazing (void)
virtual void ToggleIrrigation (void)
virtual void SetVegBiomass (int)
virtual void SetVegType (TTypesOfVegetation)
virtual void SetVegType (TTypesOfVegetation, TTypesOfVegetation)
virtual void SetVegHeight (double)
virtual void SetDigestibility (double)
virtual void SetGrazingLevel (int)
virtual void SetVegParameters (double, double, double, double)
virtual void SetCropData (double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, int)
virtual void SetCropDataAll (double, double, double, double, TTypesOfVegetation, double, double, int, double, bool, double, double, double)
virtual void StoreLAItotal ()
virtual void SetGrowthPhase (int)
virtual void ForceGrowthInitialize (bool a_force_decreasing=false)
virtual void ForceGrowthInitialiseForFirstYearCrop (void)
virtual void ForceGrowthTest (void)
virtual void ForceGrowthDevelopment (void)
virtual void ZeroVeg (void)
virtual void ReduceVeg (double)
virtual void ReduceVeg_Extended (double)
virtual void GrazeVeg_Extended (double)
virtual double GetTrafficLoad (void)
virtual TTypesOfVegetation GetPreviousTov (int)
bool GetPoison (void)
void SetPoison (bool a_poison)
bool Is_Att_High (void)
void Set_Att_High (bool a_high)
bool Is_Att_Water (void)
void Set_Att_Water (bool a_water)
bool Is_Att_Forest (void)
void Set_Att_Forest (bool a_forest)
bool Is_Att_Woody (void)
void Set_Att_Woody (bool a_woody)
bool Is_Att_UrbanNoVeg (void)
void Set_Att_UrbanNoVeg (bool a_unv)
bool Is_Att_UserDefinedBool (void)
void Set_Att_UserDefinedBool (bool a_value)
int Is_Att_UserDefinedInt (void)
void Set_Att_UserDefinedInt (int a_value)
virtual bool Is_Att_Veg (void)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegPatchy (void)
virtual void Set_Att_VegPatchy (bool)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegCereal ()
virtual void Set_Att_VegCereal (bool)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegGrass ()
virtual void Set_Att_VegGrass (bool)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegMatureCereal ()
virtual void Set_Att_VegMatureCereal (bool)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegMaize ()
virtual void Set_Att_VegMaize (bool)
virtual bool Is_Att_VegGooseGrass ()
virtual void Set_Att_VegGooseGrass (bool)
void SetVegPatchy (bool p)
int GetCattleGrazing (void)
bool GetPigGrazing (void)
bool HasTramlines (void)
bool IsRecentlyMown (void)
int IsRecentlySprayed (void)
int GetPoly (void)
 Returns the polyref number for this polygon. More...
int GetMapIndex (void)
void SetMapIndex (int a_map_index)
int GetOwnerFile (void)
int GetOwnerIndex (void)
int GetLastTreatment (int *a_index)
int GetLastTreatment ()
 Returns the last treatment recorded for the polygon. More...
void ClearManagementActionSum ()
 clears the management action counters More...
void AddManagementActionDone (FarmManagementCategory a_action)
 Record management action throught a crop management action. More...
vector< int > GetManagementTotals ()
FarmGetOwner (void)
double GetArea (void)
virtual void SetSpeciesFunction (TTypesOfPopulation a_species)
 Sets the correct species simulation behaviour for the current species - implemented in VegElement. More...
double GetGooseGrazingForage (GooseSpecies a_goose)
double GetBirdSeed (void)
void SetBirdSeed (double a_forage)
double GetBirdMaize (void)
void SetBirdMaize (double a_forage)
int GetCountryDesignation (void)
void SetCountryDesignation (int a_designation)
long GetOldDays (void)
void SetOwner (Farm *a_owner, int a_owner_num, int a_owner_index)
void SetPoly (int a_poly)
void SetMapValid (bool a_valid)
bool GetMapValid (void)
void SetArea (double a_area)
virtual void GrazeVegetation (double, bool)
virtual void GrazeVegetationHeight (double a_reduc)
virtual void GrazeVegetationTotal (double)
int GetSoilType ()
int GetSoilTypeR ()
void SetSoilType (int a_st)
void SetLastSownVeg (TTypesOfVegetation a_tov)
 Records the last vegetation type to be sown. More...
TTypesOfVegetation GetLastSownVeg ()
 Returns the last vegetation type to be sown. More...
void SetLastTreatment (int a_treatment)
void SetSprayedToday (bool a_didit)
bool GetSprayedToday ()
void SetCopyTreatment (int a_treatment)
void SetOldDays (long a_days)
void SetRotIndex (int a_index)
int GetRotIndex (void)
void SetTramlinesDecay (int a_decaytime_days)
void SetHerbicideDelay (int a_decaytime_days)
void SetMownDecay (int a_decaytime_days)
void AddArea (double a_area_diff)
LEGetBorder (void)
int GetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (void)
void SetBorder (LE *a_border)
void SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef (int a_unsprayedmargin)
void SetPesticideCell (int a_cell)
int GetPesticideCell ()
void SetValidXY (int a_valid_x, int a_valid_y)
int GetValidX (void)
int GetValidY (void)
int GetMaxX (void)
int GetMaxY (void)
int GetMinX (void)
int GetMinY (void)
void SetMaxX (int x)
void SetMaxY (int y)
void SetMinX (int x)
void SetMinY (int y)
int GetMDates (int a, int b)
void SetMDates (int a, int b, int c)
int GetMConstants (int a)
void SetMConstants (int a, int c)
double GetVegDDegs ()
 Get the total of day degrees for the crop/veg on this element. More...
int GetOpenness (void)
 For goose model functionality, openness score for the polygon. More...
double GetElevation (void)
 Get elevation data. More...
double GetSlope (void)
double GetAspect (void)
void SetGooseNos (int a_number, int a_day)
void SetGooseSpNos (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose)
void SetGooseNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day)
void SetGooseSpNosTimed (int a_number, int a_day, GooseSpecies a_goose)
void SetGooseRoostDist (int a_dist, GooseSpecies a_goose)
int GetGooseNosToday ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today. More...
int GetGooseNosTodayTimed ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today at a predefined time. More...
int GetGooseNos ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday. More...
int GetQuarryNos ()
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday which can be hunted as legal quarry. More...
int GetGooseSpNosToday (GooseSpecies a_goose)
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday. More...
int GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed (GooseSpecies a_goose)
 For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday at a predefined time. More...
int GetGooseRoostDist (GooseSpecies a_goose)
 For goose model functionality, returns the distance to closest roost. More...
void SetOpenness (int a_openness)
 Records the openness statistic for this polygon. More...
void SetElevation (double a_elevation)
 Records the elevation of the polygon. More...
void SetSlope (double a_slope)
void SetAspect (double a_aspect)
virtual void ResetDigestibility ()
 sets growth record to zero in descendent classes More...
void DoCopy (const LE *a_Le)
 a copy function to be used because a copy constuctor won't work More...
virtual void SetMaleNewtPresent (bool)
 Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More...
virtual bool IsMaleNewtPresent ()
 Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts. More...
void SetStubble (bool a_flag)
 Sets the in stubble flag. More...
bool GetStubble ()
 Return the in stubble flag. More...
PlantProtectionProducts GetSprayPPPType (void)
 Return the sprayed pesticide type in the field. More...
double GetSprayPPPRate (void)
 Return the sprayed pesticide application rate. More...
void SetSprayPPPType (PlantProtectionProducts a_type)
 Set the sprayed pesticide type in the field. More...
void SetSprayPPPRate (double a_rate)
 Set the sprayed pesticide application rate. More...
void SetPollenNectarCurveRef (int a_PollenNectarCurve)
 Sets the pollen/nectar curve number. More...
void SetPollenNectarType (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg)
 sets the pollen and nectar information based on tov More...
virtual PollenNectarData GetPollen ()
 Gets the pollen quantity & quality for this landscape element. More...
virtual PollenNectarData GetNectar ()
 Gets the nectar quantity & quality for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetPollenQuantity ()
 Gets the pollen quantity for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetPollenQuality ()
 Gets the pollen quality for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetNectarQuantity ()
 Gets the nectar quantity for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetSugar ()
 Gets the nectar quality (sugar) for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetTotalPollen ()
 Returns the total pollen quantity for this landscape element. More...
virtual double GetTotalNectar ()
 Returns the total nectar quantity for this landscape element. More...
virtual void ChangeTotalPollen (double a_amount)
 Removes a_amount from total LE pollen. More...
virtual void ChangeTotalNectar (double a_amount)
 Removes a_amount from total LE nectar. More...
void SetPollenNectarCurves (PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet *a_set)
 Set method for pollen and nectar curves. More...
virtual void CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg)
 The function to calculate flower resource for the crop in a year. More...
virtual void CalculateFlowerResourceForCropSow (TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg)
virtual void PollenNectarReset ()
virtual double supplyNecDD ()
virtual double supplySugDD ()
virtual double supplyPolDD ()
virtual bool GetPollenNectarFlag ()
 Returns the flag showing whether there is potential pollen/nectar here or not. More...
int GetPollenNectarCurveRef (void)
 Returns the pollen nectart curve number. More...

Public Attributes

int m_tried_to_do
int m_squares_in_map
TTypesOfCrops m_CropType
bool m_skylarkscrapes
 For management testing of skylark scrapes. More...

Protected Attributes

vector< int > m_ManagementActionCounts
int m_ptrace [256]
int m_pdates [256]
int m_pindex
long m_running
int m_unsprayedmarginpolyref
int m_valid_x
int m_valid_y
int m_centroidx
int m_centroidy
int m_vege_danger_store
int m_PesticideGridCell
bool m_is_in_map
int m_subtype
int m_maxx
int m_minx
int m_maxy
int m_miny
long m_olddays
long m_management_loop_detect_date
long m_management_loop_detect_count
Farmm_owner {nullptr}
int m_countrydesignation
int m_owner_file
int m_owner_index
int m_rot_index
bool m_sprayedtoday
 flag to indicate an overspray situation More...
int m_poly
 The polyref number for this polygon. More...
int m_map_index
int m_almass_le_type
 This holds the ALMaSS element type reference number. More...
int m_farmfunc_tried_to_do
int m_tramlinesdecay
int m_mowndecay
int m_herbicidedelay
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_type
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_owner_tole
double m_area
 The element area in m2. More...
int m_gooseNos [366]
 The number of geese each day. More...
int m_gooseSpNos [366][gs_foobar]
 The number of geese of each species each day. More...
int m_gooseNosTimed [366]
 The number of geese at a predefined time per day. More...
int m_gooseSpNosTimed [366][gs_foobar]
 The number of geese of each species at a predefined time per day. More...
bool m_instubble
 A flag describing the state of the field from a visual perspective - will be in stubble following a cereal crop until either soil cultivation or March 1st. More...
double m_birdseedforage
 The grain forage present in seeds/m2. More...
double m_birdmaizeforage
 The maize forage present in seeds/m2. More...
double m_goosegrazingforage [gs_foobar]
 The grazing forage present in KJ/min. The last value indicates cereal 1 or not -1. More...
TTypesOfVegetation m_lastsownvegtype
 Records the last vegegetation type that was sown on the element. More...
int m_openness
 The openness metric for a field (if any) More...
double m_elevation
 Elevation data. More...
double m_slope
double m_aspect
double m_dist_to_closest_roost [gs_foobar]
 An array holding the distance to the nearest goose roost. More...
int m_vegage
int m_soiltype
int m_days_since_insecticide_spray
bool m_att_high
bool m_att_water
bool m_att_forest
bool m_att_woody
bool m_att_urbannoveg
bool m_att_userdefinedbool
 a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values More...
int m_att_userdefinedint
 a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values More...
bool m_poison
int m_cattle_grazing
int m_default_grazing_level
bool m_pig_grazing
double m_vegddegs
double m_yddegs
double m_weedddegs
double m_ddegs
vector< int > m_lasttreat
unsigned int m_lastindex
int MDates [2][25]
int MConsts [10]
LE_Signal m_signal_mask
double m_OsmiaNestProb
 to record the chance of osmia nesting More...
int m_maxOsmiaNests
 to record the number of possible osmia nests More...
int m_currentOsmiaNests
 to record the number of actual osmia nests More...
PollenNectarData m_polleninfo
PollenNectarData m_nectarinfo
double m_totalPollen
double m_totalNectar
int m_pollen_nectar_curve_index
 Variable to record the pollen and nectar curve number. More...
int m_flowering_day_counter
 The day counter to enter the flowering period. More...
vector< int > m_flowering_phases
 The array to store the day numbers of for turning point of flower resource. More...
vector< double > m_nectar_amount
 The array to store the nectar amount for each period. More...
vector< double > m_pollen_amount
 The array to store the pollen amount for each period. More...
vector< double > m_sugar_amount
 The array to store the sugar quality for each period. More...
PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSetm_OurPollenNectarCurveSet {NULL}
 pointer to the correct pollen curve set More...
bool m_PollenNectarFlag
 Records whether there is any pollen possibility here or not. More...
PlantProtectionProducts m_spray_ppp_type
 This is to store the sprayed pesticide type. More...
double m_spray_ppp_rate
 This is to store the sprayed pesticide rate. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static double m_monthly_traffic []
 Used for birds that feed on grain on cereal fields 3% spill is expected. More...
static double m_largeroad_load []
static double m_smallroad_load []

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LE()

LE::LE ( Landscape L)

The major job of this constructor is simply to provide default values for all members

808  {
810  m_Landscape = L;
814  m_signal_mask = 0;
815  m_lasttreat.resize(1);
817  m_lastindex = 0;
818  m_running = 0;
819  m_poison = false;
820  m_owner_file = -1;
821  m_owner_index = -1;
825  m_att_high = false;
826  m_att_water = false;
827  m_att_forest = false;
828  m_att_woody = false;
829  m_att_urbannoveg = false;
830  m_att_userdefinedbool = false;
833  m_totalPollen = 0.0;
834  m_totalNectar = 0.0;
836  m_cattle_grazing = 0;
837  m_default_grazing_level = 0; // this means any grazed elements must set this in their constructor.
838  m_pig_grazing = false;
839  m_weedddegs = 0.0;
840  m_yddegs = 0.0;
841  m_vegddegs = -1.0;
842  m_olddays = 0;
844  m_tramlinesdecay = 0;
845  m_mowndecay = 0;
846  m_herbicidedelay = 0;
847  m_border = NULL;
849  m_valid_x = -1;
850  m_valid_y = -1;
851  m_is_in_map = false;
852  m_squares_in_map = 0;
855  m_repeat_start = false;
856  m_skylarkscrapes = false;
858  SetALMaSSEleType(-1);
859  m_ddegs = 0.0;
860  m_maxx = -1; // a very small number
861  m_maxy = -1;
862  m_minx = 9999999; // a very big number
863  m_miny = 9999999;
864  m_countrydesignation = -1; // default not set
865  m_soiltype = -1;
866  m_area = 0;
867  m_centroidx = -1;
868  m_centroidy = -1;
869  m_vege_danger_store = -1;
870  m_PesticideGridCell = -1;
871  m_subtype = -1;
872  m_owner = NULL;
873  m_rot_index = -1;
874  m_poly = -1;
875  m_map_index = -1;
876  m_almass_le_type = -1;
878  SetStubble(false);
879  m_birdseedforage = -1;
880  m_birdmaizeforage = -1;
881  m_openness = -1;
882  m_vegage = -1;
884  m_spray_ppp_rate = -1;
885  for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) SetMConstants(i, 1);
886  for (int i = 0; i < 366; i++)
887  {
888  m_gooseNos[i] = 0;
889  m_gooseNosTimed[i] = 0;
890  for (int l = 0; l < gs_foobar; l++)
891  {
892  m_gooseSpNos[i][l] = 0;
893  m_gooseSpNosTimed[i][l] = 0;
894  }
895  }
896  for (int l = 0; l < gs_foobar; l++)
897  {
898  m_goosegrazingforage[l] = 0;
899  }
900  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
901  {
902  MDates[0][i] = -1;
903  MDates[1][i] = -1;
904  }
907 #ifdef FMDEBUG
908  m_pindex = 0;
909  for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
910  m_pdates[ i ] = 0;
911  m_ptrace[ i ] = 0;
912  }
913 #endif
914 }

References ppp_foobar, sleep_all_day, toc_None, tole_Foobar, and tov_Undefined.

