![]() |
1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include "../Landscape/ls.h"
#include "../BatchALMaSS/PopulationManager.h"
#include "../Skylark/skylarks_all.h"
#include "../RodenticideModelling/RodenticidePredators.h"
#include "../Landscape/Map_cfg.h"
Variables | |
static const int | version_major = 1 |
static const int | version_minor = 0 |
static const int | version_revision = 0 |
static const char * | version_date = "2014-02-03" |
static CfgStr | l_map_nectarpollencomposition ("MAP_NECTARPOLLEN_COMPOSITION", CFG_CUSTOM, "habitat_stacks.csv") |
CfgBool | l_pest_enable_pesticide_engine |
Used to turn on or off the PPP functionality of ALMaSS. More... | |
CfgInt | l_pest_NoPPPs |
The number of active Plant Protection Products to be tracked - a performance penalty if enabled with more than necessary (memory heavy) More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_rodenticide_enable ("RODENTICIDE_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgBool | cfg_rodenticide_reporting_enable ("RODENTICIDE_REPORTING_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | cfg_map_usesoiltypes ("MAP_USESOILTYPES", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | cfg_CalculateCentroids ("MAP_CALCULATE_CENTROIDS", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgFloat | cfg_PestIncidenceMax ("PESTINCIDENCEMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
static CfgFloat | cfg_PestIncidenceMin ("PESTINCIDENCEMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0) |
CfgBool | cfg_OptimiseBedriftsmodelCrops |
If set to true, the original farm optimisation model's crop set is used in the farmer decision making model In this mode the optimisation is carried out only once; it is used for the comparioson of the optimisaiton results with the original model. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_OptimisingFarms |
If set to true, the farmer decision making model is active. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_DumpFarmAreas |
If set to true, an output file with farm areas is produced. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_MaizeEnergy |
If set to true, the energy maize crop is included in the simulation. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_pollen_nectar_on |
Flag to determine whether nectar and pollen models are used - should be set to true for pollinator models! More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_HedgeSubtypeMinimum ("HEDGE_SUBTYPEMINIMUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt | cfg_HedgeSubtypeMaximum ("HEDGE_SUBTYPEMAXIMUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 3) |
static CfgInt | cfg_FarmAreaPercentage ("FARM_AREA_PERCENTAGE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
static CfgBool | cfg_BordersBetweenFields ("BORDER_BETWEEN_FIELDS", CFG_CUSTOM, true) |
static CfgBool | cfg_BordersNextToFieldBoundary ("BORDER_NEXT_TO_FIELD_BOUNDARY", CFG_CUSTOM, true) |
static CfgBool | cfg_AddBeetleBanks ("BBANKS_ADD", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankWidth ("BBANK_WIDTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 4) |
static CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankMaxDistance ("BBANK_MAX_DIST", CFG_CUSTOM, 150) |
static CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankChance ("BBANK_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
CfgBool | cfg_BeetleBankInvert ("BBANK_INVERT", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankMinX ("BBANK_MINX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankMinY ("BBANK_MINY", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankMaxX ("BBANK_MAXX", CFG_CUSTOM, 100000) |
CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankMaxY ("BBANK_MAXY", CFG_CUSTOM, 100000) |
static CfgInt | cfg_BeetleBankType ("BBANK_TYPE", CFG_CUSTOM,(int) tole_BeetleBank) |
static CfgBool | cfg_AddPatches ("PATCHES_ADD", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgInt | cfg_PatchesMinWidth ("PATCHES_MIN_WIDTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
static CfgInt | cfg_PatchesMaxWidth ("PATCHES_MAX_WIDTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
static CfgInt | cfg_PatchesFieldAreaMaxPercentage ("PATCHES_MAX_PERCENTAGE", CFG_CUSTOM, 15) |
static CfgInt | cfg_PatchesFreeMargin ("PATCHES_FREE_MARGIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 6) |
static CfgInt | cfg_PatchesType ("PATCHES_TYPE", CFG_CUSTOM,(int) tole_BeetleBank) |
CfgBool | cfg_dumpvegjan ("G_VEGAREASJAN_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgBool | cfg_dumpvegjune ("G_VEGAREASJUNE_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgFloat | cfg_strigling_prop ("CROPS_STRIGLING_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_silage_prop ("CROPS_SILAGE_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_herbi_app_prop ("CROPS_HERBICIDE_APPLIC_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_fungi_app_prop1 ("CROPS_FUNGICIDE_APPLIC_ONE_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_fungi_app_prop2 ("CROPS_FUNGICIDE_APPLIC_TWO_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgFloat | cfg_fungi_app_prop3 ("CROPS_FUNGICIDE_APPLIC_THREE_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
CfgInt | cfg_l_treatment_x ("LAND_TREATMENTX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt | cfg_l_treatment_y ("LAND_TREATMENTY", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt | cfg_l_treatment_size ("LAND_TREATMENTSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
CfgBool | cfg_l_usecustompoly ("LAND_USECUSTOMPOLY", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgInt | cfg_productapplicstartyear ("PEST_PROCTAPPLICSTARTYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 9999999) |
CfgInt | cfg_productapplicendyear ("PEST_PROCTAPPLICENDYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM,-1) |
CfgInt | cfg_pesticidetesttype ("PESTICIDETESTYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
