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1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
The class to handle all Osmia bee population related matters. More...
#include <Osmia_Population_Manager.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Osmia_Population_Manager (Landscape *L) | |
Osmia_Population_Manager Constructor. More... | |
void | Init () |
Used to collect data initialisation together. More... | |
virtual | ~Osmia_Population_Manager (void) |
Osmia_Population_Manager Destructor. More... | |
void | TheAOROutputProbe () override |
Output method. More... | |
void | CreateObjects (TTypeOfOsmiaLifeStages ob_type, TAnimal *pvo, struct_Osmia *data, int number) |
Method for creating a new individual Osmia. More... | |
bool | IsEndPreWinter () |
Returns flag to denore the end of prewintering, if ended it is set to true. More... | |
bool | IsOverWinterEnd () |
Returns flag to denore the end of overwintering, if ended it is set to true. More... | |
bool | IsOsmiaNestPossible (int a_polyindex) |
Checks whether a nest is possible here. More... | |
bool | SantityCheck (int a_polyindex) |
Checks whether a nest is possible here. More... | |
Osmia_Nest * | CreateNest (int a_x, int a_y, int a_polyindex) |
Creates an Osmia_Nest in the polygon referenced by the index polyindex. More... | |
void | ReleaseOsmiaNest (int a_polyindex, Osmia_Nest *a_nest) |
Release the given nest in the given polygon. More... | |
int | GetForageHours () |
Return the Osmia flying weather hours. More... | |
double | GetProvisioningParams (int a_age) |
Returns the values of provisioning parameters for a adult age. More... | |
double | GetFirstCocoonProvisioningMass (int a_age, int a_massclass) |
Return the first cocoon mass for a nest give an age and female mass. More... | |
double | GetSexRatioEggsAgeMass (int a_massclass, int a_age) |
Return the sex ratio for a nest give an age and female mass. More... | |
int | AddToDensityGrid (APoint a_loc) |
Adds a bee to the density grid at a location. More... | |
void | AddToDensityGrid (int a_index) |
Adds a bee to the density grid using the grid index value. More... | |
void | RemoveFromDensityGrid (int a_index) |
Adds a bee to the density grid using the grid index value. More... | |
int | GetDensity (APoint a_loc) |
Gets the number of bees at a location. More... | |
int | GetDensity (int a_index) |
Gets the number of bees at a location based on the grid index value. More... | |
void | ClearDensityGrid () |
Empties the bee density grid. More... | |
double | GetPrePupalDevelDays () |
Returns the amount of development a pre-pupal bee will get today based on temperature. More... | |
void | CalForageHours (void) |
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Population_Manager (Landscape *a_l_ptr, int a_numberLifeStages=12) | |
virtual | ~Population_Manager (void) |
void | SetNoProbesAndSpeciesSpecificFunctions (int a_pn) override |
Sets up probe and species specifics. More... | |
void | OpenTheAOROutputProbe (const string &a_AORFilename) override |
Opens the AOR output file. More... | |
unsigned | GetLiveArraySize (int a_listindex) override |
Gets the number of 'live' objects for a list index in the TheArray. More... | |
unsigned | GetPopulationSize (int a_listindex) override |
Gets the number of species objects by default it is the same as LiveArray, however it could be different. This function should be used/overriden when we are interested in the number of the objects for presentation and not in inner maintenance of the PopulationManager and or TheArray. More... | |
void | IncLiveArraySize (int a_listindex) |
Increments the number of 'live' objects for a list index in the TheArray. More... | |
unsigned int | FarmAnimalCensus (unsigned int a_farm, unsigned int a_typeofanimal) |
char * | SpeciesSpecificReporting (int a_species, int a_time) override |
char * | ProbeReport (int a_time) |
char * | ProbeReportTimed (int a_time) |
void | ImpactProbeReport (int a_Time) |
bool | BeginningOfMonth () |
void | LOG (const char *fname) |
int | SupplyStepSize () const |
void | Run (int NoTSteps) override |
