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The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Go to the documentation of this file.
28 #ifndef LADYBIRD_ALL_H
29 #define LADYBIRD_ALL_H
31 #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
37 #include <Eigen/Dense>
113 virtual int EatAphids(
int a_x,
int a_y,
int a_appetite);
348 bool FindTarget(
int a_distance,
int a_minimumflightlength,
int a_target);
373 inline bool IsForageSite(
const int a_x,
const int a_y,
const int a_target);
472 void DecAphids(
int a_x,
int a_y,
int a_num);
std::unordered_set< TTypesOfVegetation > TTovList
Definition: Beetle_toletov.h:12
int GetDensityRangeEdge(int a_x, int a_y, int a_range) const
The method to return the number of beetles in this specific location with a range.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:396
Ladybird_Egg_List(int a_today, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr, Landscape *a_l_ptr)
Egg_List class constructor.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:307
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:252
int Supply_m_Location_x() const
Returns the ALMaSS x-coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:239
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:70
Definition: Treatment.h:129
Definition: Treatment.h:64
TTovList getList()
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.cpp:12
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.h:33
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr)
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:539
Definition: Treatment.h:84
double GetAphidDensity(int a_x, int a_y) override
Returns the number of aphids per square metre at this x,y location.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1323
bool IsStartHabitat(int a_x, int a_y) const
Used to specify legal starting habitats for simulation start-up.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:1557
Definition: Treatment.h:71
static CfgArray_Int cfg_LadybirdLarvaAppetite("LADYBIRD_LARVAL_APPETITE", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< int >{ 35, 40, 80, 130 })
The appetite for larval stages per day in aphids.
vector< Eigen::MatrixXi > m_cannibalism_dead_num_map
Holds the daily dead number caused by cannibalism.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:399
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdExtremeTempMin("LADYBIRD_EXTREME_TEMP_MIN", CFG_CUSTOM, -20.0)
Definition: Treatment.h:88
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:68
Definition: Treatment.h:68
static int m_LarvalAppetite[4]
The max number of aphids possible to eat/day per larval stage.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:177
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:69
Definition: Treatment.h:144
static void SetLadybirdStagesNutritionalValue(const vector< int > &a_list)
Sets the list of aphid equivalents of each ladybird stage.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:134
Definition: Treatment.h:52
Definition: Treatment.h:89
double g_rand_uni_fnc()
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:56
Definition: Treatment.h:94
Definition: Treatment.h:142
virtual int GetEatenToday() const
return the value of daily aphid consumption counter
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:103
int m_InFieldNo
In-field counter.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1117
CfgInt cfg_BeetleInCropRef
A reference to a crop type if we are looking for mortality locations within a special crop.
CfgFloat cfg_biocide_reduction_val
double SupplyTemp(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Weather class function, the temperature for the current day.
Definition: Landscape.h:1993
Definition: Treatment.h:83
std::vector< std::vector< omp_nest_lock_t * > > m_MapGuard
This is used to make sure animals will not behaviour at the same area - multi threads.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:790
CfgBool cfg_RipleysOutput_used
Definition: Treatment.h:99
void SetAphidPopulationManager(Aphid_Population_Manager *a_aphid_population_manager_ptr)
The function to set the aphid population manager pointer.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:459
int GetAphidsToEat()
return how many aphids are left to be eaten
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:107
TTypesOfVegetation SupplyVegType(int a_x, int a_y)
Returns the vegetation type of the polygon using the polygon reference number a_polyref or coordinate...
Definition: Landscape.h:1925
Definition: Treatment.h:76
vector< vector< int > > TheSubArraysSizes
Hold all the animal sizes in each thread.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:806
void IncDensity(int a_x, int a_y, int a_lifestage)
The method inreases the number of beetles in this specific location by one. Used when called by a bee...
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:255
int m_UnsuccessfulAphidsAttempts
The variable that holds the unsuccesful searches for aphids.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:282
TTypesOfLandscapeElement SupplyElementType(int a_polyref)
Returns the landscape type of the polygon using the polygon reference number a_polyref or coordinates...
Definition: Landscape.h:1732
double m_AphidTotalNum
The sum of aphid populations densities experienced.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:167
Definition: Treatment.h:35
static int GetTempMortRange(double a_temp)
returns the mortality range that corresponds to the temperature
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:288
Definition: Treatment.h:81
static vector< double > m_HibernationClumpeSizeDist
Holds the clump size distribution with density table.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:290
int g_time
Definition: ALMaSS_CmdLine.cpp:157
bool OnFarmEvent(FarmToDo a_event, Beetle_Base *a_caller) override
Used to determine mortality based on an event for any beetle class - pure vitual must be overriden.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1174
static int m_MaxUsefulAphids[4]
The max useful aphid abundance for instars 1-4.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:173
void DoExtremeTempActions(double a_atemptoday) override
Species specific actions to cope with response to extreme temperature, if needed.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1068
vector< double > m_DevelConst1
Day degree threshold constant for eggs to pupae.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1068
Definition: Treatment.h:43
Definition: Treatment.h:91
static void SetLarvalAppetite(const vector< int > &a_value)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:196
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Develop() override
The main behaviour method that is responsible for the development and eventually leading to larvae2.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:367
vector< int > m_cannibalism_dead_total_num
Holds the daily total dead number for each life stage caused by cannibalism.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:401
Definition: Treatment.h:127
Definition: Treatment.h:103
vector< SimplePositionMapInt * > m_BeetlePositionMaps[bob_foobar]
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1113
The enumeration lists all ladybird life stages modelled Beetles are holometabolites (have complete me...
