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ALMaSS  1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
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Osmia_Population_Manager.cpp File Reference
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include "../BatchALMaSS/ALMaSS_Setup.h"
#include "../ALMaSSDefines.h"
#include "../Landscape/ls.h"
#include "../BatchALMaSS/PopulationManager.h"
#include "../BatchALMaSS/AOR_Probe.h"
#include "../Osmia/Osmia.h"
#include "../Osmia/Osmia_Population_Manager.h"


static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPollenThresholds ("OSMIA_POLLEN_THRESHOLDS", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })
 Monthly pollen thresholds, 12 quantity then 12 quality. Units mg/m2 and unitless. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaNectarThresholds ("OSMIA_NECTAR_THRESHOLDS", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })
 Monthly nectar thresholds, 12 quantity then 12 quality. Units mj/m2 and mg/l. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasDailyMort ("OSMIA_PARAS_DAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })
 Montly mortalities for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each set of 12 are the mortalities matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPrepupalDevelRates ("OSMIA_PREPUPALDEVELRATES", CFG_CUSTOM, 42, vector< double > { 0.118180491, 0.128062924, 0.139167698, 0.151690375, 0.165863251, 0.181962547, 0.200316654, 0.221315209, 0.245418359, 0.273164807, 0.305175879, 0.342150483, 0.384842052, 0.434002716, 0.490272059, 0.553979475, 0.62482638, 0.701432201, 0.780791977, 0.857828943, 0.925409524, 0.97526899, 1, 0.995492173, 0.96251684, 0.90641791, 0.835121012, 0.756712977, 0.677752358, 0.602659522, 0.53389011, 0.472441557, 0.418380352, 0.371255655, 0.330377543, 0.294984821, 0.264336547, 0.237755941, 0.214646732, 0.194494708, 0.176862031, 0.161378614 })
 This array is the daily rate of development of prepupa with temperature rounded to the nearest degree (0-41 degrees. More...
static CfgInt cfg_OsmiaStartNo ("OSMIA_STARTNOS", CFG_CUSTOM, 50000)
 The starting number of Osmia InCocoons. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasDispersal ("OSMIA_PARAS_DISPERSAL", CFG_CUSTOM, static_cast< unsigned >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1, vector< double > { 0.001, 0.0001 })
 Dispersal rates for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each entry is the dispersal rate for the parasitoid type matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasStartHighLow ("OSMIA_PARAS_STARTHIGHLOW", CFG_CUSTOM, 2 *(static_cast< unsigned >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1), vector< double > { 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0})
 Starting numbers for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each entry is the max and min starting numbers per sub-population for the parasitoid type matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids. More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaAdultMassCategoryStep ("OSMIA_ADULTMASSCLASSSTEP", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)
 The size class step for Osmia female mass. More...
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaNestByLE_Datafile ("OSMIA_NESTBYLEDATAFILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "OsmiaNestsByHabitat.txt")
 Input file for Osmia nest density per LE. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleBckMort ("OSMIA_FEMALEBACKMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.02)
 The daily background mortality rate for females. More...
static CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMinNoEggsInNest ("OSMIA_MINNOEGGSINNEST", CFG_CUSTOM, 3)
 The mimimum number of eggs planned for a nest. More...
static CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMaxNoEggsInNest ("OSMIA_MAXNOEGGSINNEST", CFG_CUSTOM, 30)
 The maximum number of eggs planned for a nest
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherAgeLogistic ("OSMIA_SEXRATIOVSMOTHERSAGELOGISTIC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double > { 14.90257909, 0.09141286, 0.6031729, -0.39213001 })
 Array of parameters for the Osmia sex ratio vs mothers age logistic equation
static CfgArray_Double Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherAgeLogistic ("OSMIA_FEMALECOCOONMASSVSMOTHERSAGELOGISTIC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double > { 18.04087868, 104.19820591, 133.74150303, -0.17686981})
 Array of parameters for the Osmia female cocoon mass vs mothers age logistic equation
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherMassLinear ("OSMIA_SEXRATIOVSMOTHERSMASSLINEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< double > { 0.0055, -0.1025 })
 Array of parameters for the Osmia sex ratio vs mothers mass linear equation
static CfgArray_Double Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherMassLinear ("OSMIA_FEMALECOCOONMASSVSMOTHERSMASSLINEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< double > { 0.3, 65.1 })
 Array of parameters for the Osmia female first cocoon mass vs mothers mass linear equation
static CfgFloat cfg_Osmia_LifetimeCocoonMassLoss ("OSMIA_LIFETIMECOCOONMASSLOSS", CFG_CUSTOM, 30.0)
 Assumed (fitted) value for the total difference in cocoon mass from first to last cocoon
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaCocoonMassFromProvMass ("OSMIAS_COCOONTOPROVISIONING", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0/3.247)