virtual unsigned | Probe (int ListIndex, Probe_Data *p_TheProbe) |
virtual void | ImpactedProbe () |
virtual TAnimal * | SupplyAnimalPtr (unsigned int a_index, unsigned int a_animal) |
Returns the pointer indexed by a_index and a_animal. Note NO RANGE CHECK. More... | |
virtual unsigned | SupplyListIndexSize () |
unsigned | SupplyListSize (unsigned listindex) const |
void | PushIndividual (const unsigned a_listindex, TAnimal *a_individual_ptr) |
const char * | SupplyStateNames (int i) const |
unsigned | SupplyStateNamesLength () const |
virtual void | DisplayLocations () |
TAnimal * | FindIndividual (unsigned Type, TAnimal *a_me) |
virtual TAnimal * | FindClosest (int x, int y, unsigned Type, TAnimal *a_me) |
omp_nest_lock_t * | GetGuardMapElement (unsigned a_x_index, unsigned a_y_index) |
Return the guard map cell. More... | |
void | SetGuardMapElement (unsigned a_x_index, unsigned a_y_index) |
Set the given guard map cell. More... | |
void | UnsetGuardMapElement (unsigned a_x_index, unsigned a_y_index) |
Unset the given guard map cell. More... | |
void | UpdateGuardMap (int a_x, int a_y, int &a_index_x, int &a_index_y) |
Get the index of the guard map for the given location. More... | |
bool | OpenTheRipleysOutputProbe () |
bool | OpenTheMonthlyRipleysOutputProbe () |
bool | OpenTheReallyBigProbe () |
virtual void | TheRipleysOutputProbe (ofstream *a_prb) |
Special output functionality. More... | |
virtual void | TheReallyBigOutputProbe () |
void | CloseTheMonthlyRipleysOutputProbe () const |
virtual void | CloseTheRipleysOutputProbe () |
virtual void | CloseTheReallyBigOutputProbe () |
TTypesOfPopulation | GetPopulationType () |
int | GetSeasonNumber () |
Get the season number. More... | |
void | LamdaDeath (int x, int y) |
void | LamdaBirth (int x, int y) |
void | LamdaBirth (int x, int y, int z) |
void | LamdaClear () |
void | LamdaDumpOutput () |
virtual int | SupplyPegPosx (int) |
virtual int | SupplyPegPosy (int) |
virtual int | SupplyCovPosx (int) |
virtual int | SupplyCovPosy (int) |
virtual bool | OpenTheFledgelingProbe () |
virtual bool | OpenTheBreedingPairsProbe () |
virtual bool | OpenTheBreedingSuccessProbe () |
virtual void | BreedingPairsOutput (int) |
virtual int | TheBreedingFemalesProbe (int) |
virtual int | TheFledgelingProbe () |
virtual void | BreedingSuccessProbeOutput (double, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) |
virtual int | TheBreedingSuccessProbe (int &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) |
virtual void | FledgelingProbeOutput (int, int) |
virtual void | TheGeneticProbe (unsigned, int, unsigned &) |
virtual void | GeneticsResultsOutput (FILE *, unsigned) |
void | Debug_Shuffle (unsigned int Type) |
virtual void | RunStepMethods () |
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Population_Manager_Base (Landscape *L) | |
The Population_Manager_Base constructor. More... | |
virtual void | Catastrophe (int) |
Must be re-implemented in descendent classes. More... | |
int | SupplySimW () const |
Returns landscape width in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimH () const |
Returns landscape height in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimWH () const |
Returns half the landscape width in m. More... | |
int | SupplySimHH () const |
Returns half the landscape height in m. More... | |
virtual int | ProbeFileInput (char *p_Filename, int p_ProbeNo) |
A stub to build specfic probes and functions. More... | |
int | SupplyListNameLength () const |
const char * | SupplyListName (int a_i) const |
Get a list name from the list. More... | |
virtual void | SupplyLocXY (unsigned, unsigned, int &, int &) |
A stub for identifying an individual at a location. More... | |
virtual TAnimal * | FindClosest (int, int, unsigned) |
A stub for identifying an individual at a location. More... | |
std::string | SupplySimulationName () |
void | SetStepCounterInADay (int a_counter) |
Set step counter in a day. More... | |
int | GetStepCounterInADay (void) |
Return the sep counter in a day. More... | |
virtual double | GetAphidDensity (int, int) |