◆ ~LE()

LE::~LE ( void  )
1011  {
1012 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddArea()

void LE::AddArea ( double  a_area_diff)

◆ AddManagementActionDone()

void LE::AddManagementActionDone ( FarmManagementCategory  a_action)

Record management action throught a crop management action.

252 { m_ManagementActionCounts[int(a_action)]++; }

References m_ManagementActionCounts.

Referenced by Farm::CalculateTreatmentCosts().

◆ CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop()

void LE::CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop ( TTypesOfVegetation  a_new_veg)

The function to calculate flower resource for the crop in a year.

1207  {
1209  //get the temperature for a year
1210  Eigen::ArrayXd temp_dd = Eigen::ArrayXd::Zero(365);
1211  for(int i=0; i<365; i++){
1212  temp_dd(i) = g_weather->GetTempAfterDays(i);
1213  }
1214  //std::cout<<temp_dd<<std::endl;
1215  //calculate the accumulated degree days
1216  double max_temp = m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet->GetMaxDDeg();
1217  temp_dd = (temp_dd > max_temp).select(max_temp, temp_dd);
1218  //std::cout<<temp_dd<<std::endl;
1219  double min_temp = m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet->GetThreshold();
1220  temp_dd -= min_temp;
1221  temp_dd = (temp_dd < 0).select(0, temp_dd);
1222  //std::cout<<temp_dd<<std::endl;
1224  //Let's find the start flowering date and end flowering date
1225  double temp_starting_dd = m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet->GetStartingDDFlowering();
1226  double temp_ending_dd = m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet->GetEndingDDFlowering();
1227  double temp_add = 0.0;
1228  int temp_starting_day = 0;
1229  //std::cout<<temp_dd<<std::endl;
1230  for(int i=0; i<365; i++){
1231  temp_add += temp_dd(i);
1232  temp_starting_day = i;
1233  if(temp_add >= temp_starting_dd){
1234  break;
1235  }
1236  }
1238  int temp_ending_day = 0;
1239  for(int i=temp_starting_day+1; i<365; i++){
1240  temp_add += temp_dd(i);
1241  temp_ending_day = i;
1242  if(temp_add >= temp_ending_dd){
1243  break;
1244  }
1245  }
1247  int flower_length = temp_ending_day - temp_starting_day;
1250  m_flowering_phases.front() = temp_starting_day;
1251  m_flowering_phases.back() = temp_ending_day;
1252  //set the first second and the last second
1253  m_flowering_phases[1] = m_flowering_phases.front() + int(cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray.value().front()*flower_length);
1254  m_flowering_phases.end()[-2] = m_flowering_phases.back() - int(cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray.value().back()*flower_length);
1256  //for (int i = 1; i< m_flowering_phases.size()-1; i++){
1257  // m_flowering_phases[i] = m_flowering_phases[i-1] +(cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray.value())[i-1]*flower_length;
1258  //}
1260  //calculate the flower resource
1262  fill(m_nectar_amount.begin(), m_nectar_amount.end(), 0.0);
1263  fill(m_sugar_amount.begin(), m_sugar_amount.end(), 0.0);
1264  fill(m_pollen_amount.begin(), m_pollen_amount.end(), 0.0);
1265  }
1266  else{
1267  for (int i= 0; i< m_nectar_amount.size(); i++){
1271  }
1272  }
1274 }

References cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray, cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesProportionArray, g_weather, Weather::GetTempAfterDays(), and CfgArray_Double::value().

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment().

◆ CalculateFlowerResourceForCropSow()

void LE::CalculateFlowerResourceForCropSow ( TTypesOfVegetation  a_new_veg)
1199  {
1200  bool sowing_flag = g_nectarpollen->tovGetPollenNectarCurveSowingFlag(a_new_veg);
1201  if(!sowing_flag){
1202  return; //it will be calculated in day 1
1203  }
1204  CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop(a_new_veg);
1205 }

References g_nectarpollen, and PollenNectarDevelopmentData::tovGetPollenNectarCurveSowingFlag().

Referenced by Farm::AutumnSow(), Farm::AutumnSowWithFerti(), Farm::PreseedingCultivatorSow(), Farm::SpringSow(), Farm::SpringSowWithFerti(), and Farm::StriglingSow().

◆ ChangeTotalNectar()

virtual void LE::ChangeTotalNectar ( double  a_amount)

Removes a_amount from total LE nectar.

500 { m_totalNectar-=a_amount; if(m_totalNectar <0) m_totalNectar=0;}

References m_totalNectar.

◆ ChangeTotalPollen()

virtual void LE::ChangeTotalPollen ( double  a_amount)

Removes a_amount from total LE pollen.

498 { m_totalPollen-=a_amount; if(m_totalPollen < 0) m_totalPollen=0;}

References m_totalPollen.

◆ ClearManagementActionSum()

void LE::ClearManagementActionSum ( )

clears the management action counters

247  {
249  for (int i = 0; i < (int)fmc_Foobar; i++) m_ManagementActionCounts[i] = 0;
250  }

References fmc_Foobar, and m_ManagementActionCounts.

Referenced by OFirstYearDanger::Do(), PermanentSetAside::Do(), DK_GrazingPigs_Perm::Do(), OGrazingPigs::Do(), DK_GrazingPigs::Do(), DK_OGrazingPigs::Do(), DK_OGrazingPigs_Perm::Do(), OrchardCrop::Do(), PermanentGrassTussocky::Do(), UKMaize::Do(), NorwegianOats::Do(), NorwegianSpringBarley::Do(), DK_GrassTussocky_Perm::Do(), OSeedGrass1::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix2::Do(), WinterRapeStrigling::Do(), GenericCatchCrop::Do(), OCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), BroadBeans::Do(), DK_FarmForest_Perm::Do(), DK_FarmYoungForest_Perm::Do(), DK_PlantNursery_Perm::Do(), OSeedGrass2::Do(), DK_OFarmForest_Perm::Do(), DK_OFarmYoungForest_Perm::Do(), OSBarleySilage::Do(), PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), YoungForestCrop::Do(), HorticultureCrop::Do(), NLCatchCropPea::Do(), OCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), OFieldPeas::Do(), OCloverGrassSilage1::Do(), OFieldPeasSilage::Do(), OPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OGrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), DK_GrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), BECatchPeaCrop::Do(), OCarrots::Do(), DK_OLegume::Do(), DE_OPeas::Do(), OBarleyPeaCloverGrass::Do(), OMaizeSilage::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OCatchCrop::Do(), CloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), DK_CerealLegume::Do(), DK_CerealLegume_Whole::Do(), DK_Legume_Peas::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_Green::Do(), OWinterBarleyExt::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas_CC::Do(), FI_OPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotato_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_South::Do(), FodderGrass::Do(), DE_OLegume::Do(), CloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), OWinterBarley::Do(), DK_SpringBarleySilage::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans_CC::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans::Do(), DK_OLentils::Do(), DK_CatchCrop::Do(), DK_OSpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), NLOrchardCrop::Do(), OWinterRye::Do(), DK_MaizeSilage::Do(), DK_OLupines::Do(), DE_OSpringRye::Do(), DK_OWinterRye::Do(), DK_Legume_Beans::Do(), OOats::Do(), DK_SpringOats::Do(), DK_SpringOats_CC::Do(), DK_SugarBeet::Do(), DE_OMaizeSilage::Do(), DE_OOats::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix3::Do(), DK_OSpringBarley_CC::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), MaizeStrigling::Do(), DK_OWinterRye_CC::Do(), OTriticale::Do(), DE_OWinterWheat::Do(), DK_OCerealLegume_Whole::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole_CC::Do(), DK_OLegumeCloverGrass_Whole::Do(), DE_OMaize::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix1::Do(), Maize::Do(), NLMaizeSpring::Do(), DK_OWinterBarley::Do(), Oats::Do(), DK_Maize::Do(), OSpringBarleyExt::Do(), DK_SpringWheat::Do(), DK_OSpringBarley::Do(), DK_OSugarBeet::Do(), DK_Legume_Whole::Do(), OSpringBarley::Do(), DK_OCerealLegume::Do(), SpringBarleySeed::Do(), OPotatoes::Do(), DummyCropPestTesting::Do(), DK_OFodderBeet::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), FI_Potato_North::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), DE_OWinterRape::Do(), OWinterWheat::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersown::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersownExt::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_North::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_North::Do(), DK_OSpringOats::Do(), DK_OSpringWheat::Do(), OWinterRape::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), PLFodderLucerne2::Do(), PTOliveGroveTradOrganic::Do(), Triticale::Do(), FI_Potato_South::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_South::Do(), NLBeetSpring::Do(), NLMaize::Do(), DE_OSugarBeet::Do(), DK_OVegSeeds::Do(), DE_OCabbages::Do(), DK_SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), Carrots::Do(), DK_OSpringOats_CC::Do(), DK_WinterFodderGrass::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), NLCarrotsSpring::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), DE_OPotatoes::Do(), DK_OWinterRape::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_CC::Do(), DK_OMaize::Do(), DK_OMaizeSilage::Do(), DK_SpringBarley::Do(), NLBeet::Do(), DK_OSpringBarleySilage::Do(), NLGrassGrazedExtensive2::Do(), NLPermanentGrassGrazedExtensive::Do(), DE_OCarrots::Do(), DK_OCabbages::Do(), DK_SpringFodderGrass::Do(), DK_WinterCloverGrassGrazedSown::Do(), DK_OEnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), SetAside::Do(), NLCarrots::Do(), NLGrassGrazedExtensive1Spring::Do(), NLGrassGrazedExtensiveLast::Do(), DK_OCarrots::Do(), NLCabbageSpring::Do(), NLSpringBarleySpring::Do(), DK_WinterBarley::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), PTOliveGroveIntensive::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), DK_EnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), DK_VegSeeds::Do(), PTCorkOak::Do(), NLCabbage::Do(), NLGrassGrazedExtensive1::Do(), DK_WinterRye::Do(), DK_WinterRye_CC::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), PTSetAside::Do(), DK_OGrassGrazed_Perm::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), DK_Carrots::Do(), NLSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), DK_GrassGrazed_Perm::Do(), DE_PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), DE_OPermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), PTBeans::Do(), NLWinterWheat::Do(), PLSpringBarleySpr::Do(), PTOliveGroveSuperIntensive::Do(), PTTurnipGrazed::Do(), DK_OMixedVeg::Do(), PTCabbage_Hort::Do(), PTCabbage::Do(), DE_PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_WinterWheat_CC::Do(), PTOtherDryBeans::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), DK_WinterWheat::Do(), DK_OPotato::Do(), DK_OPotatoIndustry::Do(), DK_OPotatoSeed::Do(), FI_OCaraway2::Do(), PLFodderLucerne1::Do(), PTHorticulture::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), DK_Potato::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), DE_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), PTOliveGroveTraditional::Do(), PTPotatoes::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland_Perm::Do(), DE_HerbsPerennial_after1year::Do(), PTOats::Do(), PTShrubPastures::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), DE_OGreenFallow_1year::Do(), FI_Caraway2::Do(), DK_OSeedGrassRye_Spring::Do(), DE_OPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), NLGrassGrazed2::Do(), NLPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_MixedVeg::Do(), DE_OHerbsPerennial_after1year::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), DE_HerbsPerennial_1year::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), NLGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), NLGrassGrazedLast::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), DE_OHerbsPerennial_1year::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_Perm::Do(), PTMaize::Do(), PTWinterBarley::Do(), PTWinterRye::Do(), PTWinterWheat::Do(), PTMaize_Hort::Do(), FI_BufferZone::Do(), DE_OGrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), FI_BufferZone_Perm::Do(), DK_WinterRape::Do(), DK_SetAside::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland::Do(), PTCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), PTTriticale::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), PTFodderMix::Do(), ITGrassland::Do(), PTGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OSetAside_SummerMow::Do(), DK_OSetAside_PerennialFlower::Do(), DK_OSetAside_AnnualFlower::Do(), PTYellowLupin::Do(), DK_PotatoSeed::Do(), PTSorghum::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), DK_OSetAside::Do(), NLGrassGrazed1::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), DE_Maize::Do(), DK_SetAside_SummerMow::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), OSpringBarleyPigs::Do(), DK_PotatoIndustry::Do(), FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial2::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial1::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial1::Do(), DE_OAsparagusEstablishedPlantation::Do(), FR_SpringBarley::Do(), DE_MaizeSilage::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), NLPotatoesSpring::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), PTRyegrass::Do(), DK_OOrchCherry::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial2::Do(), DE_SpringBarley::Do(), FI_FeedingGround::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), DK_OSpringFodderGrass::Do(), DK_OBushFruit_Perm1::Do(), FI_TurnipRape::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), DE_AsparagusEstablishedPlantation::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat_CC::Do(), FR_Maize_Silage::Do(), FR_Maize::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed3::Do(), FI_FabaBean::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), NLPotatoes::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), NLTulips::Do(), FR_WinterTriticale::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), FI_SpringRape::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), DE_Peas::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), PTCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), FI_Caraway1::Do(), FI_SpringBarley_Malt::Do(), DE_Legumes::Do(), FR_Sunflower::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), DE_OWinterRye::Do(), DK_OWinterFodderGrass::Do(), DE_WinterRye::Do(), DK_OOrchPear::Do(), DE_OTriticale::Do(), DE_OWinterBarley::Do(), FI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed3::Do(), DK_OOrchApple::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), DK_OOrchOther::Do(), DK_OWinterCloverGrassGrazedSown::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), FI_SpringWheat::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), DK_OOrchardCrop_Perm::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), DE_Carrots::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), FI_SpringOats::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), PTPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), FI_SpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), DE_WinterBarley::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), DE_Cabbage::Do(), DE_Oats::Do(), FR_SpringWheat::Do(), DE_SpringRye::Do(), DK_SeedGrassRye_Spring::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), PTVineyards::Do(), DE_GrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), FR_WinterBarley::Do(), FI_WinterWheat::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), FR_Grassland::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), FI_WinterRye::Do(), DE_WinterWheat::Do(), FR_WinterWheat::Do(), DE_Triticale::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), DE_WinterWheatLate::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), FR_WinterRape::Do(), FR_Potatoes::Do(), DE_WinterRape::Do(), DE_Orchard::Do(), DK_SeedGrassFescue_Spring::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), DE_SugarBeet::Do(), DK_OrchCherry::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), DE_Potatoes::Do(), DK_OrchPear::Do(), DK_OrchOther::Do(), DK_OrchApple::Do(), DK_OrchardCrop_Perm::Do(), DE_PotatoesIndustry::Do(), DE_OOrchard::Do(), IRGrassland_reseed::Do(), ITOrchard::Do(), DK_OChristmasTrees_Perm::Do(), ITOOrchard::Do(), and DK_ChristmasTrees_Perm::Do().