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:64
TTypesOfPopulation m_population_type
Definition: PopulationManager.h:858
Definition: Treatment.h:121
static vector< int > m_LadybirdStagesNutritionalValue
Holds the aphid equivalents of each ladybird stage.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:99
double SupplyWind(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Weather class function, the wind speed for the current day.
Definition: Landscape.h:2061
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:427
TTovList LadybirdAggregationTovs
the types of vegetation that are aggregation targets
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:436
~Ladybird_Base() override=default
static bool m_OvipostionPeriod
Static variable to flag when its possible to lay eggs.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:332
Definition: Treatment.h:44
bool IsLocationAllowed(int a_x, int a_y) override
Re-implements the function to determine if larval movement is allowed.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:334
Definition: Treatment.h:56
Definition: Treatment.h:125
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdClutchPreyScaler("LADYBIRD_CLUTCHPREYSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 6, vector< double > {0, 0.51, 0.81, 0.93, 0.98, 1})
Scaling parameter for prey levels effect on clutch size.
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdShortMovementsMaxThreshold("LADYBIRD_SHORTMOVEMENTTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 12)
Max number of attempts to short range movement before initiating a long-range move.
int m_NoTemperatureCategories
Storage for the number of temperature categories used.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1050
Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:227
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdHibernaculaeSizesDist("LADYBIRD_HIBERNACULAESIZEDIST", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, vector< double >{0.77, 0.95, 1.00, 1.00, 0.51, 0.80, 0.975, 1.00, 0.25, 0.64, 0.95, 1.000})
Distribution of hibernaculae sizes for three densities (four clump sizes)
int m_MortalityTempIndexToday
Storage for the index to the mortality vector for todays temperature (speed optimisation)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:395
int m_guard_cell_y
The index y to the guard cell.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:374
bool m_IsHibernating
State variable: true if hibernating.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:274
void SetOverwintered(const bool a_value)
sets the value of the state variable that flags that the beetle has overwintered
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:306
Definition: Treatment.h:61
Definition: Treatment.h:80
Definition: Treatment.h:60
void DayDegreeCalculations(int a_dayinyear, bool a_usehourly) override
Does day degree development calculations here.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:990
class Calendar * g_date
Definition: Calendar.cpp:37
static int GetDensityStage(int a_x, int a_y, unsigned a_stage)
The method to return the number of beetles in this specific location for a given stage.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:379
Definition: Treatment.h:90
const char * m_ListNames[32]
A list of life-stage names.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:628
CfgInt cfg_Beetlestartnos
The number of beetles to start in the simulation.
void CreateObjects(int a_ob_type, TAnimal *a_pvo, void *, Struct_Beetle *a_data, int a_number) override
Method to add beetles to the population - it must be overridden in all descendent classes.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1129
Definition: Treatment.h:123
void BeginStep() override
The override of a funtion that precedes Step()
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:357
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdFlyingThreshWind("LADYBIRD_FLYINGTHRESHWIND", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)
The maximum wind speed that still allows flying (m/s)
bool IsProbhibited(int a_x, int a_y) const
Tests for toles that are not allowed for movement to at x,y, location.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:655
Definition: Treatment.h:131
CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdAdultMortalityRate("LADYBIRD_ADULT_MORTALITY_RATE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.6)
The morality rate when the ladybird adult population is above the maximum allowed number.
virtual double GetInsecticideApplication() const
the method overrides the method that returns the mortality due to insecticide application
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:367
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMovementTempThreshold("LADYBIRD_MOVEMENTTEMPTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 4.0)
The temperature at which the movement is possible for adults.
Used to map locations of individuals for density estimates - space inefficient but good for testing.
Definition: PositionMap.h:45
double m_ADayDeg
day degrees sum for an individual
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:280
const int July
Julian start dates of the month of July.
Definition: Landscape.h:50
int m_EggCounter
The number of eggs produced.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:876
Definition: Treatment.h:138
Definition: Treatment.h:122
int m_Y
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:79
Definition: Treatment.h:39
Landscape * m_l
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:129
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMortalityTempStep("LADYBIRD_MORTALITY_TEMP_STEP", CFG_CUSTOM, 5.0)
double g_speedyDivides[2001]
virtual bool CheckManagementBeetle()
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:198
Definition: Treatment.h:110
static int m_AphidsPerPreyLevel
Speed storage for the prey level denominator.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:286
void decDailyEggs(int num)
decrements daily eggs to-lay
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:383
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Develop() override
Pupal state development.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:513
Definition: Treatment.h:51
double value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:142
void DoLarvalDailyMortalityActions(double a_atemptoday) override
Species specific actions to cope with temperature related laval mortality.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1105
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdParasitoidMortalityChanceMax("LADYBIRD_PARASITOIDMORTALITYCHANCEMAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.25)
Maxcimum probability of parasitoid death for ladybirds in the spring.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:41
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:42
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdLarvaMovementThreshold("LADYBIRD_LARVAMOVEMENTTHRESHOLD", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)
Minimum temperature for larval movement.
Definition: Treatment.h:143
int m_EatenToday
number of aphids or aphid equivalents eaten today
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:89
Definition: Treatment.h:31
bool IsAggregationSite(const int a_x, const int a_y, const int a_unused)
Tests for toles that are aggregation types at x,y, location.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:661
int SupplyMonth(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Calendar class function, returns m_month + 1 (the calendar mont...