CfgBool | cfg_pesticidemapon ("PEST_MAP_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag determining whether we are using the pesticide map. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_pesticidetableon ("PEST_TABLE_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag determining whether we are using the pesticide table. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pesticidemapstartyear ("PEST_MAP_STARTYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
The first simulation year the pesticide is mapped. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pesticidemapnoyears ("PEST_MAP_NOYEARS", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
The numer of years of pesticide mapping. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pesticidemapdayinyear ("PEST_MAP_DAYINYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 364) |
The interval between maps. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_pesticidemapcellsize ("PEST_MAP_CELLSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
The output cell size for pesticides - a performance penalty if this does not match the pesticide cell size set by PEST_GRIDSIZE in pesticide.h. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_pesticidemaptype ("PEST_MAP_TYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
True for specific pesticide, false for general pesticides. More... | |
static CfgInt | cfg_MaxPondSize ("MAP_MAXPONDSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, 5000) |
If freshwater area is below this it is designated a pond. More... | |
static CfgInt | l_map_no_pesticide_fields ("MAP_NO_PESTICIDE_FIELDS", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
static CfgBool | l_map_print_version_info ("MAP_PRINT_VERSION_INFO", CFG_CUSTOM, true) |
CfgBool | l_map_print_git_version_info ("MAP_PRINT_GIT_VERSION_INFO", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Should git version info be printed to file and console? More... | |
static CfgBool | l_map_exit_on_zero_area ("MAP_EXIT_ON_ZERO_AREA", CFG_CUSTOM, true) |
static CfgBool | l_map_check_polygon_xref ("MAP_CHECK_POLYGON_XREF", CFG_CUSTOM, true) |
static CfgBool | l_map_art_hedgebanks ("MAP_ART_HEDGEBANKS", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgStr | l_map_map_file ("MAP_MAP_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "map.lsb") |
static CfgStr | l_map_poly_file ("MAP_POLY_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "polygonrefs.txt") |
static CfgStr | cfg_farmeventfile ("FARMEVENT_FILENAME", CFG_CUSTOM, "FarmEvents.txt") |
static CfgStr | cfg_total_polnek_file ("TOTAL_POLNEK_FILENAME", CFG_CUSTOM, "Total_PollenNectarResources.txt") |
static CfgStr | cfg_tov_polnek_file ("TOV_POLNEK_FILENAME", CFG_CUSTOM, "PollenNectarResourcesTOV.txt") |
static CfgStr | cfg_habitat_polnek_file ("HABITAT_POLNEK_FILENAME", CFG_CUSTOM, "PollenNectarResourcesHabitat.txt") |
static CfgInt | l_map_chameleon_replace_num ("MAP_CHAMELEON_REPLACE_NUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 58) |
static CfgBool | l_map_CIPEmaker_enable ("MAP_CIPEMAKER_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_enable ("MAP_DUMP_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | l_map_removesmallpolygons ("MAP_REMOVESMALLPOLYGONS", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgStr | l_map_dump_map_file ("MAP_DUMP_MAP_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dump.lsb") |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_gfx_enable ("MAP_DUMP_GFX_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgStr | l_map_dump_gfx_file ("MAP_DUMP_GFX_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dump.ppm") |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_exit ("MAP_DUMP_EXIT", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgStr | l_map_dump_poly_file ("MAP_DUMP_POLY_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dump_polyrefs.txt") |
static CfgInt | l_map_umargin_width ("MAP_UMARGINWIDTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
static CfgStr | l_map_dump_margin_file ("MAP_DUMP_MARGIN_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dumpunsprayedmargins.txt") |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_treatcounts_enable ("MAP_DUMP_TREATCOUNTS_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgStr | l_map_dump_treatcounts_file ("MAP_DUMP_TREATCOUNTS_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "treatment_counts.txt") |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_veg_enable ("MAP_DUMP_VEG_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_grain_enable ("MAP_DUMP_GRAIN_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgInt | l_map_dump_grain_each_x_days ("MAP_DUMP_GRAIN_EACH_X_DAYS", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
CfgInt | l_map_dump_veg_x ("MAP_DUMP_VEG_X", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
CfgInt | l_map_dump_veg_y ("MAP_DUMP_VEG_Y", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
static CfgBool | l_map_dump_event_enable ("MAP_DUMP_EVENT_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgInt | l_map_dump_event_x1 ("MAP_DUMP_EVENT_XA", CFG_CUSTOM, 4287) |
static CfgInt | l_map_dump_event_y1 ("MAP_DUMP_EVENT_YA", CFG_CUSTOM, 2909) |
static CfgInt | l_map_dump_event_x2 ("MAP_DUMP_EVENT_XB", CFG_CUSTOM, 4333) |
static CfgInt | l_map_dump_event_y2 ("MAP_DUMP_EVENT_YB", CFG_CUSTOM, 2889) |
static CfgBool | l_map_consolidatepolys ("MAP_CONSOLIDATEPOLYS", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Used to consolidate polygons with no special behaviour into a single polygon of that type. More... | |
static CfgBool | l_map_calc_openness ("MAP_CALC_OPENNESS", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static CfgBool | l_map_write_ascii ("MAP_WRITE_ASCII", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Used if an ASCII file for use in GIS applications should be written. More... | |
static CfgInt | l_map_ascii_utm_x ("MAP_ASCII_UTM_X", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
If we write an ASCII file provide UTM-x of lower lefthand corner. More... | |
static CfgInt | l_map_ascii_utm_y ("MAP_ASCII_UTM_Y", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
If we write an ASCII file provide UTM-y of lower lefthand corner. More... | |
