![]() |
1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Macros | |
#define | __WEED_CURVE 99 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_A 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_B 0.2975 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_C 0.095916647275 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_A 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_B 0.380763296 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_C 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_A 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_B 0.1283 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_C 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_A 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_B 0.395651915 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_C 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_A 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_B 0.028271643 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_C 0.0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_A 4.123817127 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_B 0.151015629 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_C -0.228228353 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_A 10.72459109 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_B 0.4 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_C 2.529631141 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_A 10.72459109 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_B 0.8 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_C 2.529631141 |
#define | EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define | EL_GROWTH_DAYDEG_MAGIC l_el_growth_daydeg_magic.value() |
#define | EL_GROWTH_DATE_MAGIC (g_date->DayInYear(1,9)) |
#define | EL_GROWTH_PHASE_SHIFT_LEVEL (l_el_growth_phase_shift_level.value()) |
#define | EL_PLANT_BIOMASS (l_el_plant_biomass_proport.value()) |
#define | EL_VEG_START_LAIT (l_el_veg_start_lait.value()) |
#define | EL_VEG_HEIGHTSCALE (l_el_veg_heightscale.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_MAY (l_el_rv_cut_may.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_JUN (l_el_rv_cut_jun.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_JUL (l_el_rv_cut_jul.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_AUG (l_el_rv_cut_aug.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_SEP (l_el_rv_cut_sep.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_OCT (l_el_rv_cut_oct.value()) |
#define | RV_MAY_1ST (l_el_rv_may_1st.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_HEIGHT (l_el_rv_cut_height.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_GREEN (l_el_rv_cut_green.value()) |
#define | RV_CUT_TOTAL (l_el_rv_cut_total.value()) |
#define | EL_WEED_PERCENT (l_el_weed_percent.value()) |
#define | EL_WEED_SLOPE (l_el_weed_slope.value()) |
#define | EL_BUG_SLOPE (l_el_bug_slope.value()) |
#define | EL_WEED_GLUE (l_el_weed_glue.value()) |
#define | EL_BUG_GLUE (l_el_bug_glue.value()) |
Functions | |
LE_TypeClass * | CreateLETypeClass () |
Variables | |
TTypesOfPopulation | g_Species |
class PollenNectarDevelopmentData * | g_nectarpollen |
std::shared_ptr< Population_Manager_Base > | g_AManager |
CfgArray_Double | cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesProportionArray |
Vector to store the proportions for flowering period phases, for now there are three phases; beginning, complete, end. More... | |
CfgArray_Double | cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray |
Vector to store the length proportion for flowering period phases. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate |
Start date for applying pesticide the first time. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pest_productapplic_period |
Period for applying pesticide. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_farm_cattle_grass_low |
static CfgArray_Int | cfg_field_boundary_cut_start ("FIELD_BOUNDARY_CUT_START", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< int > {9999, 9999}) |
First dates of cutting for field boundaries with grass. More... | |
static CfgArray_Int | cfg_field_boundary_cut_end ("FIELD_BOUNDARY_CUT_END", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< int > {120, 300}) |
Last dates of cutting for field boundaries with grass. More... | |
static CfgArray_Double | cfg_field_boundary_cut_chance ("FIELD_BOUNDARY_CUT_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< double > {0.5, 0.5}) |
The daily chance for cutting of field boundaries with grass when it is within the cutting period. More... | |
static CfgInt | cfg_flowerstripCutStart ("ELE_FLOWERSTRIPCUT_START", CFG_CUSTOM, 366) |
First date of cutting for flower strips. More... | |
static CfgInt | cfg_flowerstripCutEnd ("ELE_FLOWERSTRIPCUT_END", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
Last possible date of cutting for flower strips. More... | |
static CfgFloat | cfg_flowerstripCutChance ("ELE_FLOWERSTRIPCUT_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0) |