◆ DoCopy()

void LE::DoCopy ( const LE a_Le)

a copy function to be used because a copy constuctor won't work

The major job of this method is simply to copy values for all members from one LE to another

916  {
921  m_signal_mask = a_LE->m_signal_mask;
922  m_lasttreat = a_LE->m_lasttreat;
923  m_lastindex = a_LE->m_lastindex;
924  m_running = a_LE->m_running;
925  m_poison = a_LE->m_poison;
926  m_owner_file = a_LE->m_owner_file;
927  m_owner_index = a_LE->m_owner_index;
929  /* Copy Attributes */
930  m_att_high = a_LE->m_att_high;
931  m_att_water = a_LE->m_att_water;
932  m_att_forest = a_LE->m_att_forest;
933  m_att_woody = a_LE->m_att_woody;
934  m_att_urbannoveg = a_LE->m_att_urbannoveg;
935  m_att_userdefinedbool = a_LE->m_att_userdefinedbool;
936  m_att_userdefinedint = a_LE->m_att_userdefinedint;
938  m_cattle_grazing = a_LE->m_cattle_grazing;
939  m_default_grazing_level = a_LE->m_default_grazing_level; // this means any grazed elements must set this in their constructor.
940  m_pig_grazing = a_LE->m_pig_grazing;
941  m_yddegs = a_LE->m_yddegs;
942  m_olddays = a_LE->m_olddays;
943  m_vegddegs = a_LE->m_vegddegs;
944  m_days_since_insecticide_spray = a_LE->m_days_since_insecticide_spray;
945  m_tramlinesdecay = a_LE->m_tramlinesdecay;
946  m_mowndecay = a_LE->m_mowndecay;
947  m_herbicidedelay = a_LE->m_herbicidedelay;
948  m_border = a_LE->m_border;
949  m_unsprayedmarginpolyref = a_LE->m_unsprayedmarginpolyref;
950  m_valid_x = a_LE->m_valid_x;
951  m_valid_y = a_LE->m_valid_y;
952  m_is_in_map = a_LE->m_is_in_map;
953  m_squares_in_map = a_LE->m_squares_in_map;
954  m_management_loop_detect_date = a_LE->m_management_loop_detect_date;
955  m_management_loop_detect_count = a_LE->m_management_loop_detect_count;
956  m_repeat_start = a_LE->m_repeat_start;
957  m_skylarkscrapes = a_LE->m_skylarkscrapes;
958  m_type = a_LE->m_type;
959  m_owner_tole = a_LE->m_owner_tole;
960  m_birdseedforage = a_LE->m_birdseedforage;
961  m_birdmaizeforage = a_LE->m_birdmaizeforage;
962  m_ddegs = a_LE->m_ddegs;
963  m_maxx = a_LE->m_maxx;
964  m_maxy = a_LE->m_maxy;
965  m_minx = a_LE->m_minx;
966  m_miny = a_LE->m_miny;
967  m_countrydesignation = a_LE->m_countrydesignation;
968  m_soiltype = a_LE->m_soiltype;
969  m_area = a_LE->m_area;
970  m_centroidx = a_LE->m_centroidx;
971  m_centroidy = a_LE->m_centroidy;
972  m_vege_danger_store = a_LE->m_vege_danger_store;
973  m_PesticideGridCell = a_LE->m_PesticideGridCell;
974  m_subtype = a_LE->m_subtype;
975  m_owner = a_LE->m_owner;
976  m_rot_index = a_LE->m_rot_index;
977  m_poly = a_LE->m_poly;
978  m_map_index = a_LE->m_map_index;
979  m_almass_le_type = a_LE->m_almass_le_type;
980  m_farmfunc_tried_to_do = a_LE->m_farmfunc_tried_to_do;
981  m_openness = a_LE->m_openness;
982  m_vegage = a_LE->m_vegage;
983  m_elevation = a_LE->m_elevation;
984  m_aspect = a_LE->m_aspect;
985  m_slope = a_LE->m_slope;
986  m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet = a_LE->m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet;
988  for (int i = 0; i < 366; i++)
989  {
990  m_gooseNos[i] = a_LE->m_gooseNos[i];
991  m_gooseNosTimed[i] = a_LE->m_gooseNosTimed[i];
992  for (int l = 0; l < gs_foobar; l++)
993  {
994  m_gooseSpNos[i][l] = a_LE->m_gooseSpNos[i][l];
995  m_gooseSpNosTimed[i][l] = a_LE->m_gooseSpNosTimed[i][l];
996  }
997  }
998  for (int l = 0; l < gs_foobar; l++)
999  {
1000  m_goosegrazingforage[l] = a_LE->m_goosegrazingforage[l];
1001  }
1002  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
1003  {
1004  MDates[0][i] = a_LE->MDates[0][i];
1005  MDates[1][i] = a_LE->MDates[1][i];
1006  }
1007  for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) SetMConstants(i, a_LE->MConsts[i]);
1008 }

References m_almass_le_type, m_area, m_aspect, m_att_forest, m_att_high, m_att_urbannoveg, m_att_userdefinedbool, m_att_userdefinedint, m_att_water, m_att_woody, m_birdmaizeforage, m_birdseedforage, m_border, m_cattle_grazing, m_centroidx, m_centroidy, m_countrydesignation, m_days_since_insecticide_spray, m_ddegs, m_default_grazing_level, m_elevation, m_farmfunc_tried_to_do, m_goosegrazingforage, m_gooseNos, m_gooseNosTimed, m_gooseSpNos, m_gooseSpNosTimed, m_herbicidedelay, m_is_in_map, m_lastindex, m_lasttreat, m_management_loop_detect_count, m_management_loop_detect_date, m_map_index, m_maxx, m_maxy, m_minx, m_miny, m_mowndecay, m_olddays, m_openness, m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet, m_owner, m_owner_file, m_owner_index, m_owner_tole, m_PesticideGridCell, m_pig_grazing, m_poison, m_poly, m_rot_index, m_running, m_signal_mask, m_skylarkscrapes, m_slope, m_soiltype, m_squares_in_map, m_subtype, m_tramlinesdecay, m_type, m_unsprayedmarginpolyref, m_valid_x, m_valid_y, m_vegage, m_vegddegs, m_vege_danger_store, m_yddegs, MConsts, and MDates.

Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::RemoveSmallPolygons().

◆ DoDevelopment()

◆ ForceGrowthDevelopment()

virtual void LE::ForceGrowthDevelopment ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

189 {;}

◆ ForceGrowthInitialiseForFirstYearCrop()

virtual void LE::ForceGrowthInitialiseForFirstYearCrop ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

187 {;}

Referenced by Farm::HandleEvents().

◆ ForceGrowthInitialize()

virtual void LE::ForceGrowthInitialize ( bool  a_force_decreasing = false)

Reimplemented in VegElement.

186 {;}

◆ ForceGrowthTest()

◆ GetAphidDensity()

virtual int LE::GetAphidDensity ( )

Reimplemented in Field.

90 { return false; }

Referenced by Crop::AphidDamage().

◆ GetArea()

double LE::GetArea ( void  )

◆ GetAspect()

double LE::GetAspect ( void  )

◆ GetBirdMaize()

double LE::GetBirdMaize ( void  )
267  {
268  return m_birdmaizeforage;
269  }

References m_birdmaizeforage.

◆ GetBirdSeed()

double LE::GetBirdSeed ( void  )
261  {
262  return m_birdseedforage;
263  }

References m_birdseedforage.

◆ GetBorder()

LE* LE::GetBorder ( void  )
381 { return m_border; }

References m_border.

Referenced by Landscape::BorderAdd().

◆ GetCattleGrazing()

int LE::GetCattleGrazing ( void  )
232 { return m_cattle_grazing; }

References m_cattle_grazing.

Referenced by Farm::CattleIsOut(), and Farm::CattleOut().

◆ GetCentroid()

APoint LE::GetCentroid ( )
1111 {
1112  APoint p;
1113  p.m_x=m_centroidx;
1114  p.m_y=m_centroidy;
1115  return p;
1116 }

References APoint::m_x, and APoint::m_y.

◆ GetCentroidX()

virtual int LE::GetCentroidX ( )

◆ GetCentroidY()

virtual int LE::GetCentroidY ( )

◆ GetCountryDesignation()

int LE::GetCountryDesignation ( void  )
279 { return m_countrydesignation; }

References m_countrydesignation.

◆ GetDayDegrees()

virtual double LE::GetDayDegrees ( void  )
157 { return m_ddegs; }

References m_ddegs.

◆ GetDeadBiomass()

virtual double LE::GetDeadBiomass ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

163 { return 0.0; }

Referenced by Pesticide::MainMapDecay().

◆ GetDigestibility()

virtual double LE::GetDigestibility ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

153 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetElevation()

double LE::GetElevation ( void  )

Get elevation data.

416 { return m_elevation; }

References m_elevation.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), and Landscape::BorderAdd().

◆ GetGooseGrazingForage()

double LE::GetGooseGrazingForage ( GooseSpecies  a_goose)
260 { return m_goosegrazingforage[a_goose]; }

References m_goosegrazingforage.

◆ GetGooseNos()

int LE::GetGooseNos ( )

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday.

This simply looks X days behind at the moment and sums the total number of geese seen.The length of the backward count can be altered by changing the config variable value cfg_goosecountperiod (default 1, only care about yesterday).

1118  {
1123  int geese = 0;
1124  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= (unsigned)cfg_goosecountperiod.value( ); i++) {
1125  unsigned ind = ((unsigned)g_date->DayInYear( ) - i) % 365;
1126  geese += m_gooseNos[ ind ];
1127  }
1128  return geese;
1129 }

References cfg_goosecountperiod, Calendar::DayInYear(), g_date, and CfgInt::value().

◆ GetGooseNosToday()

int LE::GetGooseNosToday ( )

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today.

This simply sums the total number of geese seen today.

1145  {
1149  int geese = 0;
1150  for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)gs_foobar; i++) {
1151  geese += m_gooseSpNos[g_date->DayInYear()][i];
1152  }
1153  return geese;
1154 }

References Calendar::DayInYear(), and g_date.

◆ GetGooseNosTodayTimed()

int LE::GetGooseNosTodayTimed ( )

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese today at a predefined time.

This simply sums the total number of geese seen today at our predefined timepoint.

1156  {
1160  int geese = 0;
1161  for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)gs_foobar; i++) {
1162  geese += m_gooseSpNosTimed[g_date->DayInYear()][i];
1163  }
1164  return geese;
1165 }

References Calendar::DayInYear(), and g_date.

◆ GetGooseRoostDist()

int LE::GetGooseRoostDist ( GooseSpecies  a_goose)

For goose model functionality, returns the distance to closest roost.

Returns the distance to closest roost from the field.

1177  {
1178  return int(m_dist_to_closest_roost[a_goose]);
1179 }

◆ GetGooseSpNosToday()

int LE::GetGooseSpNosToday ( GooseSpecies  a_goose)

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday.

Returns the number of geese of a specific species on a field today.

1168  {
1169  return m_gooseSpNos[g_date->DayInYear()][a_goose];
1170 }

References Calendar::DayInYear(), and g_date.

◆ GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed()

int LE::GetGooseSpNosTodayTimed ( GooseSpecies  a_goose)

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese per species yesterday at a predefined time.

Returns the number of geese of a specific species on a field today.

1173  {
1174  return m_gooseSpNosTimed[g_date->DayInYear()][a_goose];
1175 }

References Calendar::DayInYear(), and g_date.