 The relationhip between cocoon massand provisioning mass is linear. More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaProvMassFromCocoonMass ("OSMIAS_PROVISIONINGTOCOCOON", CFG_CUSTOM, 3.247)
 The relationhip between cocoon mass and provisioning mass is linear. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_MaleMinTargetProvisionMass ("OSMIA_MALEMINTARGETPROVISIONMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)
 The minimum amount of pollen needed to provision a male cell. More...
static CfgInt cfg_MinimumCellConstructionTime ("OSMIA_MINCELLCONSTRUCTTIME", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)
 The minimum time to construct a cell in days. More...
static CfgInt cfg_MaximumCellConstructionTime ("OSMIA_MAXCELLCONSTRUCTTIME", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)
 The maximum time allowed to construct a cell in days. More...
static CfgInt cfg_TotalNestsPossible ("OSMIA_TOTALNESTSPOSSIBLE", CFG_CUSTOM, 5)
 The maximum number of nests possible for a bee. More...
static CfgBool cfg_UsingMechanisticParasitoids ("OSMIA_USEMECHANISTICPARASITOIDS", CFG_CUSTOM, false)
 The flag for using mechanistic (true) or statistical (false) parasitoid assumptions. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaBombylidProb ("OSMIA_BOMBYLIDPROB", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5)
 The probability that a parasitoid is Bombylid - statistical parasitoids only. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen ("OSMIA_PARASITISMPROBTOTIMECELLOPEN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0075)
 The conversion rate from timethe cell is open to open cell parasitism. More...
static CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPerCapitaParasationChance ("OSMIA_PERCAPITAPARASITATIONCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, static_cast< int >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1, vector< double > { 0.00001, 0.00002 })
 Array of parameters for per capita parasitoid probability for each type of parasitoid in the order based on TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids. More...
static CfgInt cfg_OsmiaFemaleFindNestAttemptNo ("OSMIA_FEMALEFINDNESTATTEMPTNO", CFG_CUSTOM, 20)
 Parameter to set the numbe of nest finding attempts. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpThreshold ("OSMIA_POLLENGIVEUPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.75, 0, 1.0)
 The change in proportion pollen before a new patch is selected. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpReturn ("OSMIA_POLLENGIVEUPRETURN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.75, 0, 50.0)
 The change in proportion pollen before a new patch is selected. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaDensityDependentPollenRemovalConst ("OSMIADENSITYDENPENDENTPOLLENREMOVALCONST", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5)
 Parameter to set the proportion of pollen removed by other bees. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_PollenScoreToMg ("OSMIA_POLLENSCORETOMG", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.8)
 The conversion rate from pollen availability score to mg pollen provisioned per day per bee - a fitting parameter. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPesticideProbability ("OSMIA_PPP_PROB", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)
 The probability of death per day if the pesticide body burden threshold is exceeded. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPesticideThreshold ("OSMIA_PPP_THRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 10000.0)
 The pesticide body burden threshold for ppp effects. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMinTempForFlying ("OSMIA_MIN_TEMP_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 6)
 The minimum temperature in degree for osmia to fly out. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaxWindSpeedForFlying ("OSMIA_MAX_WIND_SPEED_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 8)
 The maximum wind speed in meter per second for osmia to fly out. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaxPrecipForFlying ("OSMIA_MAX_PRECIP_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.1)
 The maximum precipitation for osmia to fly out. More...
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaOverwinterDegreeDaysInitialSimu ("OSMIA_OVERWINTER_DEGREE_DAYS_INITIAL_SIMU", CFG_CUSTOM, 320)
 The accumulated overwinter degree days for cocoon when initialising the simulations. More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonOverwinteringTempThreshold
 Is the temperature developmental threshold for overwintering development (a temperature below which day degrees are not summed) More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonEmergenceTempThreshold
 Is the temperature threshold for calculating days left to emergence (a temperature below which days are not counted) More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMin
 min possible female mass in mg More...
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMax
 max possible female mass in mg More...
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMaxHomingDistance
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaForageSteps
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaDetailedMaskStep
 Step size for the detailed forage mask. Step is each step out from the centre (min 1) More...

