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The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Go to the documentation of this file.
88 Aphid(
int p_x,
int p_y,
int p_w,
int p_h,
Landscape *p_L,
Aphid_Population_Manager *p_NPM,
bool a_empty_flag,
double *p_suitability,
double *p_weight_density,
int number,
int a_index_x,
int a_index_y,
int a_SpeciesID = 919,
TTypesOfLandscapeElement p_winter_landscape_host =
TTypesOfLandscapeElement p_summer_landscape_host =
bool p_farm_flag =
double * m_popu_density
Variable to store the weighted population density pointer.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:75
double SupplyGreenBiomass(int a_polyref)
Returns the green biomass of the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_polyref.
Definition: Landscape.h:1612
Definition: Treatment.h:94
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_winter_landscape_host
The flag to show whether it is a winter landscape type host.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:96
bool supplyWinterHostOn(void)
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:350
virtual void doMovement(void)
Definition: Aphid.cpp:324
Definition: Treatment.h:83
bool supplySummerHostOn(void)
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:349
TTypesOfVegetation SupplyVegType(int a_x, int a_y)
Returns the vegetation type of the polygon using the polygon reference number a_polyref or coordinate...
Definition: Landscape.h:1925
Definition: Aphid.h:62
void addAnimalNumGivenStageColumn(int source_type, int a_column, double a_num)
Add animal number for the given life stage at specific column (age) in the animal number array.
Definition: SubPopulation.cpp:100
CfgFloat cfg_AphidMaxWindSpeed
The maximum speed that allows an aphid to fly.
CfgFloat cfg_AphidNoGrowWinterHostGreenBiomass("APHID_NO_GROW_WINTER_HOST_GREEN_BIOMASS", CFG_CUSTOM, 1000)
Green biomass for no-grow winter host.
double SupplyGreenBiomassProp(int a_polyref)
Returns the green biomass as a proportion of biomass of the vegetation using the polygon reference nu...
Definition: Landscape.h:1632
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:183
void calSuitabilityShared(void)
Definition: Aphid.cpp:115
std::vector< int > supplyVecLocMoveLifeStages()
Supply the vector of life stages that can do local movement.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:321
String configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:173
Aphid(int p_x, int p_y, int p_w, int p_h, Landscape *p_L, Aphid_Population_Manager *p_NPM, bool a_empty_flag, double *p_suitability, double *p_weight_density, int number, int a_index_x, int a_index_y, int a_SpeciesID=919, TTypesOfLandscapeElement p_winter_landscape_host=tole_Foobar, TTypesOfLandscapeElement p_summer_landscape_host=tole_Foobar, bool p_farm_flag=false)
Aphid constructor.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:68
double getTotalSubpopulationInCell(int x_indx, int y_indx)
Supply the total subpopulation size in the given cell.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.cpp:324
double value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:142
Definition: Treatment.h:31
int SupplyMonth(void)
Passes a request on to the associated Calendar class function, returns m_month + 1 (the calendar mont...
Definition: Landscape.h:2272
double getSuitabilityInCell(int x_indx, int y_indx)
Supply the suitability in the given cell.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:238
virtual bool OnFarmEvent(FarmToDo event)
Must be reimplemented if used in descendent classes. Sets the action on a management event.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:407
void(Aphid::* m_cal_suitability_func_pointer)(void)
The function pointer for suitability calculations.
Definition: Aphid.h:80
SubPopulation_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulationManager
This is a time saving pointer to the correct population manager object.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:73
bool supplyFirstFlagLifeStage(int life_stage)
The function to supply the flag of first for the given life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:276
CfgArray_Double cfg_AphidPredatorsMortalityVec("APHID_PREDATORS_MORTALITY_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.025, 0.025, 0.02, 0.02})
double SupplyDeadBiomass(int a_polyref)
Returns the dead biomass of the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_polyref or based on t...
Definition: Landscape.h:1652
SubPopulation * supplySubPopulationPointer(int indx, int indy)
Supply the pointer of the subpopulation object in the given cell.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.cpp:338
double supplySizeSubpopulationCell()
Supply the size of aphid subpopulation cell.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:228
The class to handle all Aphid population related matters in the whole landscape.
Definition: Aphid_Population_Manager.h:98
virtual double calBioticMortalityRate(int a_life_stage)
The function to calculate the biotic mortalit rate.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:174
double SupplyVegGrowthStage(int a_polyref)
Returns the vegetation growth stage of the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_polyref or...
Definition: Landscape.h:1642
void killPopulationByProportion(double a_proportion)
The function to kill the aphids by the given proportion.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:441
double calBioticMortalityRateShared(int a_life_stage)
Definition: Aphid.cpp:178
Values that represent the types of landscape polygon that are represented in ALMaSS.
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:57
The landscape class containing all environmental and topographical data.
Definition: Landscape.h:142
std::vector< double > m_history_density_vec
The array to store the previous density in the past days.
Definition: Aphid.h:84
int m_index_y
Variable to store the index of y in the population manager.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:71
Definition: MapErrorMsg.h:43
int m_Location_y
The objects ALMaSS y coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:366
static Landscape * m_OurLandscape
A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:342
void CheckManagement()
Used to start a check for any management related effects at the objects current location.
