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The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Go to the documentation of this file.
37 #include <forward_list>
42 class PollenMap_centroidbased;
56 #define __OSMIA_DIST_SIZE 10000
170 std::replace(
m_cells.end(), a_oldpointer, a_newpointer);
191 if (std::distance(std::begin(
m_cells), std::end(
m_cells)) < 1)
return false;
else return true;
413 virtual void Step(
437 virtual void Step(
456 virtual void Step(
477 virtual void Step(
502 virtual void Step(
522 static double m_foragesum;
523 static int m_foragecount;
578 #ifdef __OSMIA_PESTICIDE
581 static double m_OsmiaPPPEffectProb;
583 static double m_OsmiaPPPThreshold;
586 static double GetPPPThreshold() {
return m_OsmiaPPPThreshold; }
588 static double GetPPPEffectProb() {
return m_OsmiaPPPEffectProb; }
593 #ifdef __OSMIATESTING
596 bool m_firstnestflag;
597 #endif // __OSMIATESTING
639 virtual void Init(
double a_mass);
643 virtual void Step(
697 void GetPollenInPolygon(
double& a_required_amount,
double& a_foraged_amount,
int a_polygon,
int a_loc_x,
int a_loc_y);
702 unsigned int m_animal_id;
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:711
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Larva ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:388
int Supply_m_Location_x() const
Returns the ALMaSS x-coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:239
void SetCellLock(void)
Set the cell lock.
Definition: Osmia.h:160
double m_CellCarryOver
Keeps track of any part time cell construction hours.
Definition: Osmia.h:539
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaSugarPerDay("OSMIA_NECTAR_PER_DAY", CFG_CUSTOM, 20)
The amount of sugar in mg that a female osmia needs per day.
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonOverwinteringTempThreshold("OSMIA_INCOCOONOVERWINTERINGTEMPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)
Is the temperature developmental threshold for overwintering development (a temperature below which d...
static void SetTotalNestsPossible(int a_total)
Set the maximum number of nests possible for a bee.
Definition: Osmia.h:684
int m_foragehours
A variable to hold the number of available forage hours left in a day.
Definition: Osmia.h:342
PesticideToxicity m_my_pesticide
Definition: PopulationManager.h:379
static int m_OsmiaFemaleLifespan
holds the value for max female lifespan
Definition: Osmia.h:304
A list ofPPP names for tracking by the Pesticide class.
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:1077
CfgBool cfg_OsmiaFemaleDamageBasedPesticideResponse("OSMIA_FEMALE_DAMAGE_BASED_PESTICIDE_RESPONSE", CFG_CUSTOM, false)
The flag to use damage based pesticide response for females.
double g_rand_uni_fnc()
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:56
virtual void KillThis()
Sets all parameters ready for object destruction.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:263
static double m_DailyDevelopmentMortPrepupae
This holds the daily mortality for pre-pupae.
Definition: Osmia.h:230
void SetMass(double a_mass)
Sets the bee's mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:366
int GetYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:71
int PlanEggsPerNest()
Calculates the planned number of eggs for the next nest.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1623
static void SetParameterValues()
Used to populate the static members holding mortality and development parameters.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:215
double GetDDPreWinter()
Returns the number of day degrees during prewinter above 15.0 degrees.
Definition: Osmia.h:506
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Emerge(void)
Behavioural state for emerging from the pupa.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:631
static void SetTemp(double a_temperature)
Definition: Osmia.h:383
double SupplyTemp(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Weather class function, the temperature for the current day.
Definition: Landscape.h:1993
Definition: Treatment.h:83
double GetPrePupalDevelDays()
Returns the amount of development a pre-pupal bee will get today based on temperature.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:482
double m_Mass
Definition: Osmia.h:340
void ReplaceNestPointer(TAnimal *a_oldpointer, TAnimal *a_newpointer)
Definition: Osmia.h:169
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPupaDailyMORT("OSMIA_PUPADAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.003)
Daily unspecified mortality for Osmia pupae.
static double m_MaleMaxTargetProvisionMass
The maximum target provisioning for a male cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:270
CfgBool cfg_OsmiaEggThresholdBasedPesticideResponse("OSMIA_EGG_THRESHOLD_BASED_PESTICIDE_RESPONSE", CFG_CUSTOM, true)
The flag to use threshold based pesticide response for eggs.
static vector< double > m_ParasitoidAttackChance
Holds the probability per capita of parasitoid attack for a subpopulation sized cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:296
virtual ~Osmia_Base()
Osmia destructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:209
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaEggDevelTotalDD("OSMIA_EGGDEVELDD", CFG_CUSTOM, 86.0)
Is the number of day degrees needed for egg hatch above the developmental threshold for eggs.
bool m_isOpen
Signals that the nest is closed or open for adding new cells.
Definition: Osmia.h:150
double supplyTotalPesticide(void)
The function to return the total pesticide amount.
Definition: PesticideToxicity.h:54
static double m_PollenCompetitionsReductionScaler
An attribute used to scale the available pollen based on assumed competetion from other bee species.