Definition: Landscape.h:2272
virtual int EatAphids(int a_x, int a_y, int a_appetite)
the method that is responsible for aphid foraging behaviour (removes the aphids from the aphid model)
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:240
Definition: Treatment.h:133
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMortalityTempMin("LADYBIRD_MORTALITY_TEMP_MIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.0)
void setDailyEggs(int num)
sets daily eggs to-lay
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:381
Ladybird_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulationLadybird
pointer to the population manager
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:97
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:66
static int m_DayInYear
A holder for the day in year shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:358
Definition: Treatment.h:104
double GetExtremeTempMin() const
returns the lower limit of bearable temperatures. below it the beetle will be subject to high mortali...
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:557
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdAphidsToLayScaler("LADYBIRD_APHIDSTOLAYSCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.6)
Scaling parameter for prey levels above the threshold.
Definition: Treatment.h:85
static void SetBeetleMap(const int a_value, SimplePositionMapInt *a_map_ptr)
Set lifestage map.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:334
TTovList m_LadybirdProhibitedTovsForMovement
the types of vegetation that are prohibited for ladybirds
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:422
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdOvipositionPeriodStart("LADYBIRD_OVIPOSITIONPERIODSTART", CFG_CUSTOM, May)
Oviposition period start.
int m_HibernationClumpSize
Records the size of the hibernation clump.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:288
vector< double > m_AboveInflectionRates
Day degree constant above inflection point for all non-adult stages.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1072
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:86
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.h:70
static void SetBackgroundMortTemp(const vector< double > &a_vector)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:313
Definition: Treatment.h:140
The enumeration lists all beetle behavioural states used by all the beetle species.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:58
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAggregationEnd("LADYBIRD_AGGREGATION_END", CFG_CUSTOM, 685)
Assumed daylength trigger for aggregation end. 685 = Berlin 20/10.
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:446
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdStartEggsNo("LADYBIRS_START_EGGS_NOS", CFG_CUSTOM, 1042)
the number of eggs each one of the starting ladybirds has
Definition: Treatment.h:38
vector< int > m_LifeStageOrderVec
The vector to store the life stage order for looping specie life stages.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:808
Definition: Treatment.h:117
unsigned m_Lifestage
This is a useful parameter holding the beetle type (this includes larval stages)
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:166
Definition: Treatment.h:120
static void SetLadybirdLarvalPreyDevelParameters(const vector< double > &a_array, int a_no_stages)
Set the larval per instar development factor, a function of aphid abundance.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:338
void AddCannibalismDeath(int a_ob_type, int a_x, int a_y)
The method to add one death to t he given life stage at the given location because of cannibalism.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:476
double SupplyTempHour(int hour)
Returns the temperature in a given hour (0 to 23)
Definition: Landscape.h:2103
int m_y
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:128
int m_ListNameLength
the number of life-stages simulated in the population manager
Definition: PopulationManager.h:626
Definition: Treatment.h:59
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:465
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdParasitoidMortalityChanceMin("LADYBIRD_PARASITOIDMORTALITYCHANCEMIN", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.05)
Minimim probability of parasitoid death for ladybirds in the spring.
Definition: Treatment.h:100
static void SetOvipositionPeriod(const bool a_cond)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:309
virtual void SetEatenToday(int a)
set the value of the counter of eaten aphids
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:105
Definition: Treatment.h:150
Definition: Treatment.h:124
Ladybird_Larvae4(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr)
constructor for Larvae3
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:455
int m_EmergenceDay
The day of the year when this particular individual emerged, to be used to track minimum delay time b...
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:272
Definition: Treatment.h:139
static void SetHibernationClumpeSizeDist(const vector< double > &a_dist)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:311
double TempRelatedMortality() const
Determine larval temperature related mortality.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:666
Definition: Treatment.h:126
LadybirdTovParams LadybirdProhibitedTovsForMovementLarva
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.h:53
Definition: Treatment.h:149
LadybirdToleParams LadybirdAggregationToles
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.h:106
Definition: Treatment.h:132
Definition: Treatment.h:148
Definition: Treatment.h:67
Landscape * m_TheLandscape
holds an internal pointer to the landscape
Definition: PopulationManager.h:624
int getEggCounter()
returns thetotal egg counter (how many eggs left to lay)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:379
Ladybird_Population_Manager(Landscape *a_l_ptr, int a_numberLifeStages)
Constructor for population manager class.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:838
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:68
Definition: Treatment.h:42
static CfgInt cfg_MaxShortRangeAttempts("LADYBIRD_SHORTMOVESALLOWED", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)
For each short-range move, the number of squares assessed at this location for aphids before admittin...
Landscape * g_landscape_ptr
Definition: Landscape.cpp:352
Definition: Treatment.h:65
The class to handle all Aphid population related matters in the whole landscape.
Definition: Aphid_Population_Manager.h:98
Class for beetle larval stage 3, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:240
Definition: Treatment.h:45
static void SetShortRangeDistToday(const int a_value)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:314
Definition: Treatment.h:98
static int m_ShortRangeDistToday
Max distance moved in short range movements today (set by populaton manager each day)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:296
void decEggCounter(int num)
decrements the total to-lay counter by value
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:377
CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMortalityScaler("LADYBIRD_ADULTMORTALTISCALER", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.01)
Scaler for mortaltity of adults with temperature.