static CfgInt | l_map_ascii_map_entity ("MAP_ASCII_MAP_ENTITY", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
If we write an ASCII file what should be the mapped entity? 1 = polyref, 2 = elementype. More... | |
static CfgInt | cfg_mintownbuildingdistance ("MAP_MINTOWNBUILDINGDISTANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
static CfgInt | cfg_mintownbuildingnumber ("MAP_MINTOWNBUILDINGNUMBER", CFG_CUSTOM, 6) |
CfgBool | cfg_rectangularmaps_on |
double | g_FarmIntensivenessH |
double | g_VegHeightForageReduction |
Used to scale access to crops for modern day farm intensiveness. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_WriteCurve {"CURVE_WRITE", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Controlling whether the functional response curves used are written to disk. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.1884} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1B {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 3.1349} |
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1C {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_C", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0} |
The constant C in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1D {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_D", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.404} |
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_P1E {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_E", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value) More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 16.63} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_P1G {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_G", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00} |
Min x-value. More... | |
CfgStr | cfg_P1H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_PF"} |
File name for grass functional response for pinkfeet. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.1094} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6B {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 2.6695} |
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6C {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_C", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0} |
The constant C in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6D {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_D", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.404} |
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_G6E {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_E", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value) More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 24.4013} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_G6G {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_G", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00} |
Min x-value. More... | |
CfgStr | cfg_G6H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_GL"} |
File name for grass functional response for greylags. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_B6A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.066} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_B6B {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.88} |
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
The constant C in a second order polynomial function. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_B6D {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_D", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.404} |
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica. More... | |
CfgBool | cfg_B6E {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_E", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value) More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_B6F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 13.4761} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values. More... | |
CfgFloat | cfg_B6G {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00} |
Min x-value. More... | |
CfgStr | cfg_B6H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_BG"} |
File name for grass functional response for barnacles. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_FlowerStripPollenNectarCurveNum {"FLOWER_STRIP_POLLEN_NECTAR_CURVE_NUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 59} |
The pollen and nectar curve number for flower strip. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_pasture |
CfgInt | cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_lowyield |
CfgInt | cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_tussocky |
CfgFloat | cfg_distance_to_select_nearby_polygons {"DISTANCE_TO_SELECT_NEARBY_POLYGONS", CFG_CUSTOM, 600.0} |
The distance to select neary-by polygons for each location in a map. More... | |
CfgInt | cfg_FlowerStripStartFloweringTimePush {"FLOWER_STRIP_START_FLOWERING_TIME_PUSH", CFG_CUSTOM, 0} |
The number of days to push the start flowering time for flower strips. More... | |
double | g_speedy_Divides [2001] |
A generally useful array of fast divide calculators by multiplication. More... | |
vector< int > * | m_polymapping |
m_polymapping is a mapping from polygon numbers into the list of landscape elements, m_elems. When using this it is important that it is the poly num and not the map index that is used in calling. More... | |
Landscape * | g_landscape_ptr |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_B6A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.066} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
The constant C in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value)
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_B6F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 13.4761} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
Min x-value.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgStr cfg_B6H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_THREE_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_BG"} |
File name for grass functional response for barnacles.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBanks().