◆ GetGreenBiomass()

◆ GetGreenBiomassProp()

virtual double LE::GetGreenBiomassProp ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

162 {return 0.0;}

◆ GetInsectPop()

virtual double LE::GetInsectPop ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

166 { return 0.0; }

Referenced by Farm::BulbHarvest(), Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ GetInterestedGreenBiomass()

virtual double LE::GetInterestedGreenBiomass ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

161 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetIsVeg()

virtual bool LE::GetIsVeg ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

145 { return false; }

◆ GetLAGreen()

virtual double LE::GetLAGreen ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

158 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetLastSownVeg()

TTypesOfVegetation LE::GetLastSownVeg ( )

Returns the last vegetation type to be sown.

363  {
364  return m_lastsownvegtype;
365  }

References m_lastsownvegtype.

◆ GetLastTreatment() [1/2]

int LE::GetLastTreatment ( )

Returns the last treatment recorded for the polygon.

This will give the last event recorded for this LE In most cases this will return sleep_all_day

1069  {
1074  return m_lasttreat.back();
1075 }

◆ GetLastTreatment() [2/2]

int LE::GetLastTreatment ( int *  a_index)
1077  {
1078  if (*a_index == (int)m_lastindex)
1079  return sleep_all_day;
1080  int i = (*a_index)++;
1081  int treat = m_lasttreat[i];
1082  return treat;
1083 }

References sleep_all_day.

Referenced by PTVineyards::Do().

◆ GetLATotal()

virtual double LE::GetLATotal ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

159 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetManagementTotals()

vector<int> LE::GetManagementTotals ( )

Returns the a ptr to the current management actions total

254 { return m_ManagementActionCounts; }

References m_ManagementActionCounts.

◆ GetMapIndex()

◆ GetMapValid()

bool LE::GetMapValid ( void  )
290 { return m_is_in_map; }

References m_is_in_map.

◆ GetMaxX()

◆ GetMaxY()

◆ GetMConstants()

int LE::GetMConstants ( int  a)
407 {return MConsts[a];}

References MConsts.

Referenced by PermanentGrassTussocky::Do(), UKMaize::Do(), NorwegianSpringBarley::Do(), DK_GrassTussocky_Perm::Do(), OSeedGrass1::Do(), OSeedGrass2::Do(), PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), DK_OGrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), DK_GrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), SeedGrass1::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), OTriticale::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), Oats::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), Triticale::Do(), Carrots::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), SetAside::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), PLSpringBarleySpr::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), FR_SpringBarley::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), FR_WinterTriticale::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), FR_SpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), FR_WinterBarley::Do(), FR_WinterWheat::Do(), and WinterWheat::Do().

◆ GetMDates()

int LE::GetMDates ( int  a,
int  b 
405 {return MDates[a][b];}

References MDates.

Referenced by PermanentSetAside::Do(), OrchardCrop::Do(), PermanentGrassTussocky::Do(), UKMaize::Do(), NorwegianSpringBarley::Do(), OSeedGrass1::Do(), DK_GrassTussocky_Perm::Do(), NorwegianOats::Do(), WinterRapeStrigling::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix2::Do(), GenericCatchCrop::Do(), BroadBeans::Do(), OSeedGrass2::Do(), OSBarleySilage::Do(), PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), YoungForestCrop::Do(), HorticultureCrop::Do(), OFieldPeasSilage::Do(), OFieldPeas::Do(), OPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OGrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), BECatchPeaCrop::Do(), OCarrots::Do(), DK_GrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), SeedGrass1::Do(), DE_OPeas::Do(), DK_OLegume::Do(), DK_CerealLegume_Whole::Do(), OBarleyPeaCloverGrass::Do(), OMaizeSilage::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_CerealLegume::Do(), DK_OCatchCrop::Do(), DE_OLegume::Do(), OWinterBarleyExt::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_Green::Do(), DK_Legume_Peas::Do(), FI_OPotato_North::Do(), FI_OPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_South::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas_CC::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_South::Do(), DK_CatchCrop::Do(), OWinterBarley::Do(), BEOrchardCrop::Do(), DK_SpringBarleySilage::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans_CC::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas::Do(), DK_OLentils::Do(), DK_OSpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), OWinterRye::Do(), DK_FodderBeet::Do(), DK_MaizeSilage::Do(), DK_OLupines::Do(), OOats::Do(), DK_OWinterRye::Do(), DE_OMaizeSilage::Do(), DE_OOats::Do(), DK_Legume_Beans::Do(), DK_SpringOats::Do(), DK_SpringOats_CC::Do(), DK_SugarBeet::Do(), DE_OSpringRye::Do(), FI_SugarBeet::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix3::Do(), DK_OSpringBarley_CC::Do(), OTriticale::Do(), DK_OWinterRye_CC::Do(), DE_OMaize::Do(), DK_OCerealLegume_Whole::Do(), DE_OWinterWheat::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole_CC::Do(), DK_OLegumeCloverGrass_Whole::Do(), DK_OptimalFlowerMix1::Do(), Maize::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), MaizeStrigling::Do(), NLMaizeSpring::Do(), Oats::Do(), DK_OWinterBarley::Do(), OSpringBarleyExt::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), DK_Maize::Do(), DK_SpringWheat::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), DK_OSpringBarley::Do(), DK_OSugarBeet::Do(), OSpringBarley::Do(), DK_Legume_Whole::Do(), SpringBarleySeed::Do(), DK_OCerealLegume::Do(), OPotatoes::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), DummyCropPestTesting::Do(), DK_OFodderBeet::Do(), FI_Potato_North::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), DE_OWinterRape::Do(), OWinterWheat::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersown::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersownExt::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_North::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_North::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), DK_OSpringOats::Do(), DK_OSpringWheat::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), OWinterRape::Do(), Triticale::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), FI_Potato_South::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_South::Do(), NLMaize::Do(), DK_OVegSeeds::Do(), Carrots::Do(), DK_SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), DE_OSugarBeet::Do(), DE_OCabbages::Do(), NLBeetSpring::Do(), DK_OSpringOats_CC::Do(), DK_WinterFodderGrass::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), DK_OWinterRape::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), DK_SpringBarley::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_CC::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), DK_OMaize::Do(), DK_OMaizeSilage::Do(), NLCarrotsSpring::Do(), DE_OCarrots::Do(), DK_OSpringBarleySilage::Do(), DK_SpringFodderGrass::Do(), DK_WinterCloverGrassGrazedSown::Do(), DK_OCabbages::Do(), DK_OEnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), SetAside::Do(), NLBeet::Do(), NLGrassGrazedExtensiveLast::Do(), DK_OCarrots::Do(), NLCarrots::Do(), NLSpringBarleySpring::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), DK_WinterBarley::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), NLCabbageSpring::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), DKOBroadBeans_test::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), DK_EnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), DK_VegSeeds::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), DK_WinterRye::Do(), DK_WinterRye_CC::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), NLCabbage::Do(), DK_Carrots::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), DK_OGrassGrazed_Perm::Do(), PTSetAside::Do(), NLSpringBarley::Do(), DK_Cabbages::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), DK_GrassGrazed_Perm::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), DE_OPermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), DE_PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), NLWinterWheat::Do(), PTTurnipGrazed::Do(), PLSpringBarleySpr::Do(), PTBeans::Do(), BEGrassGrazed2::Do(), DK_OMixedVeg::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), PTCabbage_Hort::Do(), PTOtherDryBeans::Do(), PTCabbage::Do(), DK_WinterWheat_CC::Do(), FI_OCaraway2::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), DK_WinterWheat::Do(), DE_PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OPotato::Do(), DK_OPotatoIndustry::Do(), DK_OPotatoSeed::Do(), DK_Potato::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), PTPotatoes::Do(), DE_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), DE_OPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), PTOats::Do(), DE_HerbsPerennial_after1year::Do(), FI_Caraway2::Do(), DE_OGreenFallow_1year::Do(), PTShrubPastures::Do(), NLGrassGrazed2::Do(), NLPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_MixedVeg::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), DE_OHerbsPerennial_after1year::Do(), DE_HerbsPerennial_1year::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), NLGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), DE_OHerbsPerennial_1year::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), NLGrassGrazedLast::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), PTWinterRye::Do(), DE_OGrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), PTWinterWheat::Do(), PTMaize::Do(), PTWinterBarley::Do(), PTMaize_Hort::Do(), PTCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), DK_WinterRape::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), PTTriticale::Do(), DK_SetAside::Do(), DK_OSetAside_PerennialFlower::Do(), DK_OSetAside_AnnualFlower::Do(), PTGrassGrazed::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), DK_PotatoSeed::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), DK_OSetAside::Do(), PTSorghum::Do(), DK_OSetAside_SummerMow::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), DE_Maize::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), NLGrassGrazed1::Do(), FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial2::Do(), FI_GrasslandPasturePerennial1::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), DK_SetAside_SummerMow::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), DE_MaizeSilage::Do(), FR_SpringBarley::Do(), DE_OAsparagusEstablishedPlantation::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial1::Do(), DK_PotatoIndustry::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), NLPotatoesSpring::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilagePerennial2::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), DK_OOrchCherry::Do(), DE_SpringBarley::Do(), DK_OSpringFodderGrass::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), FI_TurnipRape::Do(), FI_GrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), DK_OBushFruit_Perm1::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat_CC::Do(), DE_AsparagusEstablishedPlantation::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed3::Do(), FR_Maize::Do(), FR_Maize_Silage::Do(), FI_FabaBean::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat::Do(), DK_OCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), NLPotatoes::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), NLTulips::Do(), FI_SpringRape::Do(), FR_WinterTriticale::Do(), PTCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), FI_Caraway1::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), DE_Peas::Do(), FI_SpringBarley_Malt::Do(), DE_Legumes::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), FR_Sunflower::Do(), DE_OTriticale::Do(), DK_OWinterFodderGrass::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), DE_OWinterRye::Do(), DK_OOrchPear::Do(), DE_WinterRye::Do(), FI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), DK_OWinterCloverGrassGrazedSown::Do(), FI_SpringWheat::Do(), DE_OWinterBarley::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed3::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), DK_OOrchOther::Do(), DK_OOrchardCrop_Perm::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), DK_OOrchApple::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), DK_CloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), FI_SpringOats::Do(), DE_Carrots::Do(), FI_SpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), DK_BushFruit_Perm1::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), PTPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DE_Oats::Do(), DE_Cabbage::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), FR_SpringWheat::Do(), DE_WinterBarley::Do(), DE_SpringRye::Do(), DK_SeedGrassRye_Spring::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), PTVineyards::Do(), FR_WinterBarley::Do(), DE_GrasslandSilageAnnual::Do(), FI_WinterWheat::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), FR_Grassland::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), FI_WinterRye::Do(), DE_WinterWheatLate::Do(), DE_Triticale::Do(), DE_WinterWheat::Do(), FR_WinterWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), FR_Potatoes::Do(), FR_WinterRape::Do(), DE_WinterRape::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), DE_SugarBeet::Do(), DK_OrchCherry::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), DE_Potatoes::Do(), DK_OrchPear::Do(), DK_OrchardCrop_Perm::Do(), DK_OrchApple::Do(), DK_OrchOther::Do(), DE_PotatoesIndustry::Do(), and IRGrassland_reseed::Do().

◆ GetMinX()

◆ GetMinY()

◆ GetNectar()

virtual PollenNectarData LE::GetNectar ( )

Gets the nectar quantity & quality for this landscape element.

484 { return m_nectarinfo; }

References m_nectarinfo.

◆ GetNectarQuantity()

virtual double LE::GetNectarQuantity ( )

Gets the nectar quantity for this landscape element.

490 { return m_nectarinfo.m_quantity; }

References m_nectarinfo, and PollenNectarData::m_quantity.

◆ GetOldDays()

long LE::GetOldDays ( void  )
281 { return m_olddays; }

References m_olddays.

◆ GetOpenness()

int LE::GetOpenness ( void  )

For goose model functionality, openness score for the polygon.

414 { return m_openness; }

References m_openness.

◆ GetOwner()

Farm* LE::GetOwner ( void  )
256 { return m_owner; }

References m_owner.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), UKMaize::Do(), BEOrchardCrop::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), PLFodderLucerne2::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), BEGrassGrazed2::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), PLFodderLucerne1::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland_Perm::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_Perm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), FI_BufferZone_Perm::Do(), FI_BufferZone::Do(), ITGrassland::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), FI_FeedingGround::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), IRGrassland_reseed::Do(), ITOrchard::Do(), and ITOOrchard::Do().

◆ GetOwnerFile()

int LE::GetOwnerFile ( void  )
241 { return m_owner_file; }

References m_owner_file.

◆ GetOwnerIndex()

int LE::GetOwnerIndex ( void  )

◆ GetPesticideCell()

int LE::GetPesticideCell ( )
388 { return m_PesticideGridCell; }

References m_PesticideGridCell.

◆ GetPigGrazing()

bool LE::GetPigGrazing ( void  )
233 { return m_pig_grazing; }

References m_pig_grazing.

◆ GetPoison()

bool LE::GetPoison ( void  )
196 { return m_poison; }

References m_poison.

◆ GetPollen()

virtual PollenNectarData LE::GetPollen ( )

Gets the pollen quantity & quality for this landscape element.

482 { return m_polleninfo; }

References m_polleninfo.

◆ GetPollenNectarCurveRef()

int LE::GetPollenNectarCurveRef ( void  )

◆ GetPollenNectarFlag()

virtual bool LE::GetPollenNectarFlag ( )

Returns the flag showing whether there is potential pollen/nectar here or not.

517 { return m_PollenNectarFlag; }

References m_PollenNectarFlag.

◆ GetPollenQuality()

virtual double LE::GetPollenQuality ( )

Gets the pollen quality for this landscape element.

488 { return m_polleninfo.m_quality; }

References m_polleninfo, and PollenNectarData::m_quality.

◆ GetPollenQuantity()

virtual double LE::GetPollenQuantity ( )

Gets the pollen quantity for this landscape element.

486 { return m_polleninfo.m_quantity; }

References m_polleninfo, and PollenNectarData::m_quantity.

◆ GetPoly()

int LE::GetPoly ( void  )

Returns the polyref number for this polygon.

238 { return m_poly; }

References m_poly.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), UKMaize::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), PLFodderLucerne2::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), PLFodderLucerne1::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland_Perm::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_Perm::Do(), FI_BufferZone::Do(), FI_BufferZone_Perm::Do(), ITGrassland::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), FI_FeedingGround::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), IRGrassland_reseed::Do(), ITOrchard::Do(), ITOOrchard::Do(), Landscape::FindFieldCenter(), Landscape::hb_StripingDist(), Landscape::ReadPolys2(), and PesticideTable::Spray().