If after first date of cutting for flower strips, this is the daily chance it happens. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_pollen_nectar_on ("ELE_POLLENNECTAR_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag to determine whether nectar and pollen models are used - should be set to true for pollinator models! More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_calc_pond_pesticide ("POND_PEST_CALC_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag to determine whether to calculate pond pesticide concentration. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_pondpesticiderunoff ("POND_PEST_RUNOFFFACTOR", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0) |
The multiplication factor assumed to account for ingress of pesticide from run-off and soil water to a pond. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_randompondquality ("POND_RANDOMQUALITY", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Controls whether random pond quality is used. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_goosecountperiod ("GOOSE_GOOSECOUNTPERIOD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
The number of days a goose count can be used. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMaxScaler ("VEG_GROWTHSCALERMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - max value. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMinScaler ("VEG_GROWTHSCALERMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - min value. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMaxScalerField ("VEG_FIELDGROWTHSCALERMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.100) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - max value. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMinScalerField ("VEG_FIELDGROWTHSCALERMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - min value. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_insectbiomassscaling ("ELE_INSECTBIOMASSSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5) |
A scaling value used to change the insext density crop relationship which was based on DK 2000 data. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_month_varying_flower_base_temp ("MONTH_VARING_FLOWER_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
Starting month for varying base development temperature for flower resource model. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_base_temp_increment_flower ("BASE_TEMP_INCREMENT_FLOWER", CFG_CUSTOM, 5) |
Flower resource base temperature increment per month from the starting month. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_weight_cold_flower_resource ("WEIGHT_CODE_FLOWER_RESOURCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.8) |
Weight to shorten flowering period and decreasing resource amount when it is cold. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_noncrop_growth_stage_with_green_biomass ("NONCROP_GROWTH_STAGE_WITH_GREEN_BIOMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 50) |
Growth stage for non-crop habitat, this is used for aphid. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_beer_law_extinction_coef ("BEER_LAW_EXTINCTION_COEF", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.6) |
The extiction coefficient that is used in Beer's law. More... | |
CfgArray_Double | cfg_PollenMonthBaseTemp ("POLLEN_MONTH_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {3.9, 3.9, 4, 3.5, 8, 9, 9, 6, 5, 0, 2, 2}) |
Monthly base development temperature for pollen. More... | |
CfgArray_Double | cfg_NectarMonthBaseTemp ("NECTAR_MONTH_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {3.6, 3.6, 3.9, 3.9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 5, 0, 2, 2}) |
Monthly base development temperature for NECTAR. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_clover_interested_biomass_fraction ("CLOVER_INTERESTED_BIOMASS_FRACTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.4) |
The interested biomass fraction for clover crop. More... | |
CfgArray_Double | cfg_SeasonalInsectScaler ("ELE_SEASONAL_INSECT_SCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.75, 0.25, 0.1 }) |
Monthly scaler for insect biomass vs veg biomass. More... | |
const double | c_SolarConversion [2][81] |
CfgFloat | l_pest_insecticide_amount |
static CfgFloat | l_pest_productOrchard_amount ("PEST_PRODUCTORCHARD_AMOUNT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0) |
CfgInt | cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate2 |
Start date for applying pesticide the second. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate3 |
Start date for applying pesticide the third time. More... | |
CfgBool | l_pest_enable_pesticide_engine |
Used to turn on or off the PPP functionality of ALMaSS. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_goose_GrainDecayRateWinter {"GOOSE_GRAINDECAYRATEWINTER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.958, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Harvest to Spring. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_goose_MaizeDecayRateWinter {"GOOSE_MAIZEDECAYRATEWINTER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled maize for Harvest to Spring. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_goose_MaizeDecayRateSpring {"GOOSE_MAIZEDECAYRATESPRING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Spring. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_goose_GrainDecayRateSpring {"GOOSE_GRAINDECAYRATESPRING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.95, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Spring until 1st July. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_goose_UniformDecayRate {"GOOSE_UNIFORMDECAYRATE", CFG_CUSTOM, true} |