Return the aphid density, it is only used when aphid simulations are running. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | DoFirst () |
Things to do before anything else at the start of a timestep More... | |
virtual void | DoBefore () |
Things to do before the Step. More... | |
virtual void | DoAfter () |
Things to do before the EndStep. More... | |
virtual void | DoLast () |
Things to do after the EndStep - here calculations related to summing global day degrees. More... | |
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virtual bool | StepFinished () |
Methods to run the simulations. More... | |
virtual void | DoSpecialBetweenLifeStages (int a_life_stage) |
virtual void | SortX (unsigned Type) |
void | SortXIndex (unsigned Type) |
virtual void | SortY (unsigned Type) |
void | SortState (unsigned Type) |
void | SortStateR (unsigned Type) |
virtual unsigned | PartitionLiveDead (unsigned Type) |
virtual void | Shuffle_or_Sort (unsigned Type) |
virtual void | Shuffle (unsigned Type) |
virtual void | Catastrophe () |
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~Population_Manager_Base ()=default | |
Protected Attributes | |
PollenMap_centroidbased * | m_ThePollenMap |
A pointer to the pollen map object. More... | |
int | m_FlyingWeather |
A daily value to indicate the hours the weather is OK for Osmia adult activity. More... | |
bool | m_PreWinteringEndFlag |
bool | m_OverWinterEndFlag |
Osmia_Nest_Manager | m_OurOsmiaNestManager |
This provides the interface to the Osmia_Nests linked to the polgons. More... | |
double | m_NestProvisioningParameters [365] |
A lookup table used to store pre-calculated nest provisioning parameters in advance since they are CPU intensive. More... | |
vector< eggsexratiovsagelogisticcurvedata > | m_EggSexRatioEqns |
Holds logistic equation values per age/mass of female for egg sex ratios. More... | |
vector< femalecocoonmassvsagelogisticcurvedata > | m_FemaleCocoonMassEqns |
Holds logistic equation values per age/mass of female for first female cocoon mass. More... | |
vector< int > | m_FemaleDensityGrid |
holds numbers of females per 1km2 More... | |
int | m_GridExtent |
holds numbers of grid cells per row More... | |
double | m_PollenCompetitionsReductionScaler |
An attribute used to scale the available pollen based on assumed competetion from other bee species. More... | |
vector< double > | m_PrePupalDevelRates |
Holds the prepupal development rates for fast access. More... | |
double | m_PrePupalDevelDaysToday |
Holds the prepupal development rates for today for fast access. More... | |
vector< OsmiaPollenNectarThresholds > | m_PN_thresholds |
Holds a list of pollen and nectar thresholds, one for each month. More... | |
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vector< unsigned > | m_LiveArraySize |
int | m_NoProbes = 0 |
std::vector< std::vector< omp_nest_lock_t * > > | m_MapGuard |
This is used to make sure animals will not behaviour at the same area - multi threads. More... | |
int | m_guard_cell_height_num |
int | m_guard_cell_width_num |
int | m_guard_cell_size |
bool | m_is_paralleled |
This is used to indicate whether the species is paralleled. More... | |
const char * | StateNames [100] {} |
int | m_StepSize {} |
vector< vector< forward_list< TAnimal * > * > > | TheSubArrays |
Hold all the animal pointers. More... | |
vector< vector< int > > | TheSubArraysSizes |
Hold all the animal sizes in each thread. More... | |
vector< int > | m_LifeStageOrderVec |
The vector to store the life stage order for looping specie life stages. More... | |
vector< forward_list< TAnimal * >::iterator > | TheSubArraysIterators |
the iterator from last time called for SupplyAnimalPtr(), this for fast loop all the animals in the derived class. More... | |
vector< int > | TheSubArrayPreviousIndex |
the animal index number from last time called for SupplyAnimalPtr(), this for fast loop all the animals in the derived class. More... | |
vector< int > | TheSubArrayThreadIndex |
the thread index number from last time called for SupplyAnimalPtr(), this for fast loop all the animals in the derived class. More... | |
unsigned | StateNamesLength |