◆ GetPreviousTov()

virtual TTypesOfVegetation LE::GetPreviousTov ( int  )

Reimplemented in Field.

195 { return tov_None; }

References tov_None.

Referenced by NorwegianOats::Do().

◆ GetQuarryNos()

int LE::GetQuarryNos ( )

For goose model functionality, returns the number of geese yesterday which can be hunted as legal quarry.

This simply looks X days behind at the moment and sums the total number of legal quarry species seen.The length of the backward count can be altered by changing the config variable value cfg_goosecountperiod (default 1, only care about yesterday).

1131  {
1136  int geese = 0;
1137  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= (unsigned)cfg_goosecountperiod.value(); i++) {
1138  unsigned ind = ((unsigned)g_date->DayInYear() - i) % 365;
1139  geese += m_gooseSpNos[ind][gs_Pinkfoot];
1140  geese += m_gooseSpNos[ind][gs_Greylag];
1141  }
1142  return geese;
1143 }

References cfg_goosecountperiod, Calendar::DayInYear(), g_date, and CfgInt::value().

◆ GetRotIndex()

int LE::GetRotIndex ( void  )
373 { return m_rot_index; }

References m_rot_index.

Referenced by UKMaize::Do(), NorwegianOats::Do(), BEOrchardCrop::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), PLFodderLucerne2::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), BEGrassGrazed2::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), PLFodderLucerne1::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_1year::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland_Perm::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), FI_GreenFallow_Perm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), FI_BufferZone_Perm::Do(), FI_BufferZone::Do(), ITGrassland::Do(), FI_NaturalGrassland::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), FI_FeedingGround::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), IRGrassland_reseed::Do(), ITOrchard::Do(), ITOOrchard::Do(), Farm::GetNextCropStartDate(), and Farm::HandleEvents().

◆ GetSkScrapes()

virtual bool LE::GetSkScrapes ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

155 { return false; }

◆ GetSlope()

double LE::GetSlope ( void  )

◆ GetSoilType()

int LE::GetSoilType ( )

/brief Gets the soil type ref number for the polygon

EZ: NEW SOIL CLASSIFICATION (FAO 2006) Agricultural Usage AlmCode SoilType FAO texture code Description Crop management code None 0 - Water - None 1 S Sand (unspecified) Light (sandy type) Poor 2 LS Loamy sand Light (sandy type) Poor 3 SL Sandy loam Light (sandy type) Poor 4 SCL Sandy clay loam Light (sandy type) Average 5 SiL Silt loam Average (silty loam type) Average 6 SiCL Silty clay loam Average (silty loam type) Good 7 CL Clay loam Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 8 L Loam Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 9 Si Silt Average (silty loam type) Good 10 SC Sandy clay Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 11 SiC Silty clay Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 12 C Clay Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 13 HC Heavy clay Heavy (clay & loam type) Good 14 O Organic & peat Organic & peat

302  {
323  return m_soiltype;
324  }

References m_soiltype.

Referenced by NLCatchCropPea::Do(), BECatchPeaCrop::Do(), DK_CerealLegume::Do(), DK_CerealLegume_Whole::Do(), DK_OCatchCrop::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_Green::Do(), DK_Legume_Peas::Do(), DK_CatchCrop::Do(), DK_SpringBarleySilage::Do(), DK_MaizeSilage::Do(), DK_Legume_Beans::Do(), DK_SpringOats::Do(), DK_SpringOats_CC::Do(), FI_SugarBeet::Do(), NLMaizeSpring::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), DK_Maize::Do(), DK_SpringWheat::Do(), DK_Legume_Whole::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), NLBeetSpring::Do(), NLMaize::Do(), DK_OVegSeeds::Do(), DK_SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), DE_OCabbages::Do(), DK_OMaize::Do(), DK_OMaizeSilage::Do(), NLCarrotsSpring::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), DK_SpringBarley::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_CC::Do(), NLBeet::Do(), DK_OSpringBarleySilage::Do(), DK_SpringFodderGrass::Do(), DK_OEnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), DK_OCabbages::Do(), NLCarrots::Do(), NLCabbageSpring::Do(), NLSpringBarleySpring::Do(), DK_WinterBarley::Do(), DK_EnergyCrop_Perm::Do(), DK_VegSeeds::Do(), NLCabbage::Do(), DK_WinterRye::Do(), DK_WinterRye_CC::Do(), NLSpringBarley::Do(), DK_Cabbages::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), DK_OPotato::Do(), DK_OPotatoIndustry::Do(), DK_WinterWheat::Do(), DK_OPotatoSeed::Do(), DK_WinterWheat_CC::Do(), DK_OSeedGrassRye_Spring::Do(), DK_OBushFruit_Perm2::Do(), DK_MixedVeg::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), DE_Maize::Do(), DE_MaizeSilage::Do(), NLPotatoesSpring::Do(), DK_OOrchCherry::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat_CC::Do(), NLPotatoes::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat::Do(), DE_Carrots::Do(), DE_Cabbage::Do(), DE_Oats::Do(), DE_SpringRye::Do(), DK_SeedGrassRye_Spring::Do(), DK_BushFruit_Perm2::Do(), DK_SeedGrassFescue_Spring::Do(), DK_OrchCherry::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), IRGrassland_reseed::Do(), DK_OChristmasTrees_Perm::Do(), and DK_ChristmasTrees_Perm::Do().

◆ GetSoilTypeR()

int LE::GetSoilTypeR ( )

/brief Gets the soil type ref number for the polygon for rabbit warrens

Those types that are Sandy return 1, otherwise suitable for burrows 0, and 3 if unsuitable. If not soil types are specified then heavy soils suitable for long-term burrows are returned as default.

326  {
330  switch (m_soiltype)
331  {
332  case 0: return 3;
333  case 1: return 1;
334  case 2: return 1;
335  case 3: return 1;
336  case 4: return 1;
337  case 5: return 0;
338  case 6: return 0;
339  case 7: return 0;
340  case 8: return 0;
341  case 9: return 0;
342  case 10: return 0;
343  case 11: return 0;
344  case 12: return 0;
345  case 13: return 0;
346  case 14: return 0;
347  default:
348  return 3;
349  }
350  }

References m_soiltype.

Referenced by BroadBeans::Do().

◆ GetSprayedToday()

bool LE::GetSprayedToday ( )
368 { return m_sprayedtoday; }

References m_sprayedtoday.

◆ GetSprayPPPRate()

double LE::GetSprayPPPRate ( void  )

Return the sprayed pesticide application rate.

468 {return m_spray_ppp_rate;}

References m_spray_ppp_rate.

◆ GetSprayPPPType()

PlantProtectionProducts LE::GetSprayPPPType ( void  )

Return the sprayed pesticide type in the field.

466 {return m_spray_ppp_type;}

References m_spray_ppp_type.

◆ GetStubble()

bool LE::GetStubble ( )

Return the in stubble flag.

464 { return m_instubble; }

References m_instubble.

◆ GetSugar()

virtual double LE::GetSugar ( )

Gets the nectar quality (sugar) for this landscape element.

492 { return m_nectarinfo.m_quality; }

References m_nectarinfo, and PollenNectarData::m_quality.

◆ GetTotalNectar()

virtual double LE::GetTotalNectar ( )

Returns the total nectar quantity for this landscape element.

496 { return m_totalNectar; }

References m_totalNectar.

◆ GetTotalPollen()

virtual double LE::GetTotalPollen ( )

Returns the total pollen quantity for this landscape element.

494 { return m_totalPollen; }

References m_totalPollen.

◆ GetTrafficLoad()

virtual double LE::GetTrafficLoad ( void  )

Reimplemented in SmallRoad, and LargeRoad.

194 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef()

◆ GetValidX()

int LE::GetValidX ( void  )
394 { return m_valid_x; }

References m_valid_x.

◆ GetValidY()

int LE::GetValidY ( void  )
395 { return m_valid_y; }

References m_valid_y.

◆ GetVegAge()

int LE::GetVegAge ( )
141 { return m_vegage; }

References m_vegage.

◆ GetVegBiomass()

◆ GetVegCover()

virtual double LE::GetVegCover ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

147 { return 0.0; }

◆ GetVegDDegs()

double LE::GetVegDDegs ( )

Get the total of day degrees for the crop/veg on this element.

410  {
411  return m_vegddegs; //
412  }

References m_vegddegs.

Referenced by NorwegianOats::Do(), and Pesticide::RecordAllPesticideCompartments().

◆ GetVegDensity()

virtual int LE::GetVegDensity ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

154 { return 0; }

◆ GetVegGrowthStage()

virtual double LE::GetVegGrowthStage ( void  )
146 {return 100;}

◆ GetVegHeight()

◆ GetVegPhase()

virtual int LE::GetVegPhase ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

144 { return vegphase_foobar; }

References vegphase_foobar.

◆ GetVegStore()

int LE::GetVegStore ( void  )

Variable used to record the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ double m_volegrazing; /**.

Variable used to reduce the grazing pressure *‍/ double m_voleResregrowth; /** Variable used to record the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ double m_volegrazingDensity; /** Change the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ void AddVoleGrazing(int a_number) { m_volegrazing+=a_number; } /** Get the current total grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ double GetVoleGrazing( void ) {return m_volegrazing; } /** Calculate the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ void CalcVoleGrazingDensity( void ) { m_volegrazing *= m_voleResregrowth; m_volegrazingDensity = (m_volegrazing/m_area); } /** Get the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles *‍/ double GetVoleGrazingDensity( void ) {return m_volegrazingDensity; } /** Reset the current grazing pressure by e.g. voles ‍/ //void ResetVoleGrazing( void ) { m_volegrazing = 0.0; } long m_user[ EL_MAX_USERSPACE ]; bool m_repeat_start; Landscape GetLandscape(void) { return m_Landscape; } LE_Signal GetSignal( void ) { return m_signal_mask; } void SetSignal( LE_Signal a_signal ) { m_signal_mask = a_signal; } int GetSubType( void ) { return m_subtype; } void SetSubType( int a_subtype ) { m_subtype = a_subtype; } int GetALMaSSEleType(void) { return m_almass_le_type; } void SetALMaSSEleType(int a_type) { m_almass_le_type = a_type; } virtual TTypesOfLandscapeElement GetElementType(void) { return m_type; } virtual TTypesOfLandscapeElement GetOwner_tole(void) { return m_owner_tole; } void SetOwner_tole(TTypesOfLandscapeElement a_tole) { m_owner_tole = a_tole; } void SetElementType( int a_type ) { m_type = (TTypesOfLandscapeElement) a_type; } void Trace( int a_value ); void ResetTrace( void ); long GetRunNum( void ) { return m_running; } void BumpRunNum( void ) { m_running++; } long GetMgtLoopDetectDate ( void ) { return m_management_loop_detect_date; } void SetMgtLoopDetectDate ( long a_num ) { m_management_loop_detect_date = a_num; } long GetMgtLoopDetectCount ( void ) { return m_management_loop_detect_count; } void SetMgtLoopDetectCount ( long a_num ) { m_management_loop_detect_count = a_num; } virtual void Tick( void ); virtual TTypesOfVegetation GetVegType(void) { return tov_None; } virtual TTypesOfCrops GetCropType(void) { return m_CropType; } virtual void SetCropType(TTypesOfCrops /* a_crop

137 { return m_vege_danger_store; }

References m_vege_danger_store.

◆ GetWeedBiomass()

virtual double LE::GetWeedBiomass ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

165 { return 0.0; }

◆ GrazeVeg_Extended()

virtual void LE::GrazeVeg_Extended ( double  )
193 { ; }

◆ GrazeVegetation()

virtual void LE::GrazeVegetation ( double  ,

/brief Reduces the total vegetation biomass as a result of grazing in descendent classes, per m2 mass

Reimplemented in VegElement.

293 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::CattleIsOut(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow2(), Farm::CattleOut(), and Farm::CattleOutLowGrazing().

◆ GrazeVegetationHeight()

virtual void LE::GrazeVegetationHeight ( double  a_reduc)

/brief Reduces the vegetation by length of grass (in cm)

Reimplemented in VegElement.

295 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::CattleIsOut(), and Farm::CattleOut().

◆ GrazeVegetationTotal()

virtual void LE::GrazeVegetationTotal ( double  )

/brief Reduces the total vegetation biomass as a result of grazing in descendent classes, total polygon mass

Reimplemented in VegElement.

298  {
299  ;
300  }

◆ HasTramlines()

bool LE::HasTramlines ( void  )
234 { return ( m_tramlinesdecay>0 ); }

References m_tramlinesdecay.

◆ Insecticide()

virtual void LE::Insecticide ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

168 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::BiocideTreat(), Farm::InsecticideTreat(), and Farm::ProductApplication().

◆ InsectMortality()

virtual void LE::InsectMortality ( double  )

◆ Is_Att_Forest()

bool LE::Is_Att_Forest ( void  )
203 { return m_att_forest; }

References m_att_forest.

◆ Is_Att_High()

bool LE::Is_Att_High ( void  )
199 { return m_att_high; }

References m_att_high.

◆ Is_Att_UrbanNoVeg()

bool LE::Is_Att_UrbanNoVeg ( void  )
207 { return m_att_urbannoveg; }

References m_att_urbannoveg.

◆ Is_Att_UserDefinedBool()

bool LE::Is_Att_UserDefinedBool ( void  )
209 { return m_att_userdefinedbool; }

References m_att_userdefinedbool.

◆ Is_Att_UserDefinedInt()

int LE::Is_Att_UserDefinedInt ( void  )
211 { return m_att_userdefinedint; }

References m_att_userdefinedint.

◆ Is_Att_Veg()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_Veg ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

214 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegCereal()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegCereal ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

217 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegGooseGrass()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegGooseGrass ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

225 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegGrass()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegGrass ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

219 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegMaize()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegMaize ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

223 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegMatureCereal()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegMatureCereal ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

221 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_VegPatchy()

virtual bool LE::Is_Att_VegPatchy ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

215 { return false; }

◆ Is_Att_Water()

bool LE::Is_Att_Water ( void  )
201 { return m_att_water; }

References m_att_water.

◆ Is_Att_Woody()

bool LE::Is_Att_Woody ( void  )
205 { return m_att_woody; }

References m_att_woody.