Use the same grain and maize decay rate (the winter one also for spring) More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_goose_grass_to_winter_cereal_scaler |
The scaler to go from energy intake from grass forage to winter cereal The default value of 1.0325 is a quick fix to account for higher energy intake on winter cereal - Based on Therkildsen & Madsen 2000 Energetics of feeding... More... | |
static CfgFloat | cfg_beetlebankinsectscaler ("ELE_BBINSECTSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
static double | g_weed_percent [tov_Undefined] |
static double | g_bug_percent_a [tov_Undefined] |
static double | g_bug_percent_b [tov_Undefined] |
static double | g_bug_percent_c [tov_Undefined] |
static double | g_bug_percent_d [tov_Undefined] |
static CfgInt | cfg_OrchardSprayDay ("TOX_ORCHARDSPRAYDAY", CFG_CUSTOM, 150) |
static CfgInt | cfg_OrchardSprayDay2 ("TOX_ORCHARDSPRAYDAYTWO", CFG_CUSTOM, 200000) |
CfgInt | cfg_OrchardNoCutsDay ("TOX_ORCHARDNOCUTS", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
static CfgInt | cfg_MownGrassNoCutsDay ("ELE_MOWNGRASSNOCUTS", CFG_CUSTOM, 2) |
static CfgInt | cfg_UMPatchyChance ("UMPATCHYCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
static CfgFloat | cfg_BBPatchyChance ("BEETLEBANKBPATCHYCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5) |
The chance that a beetlebank being created is patchy or not. More... | |
static CfgFloat | cfg_MGPatchyChance ("MOWNGRASSPATCHYCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5) |
The chance that a beetlebank being created is patchy or not. More... | |
static CfgFloat | cfg_SetAsidePatchyChance ("SETASIDEPATCHYCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
The chance that a setaside being created is patchy or not. More... | |
static CfgFloat | cfg_ele_weedscaling ("ELE_WEEDSCALING", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_PondLarvalFoodBiomassConst ("POND_LARVALFOODBIOMASSCONST", CFG_CUSTOM, 215.0) |
A constant relating the proportion of food units per m2. The value is calibrated to estimates of newt density. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_PondLarvalFoodR ("POND_LARVALFOODFOODR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.15) |
The instanteous rate of growth for larval food (r from logistic equation) More... | |
CfgInt | g_el_tramline_decaytime_days ("ELEM_TRAMLINE_DECAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 21) |
CfgInt | g_el_herbicide_delaytime_days ("ELEM_HERBICIDE_DELAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 14) |
CfgInt | g_el_strigling_delaytime_days ("ELEM_STRIGLING_DELAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 14) |
static CfgInt | l_el_growth_daydeg_magic ("ELEM_GROWTH_DAYDEG_MAGIC", CFG_PRIVATE, 100) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_growth_phase_shift_level ("ELEM_GROWTH_PHASE_SHIFT_LEVEL", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.5) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_plant_biomass_proport ("ELEM_PLANT_BIOMASS_PROPORT", CFG_PRIVATE, 41.45) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_veg_start_lait ("ELEM_VEG_START_LAIT", CFG_PRIVATE, 1.08) |
static CfgInt | l_el_veg_heightscale ("ELEM_VEG_HEIGHTSCALE", CFG_PRIVATE, 16) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_may ("ELEM_RV_CUT_MAY", CFG_PRIVATE, 142) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_jun ("ELEM_RV_CUT_JUN", CFG_PRIVATE, 28) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_jul ("ELEM_RV_CUT_JUL", CFG_PRIVATE, 35) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_aug ("ELEM_RV_CUT_AUG", CFG_PRIVATE, 42) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_sep ("ELEM_RV_CUT_SEP", CFG_PRIVATE, 49) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_cut_oct ("ELEM_RV_CUT_OCT", CFG_PRIVATE, 49) |
static CfgInt | l_el_rv_may_1st ("ELEM_RV_MAY_1ST", CFG_PRIVATE, 121) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_rv_cut_height ("ELEM_RV_CUT_HEIGHT", CFG_PRIVATE, 10.0) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_rv_cut_green ("ELEM_RV_CUT_GREEN", CFG_PRIVATE, 1.5) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_rv_cut_total ("ELEM_RV_CUT_TOTAL", CFG_PRIVATE, 2.0) |
CfgFloat | l_el_o_cut_height ("ELEM_RV_CUT_HEIGHT", CFG_PRIVATE, 10.0) |
CfgFloat | l_el_o_cut_green ("ELEM_RV_CUT_GREEN", CFG_PRIVATE, 1.5) |
CfgFloat | l_el_o_cut_total ("ELEM_RV_CUT_TOTAL", CFG_PRIVATE, 2.0) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_weed_percent ("ELEM_WEED_PERCENT", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.1) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_weed_slope ("ELEM_WEED_SLOPE", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.15) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_bug_slope ("ELEM_BUG_SLOPE", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.2) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_weed_glue ("ELEM_WEED_GLUE", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.99) |
static CfgFloat | l_el_bug_glue ("ELEM_BUG_GLUE", CFG_PRIVATE, 0.50) |
class LE_TypeClass * | g_letype |
#define __WEED_CURVE 99 |