TToleList LadybirdLongRangeToles
the types of landscape that are targets of long range movement
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:434
Ladybird_Larvae3(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr)
constructor for Larvae3
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:436
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:76
AOR_Probe * m_AOR_Probe
A pointer to the AOR probe.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:875
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:268
CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAphidPreySpecies("LADYBIRD_APHIDPREYSPECIES", CFG_CUSTOM, 2)
The number of aphid species in the simulation.
static CfgArray_Int cfg_LadybirdStagesNutritionalValue("LADYBIRD_STAGES_NUTRIONAL_VALUE", CFG_CUSTOM, 7, vector< int >{1, 10, 30, 80, 120, 140, 160 })
The nutritional value in aphids of ladybird lifestages when cannibalised.
bool GetLadybirdLarvaCanMove() const
Gets the larval movement flag for today.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:455
Values that represent the types of landscape polygon that are represented in ALMaSS.
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:57
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdEggTemperatureMortality("LADYBIRD_EGG_TEMPERATURE_MORTALTIY", CFG_CUSTOM, 10, vector< double >{ 0.3723, 0.222525, 0.1136, 0.045525, 0.0183, 0.031925, 0.0864, 0.181725, 0.3179, 0.494925 })
The temperature related mortality of Ladybird eggs.
The landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data.
Definition: Landscape.h:142
TTovList LadybirdLongRangeTovs
the types of vegetation that are targets of long range movement
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:432
CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAphidPreyIndex("LADY_BIRD_APHID_PREY_INDEX", CFG_CUSTOM, 0)
The aphid species name.
std::unordered_set< TTypesOfLandscapeElement > TToleList
Definition: Beetle_toletov.h:11
void TryToReproduce() override
Does reproduction if possible.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:802
static void SetAdultMaxMoveDist(const int a_value)
Set the max move distance for dispersal.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:828
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdHibernationChance("LADYBIRD_HIBERNATIONCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.1)
The daily chance to hibernate if aphids are not abundant between the aggregation start and end dates.
Definition: Treatment.h:77
Definition: Treatment.h:96
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Beetle_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:655
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdExtremeTempMortChance("LADYBIRD_EXTREME_TEMP_MORT_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.25)
void BeginStep() override
The standard method that is run before the Step() method.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:505
Definition: Treatment.h:54
void SetIsHibernating(const bool a_val)
sets the value of the state variable that flags whether the beetle is currently hibernating
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:308
int GetAphidPopulationManagerSize() const
The function to get a aphid population manager number.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:461
virtual void DoProbe(int a_lifestage)
Definition: AOR_Probe.cpp:104
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdBackgroundMortalityAfterHibernation("LADYBIRD_BACKGROUND_MORTALITY_AFTER_HIBERNATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.05)
The background mortality that a female has after hibernation.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:64
Definition: Treatment.h:130
Beetle_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulation
Pointer to the population manager.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:160
Definition: Treatment.h:97
Definition: Treatment.h:141
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdMaximumFlightLength("LADYBIRD_MAXIMUMFLIGHTLENGTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 500)
Minimum distance for long-range flight in m.
static void SetLarvalDailyMort(const vector< double > &a_value, const int a_numLarvalStages, const int a_catagories)
Set the daily fixed mortality probability based on the larval stages and temperature.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:582
static vector< double > m_OvipositionRateTemp
Oviposition rate per day under perfect food with temps 0-50 degrees.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:292
The class describing the beetle Egg_List objects.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:382
int SupplySimAreaHeight(void)
Gets the simulation landscape height.
Definition: Landscape.h:2302
void KillOneInMap(int a_x, int a_y, int a_lifestage)
The method decreases the number of beetles in this specific location by one.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:271
int m_LarvalStage
Current larval growth stage (1-3), used as a small speed hack.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:619
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:386
static vector< double > m_LadybirdLarvalPreyDevelScalers[4]
The prey indexed scaler on development, 0-120 per larval stage.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:175
int SupplySimAreaWidth(void)
Gets the simulation landscape width.
Definition: Landscape.h:2297
int m_Location_y
The objects ALMaSS y coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:366
Definition: Treatment.h:70
A simple class defining an x,y coordinate set.
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:52
Definition: Treatment.h:46
virtual int GetAphidsAppetite()
The function returns the aphids appetite (virtual function stub: to be overridden)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:109
The population manager class for beetles.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1006
int CalcLengthOfStageAtTemp(int a_temp2) const
calculates the length of the pupal stage depending on the temperature
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:790
void BeginStep() override
the standard begin step function as overridden by the ladybird adult
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:565
static Landscape * m_OurLandscape
A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:342
Bool configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:155
void CheckManagement()
Used to start a check for any management related effects at the objects current location.
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1591
int m_AphidsAppetite
the today's appetite
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:93
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:69
int m_TemperatureCategory
Storage for the temperature category today.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1048
double m_MortalityTempMin
hreshold temperatures for mortalities: Min
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1044
int Supply_m_Location_y() const
Returns the ALMaSS y-coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:243
The base class for all ALMaSS animal classes. Includes all the functionality required to be handled b...