Definition: Osmia.h:571
int GetStepCounterInADay(void)
Return the sep counter in a day.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:605
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaEmergenceProbType("OSMIA_EMERGENCEPROBTYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, "DISCRETE")
void doOverspray(void)
The function for the animal to be oversprayed when the pesticide application is happening where the a...
Definition: PesticideToxicity.cpp:165
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaTotalCocoonMassLoss("OSMIATOTALCOCOONMASSLOSS", CFG_CUSTOM, 15.0)
The assumed total mass loss first cocoon to last per nest in terms of female cocoon mass.
static double m_OsmiaPrepupalDevelTotalDays10pct
10% of the number of days for prepupal development - just for speed
Definition: Osmia.h:248
int y
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:167
static int m_TotalNestsPossible
The maximum number of nests possible for a bee.
Definition: Osmia.h:290
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Pupa ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:570
char * value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:182
int m_CellOpenDays
records the current density grid index for fast access
Definition: Osmia.h:537
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaFemalePrenestingDuration("OSMIA_PRENESTINGDURATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 2)
duration of prenesting in days
void CalculateEggLoad()
This calculates the number of eggs the female should lay.
Definition: Osmia.h:616
void addPesticide(double eating_amount, double amount_per_square, double(Landscape::*a_supply_pest_func_pointer)(int, int, PlantProtectionProducts), int loc_x, int loc_y)
The function to add pesticide based on the eating amount and the amount of food per square meter.
Definition: PesticideToxicity.cpp:79
Definition: PopulationManager.h:69
double Forage(void)
The foraging algorithm for Osmia.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1107
Used for creation of a new Osmia object.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:161
virtual void st_Dying(void)
Behavioural state dying.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:258
static double m_MaleMaxMass
The minimum Male mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:280
int m_EggsToLay
Contains the number of all eggs yet to lay.
Definition: Osmia.h:541
double pest_mortality
The state tof the Osmia, this is used to set a dead egg because of pesticide.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:183
static double m_OsmiaFemaleMassFromProvMassSlope
holds the coefficient value for the female mass calculation from provision mass
Definition: Osmia.h:266
The types of parasitism possible for Osmia eggs/larvae.
Definition: Osmia.h:83
static double m_OsmiaPrepupalDevelTotalDays
Number of days for prepupal development.
Definition: Osmia.h:246
static double m_BombylidProbability
holds the probability of bombylid fly parasitism if open nest parasitoid
Definition: Osmia.h:292
int m_ForageLocY
The variable to record the bee's forageing location – y.
Definition: Osmia.h:577
void CorrectCoords(int &x, int &y)
Function to prevent wrap around errors with co-ordinates using x/y pair.
Definition: Landscape.h:2206
static void SetBombylidProbability(double a_prob)
Sets Bombylid probability.
Definition: Osmia.h:686
int m_guard_cell_y
The index y to the guard cell.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:374
Landscape * L
Landscape pointer.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:173
String configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:173
class Calendar * g_date
Definition: Calendar.cpp:37
double GetAgeDegrees()
A typical interface function - this one returns the agedegrees.
Definition: Osmia.h:415
static probability_distribution m_dispersalmovementdistances
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probablilties for dispersal.
Definition: Osmia.h:308
static double m_FemaleMaxMass
The maximum female mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:276
static double m_PollenScoreToMg
The conversion rate from pollen availability score to mg pollen provisioned per day.
Definition: Osmia.h:282
vector< double > m_cell_provision
Definition: Osmia.h:124
void RemoveCell(TAnimal *a_oldpointer)
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1651
CfgInt l_pest_NoPPPs
The number of active Plant Protection Products to be tracked - a performance penalty if enabled with ...
int GetNoNests()
For debug - get the number of nests currently for this polygon.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1708
static double m_ParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen
holds the ratio of open cell parasitism to time cell is open
Definition: Osmia.h:294
The class to handle all Osmia bee population related matters.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:376
virtual void BeginStep(void)
Definition: Osmia.cpp:902
static int m_OsmiaFemaleMaxEggsPerNest
Holds the parameter for maximum planned eggs per nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:332
static double m_MaximumCellConstructionTime
The longest possible construction time for a cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:288
static double m_OsmiaFemaleR50distance
holds the value for the female typical homing distance
Definition: Osmia.h:298
static OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager * m_OurParasitoidPopulationManager
This is a time saving pointer to the parasitoid population manager object.
Definition: Osmia.h:220
double m_egg_pest_mortality
Holds the mortality caused by pesticide.
Definition: Osmia.h:404
double overwintering_degree_days
This is used to set accumulated overwinter degree days when starting the simulation,...
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:185
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassFromProvMassSlope("OSMIA_FEMALEMASSFROMPROVMASSSLOPE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.25)
Coefficient in osmia female mass from provision mass calculation.
double value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:142
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaProvMassFromCocoonMass
The relationhip between cocoon mass and provisioning mass is linear.
static void SetMinEggsPerNest(int a_eggs)
Set the min eggs parameter value.