#define EL_BUG_GLUE (l_el_bug_glue.value()) |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_A 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_B 0.2975 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_C 0.095916647275 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_D 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_A 10.72459109 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_B 0.8 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_Edges_C 2.529631141 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_A 4.123817127 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_B 0.151015629 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_G_C -0.228228353 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_A 10.72459109 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_B 0.4 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SA_C 2.529631141 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_A 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_B 0.380763296 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_SB_C 0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_A 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_B 0.028271643 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WR_C 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_A 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_B 0.395651915 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WRy_C 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_A 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_B 0.1283 |
#define EL_BUG_PERCENT_WW_C 0.0 |
#define EL_BUG_SLOPE (l_el_bug_slope.value()) |
#define EL_GROWTH_DATE_MAGIC (g_date->DayInYear(1,9)) |
#define EL_GROWTH_DAYDEG_MAGIC l_el_growth_daydeg_magic.value() |
#define EL_GROWTH_PHASE_SHIFT_LEVEL (l_el_growth_phase_shift_level.value()) |
#define EL_PLANT_BIOMASS (l_el_plant_biomass_proport.value()) |
#define EL_VEG_HEIGHTSCALE (l_el_veg_heightscale.value()) |
#define EL_VEG_START_LAIT (l_el_veg_start_lait.value()) |
#define EL_WEED_GLUE (l_el_weed_glue.value()) |
#define EL_WEED_PERCENT (l_el_weed_percent.value()) |
#define EL_WEED_SLOPE (l_el_weed_slope.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_AUG (l_el_rv_cut_aug.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_GREEN (l_el_rv_cut_green.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_HEIGHT (l_el_rv_cut_height.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_JUL (l_el_rv_cut_jul.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_JUN (l_el_rv_cut_jun.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_MAY (l_el_rv_cut_may.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_OCT (l_el_rv_cut_oct.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_SEP (l_el_rv_cut_sep.value()) |
#define RV_CUT_TOTAL (l_el_rv_cut_total.value()) |
#define RV_MAY_1ST (l_el_rv_may_1st.value()) |
LE_TypeClass* CreateLETypeClass | ( | ) |
const double c_SolarConversion[2][81] |
Referenced by VegElement::RecalculateBugsNStuff().
CfgFloat cfg_base_temp_increment_flower("BASE_TEMP_INCREMENT_FLOWER", CFG_CUSTOM, 5) |
Flower resource base temperature increment per month from the starting month.
static |
The chance that a beetlebank being created is patchy or not.
Referenced by BeetleBank::BeetleBank().
CfgFloat cfg_beer_law_extinction_coef("BEER_LAW_EXTINCTION_COEF", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.6) |
The extiction coefficient that is used in Beer's law.
Referenced by VegElement::RecalculateBugsNStuff().
static |
Referenced by BeetleBank::DoDevelopment().
CfgBool cfg_calc_pond_pesticide("POND_PEST_CALC_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag to determine whether to calculate pond pesticide concentration.
Referenced by Pond::CalcPondPesticide().
CfgFloat cfg_clover_interested_biomass_fraction("CLOVER_INTERESTED_BIOMASS_FRACTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.4) |
The interested biomass fraction for clover crop.
Referenced by VegElement::SetInterestedBiomassFractionForCrop().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::DoDevelopment().
CfgInt cfg_farm_cattle_grass_low |
Referenced by VegElement::GrazeVegetationHeight().
static |
The daily chance for cutting of field boundaries with grass when it is within the cutting period.
Referenced by FieldBoundary::DoDevelopment().
static |
Last dates of cutting for field boundaries with grass.
Referenced by FieldBoundary::DoDevelopment().
static |
First dates of cutting for field boundaries with grass.
Referenced by FieldBoundary::DoDevelopment().
CfgArray_Double cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesLengthArray |
Vector to store the length proportion for flowering period phases.
Referenced by LE::CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop(), PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet::PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet(), and PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet::UpdateFlowerResource().
CfgArray_Double cfg_FloweringPeriodPhasesProportionArray |
Vector to store the proportions for flowering period phases, for now there are three phases; beginning, complete, end.
Referenced by LE::CalculateFlowerResourceForCrop(), VegElement::DoDevelopment(), LE::SetPollenNectarType(), and PollenNectarDevelopmentCurveSet::UpdateFlowerResource().
static |
If after first date of cutting for flower strips, this is the daily chance it happens.
Referenced by FlowerStrip::DoDevelopment().
static |
Last possible date of cutting for flower strips.
Referenced by FlowerStrip::DoDevelopment().
static |
First date of cutting for flower strips.
Referenced by FlowerStrip::DoDevelopment().