◆ IsMaleNewtPresent()

virtual bool LE::IsMaleNewtPresent ( )

Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts.

Reimplemented in Pond.

460 { return false; };

◆ IsRecentlyMown()

bool LE::IsRecentlyMown ( void  )
235 { return ( m_mowndecay>0 ); }

References m_mowndecay.

◆ IsRecentlySprayed()

int LE::IsRecentlySprayed ( void  )
236 { return ( m_herbicidedelay ); }

References m_herbicidedelay.

◆ PollenNectarReset()

virtual void LE::PollenNectarReset ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

512 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::BulbHarvest(), Farm::Harvest(), and Landscape::ReadPolys2().

◆ RecalculateBugsNStuff()

virtual void LE::RecalculateBugsNStuff ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

143 { }

Referenced by Farm::BulbHarvest(), Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ ReduceVeg()

virtual void LE::ReduceVeg ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

191 {;}

Referenced by Farm::Mowing(), Farm::SetFunctionData(), and Farm::SetFunctionDataNoUM().

◆ ReduceVeg_Extended()

virtual void LE::ReduceVeg_Extended ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

192 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::PigsAreOutForced(), and Farm::PigsOut().

◆ ReduceWeedBiomass()

virtual void LE::ReduceWeedBiomass ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

170 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::HerbicideTreat().

◆ ResetDigestibility()

virtual void LE::ResetDigestibility ( )

sets growth record to zero in descendent classes

Reimplemented in VegElement.

454 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::BulbHarvest(), Farm::CutToSilage(), Farm::HandleEvents(), Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ Set_Att_Forest()

void LE::Set_Att_Forest ( bool  a_forest)
204 { m_att_forest = a_forest; }

References m_att_forest.

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOLE_Att().

◆ Set_Att_High()

void LE::Set_Att_High ( bool  a_high)
200 { m_att_high = a_high; }

References m_att_high.

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOLE_Att().

◆ Set_Att_UrbanNoVeg()

void LE::Set_Att_UrbanNoVeg ( bool  a_unv)
208 { m_att_urbannoveg = a_unv; }

References m_att_urbannoveg.

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOLE_Att().

◆ Set_Att_UserDefinedBool()

void LE::Set_Att_UserDefinedBool ( bool  a_value)
210 { m_att_userdefinedbool = a_value; }

References m_att_userdefinedbool.

◆ Set_Att_UserDefinedInt()

void LE::Set_Att_UserDefinedInt ( int  a_value)
212 { m_att_userdefinedint = a_value; }

References m_att_userdefinedint.

◆ Set_Att_VegCereal()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegCereal ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

218 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOV_Att().

◆ Set_Att_VegGooseGrass()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegGooseGrass ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

226 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOV_Att().

◆ Set_Att_VegGrass()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegGrass ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

220 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::NewElement(), and Landscape::Set_TOV_Att().

◆ Set_Att_VegMaize()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegMaize ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

224 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOV_Att().

◆ Set_Att_VegMatureCereal()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegMatureCereal ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

222 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOV_Att().

◆ Set_Att_VegPatchy()

virtual void LE::Set_Att_VegPatchy ( bool  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

216 { ; }

Referenced by SetVegPatchy().

◆ Set_Att_Water()

void LE::Set_Att_Water ( bool  a_water)
202 { m_att_water = a_water; }

References m_att_water.

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOLE_Att().

◆ Set_Att_Woody()

void LE::Set_Att_Woody ( bool  a_woody)
206 { m_att_woody = a_woody; }

References m_att_woody.

Referenced by Landscape::Set_TOLE_Att().

◆ SetArea()

void LE::SetArea ( double  a_area)

◆ SetAspect()

void LE::SetAspect ( double  a_aspect)

◆ SetBirdMaize()

void LE::SetBirdMaize ( double  a_forage)
276  {
277  m_birdmaizeforage = a_forage;
278  }

References m_birdmaizeforage.

Referenced by Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ SetBirdSeed()

void LE::SetBirdSeed ( double  a_forage)
264  {
265  m_birdseedforage = a_forage;
266  }

References m_birdseedforage.

Referenced by Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ SetBorder()

void LE::SetBorder ( LE a_border)
384 { m_border = a_border; }

References m_border.

Referenced by Landscape::BorderAdd().

◆ SetCentroid()

virtual void LE::SetCentroid ( int  x,
int  y 

◆ SetCopyTreatment()

void LE::SetCopyTreatment ( int  a_treatment)
1044  {
1045  SetLastTreatment( a_treatment );
1046 }

◆ SetCountryDesignation()

void LE::SetCountryDesignation ( int  a_designation)
280 { m_countrydesignation = a_designation; }

References m_countrydesignation.

Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().

◆ SetCropData()

virtual void LE::SetCropData ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
TTypesOfVegetation  ,
double  ,

Reimplemented in VegElement.

182 { ; }

◆ SetCropDataAll()

virtual void LE::SetCropDataAll ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
double  ,
TTypesOfVegetation  ,
double  ,
double  ,
int  ,
double  ,
bool  ,
double  ,
double  ,

Reimplemented in VegElement.

183 {;}

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment().

◆ SetDigestibility()

virtual void LE::SetDigestibility ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

178 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().

◆ SetElevation()

void LE::SetElevation ( double  a_elevation)

Records the elevation of the polygon.

450 { m_elevation = a_elevation; }

References m_elevation.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), and Landscape::ReadPolys2().

◆ SetGooseNos()

void LE::SetGooseNos ( int  a_number,
int  a_day 

For goose model functionality, records the number of geese on a_day day

420 { m_gooseNos[a_day] = a_number; }

References m_gooseNos.

◆ SetGooseNosTimed()

void LE::SetGooseNosTimed ( int  a_number,
int  a_day 

For goose model functionality, records the number of geese on a_day day

426 { m_gooseNosTimed[a_day] = a_number; }

References m_gooseNosTimed.

◆ SetGooseRoostDist()

void LE::SetGooseRoostDist ( int  a_dist,
GooseSpecies  a_goose 

For goose model functionality, records the distance to the closest roost.

432 { m_dist_to_closest_roost[a_goose] = a_dist; }

References m_dist_to_closest_roost.

◆ SetGooseSpNos()

void LE::SetGooseSpNos ( int  a_number,
int  a_day,
GooseSpecies  a_goose 

For goose model functionality, records the number of geese on a_day day

422  {
423  m_gooseSpNos[a_day][a_goose] = a_number;
424  }

References m_gooseSpNos.

◆ SetGooseSpNosTimed()

void LE::SetGooseSpNosTimed ( int  a_number,
int  a_day,
GooseSpecies  a_goose 

For goose model functionality, records the number of geese on a_day day

428  {
429  m_gooseSpNosTimed[a_day][a_goose] = a_number;
430  }

References m_gooseSpNosTimed.

◆ SetGrazingLevel()

virtual void LE::SetGrazingLevel ( int  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

180 { ; }

Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().

◆ SetGrowthPhase()

◆ SetHerbicideDelay()

void LE::SetHerbicideDelay ( int  a_decaytime_days)
377  { m_herbicidedelay = a_decaytime_days; }

References m_herbicidedelay.

Referenced by Farm::HerbicideTreat(), Farm::Strigling(), and Farm::StriglingSow().

◆ SetInsectPop()

virtual void LE::SetInsectPop ( double  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

167 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::Harvest(), and Farm::HarvestLong().

◆ SetLastSownVeg()

◆ SetLastTreatment()

void LE::SetLastTreatment ( int  a_treatment)
1048  {
1049  unsigned sz = (int) m_lasttreat.size();
1050  if ( m_lastindex == sz )
1051  m_lasttreat.resize( m_lastindex + 1 );
1053  m_lasttreat[ m_lastindex++ ] = a_treatment;
1055  // Count this treatment in the grand scope of things.
1056  m_Landscape->IncTreatCounter( a_treatment );
1057  // If we have a field margin then we need to tell it about this
1058  // but not if it is an insecticide spray etc..
1059  /* if (m_unsprayedmarginpolyref!=-1) { switch (a_treatment) { case herbicide_treat: case growth_regulator:
1060  case fungicide_treat: case insecticide_treat: case trial_insecticidetreat: case syninsecticide_treat: case molluscicide:
1061  break; // Do not add sprayings default: LE* le=g_landscape_p->SupplyLEPointer(m_unsprayedmarginpolyref);
1062  le->SetCopyTreatment(a_treatment); // Now we also need to do something with the treatment
1064  break; }
1066  } */
1067 }

Referenced by Farm::BiocideTreat(), Farm::CattleIsOut(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow2(), Farm::CattleOut(), Farm::CattleOutLowGrazing(), FlowerStrip::Cutting(), FieldBoundary::Cutting(), RoadsideVerge::Cutting(), Orchard::Cutting(), MownGrassStrip::Cutting(), Farm::FungicideTreat(), Farm::GrowthRegulator(), Farm::HerbicideTreat(), Farm::InsecticideTreat(), Farm::Molluscicide(), Farm::Mowing(), Farm::OrganicFungicide(), Farm::OrganicHerbicide(), Farm::OrganicInsecticide(), Farm::Pheromone(), Farm::PigsAreOutForced(), Farm::PigsOut(), Farm::ProductApplication(), Farm::ProductApplication_DateLimited(), Farm::SetFunctionData(), Farm::SetFunctionDataNoUM(), Farm::Suckering(), and Farm::WinterHarrow().

◆ SetMaleNewtPresent()

virtual void LE::SetMaleNewtPresent ( bool  )

Sets a male newt as present/absent in descendent classes - here only to prevent need for dynamic casts.

Reimplemented in Pond.

458 { ; };

◆ SetMapIndex()

void LE::SetMapIndex ( int  a_map_index)

◆ SetMapValid()

void LE::SetMapValid ( bool  a_valid)

◆ SetMaxX()

void LE::SetMaxX ( int  x)
401 { m_maxx=x; }

References m_maxx.

◆ SetMaxY()

void LE::SetMaxY ( int  y)
402 { m_maxy=y; }

References m_maxy.

◆ SetMConstants()

void LE::SetMConstants ( int  a,
int  c 
408 {MConsts[a]=c;}

References MConsts.

Referenced by PermanentSetAside::Do(), OrchardCrop::Do(), PermanentGrassTussocky::Do(), UKMaize::Do(), OSeedGrass1::Do(), DK_GrassTussocky_Perm::Do(), NorwegianSpringBarley::Do(), GenericCatchCrop::Do(), NorwegianOats::Do(), OSeedGrass2::Do(), PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), HorticultureCrop::Do(), YoungForestCrop::Do(), BECatchPeaCrop::Do(), SeedGrass1::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OCatchCrop::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotato_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_North::Do(), DK_CatchCrop::Do(), BEOrchardCrop::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), FI_SugarBeet::Do(), OTriticale::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), Oats::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), FI_Potato_North::Do(), DummyCropPestTesting::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_North::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_North::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), Triticale::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), Carrots::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), SetAside::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), PLSpringBarleySpr::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), BEGrassGrazed2::Do(), FI_OCaraway2::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), FI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), and IRGrassland_reseed::Do().

◆ SetMDates()

void LE::SetMDates ( int  a,
int  b,
int  c 
406 {MDates[a][b]=c;}

References MDates.

Referenced by PermanentSetAside::Do(), DK_GrazingPigs_Perm::Do(), OGrazingPigs::Do(), DK_GrazingPigs::Do(), DK_OGrazingPigs::Do(), DK_OGrazingPigs_Perm::Do(), UKMaize::Do(), OrchardCrop::Do(), PermanentGrassTussocky::Do(), NorwegianOats::Do(), NorwegianSpringBarley::Do(), WinterRapeStrigling::Do(), DK_GrassTussocky_Perm::Do(), OSeedGrass1::Do(), GenericCatchCrop::Do(), BroadBeans::Do(), OSeedGrass2::Do(), YoungForestCrop::Do(), OSBarleySilage::Do(), PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), HorticultureCrop::Do(), OFieldPeas::Do(), OFieldPeasSilage::Do(), OPermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), OCarrots::Do(), BECatchPeaCrop::Do(), DK_OLegume::Do(), SeedGrass1::Do(), OBarleyPeaCloverGrass::Do(), OMaizeSilage::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), DK_OCatchCrop::Do(), FI_OPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_North::Do(), FI_OPotato_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_South::Do(), OWinterBarleyExt::Do(), BEOrchardCrop::Do(), DK_CatchCrop::Do(), OWinterBarley::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), OWinterRye::Do(), OOats::Do(), FI_SugarBeet::Do(), Maize::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), MaizeStrigling::Do(), OTriticale::Do(), UKBeans::Do(), Oats::Do(), BEMaizeSpring::Do(), OSpringBarleyExt::Do(), SpringBarleySeed::Do(), OSpringBarley::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), OPotatoes::Do(), FI_Potato_North::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), DummyCropPestTesting::Do(), OWinterWheat::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersown::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersownExt::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_North::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_North::Do(), BEMaize::Do(), UKBeet::Do(), Triticale::Do(), OWinterRape::Do(), BEBeetSpring::Do(), Carrots::Do(), UKSpringBarley::Do(), UKWinterBarley::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), BEBeet::Do(), SetAside::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), BEWinterBarley::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), DKOBroadBeans_test::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), BEWinterWheat::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), DK_Carrots_Spring::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), UKWinterWheat::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), PLCarrots::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), TestCrop::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1Spring::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), UKWinterRape::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), BEGrassGrazed1::Do(), BEGrassGrazed2::Do(), BEGrassGrazedLast::Do(), PLSpringBarleySpr::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), FI_OCaraway2::Do(), FR_Grassland_Perm::Do(), UKPermanentGrass::Do(), UKPotatoes::Do(), UKTempGrass::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), PLBeetSpr::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), PLBeans::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Malt::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), BEPotatoesSpring::Do(), FI_OFabaBean::Do(), FI_OCaraway1::Do(), FI_OSpringOats::Do(), FI_OTurnipRape::Do(), FI_OSpringRape::Do(), FI_OSpringWheat::Do(), FI_OSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), FR_SpringOats::Do(), PLWinterRye::Do(), FR_Sorghum::Do(), BEPotatoes::Do(), PLMaizeSilage::Do(), PLMaize::Do(), PLSpringBarley::Do(), FI_OWinterRye::Do(), SE_SpringBarley::Do(), PLWinterTriticale::Do(), FI_OWinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheat::Do(), FI_SprSpringBarley_Fodder::Do(), PLBeet::Do(), PLWinterBarley::Do(), PLSpringWheat::Do(), PLWinterWheatLate::Do(), SE_WinterRape_Seed::Do(), PLPotatoes::Do(), SE_WinterWheat::Do(), PLWinterRape::Do(), IRSpringOats::Do(), IRSpringBarley::Do(), IRWinterOats::Do(), IRWinterBarley::Do(), IRSpringWheat::Do(), IRWinterWheat::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), IRGrassland_no_reseed::Do(), and IRGrassland_reseed::Do().