Definition: Osmia.h:659
Osmia_Nest(int a_x, int a_y, int a_polyref, Osmia_Nest_Manager *a_manager)
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1636
double m_CurrentProvisioning
Records the amount of pollen currently provisioned in a cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:555
Definition: Treatment.h:31
static double m_CocoonToProvisionMass
The ratio of cocoon to provision mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:314
static void SetProvisionToCocoonMass(double a_ratio)
Set the conversion ratio provisioning to cocoon.
Definition: Osmia.h:670
static double m_TempToday
The temperature today. This is static because there is only one temperature today.
Definition: Osmia.h:222
double SupplyLocMaxPollen(int &a_peak_loc_x, int &a_peak_loc_y, int a_min_x, int a_min_y, int a_max_x, int a_max_y, int a_incr=1)
Supply the location with the maximum pollen amount location for the given area.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:3566
static int m_ForageSteps
The number of distance steps from nest to max forage range.
Definition: Osmia.h:569
static double m_OsmiaLarvaDevelTotalDD
Is the number of day degrees needed for larval hatch above the developmental threshold for larvae.
Definition: Osmia.h:238
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:330
static int m_DayInYear
A holder for the day in year shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:358
void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia reinitialise object methods.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:198
static double m_TotalProvisioningMassLoss
The total provision mass loss expected first cocoon to last.
Definition: Osmia.h:318
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:617
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonOverwinteringTempThreshold
holds the value for the InCocoon overwintering temperature threshold
Definition: Osmia.h:250
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.h:70
static probability_distribution m_eggspernestdistribution
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probablilties for numbers of eggs p...
Definition: Osmia.h:310
int m_step
Definition: Osmia.h:114
bool sex
the sex of the Osmia
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:171
static double m_OsmiaPupaDevelTotalDD
Is the number of day degrees needed for pupal hatch above the developmental threshold for pupae.
Definition: Osmia.h:242
int GetPolyRef()
Get the polyref.
Definition: Osmia.h:184
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonEmergCountSlope
holds the coefficient value for the InCocoon emergence counter calculation
Definition: Osmia.h:262
APoint SupplyARandomLocPollenPoly(int a_poly_id)
The function to get a random location with pollen available for the given polygon.
Definition: Landscape.h:265
double SupplyPesticideNectar(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp)
Gets nectar pesticide for a location.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:1474
static void SetParasitoidParameters(vector< double > a_params)
Definition: Osmia.h:691
void ReleasePolygonLock(int a_polyref)
Function to release the given polygon locks.
Definition: Landscape.h:603
void SetPolygonLock(int a_polyref)
Function to set the given polygon lock.
Definition: Landscape.h:601
static void SetPollenGiveUpThreshold(double a_prop)
Record the give up level for pollen from a forage patch we are foraging from.
Definition: Osmia.h:651
double m_DDPrewinter
Definition: Osmia.h:494
void ReleaseOsmiaNest(int a_polyindex, Osmia_Nest *a_nest)
Release the given nest in the given polygon.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:426
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:682
static void AddForageEfficiency(double a_eff)
Save a forage efficiency value.
Definition: Osmia.h:695
int age
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:169
int Geti() const
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:335
int m_ForageLocX
The variable to record the bee's forageing location – x.
Definition: Osmia.h:575
static double m_OsmiaFemaleR90distance
holds the value for the female max homing distance
Definition: Osmia.h:300
double GetMass()
Returns the bee's mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:364
int m_EggsThisNest
Keeps a track of the planned number of eggs for this nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:543
static double m_OsmiaEggDevelTotalDD
Is the number of day degrees needed for egg development to hatch.
Definition: Osmia.h:234
The possible behavioural states for Osmia classes.
Definition: Osmia.h:66
int m_x
Definition: Osmia.h:138
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_ReproductiveBehaviour(void)
This checks for the need to do something regarding reproduction and does it if necessary.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1191
bool value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:164
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Pupate(void)
Behavioural state for emerging from the pupa.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:541
static void SetUsingMechanisticParasitoids(bool a_flag)
Sets the UsingMechanisticParasitoids flag.
Definition: Osmia.h:690
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPupaDevelTotalDD("OSMIA_PUPADEVELDD", CFG_CUSTOM, 570)
Is the number of day degrees needed for pupal hatch above the developmental threshold for pupae.
void SetMaleMinTargetProvisionMass(double a_mass)
Set the target mass for male cell provisioning - this is a minimum.
Definition: Osmia.h:674
The Osmia nest is assumed to be a linear element with egg cells added one by one.
Definition: Osmia.h:128
void SetAgeDegrees(unsigned a_agedegrees)
A typical interface function - this one returns the agedegrees.
Definition: Osmia.h:417
static probability_distribution m_exp_ZeroToOne
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probablilties for approx exponentia...
Definition: Osmia.h:312
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonWinterMortConst("OSMIA_INCOCOONWINTERMORTCONST", CFG_CUSTOM, -4.63)
Constant term in winter mortality equation for Osmia in cocoon.
static Osmia_Nest_Manager * m_OurManager
A pointer to the one and only nest population manager.