FILE * | TestFile {} |
FILE * | TestFile2 {} |
vector< unsigned > | BeforeStepActions |
Holds the season list of possible before step actions. More... | |
int | m_SeasonNumber |
Holds the season number. Used when running goose and hunter sims. More... | |
TTypesOfPopulation | m_population_type {TOP_NoSpecies} |
ofstream * | AOROutputPrb {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb1 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb2 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb3 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb4 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb5 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb6 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb7 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb8 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb9 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb10 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb11 {} |
ofstream * | RipleysOutputPrb12 {} |
ofstream * | ReallyBigOutputPrb {} |
AOR_Probe * | m_AOR_Probe {} |
A pointer to the AOR probe. More... | |
long int | lamdagrid [2][257][257] {} |
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int | SimH |
stores the simulation height More... | |
int | SimW |
stores the simulation width More... | |
int | SimHH |
stores the simulation height halved More... | |
int | SimWH |
stores the simulation width halved More... | |
string | m_SimulationName |
stores the simulation name More... | |
Landscape * | m_TheLandscape |
holds an internal pointer to the landscape More... | |
int | m_ListNameLength {} |
the number of life-stages simulated in the population manager More... | |
const char * | m_ListNames [32] {} |
A list of life-stage names. More... | |
std::string | m_AORProbeFileName {"AOR_Probe.txt"} |
name of the AOR Probe file More... | |
std::string | m_ProbeFileName {"Probe.res"} |
name of the Probe file More... | |
int | m_step_counter_in_a_day |
Step counter in a day, this is used for the animals with finer step size other than one day. More... | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static probability_distribution | m_exp_ZeroTo1 = probability_distribution("BETA", "0.75,2.5") |
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probabilities for approx exponential probs zero to 1.0. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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bool | ProbesSet {} |
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Probe_Data * | TheProbe [100] = {nullptr} |
Holds a list of pointers to standard output probes. More... | |
The class to handle all Osmia bee population related matters.
Osmia_Population_Manager::Osmia_Population_Manager | ( | Landscape * | L | ) |
Osmia_Population_Manager Constructor.
Loads the list of Animal Classes.
References cfg_OsmiaDensityDependentPollenRemovalConst, cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMax, cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMin, cfg_OsmiaOverwinterDegreeDaysInitialSimu, cfg_OsmiaPrepupalDevelRates, cfg_OsmiaStartNo, cfg_pest_product_amounts, CreateNest(), CreateObjects(), g_rand_uni_fnc(), g_random_fnc(), Init(), IsOsmiaNestPossible(), struct_Osmia::L, Population_Manager::m_is_paralleled, Population_Manager_Base::m_ListNameLength, Population_Manager_Base::m_ListNames, m_OurOsmiaNestManager, m_OverWinterEndFlag, m_PollenCompetitionsReductionScaler, m_PrePupalDevelRates, m_PreWinteringEndFlag, Population_Manager_Base::m_SimulationName, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, APoint::m_x, APoint::m_y, struct_Osmia::mass, struct_Osmia::nest, struct_Osmia::OPM, struct_Osmia::overwintering_degree_days, struct_Osmia::parasitised, struct_Osmia::sex, Population_Manager::SupplyAnimalPtr(), Landscape::SupplyARandomLocPoly(), Population_Manager::SupplyListSize(), Landscape::SupplyNumberOfPolygons(), to_OsmiaInCocoon, topara_Unparasitised, Osmia_Nest_Manager::UpdateOsmiaNesting(), CfgInt::value(), CfgFloat::value(), CfgArray_Double::value(), struct_Osmia::x, and struct_Osmia::y.
virtual |
Osmia_Population_Manager Destructor.