CfgBool cfg_BeetleBankInvert("BBANK_INVERT", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible().
CfgInt cfg_BeetleBankMaxX("BBANK_MAXX", CFG_CUSTOM, 100000) |
CfgInt cfg_BeetleBankMaxY("BBANK_MAXY", CFG_CUSTOM, 100000) |
CfgInt cfg_BeetleBankMinX("BBANK_MINX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt cfg_BeetleBankMinY("BBANK_MINY", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::BorderTest().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::BorderTest().
static |
CfgFloat cfg_distance_to_select_nearby_polygons {"DISTANCE_TO_SELECT_NEARBY_POLYGONS", CFG_CUSTOM, 600.0} |
The distance to select neary-by polygons for each location in a map.
Referenced by Landscape::GeneratePolyIDMapWithinDist().
CfgBool cfg_DumpFarmAreas |
If set to true, an output file with farm areas is produced.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_dumpvegjan("G_VEGAREASJAN_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Referenced by Landscape::DumpVegAreaData(), and Landscape::Landscape().
Referenced by Landscape::DumpVegAreaData(), and Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_dumpvegjune("G_VEGAREASJUNE_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Referenced by Landscape::DumpVegAreaData(), and Landscape::Landscape().
Referenced by Landscape::DumpVegAreaData(), and Landscape::Landscape().
CfgInt cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_lowyield |
Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().
CfgInt cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_pasture |
Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().
CfgInt cfg_farm_cattle_grazing_lvl_tussocky |
Referenced by Landscape::NewElement().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBanks(), Landscape::AddPatches(), and Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgInt cfg_FlowerStripPollenNectarCurveNum {"FLOWER_STRIP_POLLEN_NECTAR_CURVE_NUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 59} |
The pollen and nectar curve number for flower strip.
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), and Landscape::BorderAdd().
CfgInt cfg_FlowerStripStartFloweringTimePush {"FLOWER_STRIP_START_FLOWERING_TIME_PUSH", CFG_CUSTOM, 0} |
The number of days to push the start flowering time for flower strips.
Referenced by Landscape::CalHaibitatFlowerResource().
CfgFloat cfg_fungi_app_prop1("CROPS_FUNGICIDE_APPLIC_ONE_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Referenced by WinterRapeStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleySeed::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), Triticale::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), and WinterWheat::Do().
CfgFloat cfg_fungi_app_prop2("CROPS_FUNGICIDE_APPLIC_TWO_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Referenced by WinterWheat::Do().
CfgFloat cfg_G6A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.1094} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_G6B {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 2.6695} |
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
The constant C in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_G6D {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_D", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.404} |
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_G6E {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_E", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value)
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_G6F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 24.4013} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_G6G {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_G", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00} |
Min x-value.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgStr cfg_G6H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_TWO_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_GL"} |
File name for grass functional response for greylags.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
Referenced by SpringBarleySeed::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), Triticale::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), and WinterWheat::Do().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt cfg_HedgeSubtypeMaximum("HEDGE_SUBTYPEMAXIMUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 3) |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgInt cfg_HedgeSubtypeMinimum("HEDGE_SUBTYPEMINIMUM", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_herbi_app_prop("CROPS_HERBICIDE_APPLIC_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Referenced by PermanentGrassLowYield::Do(), DK_GrassLowYield_Perm::Do(), SeedGrass1::Do(), PermanentGrassGrazed::Do(), SeedGrass2::Do(), MaizeStrigling::Do(), Maize::Do(), MaizeSilage::Do(), Oats::Do(), SpringBarleySeed::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), Triticale::Do(), Carrots::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), WinterWheat::Do(), and WinterRape::HerbiZero().