Definition: Osmia.h:148
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPupaDevelThreshold("OSMIA_PUPADEVELTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.1)
Is temperature developmental threshold for pupal development.
static std::uniform_int_distribution< int > g_uni_0to15(0, 35)
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaDispersalMovementProbType("OSMIA_DISPMOVPROBTYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, "BETA")
APoint m_CurrentNestLoc
The location of the current nest, holds -1 in m_x when no nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:549
int m_BeeSizeScore2
Used to put the bees into a smaller size classes than used for m_BeeSizeScore1, size class controlled...
Definition: Osmia.h:559
virtual bool FindNestLocation(void)
Find a suitable location for a nest.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1040
const int June
Julian start dates of the month of June.
Definition: Landscape.h:48
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaAdultMassCategoryStep
The size class step for Osmia female mass.
void AddCocoon(TAnimal *a_cocoon)
Adds a cocoon to the nest, this is only used to initialise the simulation.
Definition: Osmia.h:164
double SupplyPesticidePlantSurface(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp)
Gets plant surface pesticide for a location.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:1444
bool m_Sex
Holds the sex of the egg. Female = fertilized = true.
Definition: Osmia.h:400
int m_PolyRef
polygon reference to where the nest is located
Definition: Osmia.h:142
double SupplyPollenAtLocInPoly(int a_poly_id, APoint a_start_loc, double a_required_amount, vector< APoint > *a_locs, vector< double > *a_pest_vec)
The function to get the given pollen in the give location in the polygon ID, the locations for the re...
Definition: Landscape.h:271
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Hatch(void)
Behavioural state hatch.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:359
static double m_OsmiaFemaleMassFromProvMassConst
holds the constant term value for the female mass calculation from provision mass
Definition: Osmia.h:264
int GetForageHours()
Return the Osmia flying weather hours.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:432
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Adult ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:659
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonWinterMortSlope
holds the coefficient value for the InCocoon winter mortality calculation
Definition: Osmia.h:258
TTypeOfOsmiaState m_CurrentOState
Variable to record current behavioural state.
Definition: Osmia.h:214
static OsmiaForageMask m_foragemask
Definition: Osmia.h:527
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaleMassMin("OSMIA_MINMALEMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 88)
min possible male mass in mg
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonPrewinteringTempThreshold("OSMIA_INCOCOONPREWINTERINGTEMPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 15.0)
Is the temperature developmental threshold for prewintering development (a temperature below which da...
static OsmiaForageMaskDetailed m_foragemaskdetailed
Definition: Osmia.h:528
static void SetForageMaskDetailed(int a_step, int a_max)
Initialise the detailed forage mask.
Definition: Osmia.h:646
static void SetForageSteps(int a_sz)
Definition: Osmia.h:644
Definition: MapErrorMsg.h:43
virtual bool DailyMortality()
Daily mortality test for eggs.
Definition: Osmia.h:424
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.h:356
int m_Location_y
The objects ALMaSS y coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:366
Osmia_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulationManager
This is a time saving pointer to the correct population manager object.
Definition: Osmia.h:218
vector< vector< int > > CalculateMaskCorners(int a_centroid_x, int a_centroid_y, int a_half_width)
The function to calculate the corners of mask(s) for the given centroid and half-width with wrapping ...
Definition: Landscape.cpp:2540
A simple class defining an x,y coordinate set.
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:52
int m_maxdistance
Definition: Osmia.h:115
virtual ~Osmia_Pupa()
Definition: Osmia.cpp:576
Coefficient in emergence counter equation for Osmia in cocoon.
void AddEgg(TAnimal *a_egg)
Adds an egg to the nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:168
std::forward_list< TAnimal * > m_cells
list of egg objects
Definition: Osmia.h:144
static void SetPollenGiveUpReturn(double a_value)
Record the give up level for pollen from a forage patch we are foraging from.
Definition: Osmia.h:653
bool GetIsOpen()
Tells us whether the nest is finished for additions = false or can be added too = true.
Definition: Osmia.h:195
Osmia_Female * m_owner
Definition: Osmia.h:199
static probability_distribution m_emergenceday
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of emergence day.
Definition: Osmia.h:334
int x
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:165
Osmia_Female(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Female constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:845
static Landscape * m_OurLandscape
A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:342
Bool configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:155
void CheckManagement()
Used to start a check for any management related effects at the objects current location.
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1591
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPrepupaDevelTotalDays("OSMIA_PREPUPADEVELDAYS", CFG_CUSTOM, 45)
This is maximal (reached at optimal temperature) developmental speed (in days) for prepupal stages.
double supplyPestMortality(void)
The function to supply the host's mortality rate caused by pest.
Definition: PesticideToxicity.h:104
static double m_MinimumCellConstructionTime
The shortest possible construction time for a cell - normally 1 day.
Definition: Osmia.h:286
int Supply_m_Location_y() const
Returns the ALMaSS y-coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:243
void GetPollenInPolygon(double &a_required_amount, double &a_foraged_amount, int a_polygon, int a_loc_x, int a_loc_y)
Gets pollen in a polygon from a starting location.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1164
deque< bool > m_NestProvisioningPlanSex
A list of eggs male/female.
Definition: Osmia.h:563
The base class for all ALMaSS animal classes. Includes all the functionality required to be handled b...