inline |
Adds a bee to the density grid at a location.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid, m_GridExtent, APoint::m_x, and APoint::m_y.
inline |
Adds a bee to the density grid using the grid index value.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid.
void Osmia_Population_Manager::CalForageHours | ( | void | ) |
References cfg_OsmiaMaxPrecipForFlying, cfg_OsmiaMaxWindSpeedForFlying, cfg_OsmiaMinTempForFlying, g_date, g_weather, Weather::GetRainHour(), Weather::GetTempHour(), Weather::GetWindHour(), m_FlyingWeather, Calendar::SunRiseTime(), Calendar::SunSetTime(), and CfgFloat::value().
Referenced by DoFirst().
inline |
Empties the bee density grid.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid.
inline |
Creates an Osmia_Nest in the polygon referenced by the index polyindex.
References Osmia_Nest_Manager::CreateNest(), m_OurOsmiaNestManager, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, Landscape::ReleasePolygonLock(), and Landscape::SetPolygonLock().
Referenced by Osmia_Female::FindNestLocation(), and Osmia_Population_Manager().
void Osmia_Population_Manager::CreateObjects | ( | TTypeOfOsmiaLifeStages | ob_type, |
TAnimal * | pvo, | ||
struct_Osmia * | data, | ||
int | number | ||
) |
Method for creating a new individual Osmia.
References Osmia_Nest::AddCocoon(), Osmia_Nest::AddEgg(), Population_Manager::IncLiveArraySize(), struct_Osmia::nest, Population_Manager::PushIndividual(), Osmia_Nest::ReleaseCellLock(), Osmia_Nest::ReplaceNestPointer(), Osmia_Nest::SetCellLock(), to_OsmiaEgg, to_OsmiaFemale, to_OsmiaInCocoon, to_OsmiaLarva, to_OsmiaPrepupa, and to_OsmiaPupa.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::LayEgg(), Osmia_Population_Manager(), Osmia_Pupa::st_Emerge(), Osmia_InCocoon::st_Emerge(), Osmia_Egg::st_Hatch(), Osmia_Larva::st_Prepupate(), and Osmia_Prepupa::st_Pupate().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
Things to do before the Step.
Things to do before the Step
To save time we only refil the pollen map if any adults are around to care about this.
If some stages survive to winter due to slow development we kill these here
Reimplemented from Population_Manager.
References Osmia_Nest_Manager::CheckZeroNests(), Population_Manager::GetLiveArraySize(), m_OurOsmiaNestManager, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, Osmia_Base::st_Dying(), Population_Manager::SupplyAnimalPtr(), Landscape::SupplyDayInYear(), to_OsmiaFemale, to_OsmiaLarva, to_OsmiaPrepupa, and to_OsmiaPupa.
protectedvirtual |
Things to do before anything else at the start of a timestep
Reimplemented from Population_Manager.
References CalForageHours(), ClearDensityGrid(), m_OurOsmiaNestManager, m_PrePupalDevelDaysToday, m_PrePupalDevelRates, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, Osmia_Base::SetTemp(), Landscape::SupplyTemp(), and Osmia_Nest_Manager::UpdateOsmiaNesting().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Things to do after the EndStep - here calculations related to summing global day degrees.
If the PostPreWinteringFlag is not set and its after Sept 1st then we need to test for the end of pre-wintering
Based on checking for a sustained and stable drop in autumn temperature
Reimplemented from Population_Manager.
References SimpleStatistics::ClearData(), Calendar::DayInYear(), g_date, SimpleStatistics::get_meanvalue(), Calendar::GetYear(), June, m_OverWinterEndFlag, m_PreWinteringEndFlag, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, March, Calendar::OldDays(), September, Landscape::SupplyDayInYear(), and Landscape::SupplyTempPeriod().
inline |
Gets the number of bees at a location.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid, m_GridExtent, APoint::m_x, and APoint::m_y.
inline |
Gets the number of bees at a location based on the grid index value.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid.
inline |
Return the first cocoon mass for a nest give an age and female mass.