CfgFloat cfg_goose_GrainDecayRateSpring {"GOOSE_GRAINDECAYRATESPRING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.95, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Spring until 1st July.
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgFloat cfg_goose_GrainDecayRateWinter {"GOOSE_GRAINDECAYRATEWINTER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.958, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Harvest to Spring.
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgFloat cfg_goose_grass_to_winter_cereal_scaler |
The scaler to go from energy intake from grass forage to winter cereal The default value of 1.0325 is a quick fix to account for higher energy intake on winter cereal - Based on Therkildsen & Madsen 2000 Energetics of feeding...
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgFloat cfg_goose_MaizeDecayRateSpring {"GOOSE_MAIZEDECAYRATESPRING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled grain for Spring.
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgFloat cfg_goose_MaizeDecayRateWinter {"GOOSE_MAIZEDECAYRATEWINTER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0} |
The decay rate for spilled maize for Harvest to Spring.
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgBool cfg_goose_UniformDecayRate {"GOOSE_UNIFORMDECAYRATE", CFG_CUSTOM, true} |
Use the same grain and maize decay rate (the winter one also for spring)
Referenced by VegElement::CalcGooseForageResources().
CfgInt cfg_goosecountperiod("GOOSE_GOOSECOUNTPERIOD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
The number of days a goose count can be used.
Referenced by LE::GetGooseNos(), and LE::GetQuarryNos().
CfgFloat cfg_insectbiomassscaling("ELE_INSECTBIOMASSSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5) |
A scaling value used to change the insext density crop relationship which was based on DK 2000 data.
Referenced by VegElement::CalculateInsectBiomass().
static |
The chance that a beetlebank being created is patchy or not.
Referenced by MownGrassStrip::MownGrassStrip().
CfgInt cfg_month_varying_flower_base_temp("MONTH_VARING_FLOWER_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
Starting month for varying base development temperature for flower resource model.
static |
Referenced by MownGrassStrip::DoDevelopment().
CfgArray_Double cfg_NectarMonthBaseTemp("NECTAR_MONTH_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {3.6, 3.6, 3.9, 3.9, 9, 9, 9, 6, 5, 0, 2, 2}) |
Monthly base development temperature for NECTAR.
CfgFloat cfg_noncrop_growth_stage_with_green_biomass("NONCROP_GROWTH_STAGE_WITH_GREEN_BIOMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 50) |
Growth stage for non-crop habitat, this is used for aphid.
CfgInt cfg_OrchardNoCutsDay("TOX_ORCHARDNOCUTS", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
Referenced by OrchardCrop::Do(), and Orchard::DoDevelopment().
static |
static |
CfgFloat cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMaxScaler("VEG_GROWTHSCALERMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - max value.
Referenced by VegElement::SetVegGrowthScalerRand().
CfgFloat cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMaxScalerField("VEG_FIELDGROWTHSCALERMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.100) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - max value.
Referenced by Field::SetVegGrowthScalerRand().
CfgFloat cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMinScaler("VEG_GROWTHSCALERMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - min value.
Referenced by VegElement::SetVegGrowthScalerRand().
CfgFloat cfg_PermanentVegGrowthMinScalerField("VEG_FIELDGROWTHSCALERMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.9) |
Scales the growth of vegetation - min value.
Referenced by Field::SetVegGrowthScalerRand().
CfgInt cfg_pest_productapplic_period |
Period for applying pesticide.
CfgInt cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate |
Start date for applying pesticide the first time.
Referenced by Orchard::DoDevelopment(), and OrchardBand::DoDevelopment().
CfgInt cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate2 |
Start date for applying pesticide the second.
Referenced by Orchard::DoDevelopment(), and OrchardBand::DoDevelopment().
CfgInt cfg_pest_productapplic_startdate3 |
Start date for applying pesticide the third time.
Referenced by Orchard::DoDevelopment(), and OrchardBand::DoDevelopment().
CfgBool cfg_pollen_nectar_on("ELE_POLLENNECTAR_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag to determine whether nectar and pollen models are used - should be set to true for pollinator models!
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), PollenNectarDevelopmentData::PollenNectarDevelopmentData(), VegElement::RecalculateBugsNStuff(), VegElement::SetSpeciesFunction(), Landscape::Tick(), Landscape::VegDump(), and VegElement::VegElement().