Definition: PopulationManager.h:200
virtual ~Osmia_Female()
Osmia_Female destructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:854
Definition: Treatment.h:111
int m_no_eggs
Definition: Osmia.h:122
virtual bool DailyMortality()
Daily mortality test for pupae.
Definition: Osmia.h:484
static double m_FemaleMinTargetProvisionMass
The minimum target provisioning for a female cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:272
Osmia_Nest * GetNest()
Definition: Osmia.h:373
virtual void st_Dying(void)
Behavioural state dying.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1602
bool WinterMortality()
Definition: Osmia.cpp:818
Osmia_Larva(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Larva constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:400
void SetParasitised(TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids a_status)
Set the parasitised status.
Definition: Osmia.h:368
vector< APoint > m_mask
Holds 20 distances and 8 directions with offsets to x,y.
Definition: Osmia.h:113
void SetFemaleMinTargetProvisionMass(double a_mass)
Set the target mass for female cell provisioning - this is a minimum.
Definition: Osmia.h:676
int m_step2
Definition: Osmia.h:101
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaDispersalMovementProbArgs("OSMIA_DISPMOVPROBARGS", CFG_CUSTOM, "10 5")
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonWinterMortConst
holds the constant term value for the InCocoon winter mortality calculation
Definition: Osmia.h:256
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaForageSteps("OSMIA_FORAGESTEPS", CFG_CUSTOM, 20)
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonEmergenceTempThreshold
holds the value for the InCocoon emergence temperature threshold
Definition: Osmia.h:252
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMin("OSMIA_MINFEMALEMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 25.0)
min possible female mass in mg
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaEggsPerNestProbArgs("OSMIA_EGGSPERNESTPROBARGS", CFG_CUSTOM, "1.0 4.00")
Arguments for the planned eggs per nest probability distribution.
void Warn(MapErrorState a_level, std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Definition: MapErrorMsg.cpp:69
Osmia_Nest * CreateNest(int a_x, int a_y, int a_polyindex)
Creates an Osmia_Nest in the polygon referenced by the index polyindex.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:418
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:119
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:588
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaEmergenceProbArgs("OSMIA_EMERGENCEPROBARGS", CFG_CUSTOM, "8 7 9 24 20 8 6 5 5 4 4")
static bool m_UsingMechanisticParasitoids
Flag for switching between ways of calculating parasitism.
Definition: Osmia.h:324
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaEggPesticideDeathAmount("OSMIA_EGG_PESTICIDE_DEATH_AMOUNT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.03)
The threshold of pesticide amount kills an egg. This is the value of pesticide in the pollen when the...
CfgFloat cfg_biocide_reduction_val
int m_FlyingCounter
A counter to keep track of the flying days during nest cell construction.
Definition: Osmia.h:553
virtual void EndStep(void)
The EndStep is the third 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called once per t...
Definition: Osmia.h:358
Osmia_InCocoon(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Adult constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:674
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInsecticideApplication("BEETLE_OSMIA_INSECTICIDE_APPLICATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.8)
The Osmial simple insecticide mortality parameter.
double GetFirstCocoonProvisioningMass(int a_age, int a_massclass)
Return the first cocoon mass for a nest give an age and female mass.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:439
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:497
static void SetMaxEggsPerNest(int a_eggs)
Set the min eggs parameter value.
Definition: Osmia.h:661
bool m_StepDone
Indicates whether the iterative step code is done for this timestep.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:133
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaLarvaDevelTotalDD("OSMIA_LARVADEVELDD", CFG_CUSTOM, 422)
Is the number of day degrees needed for larval hatch above the developmental threshold for larvae.
int m_x
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:55
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaCocoonMassFromProvMass
The relationhip between cocoon massand provisioning mass is linear.
Definition: Treatment.h:116
static double m_OverwinteringTempThreshold
Parameter for overwintering day degrees threshold.
Definition: Osmia.h:515
static double m_DailyDevelopmentMortPupae
This holds the daily mortality for pupae.
Definition: Osmia.h:232
virtual bool OnFarmEvent(FarmToDo event)
Must be reimplemented if used in descendent classes. Sets the action on a management event.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:938
int GetNoNests(int a_polyindex)
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:351
virtual ~Osmia_Nest()
Definition: Osmia.h:155
int value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:116
static double m_OsmiaFemaleBckMort
Holds the parameter for unspecified female daily mortality.
Definition: Osmia.h:326
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:984
static double m_OsmiaLarvaDevelThreshold
Is temperature developmental threshold for larval development.
Definition: Osmia.h:240
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaEggsPerNestProbType("OSMIA_EGGSPERNESTPROBYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, "BETA")
Distribution type for the planned eggs per nest probability distribution.
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1019
int m_mask[20][8][2]
Holds 20 distances and 8 directions with offsets to x,y.
Definition: Osmia.h:99
bool ZeroCells()
Debug - to check if any nests have zero cells.
Definition: Osmia.h:190
Osmia_Prepupa(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Prepupa constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:488
Definition: Treatment.h:109
Osmia_Nest * m_OurNest
Definition: Osmia.h:338
static probability_distribution m_generalmovementdistances
Static instance of the probability_distribution class of distance probablilties for nest searching an...