Referenced by OrchardCrop::Do(), WinterRapeStrigling::Do(), Oats::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), FieldPeas::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), FieldPeasSilage::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrass::Do(), Triticale::Do(), Carrots::Do(), SpringBarleyPeaCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), PotatoesIndustry::Do(), SugarBeet::Do(), Potatoes::Do(), FodderBeet::Do(), NorwegianPotatoes::Do(), SpringBarleySKManagement::Do(), SpringBarleySpr::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleySilage::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterRye::Do(), SpringBarleyStriglingCulm::Do(), SpringBarley::Do(), SpringRape::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingCulm::Do(), WinterWheatStriglingSingle::Do(), WinterBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterRape::Do(), WinterBarley::Do(), and WinterWheat::Do().
CfgInt cfg_l_treatment_size("LAND_TREATMENTSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
CfgInt cfg_l_treatment_x("LAND_TREATMENTX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgInt cfg_l_treatment_y("LAND_TREATMENTY", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
CfgBool cfg_l_usecustompoly("LAND_USECUSTOMPOLY", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgBool cfg_MaizeEnergy |
If set to true, the energy maize crop is included in the simulation.
static |
static |
If freshwater area is below this it is designated a pond.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::BuildingDesignationCalc().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::BuildingDesignationCalc().
CfgBool cfg_OptimiseBedriftsmodelCrops |
If set to true, the original farm optimisation model's crop set is used in the farmer decision making model In this mode the optimisation is carried out only once; it is used for the comparioson of the optimisaiton results with the original model.
CfgBool cfg_OptimisingFarms |
If set to true, the farmer decision making model is active.
CfgFloat cfg_P1A {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_A", CFG_CUSTOM, -0.1884} |
Coefficient A in a second order polynomial function.
The P1 curve replicates a curve fitted by Therkildsen, O.R. & Madsen, J. 2000: Assessment of food intake rates in pinkfooted geese Anser brachyrhynchus based on examination of oesophagus contents. - Wildl. Biol. 6: 167-172.
Assimilation of energy is based on Madsen 1985 Ornis Scand. p 222 - 228: Relations between spring habitat... Conversion from g/dw to kJ is using 19.8 (Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica) The P2 & P3 curves are fitted based on Durant et al 2003 J Anim Ecol 72, 220-231.
Y-values are kJ per minute, x-values are grass height. The formula is a simple 2nd order polynomial which is the then scaled to get to kJ.
The H1 curve is based on Amano et al. 2004 Alleviating grazing damage... Journal of Applied Ecology 41(4): 675-688.
The H2 curve is based on Clausen et al. (2018) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259: 72-76. The Petti1 curve is based on Pettifor et al (2000). Journal of Applied Ecology 37: 103-135.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_P1B {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_B", CFG_CUSTOM, 3.1349} |
Coefficient B in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
The constant C in a second order polynomial function.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_P1D {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_D", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.404} |
Scaler for assimilation of energy from grass for pinkfeet. Madsen 1985 Vol 16 p. 222 - 228 Ornis Scandinavica.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_P1E {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_E", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Logical config to control if the curve should be reversed (i.e. 1 - value)
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_P1F {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_F", CFG_CUSTOM, 16.63} |
Max x-value - at this point the curve tends to 0, must stop here to avoid negative values.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgFloat cfg_P1G {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_G", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.00} |
Min x-value.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgStr cfg_P1H {"POLYNOMIALTWO_ONE_H", CFG_CUSTOM, "KJIntakeAtVaryingGrassHeights_PF"} |
File name for grass functional response for pinkfeet.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgInt cfg_pesticidemapcellsize("PEST_MAP_CELLSIZE", CFG_CUSTOM, 10) |
The output cell size for pesticides - a performance penalty if this does not match the pesticide cell size set by PEST_GRIDSIZE in pesticide.h.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgInt cfg_pesticidemapdayinyear("PEST_MAP_DAYINYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 364) |
The interval between maps.
CfgInt cfg_pesticidemapnoyears("PEST_MAP_NOYEARS", CFG_CUSTOM, 1) |
The numer of years of pesticide mapping.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgBool cfg_pesticidemapon("PEST_MAP_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag determining whether we are using the pesticide map.