◆ SetMinX()

void LE::SetMinX ( int  x)
403 { m_minx=x; }

References m_minx.

◆ SetMinY()

void LE::SetMinY ( int  y)
404 { m_miny=y; }

References m_miny.

◆ SetMownDecay()

void LE::SetMownDecay ( int  a_decaytime_days)
379  { m_mowndecay = a_decaytime_days; }

References m_mowndecay.

Referenced by Farm::CutOrch(), Orchard::Cutting(), and MownGrassStrip::Cutting().

◆ SetOldDays()

void LE::SetOldDays ( long  a_days)
370 { m_olddays = a_days; }

References m_olddays.

◆ SetOpenness()

void LE::SetOpenness ( int  a_openness)

Records the openness statistic for this polygon.

448 { m_openness=a_openness; }

References m_openness.

Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::ReadPolys2().

◆ SetOwner()

void LE::SetOwner ( Farm a_owner,
int  a_owner_num,
int  a_owner_index 
283  {
284  m_owner = a_owner;
285  m_owner_file = a_owner_num;
286  m_owner_index = a_owner_index;
287  }

References m_owner, m_owner_file, and m_owner_index.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), FarmManager::AddField(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), and Landscape::RemoveSmallPolygons().

◆ SetPesticideCell()

void LE::SetPesticideCell ( int  a_cell)
387 { m_PesticideGridCell = a_cell; }

References m_PesticideGridCell.

◆ SetPoison()

void LE::SetPoison ( bool  a_poison)
197 { m_poison = a_poison; }

References m_poison.

◆ SetPollenNectarCurveRef()

void LE::SetPollenNectarCurveRef ( int  a_PollenNectarCurve)

Sets the pollen/nectar curve number.

475  {
476  m_pollen_nectar_curve_index = a_PollenNectarCurve;
477  m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet = NULL; //this function is called in general,
478  }

References m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet, and m_pollen_nectar_curve_index.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), and Landscape::ReadPolys2().

◆ SetPollenNectarCurves()

void LE::SetPollenNectarCurves ( PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet a_set)

Set method for pollen and nectar curves.

The pollen and nectar curves provide a pollen and nectar production per day. The ampount is the assumed amount at the start of the day. There is no carry over from the day before e.g. if it was all taken by bees on one day it is completely refilled the next day start

502  {
508  }

References m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet.

◆ SetPollenNectarType()

◆ SetPoly()

void LE::SetPoly ( int  a_poly)

◆ SetRotIndex()

void LE::SetRotIndex ( int  a_index)
371 { m_rot_index = a_index; }

References m_rot_index.

Referenced by Farm::HandleEvents().

◆ SetSlope()

void LE::SetSlope ( double  a_slope)

◆ SetSoilType()

void LE::SetSoilType ( int  a_st)
351  {
352  m_soiltype = a_st;
353  }

References m_soiltype.

Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::ReadPolys2().

◆ SetSpeciesFunction()

virtual void LE::SetSpeciesFunction ( TTypesOfPopulation  a_species)

Sets the correct species simulation behaviour for the current species - implemented in VegElement.

Reimplemented in VegElement.

259 { ; }

◆ SetSprayedToday()

void LE::SetSprayedToday ( bool  a_didit)

◆ SetSprayPPPRate()

void LE::SetSprayPPPRate ( double  a_rate)

Set the sprayed pesticide application rate.

472 {m_spray_ppp_rate = a_rate;}

References m_spray_ppp_rate.

◆ SetSprayPPPType()

void LE::SetSprayPPPType ( PlantProtectionProducts  a_type)

Set the sprayed pesticide type in the field.

470 {m_spray_ppp_type = a_type;}

References m_spray_ppp_type.

◆ SetStubble()

void LE::SetStubble ( bool  a_flag)

Sets the in stubble flag.

462 { m_instubble = a_flag; }

References m_instubble.

Referenced by Farm::Harvest(), Farm::HarvestLong(), and VegElement::ZeroVeg().

◆ SetTramlinesDecay()

◆ SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef()

void LE::SetUnsprayedMarginPolyRef ( int  a_unsprayedmargin)

◆ SetValidXY()

void LE::SetValidXY ( int  a_valid_x,
int  a_valid_y 
390  {
391  m_valid_x = a_valid_x;
392  m_valid_y = a_valid_y;
393  }

References m_valid_x, and m_valid_y.

Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), and Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible().

◆ SetVegBiomass()

virtual void LE::SetVegBiomass ( int  )
174 {;}

◆ SetVegGrowthScalerRand()

virtual void LE::SetVegGrowthScalerRand ( )

Reimplemented in Field, and VegElement.

156 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::HandleEvents(), and Landscape::NewElement().

◆ SetVegHeight()

virtual void LE::SetVegHeight ( double  )

◆ SetVegParameters()

virtual void LE::SetVegParameters ( double  ,
double  ,
double  ,

Reimplemented in VegElement.

181 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::CutOrch().

◆ SetVegPatchy()

void LE::SetVegPatchy ( bool  p)
229 { Set_Att_VegPatchy(p); }

References Set_Att_VegPatchy().

Referenced by Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), BroadBeans::Do(), DK_OLegume::Do(), FI_OPotato_North::Do(), FI_OPotato_South::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_North::Do(), FI_OPotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_OStarchPotato_South::Do(), DK_Legume_Peas::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas_CC::Do(), DK_OLentils::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans::Do(), DK_OLegume_Beans_CC::Do(), DK_OLegume_Peas::Do(), DK_OLupines::Do(), DK_FodderBeet::Do(), DK_SpringOats_CC::Do(), DK_SugarBeet::Do(), FI_SugarBeet::Do(), DK_Legume_Beans::Do(), DK_OLegumeCloverGrass_Whole::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole_CC::Do(), DK_OSpringBarley_CC::Do(), DK_OLegume_Whole::Do(), NLMaizeSpring::Do(), DK_Legume_Whole::Do(), DK_OSugarBeet::Do(), DK_OFodderBeet::Do(), FI_Potato_North::Do(), OPotatoes::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_North::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_North::Do(), OFodderBeet::Do(), FI_Potato_South::Do(), FI_PotatoIndustry_South::Do(), FI_StarchPotato_South::Do(), DE_OSugarBeet::Do(), NLMaize::Do(), DK_SpringBarley_CC::Do(), SetAside::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), BEWinterBarleyCC::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), DKOBroadBeans_test::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), BEWinterWheatCC::Do(), DK_WinterRye_CC::Do(), PTSetAside::Do(), NLWinterWheat::Do(), PTCabbage_Hort::Do(), DK_WinterWheat_CC::Do(), DK_Potato::Do(), PTMaize_Hort::Do(), DK_SetAside::Do(), DK_PotatoSeed::Do(), DK_OSetAside_PerennialFlower::Do(), DK_OSetAside::Do(), DK_OSetAside_AnnualFlower::Do(), DK_OSetAside_SummerMow::Do(), DK_PotatoIndustry::Do(), DK_SetAside_SummerMow::Do(), DK_OWinterWheat_CC::Do(), and Landscape::NewElement().

◆ SetVegStore()

void LE::SetVegStore ( int  a_veg)
139  { m_vege_danger_store = a_veg; }

References m_vege_danger_store.

Referenced by Farm::HandleEvents().

◆ SetVegType() [1/2]

◆ SetVegType() [2/2]

virtual void LE::SetVegType ( TTypesOfVegetation  ,

Reimplemented in VegElement.

176 {;}

◆ StoreLAItotal()

virtual void LE::StoreLAItotal ( )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

184 {;}

◆ supplyNecDD()

virtual double LE::supplyNecDD ( )
513 {return 0.0;}

◆ supplyPolDD()

virtual double LE::supplyPolDD ( )
515 {return 0.0;}

◆ supplySugDD()

virtual double LE::supplySugDD ( )
514 {return 0.0;}

◆ ToggleCattleGrazing()

virtual void LE::ToggleCattleGrazing ( void  )

◆ ToggleIrrigation()

virtual void LE::ToggleIrrigation ( void  )
173 { ; }

Referenced by Farm::Irrigation(), and Farm::IrrigationStart().

◆ TogglePigGrazing()

virtual void LE::TogglePigGrazing ( void  )

Reimplemented in VegElement.

172 {;}

Referenced by Farm::PigsAreOut(), and Farm::PigsOut().

◆ ZeroVeg()

virtual void LE::ZeroVeg ( void  )

◆ ZeroVegAge()

void LE::ZeroVegAge ( )
140 { m_vegage=0; }

References m_vegage.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_almass_le_type

int LE::m_almass_le_type

This holds the ALMaSS element type reference number.

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_area

◆ m_aspect

double LE::m_aspect

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetAspect(), and SetAspect().

◆ m_att_forest

bool LE::m_att_forest

◆ m_att_high

bool LE::m_att_high

Referenced by DoCopy(), Is_Att_High(), and Set_Att_High().

◆ m_att_urbannoveg

bool LE::m_att_urbannoveg

◆ m_att_userdefinedbool

bool LE::m_att_userdefinedbool

a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values

Referenced by DoCopy(), Is_Att_UserDefinedBool(), and Set_Att_UserDefinedBool().

◆ m_att_userdefinedint

int LE::m_att_userdefinedint

a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values

Referenced by DoCopy(), Is_Att_UserDefinedInt(), and Set_Att_UserDefinedInt().

◆ m_att_water

bool LE::m_att_water

Referenced by DoCopy(), Is_Att_Water(), and Set_Att_Water().

◆ m_att_woody

bool LE::m_att_woody

Referenced by DoCopy(), Is_Att_Woody(), and Set_Att_Woody().

◆ m_birdmaizeforage

double LE::m_birdmaizeforage

The maize forage present in seeds/m2.

Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources(), DoCopy(), GetBirdMaize(), SetBirdMaize(), and VegElement::ZeroVeg().

◆ m_birdseedforage

double LE::m_birdseedforage

The grain forage present in seeds/m2.

Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources(), DoCopy(), GetBirdSeed(), SetBirdSeed(), and VegElement::ZeroVeg().

◆ m_border

LE* LE::m_border

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetBorder(), and SetBorder().

◆ m_cattle_grazing

◆ m_centroidx

int LE::m_centroidx

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetCentroidX(), and SetCentroid().

◆ m_centroidy

int LE::m_centroidy

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetCentroidY(), and SetCentroid().

◆ m_countrydesignation

int LE::m_countrydesignation

◆ m_CropType

◆ m_currentOsmiaNests

int LE::m_currentOsmiaNests

to record the number of actual osmia nests

◆ m_days_since_insecticide_spray

int LE::m_days_since_insecticide_spray

◆ m_ddegs

◆ m_default_grazing_level

int LE::m_default_grazing_level

◆ m_dist_to_closest_roost

double LE::m_dist_to_closest_roost[gs_foobar]

An array holding the distance to the nearest goose roost.

Referenced by SetGooseRoostDist().

◆ m_elevation

double LE::m_elevation

Elevation data.

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetElevation(), and SetElevation().

◆ m_farmfunc_tried_to_do

int LE::m_farmfunc_tried_to_do

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_flowering_day_counter

int LE::m_flowering_day_counter

The day counter to enter the flowering period.

Referenced by VegElement::PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation(), and VegElement::PollenNectarReset().

◆ m_flowering_phases

vector<int> LE::m_flowering_phases

The array to store the day numbers of for turning point of flower resource.

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment(), VegElement::PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation(), and VegElement::PollenNectarReset().

◆ m_goosegrazingforage

double LE::m_goosegrazingforage[gs_foobar]

The grazing forage present in KJ/min. The last value indicates cereal 1 or not -1.

Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources(), DoCopy(), and GetGooseGrazingForage().

◆ m_gooseNos

int LE::m_gooseNos[366]

The number of geese each day.

Referenced by DoCopy(), VegElement::ResetGeese(), and SetGooseNos().

◆ m_gooseNosTimed

int LE::m_gooseNosTimed[366]

The number of geese at a predefined time per day.

Referenced by DoCopy(), and SetGooseNosTimed().

◆ m_gooseSpNos

int LE::m_gooseSpNos[366][gs_foobar]

The number of geese of each species each day.

Referenced by DoCopy(), VegElement::ResetGeese(), and SetGooseSpNos().

◆ m_gooseSpNosTimed

int LE::m_gooseSpNosTimed[366][gs_foobar]

The number of geese of each species at a predefined time per day.

Referenced by DoCopy(), VegElement::ResetGeese(), and SetGooseSpNosTimed().

◆ m_herbicidedelay

◆ m_instubble

bool LE::m_instubble

A flag describing the state of the field from a visual perspective - will be in stubble following a cereal crop until either soil cultivation or March 1st.

Referenced by GetStubble(), and SetStubble().

◆ m_is_in_map

bool LE::m_is_in_map

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetMapValid(), and SetMapValid().

◆ m_Landscape

◆ m_largeroad_load

double LE::m_largeroad_load
Initial value:

Referenced by LargeRoad::GetTrafficLoad().

◆ m_lastindex

unsigned int LE::m_lastindex

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_lastsownvegtype

TTypesOfVegetation LE::m_lastsownvegtype

Records the last vegegetation type that was sown on the element.

Referenced by GetLastSownVeg(), and SetLastSownVeg().

◆ m_lasttreat

vector<int> LE::m_lasttreat

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_management_loop_detect_count

long LE::m_management_loop_detect_count

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_management_loop_detect_date

long LE::m_management_loop_detect_date

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_ManagementActionCounts

vector<int> LE::m_ManagementActionCounts

◆ m_map_index

int LE::m_map_index

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetMapIndex(), and SetMapIndex().