Definition: Osmia.h:306
int GetNoCells()
Get the number of cells for this nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:188
void UpdateGuardMap(int a_x, int a_y, int &a_index_x, int &a_index_y)
Get the index of the guard map for the given location.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:768
TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids CalcParaistised(double a_daysopen)
Determines the type of parasitoid if any.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1562
int m_ProvisioningTime
The number of days needed for 1 cell construction.
Definition: Osmia.h:551
double m_AgeDegrees
This contains the age in degrees for development.
Definition: Osmia.h:398
Definition: PesticideToxicity.h:33
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaGeneralMovementProbType("OSMIA_GENMOVPROBTYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, "BETA")
static double m_ProvisionToCocoonMass
The ratio of provison to cocoon mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:316
static double m_DensityDependentPollenRemovalConst
A parameter to link linear reduction in pollen availability to Osmia numbers per 1km2.
Definition: Osmia.h:284
static int m_OsmiaFemalePrenesting
holds the value for the duration of prenesting
Definition: Osmia.h:302
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1713
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonPrewinteringTempThreshold
holds the value for the InCocoon prewintering temperature threshold
Definition: Osmia.h:254
virtual ~Osmia_Larva()
Definition: Osmia.cpp:394
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaForageMaskStep("OSMIA_FORAGE_MASK_STEP", CFG_CUSTOM, 50)
The incremental for searching resource mask.
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Female ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:835
bool m_ToDisperse
a flag determining if dispersal is necessary
Definition: Osmia.h:545
static double m_OsmiaPupaDevelThreshold
Is temperature developmental threshold for pupal development.
Definition: Osmia.h:244
int m_EmergeAge
The number of days of post emergence life.
Definition: Osmia.h:547
double mass
The mass of the Osmia in mg.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:181
bool IsOsmiaNestPossible(int a_polyindex)
Checks whether a nest is possible here.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:414
const int May
Julian start dates of the month of May.
Definition: Landscape.h:46
Definition: Treatment.h:113
MapErrorMsg * g_msg
Definition: MapErrorMsg.cpp:41
int GetAspectDelay()
Definition: Osmia.h:193
void SetDensityDependentPollenRemovalConst(double a_value)
sets the m_DensityDependentPollenRemovalConst value
Definition: Osmia.h:693
double m_myOsmiaPrepupaDevelTotalDays
Definition: Osmia.h:465
Osmia_Egg(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Egg constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:275
static double m_TotalProvisioningMassLossRange
The variability around the expected total mass loss.
Definition: Osmia.h:320
TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids GetParasitised(void)
Set the parasitised status.
Definition: Osmia.h:372
bool IsEndPreWinter()
Returns flag to denore the end of prewintering, if ended it is set to true.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:410
TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids m_ParasitoidStatus
Holds the parasitoid status - only one is allowed.
Definition: Osmia.h:336
virtual void ReinitialiseObject(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr)
Definition: PopulationManager.h:282
void SetFemaleMaxTargetProvisionMass(double a_mass)
Set the max target mass for female cell provisioning.
Definition: Osmia.h:678
int m_emergencecounter
Definition: Osmia.h:491
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:300
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassFromProvMassConst("OSMIA_FEMALEMASSFROMPROVMASSCONST", CFG_CUSTOM, 4.00)
Constant term in osmia female mass from provision mass calculation.
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:406
void CloseNest()
Signals that the nest is closed.
Definition: Osmia.h:197
Integer configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:102
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Prepupate(void)
Behavioural state pupate.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:447
CfgBool l_pest_enable_pesticide_engine
Used to turn on or off the PPP functionality of ALMaSS.
void LayEgg()
Produces an egg.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1479
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaEggDevelThreshold("OSMIA_EGGDEVELTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)
Is temperature developmental threshold for egg development.
Osmia_Nest * nest
a pointer to a nest
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:177
void ReleaseOsmiaNest(int a_polyindex, Osmia_Nest *a_nest)
release nest here
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:342
Osmia_Base(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:185
TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids parasitised
Are we parasitised.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:179
int m_BeeSizeScore1
Used to put the bees into a size class - 0,1,2,3 very small, small, medium, big.
Definition: Osmia.h:557
int m_guard_cell_x
The index x to the guard cell.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:370
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaPrepupaDailyMORT("OSMIA_PREPUPADAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.003)
Daily unspecified mortality for Osmia prepupae.
static CfgInt cfg_OsmiaForageMaskStepSZ("OSMIA_FORAGEMASKSTEPSZ", CFG_CUSTOM, cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance.value()/(cfg_OsmiaForageSteps.value() - 1))
bool m_ForageLoc
Flag to indicate whether we have a foraging location (=true)
Definition: Osmia.h:565
int m_Age
A typical member variable - this one is the age in days.
Definition: Osmia.h:216
void KillAllSubsequentCells(TAnimal *a_osmia)
Removes all Osmia from the nest from a target to the end of the tube.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1686
int m_step
Definition: Osmia.h:100
static double m_OsmiaEggDevelThreshold
Is temperature developmental threshold for egg development.