Referenced by Landscape::CheckForPesticideRecord(), Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt cfg_pesticidemapstartyear("PEST_MAP_STARTYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0) |
The first simulation year the pesticide is mapped.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgBool cfg_pesticidemaptype("PEST_MAP_TYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
True for specific pesticide, false for general pesticides.
Referenced by Landscape::CheckForPesticideRecord(), Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgBool cfg_pesticidetableon("PEST_TABLE_ON", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Flag determining whether we are using the pesticide table.
Referenced by Landscape::CheckForPesticideRecord(), Landscape::Landscape(), Landscape::RunHiddenYear(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt cfg_pesticidetesttype("PESTICIDETESTYPE", CFG_CUSTOM, -1) |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_pollen_nectar_on |
Flag to determine whether nectar and pollen models are used - should be set to true for pollinator models!
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), Landscape::Tick(), and Landscape::VegDump().
CfgInt cfg_productapplicendyear("PEST_PROCTAPPLICENDYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM,-1) |
Referenced by OrchardCrop::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), Farm::ProductApplication_DateLimited(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt cfg_productapplicstartyear("PEST_PROCTAPPLICSTARTYEAR", CFG_CUSTOM, 9999999) |
Toxicological variable for specific pesticide effects
Referenced by OrchardCrop::Do(), SpringBarleyPTreatment::Do(), Farm::ProductApplication_DateLimited(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgBool cfg_rectangularmaps_on |
CfgBool cfg_rodenticide_enable("RODENTICIDE_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), Landscape::SupplyRodenticide(), Landscape::Tick(), and Landscape::~Landscape().
CfgBool cfg_rodenticide_reporting_enable("RODENTICIDE_REPORTING_ENABLE", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
CfgFloat cfg_silage_prop("CROPS_SILAGE_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Referenced by OCloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), OCloverGrassGrazed1::Do(), CloverGrassGrazed2::Do(), and CloverGrassGrazed1::Do().
CfgFloat cfg_strigling_prop("CROPS_STRIGLING_PROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 1.0) |
Referenced by BroadBeans::Do(), OWinterBarleyExt::Do(), OWinterBarley::Do(), OWinterRye::Do(), DE_OOats::Do(), DE_OSpringRye::Do(), OOats::Do(), OSpringBarleyExt::Do(), OSpringBarley::Do(), OPotatoes::Do(), SpringBarleyCloverGrassStrigling::Do(), FieldPeasStrigling::Do(), OWinterWheat::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersownExt::Do(), OWinterWheatUndersown::Do(), DE_OPotatoes::Do(), DKOBroadBeans_test::Do(), WinterRyeStrigling::Do(), SpringBarleyStrigling::Do(), WinterWheatStrigling::Do(), and OSpringBarleyPigs::Do().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgBool cfg_WriteCurve {"CURVE_WRITE", CFG_CUSTOM, false} |
Controlling whether the functional response curves used are written to disk.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
double g_FarmIntensivenessH |
Referenced by Landscape::GetHareFoodQuality(), and THare_Population_Manager::Init().
Landscape* g_landscape_ptr |
Referenced by Landscape::BorderTest(), Aphid_Population_Manager::calOffspringStageEGandPEA(), Farm::CattleIsOut(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow(), Farm::CattleIsOutLow2(), Farm::CattleOut(), Farm::CattleOutLowGrazing(), FarmManager::CreateFarms(), Pesticide::DiffusionMatrixInit(), DE_Maize::Do(), DE_BushFruitPerm::Do(), DE_MaizeSilage::Do(), DE_AsparagusEstablishedPlantation::Do(), DE_Legumes::Do(), DE_Peas::Do(), DE_WinterRye::Do(), DE_WinterBarley::Do(), DE_Oats::Do(), DE_Cabbage::Do(), DE_SpringRye::Do(), DE_Triticale::Do(), DE_WinterWheat::Do(), DE_WinterWheatLate::Do(), DE_Orchard::Do(), DE_SugarBeet::Do(), DE_Potatoes::Do(), DE_PotatoesIndustry::Do(), Farm::FungicideTreat(), Farm::HandleEvents(), Farm::HerbicideTreat(), Farm::InitiateManagement(), Osmia_Nest_Manager::InitOsmiaBeeNesting(), Farm::InsecticideTreat(), Farm::Irrigation(), Landscape::Landscape(), Pesticide::MainMapDecay(), Farm::Molluscicide(), Farm::Mowing(), Pesticide::Pesticide(), Farm::PigsAreOut(), Farm::PigsAreOutForced(), Farm::PigsOut(), Farm::ProductApplication(), Farm::ProductApplication_DateLimited(), Pesticide::ReducePlantPesticide(), Pesticide::RemovePlantPesticide(), Farm::SetFunctionData(), Crop::StartUpCrop(), Farm::Suckering(), Ladybird_Adult::TryToReproduce(), Pesticide::TwinMapDiffusionMatrix(), Aphid_Population_Manager::updateDevelopmentSeason(), Aphid_Population_Manager::updateMortalityArrayShared(), and Farm::WinterHarrow().