Detailed Description

Version of September 2019
By Chris J. Topping

Variable Documentation

◆ cfg_MaleMinTargetProvisionMass


The minimum amount of pollen needed to provision a male cell.

◆ cfg_MaximumCellConstructionTime

CfgInt cfg_MaximumCellConstructionTime("OSMIA_MAXCELLCONSTRUCTTIME", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)

The maximum time allowed to construct a cell in days.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_MinimumCellConstructionTime

CfgInt cfg_MinimumCellConstructionTime("OSMIA_MINCELLCONSTRUCTTIME", CFG_CUSTOM, 1)

The minimum time to construct a cell in days.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_Osmia_LifetimeCocoonMassLoss

CfgFloat cfg_Osmia_LifetimeCocoonMassLoss("OSMIA_LIFETIMECOCOONMASSLOSS", CFG_CUSTOM, 30.0)

Assumed (fitted) value for the total difference in cocoon mass from first to last cocoon

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaAdultMassCategoryStep

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaAdultMassCategoryStep("OSMIA_ADULTMASSCLASSSTEP", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)

The size class step for Osmia female mass.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init(), and Osmia_Female::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaBombylidProb

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaBombylidProb("OSMIA_BOMBYLIDPROB", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.5)

The probability that a parasitoid is Bombylid - statistical parasitoids only.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaCocoonMassFromProvMass

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaCocoonMassFromProvMass("OSMIAS_COCOONTOPROVISIONING", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0/3.247)

The relationhip between cocoon massand provisioning mass is linear.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaDensityDependentPollenRemovalConst


Parameter to set the proportion of pollen removed by other bees.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Osmia_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaDetailedMaskStep

CfgInt cfg_OsmiaDetailedMaskStep

Step size for the detailed forage mask. Step is each step out from the centre (min 1)

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaFemaleBckMort

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleBckMort("OSMIA_FEMALEBACKMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.02)

The daily background mortality rate for females.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherAgeLogistic

CfgArray_Double Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherAgeLogistic("OSMIA_FEMALECOCOONMASSVSMOTHERSAGELOGISTIC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double > { 18.04087868, 104.19820591, 133.74150303, -0.17686981})

Array of parameters for the Osmia female cocoon mass vs mothers age logistic equation

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherMassLinear

CfgArray_Double Cfg_OsmiaFemaleCocoonMassVsMotherMassLinear("OSMIA_FEMALECOCOONMASSVSMOTHERSMASSLINEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< double > { 0.3, 65.1 })

Array of parameters for the Osmia female first cocoon mass vs mothers mass linear equation

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaFemaleFindNestAttemptNo


Parameter to set the numbe of nest finding attempts.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMax

◆ cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMin

◆ cfg_OsmiaForageSteps

◆ cfg_OsmiaInCocoonEmergenceTempThreshold

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonEmergenceTempThreshold

Is the temperature threshold for calculating days left to emergence (a temperature below which days are not counted)

Referenced by Osmia_Base::SetParameterValues().

◆ cfg_OsmiaInCocoonOverwinteringTempThreshold

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonOverwinteringTempThreshold

Is the temperature developmental threshold for overwintering development (a temperature below which day degrees are not summed)

Referenced by Osmia_Base::SetParameterValues().

◆ cfg_OsmiaMaxHomingDistance

CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMaxHomingDistance

◆ cfg_OsmiaMaxNoEggsInNest


The maximum number of eggs planned for a nest

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaMaxPrecipForFlying

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaxPrecipForFlying("OSMIA_MAX_PRECIP_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.1)

The maximum precipitation for osmia to fly out.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::CalForageHours().

◆ cfg_OsmiaMaxWindSpeedForFlying

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaxWindSpeedForFlying("OSMIA_MAX_WIND_SPEED_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 8)

The maximum wind speed in meter per second for osmia to fly out.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::CalForageHours().

◆ cfg_OsmiaMinNoEggsInNest


The mimimum number of eggs planned for a nest.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaMinTempForFlying

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMinTempForFlying("OSMIA_MIN_TEMP_FOR_FLYING", CFG_CUSTOM, 6)

The minimum temperature in degree for osmia to fly out.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::CalForageHours().

◆ cfg_OsmiaNectarThresholds

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaNectarThresholds("OSMIA_NECTAR_THRESHOLDS", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })

Monthly nectar thresholds, 12 quantity then 12 quality. Units mj/m2 and mg/l.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaNestByLE_Datafile

CfgStr cfg_OsmiaNestByLE_Datafile("OSMIA_NESTBYLEDATAFILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "OsmiaNestsByHabitat.txt")

Input file for Osmia nest density per LE.

Referenced by Osmia_Nest_Manager::InitOsmiaBeeNesting().

◆ cfg_OsmiaOverwinterDegreeDaysInitialSimu

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaOverwinterDegreeDaysInitialSimu("OSMIA_OVERWINTER_DEGREE_DAYS_INITIAL_SIMU", CFG_CUSTOM, 320)

The accumulated overwinter degree days for cocoon when initialising the simulations.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Osmia_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaParasDailyMort

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasDailyMort("OSMIA_PARAS_DAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })

Montly mortalities for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each set of 12 are the mortalities matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids.