Definition: Osmia.h:236
Double configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:126
double GetSexRatioEggsAgeMass(int a_massclass, int a_age)
Return the sex ratio for a nest give an age and female mass.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:444
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonWinterMortSlope("OSMIA_INCOCOONWINTERMORTSLOPE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.05)
Coefficient in winter mortality equation for Osmia in cocoon.
static int m_TempTodayInt
The temperature today to the nearest degree. This is static because there is only one temperature tod...
Definition: Osmia.h:224
static double m_pollengiveupthreshold
The change in pollen return that triggers a new search.
Definition: Osmia.h:531
bool Find(TAnimal *a_osmia)
Debug function - Is this osmia present?
Definition: Osmia.h:174
int m_StageAge
Holds the age when the stage was initiated.
Definition: Osmia.h:402
const int March
Julian start dates of the month of March.
Definition: Landscape.h:42
static void SetNestFindAttempts(int a_no)
Record the daily mortality parameter values.
Definition: Osmia.h:657
bool IsOverWinterEnd()
Returns flag to denore the end of overwintering, if ended it is set to true.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:412
static int m_OsmiaFindNestAttemptNo
Holds the parameter for number of find nest tries.
Definition: Osmia.h:330
static double m_FemaleMaxTargetProvisionMass
The maximum target provisioning for a female cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:274
Osmia_Pupa(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Pupa constructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:582
double m_quality
Definition: PollenNectar.h:168
Definition: Treatment.h:108
void SetAge(int a_age)
A typical interface function - this one returns the age.
Definition: Osmia.h:362
virtual ~Osmia_Prepupa()
Definition: Osmia.cpp:482
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Prepupa ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:476
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaInCocoonEmergenceTempThreshold("OSMIA_INCOCOONEMERGENCETEMPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 5.0)
Is the temperature threshold for calculating days left to emergence (a temperature below which days a...
static void SetOverwinteringTempThreshold(double a_temp)
Set method for m_OverwinteringTempThreshold.
Definition: Osmia.h:504
double SupplyPollenQuantity(int a_polyref)
Returns the pollen quantity produced by the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_polyref o...
Definition: Landscape.h:657
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaFemaleMassMax("OSMIA_MAXFEMALEMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 200.0)
max possible female mass in mg
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaTypicalHomingDistance("OSMIA_TYPICALHOMINGDISTANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 660)
static void SetParasitoidManager(OsmiaParasitoid_Population_Manager *a_popman)
Definition: Osmia.h:388
virtual bool DailyMortality()
Daily mortality test for prepupae.
Definition: Osmia.h:463
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaTotalCocoonMassLossRange("OSMIATOTALCOCOONMASSLOSSRANGE", CFG_CUSTOM, 5.0)
The range aroudn the assumed total mass loss first cocoon to last per nest in terms of female cocoon ...
Definition: Configurator.h:70
int g_random_fnc(const int a_range)
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:74
static double m_DailyDevelopmentMortLarvae
This holds the daily mortality for larvae.
Definition: Osmia.h:228
static double m_pollengiveupreturn
The minimum pollen return below which a new forage search is triggered.
Definition: Osmia.h:533
virtual void Step(void)
The Step is the second 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called continuously...
Definition: Osmia.cpp:301
int DayInYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:58
int GetAge()
A typical interface function - this one returns the age.
Definition: Osmia.h:360
void ReleaseCellLock(void)
Release the cell lock.
Definition: Osmia.h:162
static void SetPollenScoreToMg(double a_ratio)
Set pollen score to provisioned mg value.
Definition: Osmia.h:672
static int m_OsmiaFemaleMinEggsPerNest
Holds the parameter for minimum planned eggs per nest.
Definition: Osmia.h:328
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Dispersal(void)
This checks for the need to dispese and does it if necessary.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1089
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaLarvaDailyMORT("OSMIA_LARVADAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0014)
Daily unspecified mortality for Osmia larvae.
virtual ~Osmia_InCocoon()
Definition: Osmia.cpp:668
int m_CurrentStateNo
The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:131
static CfgStr cfg_OsmiaGenerallMovementProbArgs("OSMIA_GENMOVPROBARGS", CFG_CUSTOM, "10 5")
double Get() const
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:283
array< double, static_cast< unsigned >TTypeOfOsmiaParasitoids::topara_foobar)> GetParasitoidNumbers(int a_x, int a_y)
returns an array with the parasitoid numbers in the cell at the location given by a_x,...
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.cpp:739
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:526
deque< double > m_NestProvisioningPlan
A list of female nest targets.
Definition: Osmia.h:561
virtual void BeginStep(void)
The BeginStep is the first 'part' of the timestep that an animal can behave in. It is called once per...