◆ m_maxOsmiaNests

int LE::m_maxOsmiaNests

to record the number of possible osmia nests

◆ m_maxx

◆ m_maxy

◆ m_minx

◆ m_miny

◆ m_monthly_traffic

double LE::m_monthly_traffic
Initial value:
{0.9009, 0.9434, 0.9901, 1.0101, 1.0417, 1.0870,
1.0870, 1.0753, 1.0753, 1.0101, 0.9804, 0.9434}

Used for birds that feed on grain on cereal fields 3% spill is expected.

Yield % kg/Ha spill kJ/kg kj/m 0.85 0.01 8.5 13680 11.628 0.85 0.02 17 13680 23.256 0.85 0.03 25.5 13680 34.884 0.85 0.04 34 13680 46.512 0.85 0.05 42.5 13680 58.14 0.85 0.06 51 13680 69.768

Referenced by LargeRoad::GetTrafficLoad(), and SmallRoad::GetTrafficLoad().

◆ m_mowndecay

int LE::m_mowndecay

◆ m_nectar_amount

vector<double> LE::m_nectar_amount

The array to store the nectar amount for each period.

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment(), VegElement::PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation(), and VegElement::PollenNectarReset().

◆ m_nectarinfo

◆ m_olddays

long LE::m_olddays

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetOldDays(), and SetOldDays().

◆ m_openness

int LE::m_openness

The openness metric for a field (if any)

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetOpenness(), and SetOpenness().

◆ m_OsmiaNestProb

double LE::m_OsmiaNestProb

to record the chance of osmia nesting

◆ m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet

◆ m_owner

Farm* LE::m_owner {nullptr}

◆ m_owner_file

int LE::m_owner_file

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetOwnerFile(), and SetOwner().

◆ m_owner_index

◆ m_owner_tole

◆ m_pdates

int LE::m_pdates[256]

◆ m_PesticideGridCell

int LE::m_PesticideGridCell

◆ m_pig_grazing

bool LE::m_pig_grazing

◆ m_pindex

int LE::m_pindex

◆ m_poison

bool LE::m_poison

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetPoison(), and SetPoison().

◆ m_pollen_amount

vector<double> LE::m_pollen_amount

The array to store the pollen amount for each period.

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment(), VegElement::PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation(), and VegElement::PollenNectarReset().

◆ m_pollen_nectar_curve_index

int LE::m_pollen_nectar_curve_index

◆ m_polleninfo

◆ m_PollenNectarFlag

bool LE::m_PollenNectarFlag

Records whether there is any pollen possibility here or not.

Referenced by GetPollenNectarFlag().

◆ m_poly

int LE::m_poly

◆ m_ptrace

int LE::m_ptrace[256]

◆ m_rot_index

int LE::m_rot_index

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetRotIndex(), and SetRotIndex().

◆ m_running

long LE::m_running

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_signal_mask

LE_Signal LE::m_signal_mask

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_skylarkscrapes

◆ m_slope

double LE::m_slope

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetSlope(), and SetSlope().

◆ m_smallroad_load

double LE::m_smallroad_load
Initial value:

Referenced by SmallRoad::GetTrafficLoad().

◆ m_soiltype

int LE::m_soiltype

◆ m_spray_ppp_rate

double LE::m_spray_ppp_rate

This is to store the sprayed pesticide rate.

Referenced by GetSprayPPPRate(), and SetSprayPPPRate().

◆ m_spray_ppp_type

PlantProtectionProducts LE::m_spray_ppp_type

This is to store the sprayed pesticide type.

Referenced by GetSprayPPPType(), and SetSprayPPPType().

◆ m_sprayedtoday

bool LE::m_sprayedtoday

flag to indicate an overspray situation

Referenced by GetSprayedToday(), and SetSprayedToday().

◆ m_squares_in_map

int LE::m_squares_in_map

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_subtype

int LE::m_subtype

Referenced by DoCopy().

◆ m_sugar_amount

vector<double> LE::m_sugar_amount

The array to store the sugar quality for each period.

Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment(), VegElement::PollenNectarPhenologyCalculation(), and VegElement::PollenNectarReset().

◆ m_totalNectar

◆ m_totalPollen

◆ m_tramlinesdecay

int LE::m_tramlinesdecay

◆ m_tried_to_do

int LE::m_tried_to_do

Referenced by Farm::LeSwitch().

◆ m_type

◆ m_unsprayedmarginpolyref

int LE::m_unsprayedmarginpolyref

◆ m_valid_x

int LE::m_valid_x

◆ m_valid_y

int LE::m_valid_y

◆ m_vegage

int LE::m_vegage

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetVegAge(), and ZeroVegAge().

◆ m_vegddegs

◆ m_vege_danger_store

int LE::m_vege_danger_store

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetVegStore(), and SetVegStore().

◆ m_weedddegs

double LE::m_weedddegs

◆ m_yddegs

◆ MConsts

int LE::MConsts[10]

◆ MDates

int LE::MDates[2][25]

Referenced by DoCopy(), GetMDates(), and SetMDates().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:925
int m_pdates[256]
Definition: Elements.h:529
CfgArray_Double cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesProportionArray
Vector to store the proportions for flowering period phases, for now there are three phases; beginnin...
PlantProtectionProducts m_spray_ppp_type
This is to store the sprayed pesticide type.
Definition: Elements.h:664
double m_area
The element area in m2.
Definition: Elements.h:577
void SetLastSownVeg(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov)
Records the last vegetation type to be sown.
Definition: Elements.h:357
int m_subtype
Definition: Elements.h:548
PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet * m_OurPollenNectarCurveSet
pointer to the correct pollen curve set
Definition: Elements.h:660
bool m_att_high
Definition: Elements.h:608
bool m_att_water
Definition: Elements.h:609
double m_slope
Definition: Elements.h:600
void ClearManagementActionSum()
clears the management action counters
Definition: Elements.h:247
TTypesOfCrops m_CropType
Definition: Elements.h:93
long m_running
Definition: Elements.h:533
int m_PesticideGridCell
Definition: Elements.h:544
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:183
vector< double > m_sugar_amount
The array to store the sugar quality for each period.
Definition: Elements.h:658
int m_gooseNos[366]
The number of geese each day.
Definition: Elements.h:579
int m_squares_in_map
Definition: Elements.h:92
bool m_att_urbannoveg
Definition: Elements.h:612
PollenNectarData m_nectarinfo
Definition: Elements.h:644
int m_pindex
Definition: Elements.h:530
vector< double > m_nectar_amount
The array to store the nectar amount for each period.
Definition: Elements.h:654
double m_elevation
Elevation data.
Definition: Elements.h:599
class Calendar * g_date
Definition: Calendar.cpp:37
double m_totalNectar
Definition: Elements.h:646
int m_openness
The openness metric for a field (if any)
Definition: Elements.h:597
int m_maxy
Definition: Elements.h:551
int m_soiltype
Definition: Elements.h:605
int MDates[2][25]
Definition: Elements.h:633
Definition: Plants.h:57
int m_valid_y
Definition: Elements.h:540
double GetMaxDDeg()
Returns the maximum day degrees that one day can have.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:143
int m_maxx
Definition: Elements.h:549
double m_total_sugar_whole_flowering
The total amount of sugar in the whole flowering period –mg.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:73
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:1013
bool m_att_forest
Definition: Elements.h:610
int m_minx
Definition: Elements.h:550
class PollenNectarDevelopmentData * g_nectarpollen
Definition: Plants.cpp:41
bool m_att_woody
Definition: Elements.h:611
int m_herbicidedelay
Definition: Elements.h:573
bool m_poison
Definition: Elements.h:618
bool m_PollenNectarFlag
Records whether there is any pollen possibility here or not.
Definition: Elements.h:662
int m_centroidx
Definition: Elements.h:541
double m_quantity
Definition: PollenNectar.h:167
double m_birdmaizeforage
The maize forage present in seeds/m2.
Definition: Elements.h:591
long m_management_loop_detect_date
Definition: Elements.h:554
double m_total_pollen_whole_flowering
The total amount of pollen in the whole flowering period –mg.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:75
unsigned int m_lastindex
Definition: Elements.h:628
CfgArray_Double cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray
Vector to store the length proportion for flowering period phases.
int m_valid_x
Definition: Elements.h:539
double m_weedddegs
Definition: Elements.h:624
int m_vegage
Definition: Elements.h:604
int m_almass_le_type
This holds the ALMaSS element type reference number.
Definition: Elements.h:569
vector< int > m_lasttreat
Definition: Elements.h:627
double m_birdseedforage
The grain forage present in seeds/m2.
Definition: Elements.h:589
int m_default_grazing_level
Definition: Elements.h:620
bool m_pig_grazing
Definition: Elements.h:621
bool m_skylarkscrapes
For management testing of skylark scrapes.
Definition: Elements.h:95
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_owner_tole
Definition: Elements.h:575
A simple class defining an x,y coordinate set.
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:52
bool m_flag_not_enough_data
Flag to show not enough data is available, so this curve can't be used.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:51
double GetThreshold()
Returns the day degrees temperature threshold.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:141
long m_olddays
Definition: Elements.h:553
double m_goosegrazingforage[gs_foobar]
The grazing forage present in KJ/min. The last value indicates cereal 1 or not -1.
Definition: Elements.h:593
double m_aspect
Definition: Elements.h:601
int m_map_index
Definition: Elements.h:567
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:1089
int m_miny
Definition: Elements.h:552
Landscape * m_Landscape
Definition: Elements.h:524
vector< int > m_flowering_phases
The array to store the day numbers of for turning point of flower resource.
Definition: Elements.h:652
TTypesOfVegetation m_lastsownvegtype
Records the last vegegetation type that was sown on the element.
Definition: Elements.h:595
int GetRotIndex(void)
Definition: Elements.h:373
int m_att_userdefinedint
a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values
Definition: Elements.h:616
virtual void Set_Att_VegPatchy(bool)
Definition: Elements.h:216
double m_yddegs
Definition: Elements.h:623
int m_x
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:55
int get_array_size()
Definition: Configurator.h:222
int m_gooseSpNos[366][gs_foobar]
The number of geese of each species each day.
Definition: Elements.h:581
int m_days_since_insecticide_spray
Definition: Elements.h:606
int value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:116
int m_farmfunc_tried_to_do
Definition: Elements.h:570
std::vector< double > value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:219
int MConsts[10]
Definition: Elements.h:634
int m_countrydesignation
Definition: Elements.h:557
PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet * tovGetPollenNectarCurve(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_ref)
Definition: PollenNectar.h:204
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:610
int m_owner_index
Definition: Elements.h:559
double m_totalPollen
Definition: Elements.h:645
vector< int > m_ManagementActionCounts
Definition: Elements.h:525
void SetStubble(bool a_flag)
Sets the in stubble flag.
Definition: Elements.h:462
virtual void PollenNectarReset()
Definition: Elements.h:512
CfgInt cfg_goosecountperiod("GOOSE_GOOSECOUNTPERIOD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
The number of days a goose count can be used.
LE * m_border
Definition: Elements.h:534
double m_total_nectar_whole_flowering
The total amount of nectar in the whole flowering period –mg.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:71
int m_tramlinesdecay
Definition: Elements.h:571
class Weather * g_weather
Definition: Weather.cpp:49
int m_cattle_grazing
Definition: Elements.h:619
int m_flowering_day_counter
The day counter to enter the flowering period.
Definition: Elements.h:650
void SetLastTreatment(int a_treatment)
Definition: Elements.cpp:1048
int m_owner_file
Definition: Elements.h:558
double m_ddegs
Definition: Elements.h:625
int m_centroidy
Definition: Elements.h:542
virtual void CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop(TTypesOfVegetation a_new_veg)
The function to calculate flower resource for the crop in a year.
Definition: Elements.cpp:1207
int m_gooseNosTimed[366]
The number of geese at a predefined time per day.
Definition: Elements.h:583
double m_spray_ppp_rate
This is to store the sprayed pesticide rate.
Definition: Elements.h:666
Farm * m_owner
Definition: Elements.h:556
int m_pollen_nectar_curve_index
Variable to record the pollen and nectar curve number.
Definition: Elements.h:648
double m_vegddegs
Definition: Elements.h:622
double GetEndingDDFlowering(void)
Returns the ending dd of flowering period.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:149
double m_quality
Definition: PollenNectar.h:168
int m_gooseSpNosTimed[366][gs_foobar]
The number of geese of each species at a predefined time per day.
Definition: Elements.h:585
int DayInYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:58
bool tovGetPollenNectarCurveSowingFlag(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_ref)
Definition: PollenNectar.h:221
vector< double > m_pollen_amount
The array to store the pollen amount for each period.
Definition: Elements.h:656
double GetTempAfterDays(int days)
Get the temperature at the given number of days which is the number of days after today.
Definition: Weather.h:484
bool m_sprayedtoday
flag to indicate an overspray situation
Definition: Elements.h:562
bool m_att_userdefinedbool
a userdefined attribute which can be set by a species model without changing other standard values
Definition: Elements.h:614
double m_dist_to_closest_roost[gs_foobar]
An array holding the distance to the nearest goose roost.
Definition: Elements.h:603
int tovGetPollenNectarCurveRef(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov_ref)
Definition: PollenNectar.h:213
int m_rot_index
Definition: Elements.h:560
void SetMConstants(int a, int c)
Definition: Elements.h:408
int m_poly
The polyref number for this polygon.
Definition: Elements.h:564
LE_Signal m_signal_mask
Definition: Elements.h:635
int m_ptrace[256]
Definition: Elements.h:528
double GetStartingDDFlowering(void)
Returns the staring dd of flowering period.
Definition: PollenNectar.h:147
int m_vege_danger_store
Definition: Elements.h:543
int m_mowndecay
Definition: Elements.h:572
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:195
bool m_instubble
A flag describing the state of the field from a visual perspective - will be in stubble following a c...
Definition: Elements.h:587
PollenNectarData m_polleninfo
Definition: Elements.h:643
int m_y
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:56
int m_unsprayedmarginpolyref
Definition: Elements.h:535
long m_management_loop_detect_count
Definition: Elements.h:555
Definition: Treatment.h:33
bool m_is_in_map
Definition: Elements.h:546
void IncTreatCounter(int a_treat)
Records that a farm treatment of the type specified has occurred.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:5646
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_type
Definition: Elements.h:574