Referenced by OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager::OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaParasDispersal

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasDispersal("OSMIA_PARAS_DISPERSAL", CFG_CUSTOM, static_cast< unsigned >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1, vector< double > { 0.001, 0.0001 })

Dispersal rates for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each entry is the dispersal rate for the parasitoid type matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids.

Referenced by OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager::OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen("OSMIA_PARASITISMPROBTOTIMECELLOPEN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0075)

The conversion rate from timethe cell is open to open cell parasitism.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaParasStartHighLow

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaParasStartHighLow("OSMIA_PARAS_STARTHIGHLOW", CFG_CUSTOM, 2 *(static_cast< unsigned >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1), vector< double > { 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0})

Starting numbers for TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitoids. Each entry is the max and min starting numbers per sub-population for the parasitoid type matching the order in the enum class TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids.

Referenced by OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager::OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPerCapitaParasationChance

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPerCapitaParasationChance("OSMIA_PERCAPITAPARASITATIONCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, static_cast< int >(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar) - 1, vector< double > { 0.00001, 0.00002 })

Array of parameters for per capita parasitoid probability for each type of parasitoid in the order based on TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPesticideProbability

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPesticideProbability("OSMIA_PPP_PROB", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)

The probability of death per day if the pesticide body burden threshold is exceeded.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPesticideThreshold

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPesticideThreshold("OSMIA_PPP_THRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 10000.0)

The pesticide body burden threshold for ppp effects.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpReturn

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpReturn("OSMIA_POLLENGIVEUPRETURN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.75, 0, 50.0)

The change in proportion pollen before a new patch is selected.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpThreshold

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPollenGiveUpThreshold("OSMIA_POLLENGIVEUPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.75, 0, 1.0)

The change in proportion pollen before a new patch is selected.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPollenThresholds

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPollenThresholds("OSMIA_POLLEN_THRESHOLDS", CFG_CUSTOM, 24, vector< double > { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 })

Monthly pollen thresholds, 12 quantity then 12 quality. Units mg/m2 and unitless.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaPrepupalDevelRates

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaPrepupalDevelRates("OSMIA_PREPUPALDEVELRATES", CFG_CUSTOM, 42, vector< double > { 0.118180491, 0.128062924, 0.139167698, 0.151690375, 0.165863251, 0.181962547, 0.200316654, 0.221315209, 0.245418359, 0.273164807, 0.305175879, 0.342150483, 0.384842052, 0.434002716, 0.490272059, 0.553979475, 0.62482638, 0.701432201, 0.780791977, 0.857828943, 0.925409524, 0.97526899, 1, 0.995492173, 0.96251684, 0.90641791, 0.835121012, 0.756712977, 0.677752358, 0.602659522, 0.53389011, 0.472441557, 0.418380352, 0.371255655, 0.330377543, 0.294984821, 0.264336547, 0.237755941, 0.214646732, 0.194494708, 0.176862031, 0.161378614 })

This array is the daily rate of development of prepupa with temperature rounded to the nearest degree (0-41 degrees.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Osmia_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaProvMassFromCocoonMass

CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaProvMassFromCocoonMass("OSMIAS_PROVISIONINGTOCOCOON", CFG_CUSTOM, 3.247)

The relationhip between cocoon mass and provisioning mass is linear.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherAgeLogistic

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherAgeLogistic("OSMIA_SEXRATIOVSMOTHERSAGELOGISTIC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double > { 14.90257909, 0.09141286, 0.6031729, -0.39213001 })

Array of parameters for the Osmia sex ratio vs mothers age logistic equation

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherMassLinear

CfgArray_Double cfg_OsmiaSexRatioVsMotherMassLinear("OSMIA_SEXRATIOVSMOTHERSMASSLINEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 2, vector< double > { 0.0055, -0.1025 })

Array of parameters for the Osmia sex ratio vs mothers mass linear equation

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_OsmiaStartNo

CfgInt cfg_OsmiaStartNo("OSMIA_STARTNOS", CFG_CUSTOM, 50000)

The starting number of Osmia InCocoons.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Osmia_Population_Manager().

◆ cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance

CfgInt cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance

◆ cfg_PollenScoreToMg

CfgFloat cfg_PollenScoreToMg("OSMIA_POLLENSCORETOMG", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.8)

The conversion rate from pollen availability score to mg pollen provisioned per day per bee - a fitting parameter.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_TotalNestsPossible


The maximum number of nests possible for a bee.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ cfg_UsingMechanisticParasitoids

CfgBool cfg_UsingMechanisticParasitoids("OSMIA_USEMECHANISTICPARASITOIDS", CFG_CUSTOM, false)

The flag for using mechanistic (true) or statistical (false) parasitoid assumptions.

Referenced by Osmia_Population_Manager::Init().

◆ g_landscape_ptr

Landscape* g_landscape_ptr