Definition: Osmia.h:354
void CreateObjects(TTypeOfOsmiaLifeStages ob_type, TAnimal *pvo, struct_Osmia *data, int number)
Method for creating a new individual Osmia.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.cpp:492
static vector< double > m_FemaleForageEfficiency
A vector holding the age related efficiency of Osmia foraging indexed by day (from Seidelmann 2006)
Definition: Osmia.h:573
int m_y
Definition: Osmia.h:140
virtual void tick(int a_step_counter_in_a_day, double a_mass=1, double a_para_index=0)
The function to update pesticide contamination every time step.
Definition: PesticideToxicity.cpp:179
int m_aspectdelay
Simulates the natural variation assumed per nest location based on aspect, exposure etc....
Definition: Osmia.h:152
virtual void Init(double a_mass)
Osmia_Femae initialisation code for Constructor and ReInit.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:859
int SupplyPolyRefIndex(int a_x, int a_y)
Get the index to the m_elems array for a polygon at location x,y.
Definition: Landscape.h:2172
int m_no_females
Definition: Osmia.h:123
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaFemaleLifespan("OSMIA_LIFESPAN", CFG_CUSTOM, 60)
max lifespan in days
PollenNectarData SupplyNectar(int a_polyref)
Returns information on the nectar produced by the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_pol...
Definition: Landscape.h:647
CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaleMassMax("OSMIA_MAXMALEMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 105.0)
min possible male mass in mg
Osmia_Population_Manager * OPM
Osmia_Population_Manager pointer.
Definition: Osmia_Population_Manager.h:175
omp_nest_lock_t * m_cell_lock
The lock to for egg cells operation.
Definition: Osmia.h:146
void Warn(std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Wrapper for the g_msg Warn function.
Definition: Landscape.h:2250
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMaxHalfWidthForageMask("OSMIA_MAX_HALF_WIDTH_FORAGE_MASK", CFG_CUSTOM, 600)
Half width of the maximum square that a female can search for pollen.
CfgBool cfg_OsmiaFemaleThresholdBasedPesticideResponse("OSMIA_FEMALE_THRESHOLD_BASED_PESTICIDE_RESPONSE", CFG_CUSTOM, true)
The flag to use threshold based pesticide response for females.
double m_currentpollenlevel
Definition: Osmia.h:529
static double m_DailyDevelopmentMortEggs
This holds the daily mortality for eggs.
Definition: Osmia.h:226
int m_Location_x
The objects ALMaSS x coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:362
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaEggDailyMORT("OSMIA_EGGDAILYMORT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0014)
Daily unspecified mortality for Osmia eggs.
static void SetCocoonToProvisionMass(double a_ratio)
Set the conversion ratio cocoon to provisioning.
Definition: Osmia.h:663
int SupplyPolyRef(int a_x, int a_y)
Get the in map polygon reference number from the x, y location.
Definition: Landscape.h:2157
static void SetMaximumCellConstructionTime(double a_time)
Set maximum cell construction time.
Definition: Osmia.h:682
virtual void ReInit(struct_Osmia *data)
Osmia_Egg ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:288
virtual bool DailyMortality()
Daily mortality test for larvae.
Definition: Osmia.h:444
Definition: MapErrorMsg.h:34
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaLarvaDevelThreshold("OSMIA_LARVADEVELTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 4.5)
Is temperature developmental threshold for larval development.
static void SetMinimumCellConstructionTime(double a_time)
Set minimum cell construction time.
Definition: Osmia.h:680
int m_y
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:56
static double m_FemaleMinMass
The minimum female mass.
Definition: Osmia.h:278
static void SetDailyMort(double a_prob)
Record the daily mortality parameter values.
Definition: Osmia.h:655
static double m_OsmiaInCocoonEmergCountConst
holds the constant term value for the InCocoon emergence counter calculation
Definition: Osmia.h:260
OsmiaForageMaskDetailed(int a_step, int a_maxdistance)
Definition: Osmia.cpp:1746
static double m_MaleMinTargetProvisionMass
The minimum target provisioning for a male cell.
Definition: Osmia.h:268
int m_ForageLocPoly
Index to the resource providing polygon lists in the Osmia_Population_Manager.
Definition: Osmia.h:567
static void SetParasitismProbToTimeCellOpen(double a_ratio)
Set the conversion ratio time cell open to open cell parasitism.
Definition: Osmia.h:688
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaMaxHomingDistance("OSMIA_MAXHOMINGDISTANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 1430)
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Develop(void)
Behavioural state development.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:435
virtual TTypeOfOsmiaState st_Emerge(void)
Behavioural state for emerging from the InCocoon.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:757
CfgInt cfg_OsmiaDetailedMaskStep("OSMIA_DETAILEDMASKSTEP", CFG_CUSTOM, 1, 1, 100)
Step size for the detailed forage mask. Step is each step out from the centre (min 1)
static double m_TotalProvisioningMassLossRangeX2
Twice the variability around the expected total mass loss.
Definition: Osmia.h:322
virtual ~Osmia_Egg()
Osmia_Egg destructor.
Definition: Osmia.cpp:269
Constant term in emergence counter equation for Osmia in cocoon.
static CfgFloat cfg_OsmiaMaxPollen("OSMIA_MAXPOLLEN", CFG_CUSTOM, 2.5)
A cap (mg) on the amount of pollen possible to bring back - this is because pollen densities in the l...