Definition: PopulationManager.h:200
Definition: Treatment.h:111
static int m_SimulationWidth
A static member for the simulation width because it is often used by descendent classes.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:346
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:65
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Hibernate() override
Hibernate function for the Adult.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:592
Definition: Treatment.h:135
TToleList getList()
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.cpp:15
Definition: Treatment.h:82
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdLarvaeMoveStep("LADYBIRD_LARVAE_MOVE_MAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)
the number meters possible to move each day for larvae
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMovementProportion("LADYBIRD_MOVEMENTPROPORTION", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.71)
Proportion of time spend moving.
Definition: Treatment.h:63
Movement maps are used for rapid computing of animal movement. This version uses values of 0-3 only.
Definition: MovementMap.h:88
static int m_AdultMaxMoveDist
holds the max move distance for dispersal
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:881
Definition: Treatment.h:62
Definition: Treatment.h:119
int Cannibalise(int a_appetite)
Perform the cannibalisation behaviour from the perspective of a cannibal : receives the appetite to f...
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:269
Definition: Treatment.h:72
int m_DailyEggs
The variables holding the amount of eggs to be laid today.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:278
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdStdDaysAfterHibernation("LADYBIRD_STD_DAYS_AFTER_HIBERNATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 10.77)
The std number of days that a female can have after hibernation.
Definition: Treatment.h:112
Definition: Treatment.h:137
Definition: Treatment.h:40
Definition: Treatment.h:53
void DoFirst() override
Does day degree development calculations here.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1345
Ladybird_Larvae1(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr)
Constructor of larva object.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:314
const char * g_simulationName
virtual double GetHarvestMortality() const
the method overrides the method that returns the mortality due to harvest
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:369
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Dispersal() override
the ladybird adult's override of a dispersal beahviour
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:623
bool CanMove()
returns true if the beetle can still move today
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:121
Definition: Treatment.h:145
static CfgFloat cfg_Ladybird_Emergence_Chance("LADYBIRD_EMERGANCE_CHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.1)
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMortalityTempMax("LADYBIRD_MORTALITY_TEMP_MAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 35.0)
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdExtremeTempMax("LADYBIRD_EXTREME_TEMP_MAX", CFG_CUSTOM, 40.0)
Definition: Configurator.h:208
Definition: Treatment.h:86
int m_BeetleLarvalStagesNum
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1058
Definition: Treatment.h:49
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdLarvalMortCategories("LADYBIRD_LARVALMORTCATEGORIES", CFG_CUSTOM, 10)
The number of temperature categoris to consider for larval mortality with temperature.
int SupplyDayInYear(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Calendar class function, the day in the year.
Definition: Landscape.h:2267
bool m_CanReproduce_bool
Signal reproductive readiness.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:969
Definition: Treatment.h:95
Definition: Treatment.h:147
int m_AgeDays
To hold the age in days.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:378
void DecAphids(int a_x, int a_y, int a_num)
the method decreases the number of aphids by "num" in the given location in all the underlying aphid ...
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1331
void Beetle_1M_Move(int a_dist)
The function that calculates the cumulative probability for the movement direction....
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:326
Definition: Treatment.h:36
void DoFirst() override
Does day degree development calculations here.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:1563
static void SetDailyEggMort(const double a_value)
Set the daily fixed mortality probability.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:446
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Forage() override
method that implements the foraging behaviour for adult beetles
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:751
int m_DayMade
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:617
static void SetTodaysTempCategory(int a_category)
Set the soil temperature category used for calculatiung mortality steps.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:312
bool m_is_paralleled
This is used to indicate whether the species is paralleled.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:796
int m_x
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:55
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:164
Definition: Treatment.h:116
Ladybird_Larvae2(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr)
constructor for Larvae2
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:417
Definition: Treatment.h:93
~Ladybird_Population_Manager() override
Destructor: the same as in base class but needs to remove a different number of postion maps.
Definition: Treatment.h:114
TToleList m_LadybirdAggregationToles
the types of landscape that are aggregation targets
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:426
TTovList m_LadybirdProhibitedTovsForMovementLarva
Uses the open cannibalisations events list to remove beetles.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:413
static int m_LadybirdLarvaeNoMoves
The number of moves (1m) possible per day.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:169
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMovementRatePerT("LADYBIRD_MOVEMENTRATEPERT", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0325)
rate of movement in m/min/T
int value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:116
int GetMaxDailyDistance()
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:125
bool m_LadybirdLarvaCanMove_bool
minimum temperature that larva can move at
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:488
static void SetLadybirdLarvaeMoveStep(const int a_value)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:194
Definition: Treatment.h:75
std::vector< double > value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:219
Definition: Treatment.h:47
double m_MortalityTempStep
Threshold temperatures for mortalities: Step size.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1042
Definition: Treatment.h:106
Definition: Treatment.h:109
static vector< double > m_DevelopmentConstants
Day degree constant, the target to reach before next stage.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:168
TTypesOfBeetleState m_CurrentBState
Current behavioural state.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:158
Definition: Treatment.h:48
double m_MortalityTempMax
Threshold temperatures for mortalities: Max.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1046
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:61
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:74
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdMinimumFlightLength("LADYBIRD_MINIMUMFLIGHTLENGTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 10)
Minimum distance for long-range flight in m.
static void SetAphidsPerPreyLevel(const int a_value)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:310
void UpdateGuardMap(int a_x, int a_y, int &a_index_x, int &a_index_y)
Get the index of the guard map for the given location.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:768
The class describing the beetle larvae objects.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:535
static void PestMortLocOutputOpen()
Annual pesticide mortality output file open.