References probability_distribution::Get(), m_exp_ZeroTo1, and m_FemaleCocoonMassEqns.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::st_ReproductiveBehaviour().
inline |
Return the Osmia flying weather hours.
References m_FlyingWeather.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::st_Develop(), and Osmia_Female::st_ReproductiveBehaviour().
inline |
Returns the amount of development a pre-pupal bee will get today based on temperature.
References m_PrePupalDevelDaysToday.
Referenced by Osmia_Prepupa::st_Develop().
inline |
Returns the values of provisioning parameters for a adult age.
References m_NestProvisioningParameters.
inline |
Return the sex ratio for a nest give an age and female mass.
References m_EggSexRatioEqns.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::st_ReproductiveBehaviour().
void Osmia_Population_Manager::Init | ( | ) |
Used to collect data initialisation together.
Initiates the Osmia nests on each landscape element The temperature related mortality needs to be calculated for in nest development and stored in the static variable in the Osmia_Base
Calculate number of hours needed for provisioning of one cell depending on Osmia age [based on Seidelmann 2006]
Sets the parasitoid parameters for per capitata likelihood of parasitism
Creates the data structures to hold Osmia density measures
Calculate the foraging efficiency with age mg/hr
Resets the OsmiaStageLengths output file.
References Osmia_Female::AddForageEfficiency(), cfg_MaximumCellConstructionTime, cfg_MinimumCellConstructionTime, cfg_Osmia_LifetimeCocoonMassLoss, cfg_OsmiaAdultMassCategoryStep, cfg_OsmiaBombylidProb, cfg_OsmiaCocoonMassFromProvMass, cfg_OsmiaDetailedMaskStep, cfg_OsmiaFemaleBckMort, Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherAgeLogistic, Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherMassLinear, cfg_OsmiaFemaleFindNestAttemptNo, cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMax, cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMin, cfg_OsmiaForageSteps, cfg_OsmiaMaxNoEggsInNest, cfg_OsmiaMinNoEggsInNest, cfg_OsmiaNectarThresholds, cfg_OsmiaParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen, cfg_OsmiaPerCapitaParasationChance, cfg_OsmiaPesticideProbability, cfg_OsmiaPesticideThreshold, cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpReturn, cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpThreshold, cfg_OsmiaPollenThresholds, cfg_OsmiaProvMassFromCocoonMass, cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherAgeLogistic, cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherMassLinear, cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance, cfg_PollenScoreToMg, cfg_TotalNestsPossible, cfg_UsingMechanisticParasitoids, ClearDensityGrid(), PopulationManagerList::GetPopulation(), Osmia_Nest_Manager::InitOsmiaBeeNesting(), m_EggSexRatioEqns, m_FemaleCocoonMassEqns, m_FemaleDensityGrid, m_GridExtent, OsmiaPollenNectarThresholds::m_nectarTqual, OsmiaPollenNectarThresholds::m_nectarTquan, m_NestProvisioningParameters, m_OurOsmiaNestManager, m_PN_thresholds, OsmiaPollenNectarThresholds::m_pollenTqual, OsmiaPollenNectarThresholds::m_pollenTquan, m_PreWinteringEndFlag, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, Osmia_Female::SetBombylidProbability(), Osmia_Female::SetCocoonToProvisionMass(), Osmia_Female::SetDailyMort(), Osmia_Female::SetForageMaskDetailed(), Osmia_Female::SetForageSteps(), Osmia_Female::SetMaxEggsPerNest(), Osmia_Female::SetMaximumCellConstructionTime(), Osmia_Female::SetMinEggsPerNest(), Osmia_Female::SetMinimumCellConstructionTime(), Osmia_Female::SetNestFindAttempts(), Osmia_InCocoon::SetOverwinteringTempThreshold(), Osmia_Base::SetParameterValues(), Osmia_Female::SetParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen(), Osmia_Base::SetParasitoidManager(), Osmia_Female::SetParasitoidParameters(), Osmia_Female::SetPollenGiveUpReturn(), Osmia_Female::SetPollenGiveUpThreshold(), Osmia_Female::SetPollenScoreToMg(), Osmia_Female::SetProvisionToCocoonMass(), Osmia_Female::SetTotalNestsPossible(), Osmia_Female::SetUsingMechanisticParasitoids(), Population_Manager_Base::SimH, Population_Manager_Base::SimW, Landscape::SupplyThePopManagerList(), TOP_OsmiaParasitoids, CfgInt::value(), CfgFloat::value(), CfgBool::value(), and CfgArray_Double::value().
Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager().
inline |
Returns flag to denore the end of prewintering, if ended it is set to true.
References m_PreWinteringEndFlag.
Referenced by Osmia_InCocoon::st_Develop().
inline |
Checks whether a nest is possible here.
References Osmia_Nest_Manager::IsOsmiaNestPossible(), and m_OurOsmiaNestManager.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::FindNestLocation(), and Osmia_Population_Manager().
inline |
Returns flag to denore the end of overwintering, if ended it is set to true.
References m_OverWinterEndFlag.
Referenced by Osmia_InCocoon::st_Develop().
inline |
Release the given nest in the given polygon.
References m_OurOsmiaNestManager, Population_Manager_Base::m_TheLandscape, Osmia_Nest_Manager::ReleaseOsmiaNest(), Landscape::ReleasePolygonLock(), and Landscape::SetPolygonLock().
Referenced by Osmia_Female::st_Dying(), and Osmia_Female::st_ReproductiveBehaviour().
inline |
Adds a bee to the density grid using the grid index value.
References m_FemaleDensityGrid.
inline |
Checks whether a nest is possible here.
References m_OurOsmiaNestManager, and Osmia_Nest_Manager::SanityCheck().
overridevirtual |
Output method.
Reimplemented from Population_Manager.
References AOR_Probe::DoProbe(), Population_Manager::m_AOR_Probe, and to_OsmiaFemale.
protected |
Holds logistic equation values per age/mass of female for egg sex ratios.
Referenced by GetSexRatioEggsAgeMass(), and Init().
staticprotected |
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probabilities for approx exponential probs zero to 1.0.
A distribution to create an exponential decay from zero to one.
Referenced by GetFirstCocoonProvisioningMass().
protected |
Holds logistic equation values per age/mass of female for first female cocoon mass.
Referenced by GetFirstCocoonProvisioningMass(), and Init().
protected |
holds numbers of females per 1km2
Referenced by AddToDensityGrid(), ClearDensityGrid(), GetDensity(), Init(), and RemoveFromDensityGrid().
protected |
A daily value to indicate the hours the weather is OK for Osmia adult activity.
Referenced by CalForageHours(), and GetForageHours().
protected |
holds numbers of grid cells per row
Referenced by AddToDensityGrid(), GetDensity(), and Init().
protected |
A lookup table used to store pre-calculated nest provisioning parameters in advance since they are CPU intensive.
Referenced by GetProvisioningParams(), and Init().
protected |
This provides the interface to the Osmia_Nests linked to the polgons.
Referenced by CreateNest(), DoBefore(), DoFirst(), Init(), IsOsmiaNestPossible(), Osmia_Population_Manager(), ReleaseOsmiaNest(), and SantityCheck().
protected |
A flag to signal the period between onset of wintering and March 1st
Referenced by DoLast(), IsOverWinterEnd(), and Osmia_Population_Manager().
protected |
Holds a list of pollen and nectar thresholds, one for each month.
Referenced by Init().
protected |
An attribute used to scale the available pollen based on assumed competetion from other bee species.
Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager().
protected |
Holds the prepupal development rates for today for fast access.
Referenced by DoFirst(), and GetPrePupalDevelDays().
protected |
Holds the prepupal development rates for fast access.
Referenced by DoFirst(), and Osmia_Population_Manager().
protected |
A flag to signal the prewinter phase is over
Referenced by DoLast(), Init(), IsEndPreWinter(), and Osmia_Population_Manager().
protected |
A pointer to the pollen map object.