Definition: PopulationManager.cpp:1591
double(Aphid::* m_cal_biotic_mortality_func_pointer)(int)
The function pointer for biotic mortality rate calculation.
Definition: Aphid.h:82
virtual void calPopuDensity(void)
Function to calculate the weighted population density for the cell.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:91
void addAnimalNumGivenStage(int source_type, blitz::Array< double, 1 > *a_animal_num_array)
Add animal number for the given life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation.cpp:121
void killAllPopulation()
The function to kill all aphids in the cell due to e.g. pesticide applications.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:427
TTypesOfLandscapeElement m_summer_landscape_host
The flag to show whether it is a summer landscape type host.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:98
Definition: Configurator.h:208
double * m_suitability
Variable to store the suitability pointer.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:77
virtual void BeginStep(void)
BeingStep behaviour - must be implemented in descendent classes.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:457
Definition: Treatment.h:116
int supplyAgeInDay(int lifestage_index, int column_index)
The function to return the age in days given an element in the subpopulation table.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.cpp:990
int supplyLifeStageNum()
Supply the number of life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:242
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:197
std::vector< double > value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:219
int supplyMaxColNum()
Supply the maximum number of column in the development array.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:244
blitz::Array< double, 2 > m_animal_num_array
Variables to record numbers of the animals at different life stages and age in canlander days.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:83
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:781
double SupplyVegHeight(int a_polyref)
Returns the height of the vegetation using the polygon reference number a_polyref or based on the x,...
Definition: Landscape.h:1527
virtual double calCellRelatedMortalityWeight(void)
This function is used to calculate the cell realted weight to multiply with the temperature and age b...
Definition: Aphid.cpp:401
CfgArray_Double cfg_AphidMortalityByPesticideVec("APHID_MORTALITY_BY_PESTICIDE_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95})
CfgStr cfg_AphidSpeciesName
This variable decides which aphid species to run. The default one is the English grain aphid.
The class for base Aphid using subpopulation method.
Definition: Aphid.h:76
Double configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:126
std::vector< int > value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:201
MapErrorMsg * g_msg
Definition: MapErrorMsg.cpp:41
int supplyCellNumY()
Supply number of subpopulation in y coordinate.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:222
bool m_farm_flag
The flag to show whether it is part of farm.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:104
Definition: Configurator.h:70
int g_random_fnc(const int a_range)
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:74
CfgArray_Double cfg_APhidIndependentSurvivorVec("APHID_INDEPENDENT_SURVIVOR_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9})
double supplyAgeInDayDegree(int lifestage_index, int column_index)
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:308
void setFirstFlagLifeStage(int life_stage, bool pvalue)
The function to set the flag indicating whether a given lifestage is the first time of existing.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:274
The class for base animal using subpopulation method.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:56
virtual void calSuitability(void)
Function to calculate the suitability for the cell.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:189
CfgArray_Int cfg_AphidDensityHistoryDayNumVec("APHID_DENSITY_HISTORY_DAY_NUM_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< int >{4, 4, 4, 4})
double m_whole_population_in_cell
Variable to track the whole population in the current cell.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:79
CfgArray_Double cfg_AphidNoncropBiomassWeightVec("APHID_NONCROP_BIOMASS_WEIGHT_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2})
CfgArray_Double cfg_AphidDensityMortalityStrengthVec("APHID_DENSITY_MORTALITY_STRENGTH_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.012, 0.012, 0.02, 0.02})
double SupplyInterestedGreenBiomassTotal(int a_polyref)
Returns the interested green biomass of the vegetation+weeds using the polygon reference number a_pol...
Definition: Landscape.h:1607
virtual void doReproduction(void)
Definition: Aphid.cpp:193
virtual void killByPredator(double a_num)
The function to kill the aphids by the given number.
Definition: Aphid.cpp:348
TTypesOfCrops SupplyCropType(int a_x, int a_y)
Returns the crop type of the polygon using the polygon reference number a_polyref or coordinates a_x,...
Definition: Landscape.h:1931
int m_index_x
Variable to store the index of x in the population manager.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:69
Array_Int configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:189
int m_Location_x
The objects ALMaSS x coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:362
CfgArray_Double cfg_AphidLocalMovementFractionVec("APHID_LOCAL_MOVEMENT_FRACTION_VEC", CFG_CUSTOM, 4, vector< double >{0.025, 0.025, 0.1, 0.1})
int supplyCellNumX()
Supply number of subpopulation in x coordinate.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:220
virtual int calOffspringStage(int current_stage, double *offspring_num=NULL, double a_age=1, double a_density=-1, double a_growth_stage=0, double *a_propotion=NULL, bool winter_host_flag=false)
Calculate the offspring life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.cpp:1117
int SupplyPolyRef(int a_x, int a_y)
Get the in map polygon reference number from the x, y location.
Definition: Landscape.h:2157
void setOldIndex(int life_stage, int p_value)
The function to set the oldest index for the given life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.cpp:701
Enumerator for aphid object types.
Definition: Aphid.h:45
blitz::Array< double, 1 > m_population_each_life_stage
Array to hold the population number for each life stage.
Definition: SubPopulation.h:81
int supplyNewestIndex(int life_stage_index)
Definition: SubPopulation_Population_Manager.h:248