static vector< double > m_BackgroundMortTemp
Oviposition rate per day under perfect food with temps 0-50 degrees.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:294
A data class for Beetle data.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:125
The class describing the adult (female) beetle objects.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:793
Definition: Treatment.h:146
static CfgArray_Double cfg_Ladybird_DevelopmentInflectionPoints("LADYBIRD_DEVELOPMENTINFLECTIONPOINTS", CFG_CUSTOM, 7, vector< double >{ 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0, 9999.0 })
Definition: Treatment.h:134
bool GetFlyingWeather() const
the function returns true if the weather is suitable for flying
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1317
int m_StarvationCount
The max number of aphids possible to eat/day per larval stage.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:179
Definition: PopulationManager.h:76
int GetAphidsAppetite() override
The function returns the aphids appetite (virtual function stub: to be overridden)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:204
Definition: Treatment.h:118
const int May
Julian start dates of the month of May.
Definition: Landscape.h:46
bool m_HasOverwintered
State variable: true if overwintered.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:276
Definition: Treatment.h:113
LadybirdToleTovs m_LadybirdToleTovs
Class holding all the tole tov related information - for tidyness.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:397
int GetTempMortRange(double a_temp) const
Gets the temperature category for mortality calculations.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1113
Ladybird_Adult(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr)
Ladybird adult constructor.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:530
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:67
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Aggregate() override
Aggreagte function for the adult ladybird - moves them to hibernaculae.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:585
Ladybird_Pupae(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr)
Constructor method.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:474
static double getLongRangeDuration()
long flight duration: used in distance calculation
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:457
static void SetLadybirdLarvaeMoveMax(const int a_value)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:192
static int m_SimulationHeight
A static member for the simulation height because it is often used by descendent classes.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:350
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMeanDaysAfterHibernation("LADYBIRD_MEAN_DAYS_AFTER_HIBERNATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 147.75)
The mean number of days that a female can have after hibernation.
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdAdultTemperatureMortalityParams("LADYBIRD_ADULT_TEMPERATURE_MORTALTIY", CFG_CUSTOM, 36, vector< double >{0.034, -0.0028, 0.00007, 0.116, -0.0091, 0.0002, 0.094, -0.007, 0.00019, 0.68, -0.0553, 0.00118, 0.67, -0.0533, 0.00118, 1.468, -0.1172, 0.00249, 1.504, -0.1213, 0.00268, 1.807, -0.075, 0.00132, 2.256, -0.1791, 0.00392, 2.788, -0.2217, 0.00484, 3.836, -0.3095, 0.00672, 5.358, -0.4202, 0.00887 })
Parameters for each age class of adult, 3 params x 12 age classes, used to calculate temperature rela...
Definition: Treatment.h:41
int m_InCropNo
In-crop counter.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1119
Values that represent the types of vegetation that are represented in ALMaSS.
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:192
Integer configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:102
static double m_TemperatureToday
A holder for the temperature today shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:354
Definition: Treatment.h:37
void EatToday(const int a_add)
Adds to the counter of eaten aphids.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:101
bool FindTarget(int a_distance, int a_minimumflightlength, int a_target)
The function to determine a landing location for long range movement for foraging or aggregating.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:701
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:66
Definition: Treatment.h:79
int m_guard_cell_x
The index x to the guard cell.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:370
TToleList m_LadybirdProhibitedTolesForMovement
the types of landscape that are prohibited for ladybirds
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:424
LadybirdToleParams LadybirdProhibitedToles
Definition: Ladybird_toletov.h:39
The class describing the beetle pupae objects.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:688
const int September
Julian start dates of the month of September.
Definition: Landscape.h:54
Ladybird_Base(Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_lpm_ptr)
Class constructor.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:236
int m_No
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:80
virtual void ResetAphidsAppetite()
reset the appetite to zero
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:111
vector< double > m_DevelopmentInflectionPoints
Inflection point in day degree calculations for non-adult stages.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1070
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdPupaTMortality("LADYBIRD_PUPAL_TMORTALITY", CFG_CUSTOM, 10, vector< double >{ 0.0959, 0.0569, 0.0313, 0.0191, 0.0203, 0.0349, 0.0629, 0.1043, 0.1591, 0.2273})
The temperature related mortality of Ladybird pupae.
Definition: Treatment.h:74
static double m_DailyPupaeMort
Daily fixed mortality probability.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:750
Double configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:126
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdEmergenceMortalityClump("LADYBIRD_EMERGENCEMORALTIYCLUMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.09)
Probability of death on emergence from hibernation if in a clump.
virtual unsigned PartitionLiveDead(unsigned Type)
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1181
string m_SimulationName
stores the simulation name
Definition: PopulationManager.h:622
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:65
static void SetMaxShortRangeAttempts(const int a_value)
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:326
bool LongRangeFind(int a_distance, int a_minimumflightlength, int a_target, bool(Ladybird_Adult::*a_func)(int, int, int))
The function to determine a landing location for long range movement for foraging or aggregating.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:672
bool IsForageSite(const int a_x, const int a_y, const int a_target)
Tests for aphid densities at x,y.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:667
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:71
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAphidsToLay("LADYBIRD_APHIDSTOLAY", CFG_CUSTOM, 100)
The density of aphids per m2 threshold for egg laying.