double g_speedy_Divides[2001] |
A generally useful array of fast divide calculators by multiplication.
array of reciprocals to use instead of divding
Referenced by Bembidion_Pupae::calcDailyMortChance(), Beetle_Pupae::CalcLengthOfStageAtTemp(), and Landscape::Landscape().
double g_VegHeightForageReduction |
Used to scale access to crops for modern day farm intensiveness.
Referenced by Landscape::GetHareFoodQuality(), and THare_Population_Manager::Init().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
If we write an ASCII file what should be the mapped entity? 1 = polyref, 2 = elementype.
Referenced by Landscape::GISASCII_Output().
static |
If we write an ASCII file provide UTM-x of lower lefthand corner.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
If we write an ASCII file provide UTM-y of lower lefthand corner.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::ReadPolys2().
static |
static |
static |
Used to consolidate polygons with no special behaviour into a single polygon of that type.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Tick().
static |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Tick().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgStr l_map_dump_map_file("MAP_DUMP_MAP_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dump.lsb") |
static |
CfgStr l_map_dump_poly_file("MAP_DUMP_POLY_FILE", CFG_CUSTOM, "dump_polyrefs.txt") |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::~Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::~Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt l_map_dump_veg_x("MAP_DUMP_VEG_X", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
Referenced by Pesticide::Tick(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt l_map_dump_veg_y("MAP_DUMP_VEG_Y", CFG_CUSTOM, 100) |
Referenced by Pesticide::Tick(), and Landscape::Tick().
static |
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool l_map_print_git_version_info("MAP_PRINT_GIT_VERSION_INFO", CFG_CUSTOM, false) |
Should git version info be printed to file and console?
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::BorderAdd().
static |
Used if an ASCII file for use in GIS applications should be written.
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
CfgBool l_pest_enable_pesticide_engine |
Used to turn on or off the PPP functionality of ALMaSS.
Referenced by Landscape::SupplyOverspray(), Landscape::SupplyPesticide(), Landscape::SupplyPesticideInPlant(), Landscape::SupplyPesticideNectar(), Landscape::SupplyPesticideP(), Landscape::SupplyPesticidePlantSurface(), Landscape::SupplyPesticidePollen(), Landscape::SupplyPesticideS(), Landscape::SupplySeedCoating(), and Landscape::Tick().
CfgInt l_pest_NoPPPs |
The number of active Plant Protection Products to be tracked - a performance penalty if enabled with more than necessary (memory heavy)
vector<int>* m_polymapping |
m_polymapping is a mapping from polygon numbers into the list of landscape elements, m_elems. When using this it is important that it is the poly num and not the map index that is used in calling.
Referenced by Landscape::AddBeetleBankIfPossible(), Landscape::AddPatchIfPossible(), Landscape::BorderAdd(), Landscape::ChangeMapMapping(), Landscape::ConsolidatePolys(), Landscape::GetGooseNumbers(), Landscape::GetQuarryNumbers(), Landscape::PolysRemoveInvalid(), Landscape::PolysRenumber(), Landscape::PolysValidate(), Landscape::ReadPolys2(), Landscape::RecordGooseNumbers(), Landscape::RecordGooseNumbersTimed(), Landscape::RecordGooseRoostDist(), Landscape::RecordGooseSpNumbers(), Landscape::RecordGooseSpNumbersTimed(), Landscape::RemoveMissingValues(), Landscape::SetLESignal(), Landscape::SetPolyMaxMinExtents(), Landscape::SupplyCentroid(), Landscape::SupplyFarmIntensity(), Landscape::SupplyLESignal(), Landscape::SupplySprayPesticideRate(), and Landscape::SupplySprayPesticideType().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().
static |
Referenced by Landscape::Landscape().