CfgArray_Double cfg_PollenMonthBaseTemp("POLLEN_MONTH_BASE_TEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {3.9, 3.9, 4, 3.5, 8, 9, 9, 6, 5, 0, 2, 2}) |
Monthly base development temperature for pollen.
CfgFloat cfg_PondLarvalFoodBiomassConst("POND_LARVALFOODBIOMASSCONST", CFG_CUSTOM, 215.0) |
A constant relating the proportion of food units per m2. The value is calibrated to estimates of newt density.
Referenced by Pond::CalcLarvalFood().
CfgFloat cfg_PondLarvalFoodR("POND_LARVALFOODFOODR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.15) |
The instanteous rate of growth for larval food (r from logistic equation)
Referenced by Pond::CalcLarvalFood().
CfgFloat cfg_pondpesticiderunoff("POND_PEST_RUNOFFFACTOR", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0) |
The multiplication factor assumed to account for ingress of pesticide from run-off and soil water to a pond.
Referenced by Pond::CalcPondPesticide().
CfgBool cfg_randompondquality("POND_RANDOMQUALITY", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Controls whether random pond quality is used.
Referenced by Pond::Pond().
CfgArray_Double cfg_SeasonalInsectScaler("ELE_SEASONAL_INSECT_SCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double > {0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.75, 0.25, 0.1 }) |
Monthly scaler for insect biomass vs veg biomass.
Referenced by VegElement::VegElement().
static |
The chance that a setaside being created is patchy or not.
Referenced by PermanentSetaside::PermanentSetaside().
static |
Referenced by UnsprayedFieldMargin::UnsprayedFieldMargin().
CfgFloat cfg_weight_cold_flower_resource("WEIGHT_CODE_FLOWER_RESOURCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.8) |
Weight to shorten flowering period and decreasing resource amount when it is cold.
std::shared_ptr<Population_Manager_Base> g_AManager |
Referenced by CloseDownSim(), CreatePopulationManager(), Field::GetAphidDensity(), and RunTheSim().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::ReadBugPercentageFile().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::ReadBugPercentageFile().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::ReadBugPercentageFile().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::ReadBugPercentageFile().
CfgInt g_el_herbicide_delaytime_days("ELEM_HERBICIDE_DELAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 14) |
CfgInt g_el_strigling_delaytime_days("ELEM_STRIGLING_DELAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 14) |
CfgInt g_el_tramline_decaytime_days("ELEM_TRAMLINE_DECAYTIME_DAYS", CFG_PRIVATE, 21) |
class LE_TypeClass* g_letype |
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), Landscape::BackTranslateEleTypes(), Landscape::BackTranslateVegTypes(), CloseDownSim(), FarmManager::CreateFarms(), CreateLETypeClass(), Farm::HandleEvents(), Farm::InitiateManagement(), Landscape::Landscape(), main(), Landscape::NewElement(), PollenNectarDevelopmentData::PollenNectarDevelopmentData(), Landscape::ReadPolys2(), Landscape::RemoveSmallPolygons(), Landscape::TranslateEleTypes(), Landscape::TranslateEleTypesFromString(), and Landscape::TranslateVegTypes().
class PollenNectarDevelopmentData* g_nectarpollen |
TTypesOfPopulation g_Species |
Referenced by Crop::AphidDamage().
static |
Referenced by VegElement::ReadBugPercentageFile(), and VegElement::VegElement().
static |
static |
static |
static |
CfgFloat l_el_o_cut_green("ELEM_RV_CUT_GREEN", CFG_PRIVATE, 1.5) |
Referenced by Farm::CutOrch(), Orchard::Cutting(), and MownGrassStrip::Cutting().
CfgFloat l_el_o_cut_height("ELEM_RV_CUT_HEIGHT", CFG_PRIVATE, 10.0) |
Referenced by Farm::CutOrch(), Orchard::Cutting(), and MownGrassStrip::Cutting().
CfgFloat l_el_o_cut_total("ELEM_RV_CUT_TOTAL", CFG_PRIVATE, 2.0) |
Referenced by Farm::CutOrch(), Orchard::Cutting(), and MownGrassStrip::Cutting().
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
CfgBool l_pest_enable_pesticide_engine |
Used to turn on or off the PPP functionality of ALMaSS.
Referenced by Osmia_Female::st_ReproductiveBehaviour(), and TAnimal::TAnimal().
CfgFloat l_pest_insecticide_amount |
static |
Referenced by Orchard::DoDevelopment(), and OrchardBand::DoDevelopment().