Definition: Treatment.h:136
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAdultAphidPreyDensityOK("LADYBIRD_ADULT_APHID_PREY_DENSITY_OK", CFG_CUSTOM, 10)
The minumum number of aphids per m2 to settle.
Definition: Treatment.h:108
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdEmergenceMortalityAlone("LADYBIRD_EMERGENCEMORALTIYALONE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.14)
Probability of on emergence from hibernation if alone.
Definition: Treatment.h:69
Definition: Treatment.h:105
Class for beetle larval stage 2, most functionality is in Beetle_Larvae.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:214
std::vector< int > value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:201
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdDailyOvipostionRateTemp("LADYBIRD_DAILYOVIPOSTIONRATETEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 51, vector< double > {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25257852, 1.089359927, 2.556140369, 4.665581149, 7.404402116, 10.73055526, 14.56924629, 18.80995871, 23.30578578, 27.87607539, 32.31308909, 36.39294043, 39.89049046, 42.59718429, 44.34011106, 45, 44.52558091, 42.94187052, 40.35056184, 36.92175576, 32.87762782, 28.47001231, 23.95500656, 19.56827291, 15.50458074, 11.90429029, 8.84812057, 6.359987945, 4.416318306, 2.959328634, 1.911502299, 1.188820974, 0.711084746, 0.408588017, 0.22526765, 0.119026759, 0.060200647, 0.029109965, 0.013441098 })
Oviposition rate per day under perfect food with temps 0-50 degrees.
vector< int > m_StageProductionProduction
Testing/Output attribute holding the number of larvae produced today.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1060
TToleList LadybirdProhibitedTolesForMovementLarva
the types of vegetation that are prohibited for ladybirds larva
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:430
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAphidsToLay_OffCropFactor("LADYBIRD_APHIDSTOLAY_OFFCROP_FACTOR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.25)
Offcrop LADYBIRD_APHIDSTOLAY reduction factor.
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdExtremeTempMinHibernatingFactor("LADYBIRD_EXTREME_TEMP_MIN_HIB_FACTOR", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.2)
bool WinterMort() const override
The method for calculating overwintering mortality.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:320
int m_guard_cell_size
Definition: PopulationManager.h:793
Definition: Treatment.h:78
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdMaxLarvaStageLength("LADYBIRD_MAX_PUPA_STAGE_LENGTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 30)
Definition: Configurator.h:70
int g_random_fnc(const int a_range)
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:74
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdLarvalTemperatureMortality("LADYBIRD_LARVAL_TEMPERATURE_MORTALTIY", CFG_CUSTOM, 40, vector< double >{ 0.3393, 0.215525, 0.1277, 0.075825, 0.0599, 0.079925, 0.1359, 0.227825, 0.3557, 0.519525, 0.097, 0.063225, 0.0411, 0.030625, 0.0318, 0.044625, 0.0691, 0.105225, 0.153, 0.212425, 0.0393, 0.020475, 0.0113, 0.011775, 0.0219, 0.041675, 0.0711, 0.110175, 0.1589, 0.217275, 0.0107, 0.00675, 0.0069, 0.01115, 0.0195, 0.03195, 0.0485, 0.06915, 0.0939, 0.12275 })
void DecDensity(int a_x, int a_y)
The method decreases the number of beetles in this specific location by one.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:263
static CfgInt cfg_AphidsToStayAwake("LADYBIRD_APHIDS_TO_STAY_AWAKE", CFG_CUSTOM, 1000)
Num of aphids needed to stay awake.
Definition: Treatment.h:66
double TodaysEggProductionTempFactor
the dependence between temperature and the clutch size: updated daily
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:484
Definition: Treatment.h:92
CfgBool cfg_ReallyBigOutput_used
Definition: Treatment.h:102
std::vector< Aphid_Population_Manager * > m_AphidPopulationManagerPtrList
The pointer to aphid population manager.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:390
CfgInt cfg_BeetleLarvalStagesNum
The number of larval stages for this species.
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr)
Constructor method.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:481
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdAggregationStart("LADYBIRD_AGGREGATION_START", CFG_CUSTOM, 750)
Assumed daylength trigger for aggregation start. 750 = Berlin 20/09.
void DoSpecialBetweenLifeStages(int a_life_stage) override
Cannibalism is handled here.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:921
double calcDailyMortChance(int a_temp2, const double a_lengthOfStageAtTemp) override
calculates the length of the pupal stage depending on the temperature
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:498
void KillAndRemoveFromMap()
Kills the beetle - this version forces the beetle to re-enter the Step code and call st_Dying.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:438
TTypesOfBeetleState St_Emerge() override
The method that removes the pupa and substitutes it by adult (called in the end of development)
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:488
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdMinimumOviMaturation("LADYBIRD_MINIMUMOVIMATURATION", CFG_CUSTOM, 4)
The lentgth of time before oviposition when finding the first good forage patch.
The base class for all beetles.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:150
int m_WantToEatToday
number of ladybird larvae younger than this to eat in EndStep
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:91
int m_OffFieldNo
Off-field counter.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1121
void setEggCounter(int num)
sets the total to-lay egg counter to a value
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:375
static CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdFlyingThreshTemp("LADYBIRD_FLYINGTHRESHTEMP", CFG_CUSTOM, 15.0)
The temperature at which the flight is possible.
Definition: Treatment.h:57
Definition: Treatment.h:87
void PushIndividual(const unsigned a_listindex, TAnimal *a_individual_ptr)
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1682
int m_CurrentStateNo
The basic state number for all objects - '-1' indicates death.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:131
Definition: Treatment.h:101
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:73
~Ladybird_Larvae1() override=default
Destructor of larva object.
void DoEggDailyMortalityActions(double a_atemptoday) override
Species specific actions to cope with temperature related egg mortality.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1101
int m_x
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:127
static CfgInt cfg_Ladybird_Emergance_Day_Length("LADYBIRD_EMERGANCE_DAY_LENGTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 755)
Definition: Treatment.h:73
static void SetOvipositionRateTemp(const vector< double > &a_dist)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:312
static CfgInt cfg_AphidsToHibernate("LADYBIRD_APHIDS_TO_STAY_AWAKE", CFG_CUSTOM, 10)
Num of aphids that triggers hibernation.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:71
Definition: Treatment.h:32
static CfgArray_Double cfg_LadybirdLarvalPreyDevelParameters("LADYBIRD_LARVAL_PREY_DEVEL_PARAMETERS", CFG_CUSTOM, 4 *4, vector< double > { 50.0, 2.572, -0.0689, 0.0008, 50.0, 2.2134, -0.0608, 0.0008, 80.0, 2.612, -0.0448, 0.0003, 120.0, 1.8777, -0.0144, 0.00006 })
The 2nd order polynomial parameters and max aphids per instar.
CfgInt cfg_pm_EventFrequency
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Beetle_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:898
vector< vector< forward_list< TAnimal * > * > > TheSubArrays
Hold all the animal pointers.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:804
Definition: Treatment.h:55
static CfgArray_Double cfg_Ladybird_SCP("LADYBIRD_SCP", CFG_CUSTOM, 12, { -15, -15, -10, -9, -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, -9, -12, -17 })
Minimum tolerated temperature at given month of the year.
void TheAOROutputProbe() override
Special output functionality.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:1343
void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Beetle_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr) override
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:781
void Warn(std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Wrapper for the g_msg Warn function.
Definition: Landscape.h:2250
bool JanFirst(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:79
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdMaxPupalLength("LADYBIRD_MAXPUPALLENGTH", CFG_CUSTOM, 30)
virtual double GetStriglingMortality() const
Mortality by Strigling: similar for all forms– should use base class method.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:363
int m_MoveCounter
the counter of the steps made today
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:95
bool IsLocationAllowedLarvae(TTypesOfVegetation a_tov)
Checks the tov list of disallowed tovs and returns false if a_tov is disallowed
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:444
Definition: Treatment.h:34
Array_Int configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:189
int m_Location_x
The objects ALMaSS x coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:362
int m_OviMaturation
Counter for ovi maturation.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:284
The class describing the beetle Egg_List objects.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:143
CfgFloat cfg_LadybirdMaxAdultNumber("LADYBIRD_MAX_ADULT_NUMBER", CFG_CUSTOM, 400000.0)
The maximum ladybird adult number allowed.
int m_DayMade
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:747
void CalculateDailyEggProduction(double a_temptoday) override
Figure out the maximum number of eggs that can be laid today - must be overridden in descendent class...
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:417
virtual void CalcAphidsAppetite()
Calculates the appetite of aphids based on the age (Arshad et al, 2017)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:119
double SupplyDevelConst1(unsigned a_index) const
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1028
int SupplyDaylength(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Weather class function, the day length for the current day.
Definition: Landscape.h:2201
virtual double GetSoilCultivationMortality() const
the method overrides the method that returns the mortality due to soil cultivation
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:365
Definition: Treatment.h:58
Definition: Treatment.h:128
Aphid_Population_Manager * GetAphidPopulationManager(const int a_index) const
The function to get a aphid population manager pointer referenced by a_index.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:463
static CfgInt cfg_ladybirdStartNos("LADYBIRD_STARTNO", CFG_CUSTOM, 200)
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:72
static CfgInt cfg_LadybirdOvipositionPeriodEnd("LADYBIRD_OVIPOSITIONPERIODEND", CFG_CUSTOM, September)
Oviposition period end.
virtual double SupplyDayDegs(const unsigned a_stage, const int a_day)
Get the day degress experienced this year for a specific day created and instar/stage.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1030
int m_y
Definition: ALMaSS_Setup.h:56
virtual void ReInit(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr, Ladybird_Population_Manager *a_bpm_ptr)
ReInit for object pool.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:324
Definition: Treatment.h:50
vector< unsigned > m_LiveArraySize
Definition: PopulationManager.h:786
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:70
vector< double > m_EggTemperatureMortality
Storage for the temperature related mortality for eggs.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:393
bool ShouldStartAggregating()
The method evaluates whether the beetle should start aggregation.
Definition: Ladybird_All.cpp:639
Definition: Treatment.h:115
int m_X
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:78
double m_LadybirdLarvaMovementThreshold
minimum temperature that larva can move at
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:486
virtual void StDie()
Common state Die.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.cpp:308
Definition: Treatment.h:33
static int m_LadybirdLarvaeMoveStep
The size of moves (m) possible per move try.
Definition: Ladybird_All.h:171
Definition: Treatment.h:107
vector< std::array< double, 365 > > m_DayDegs
Storage for daily day degrees for non-adult stages.
Definition: Beetle_BaseClasses.h:1052
void IncLiveArraySize(int a_listindex)
Increments the number of 'live' objects for a list index in the TheArray.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:665