This is the complete list of members for TPredator, including all inherited members.
BeginStep(void) | TPredator | inlinevirtual |
CheckManagement() | TAnimal | |
CheckManagementXY(int a_x, int a_y) | TAnimal | |
CopyMyself() | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
CorrectWrapRound() | TAnimal | inlineprotected |
CurrentPrey | TPredator | protected |
CurrentPState | TPredator | protected |
Dying() | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
EndStep(void) | TPredator | inlinevirtual |
GetCurrentStateNo() const | TALMaSSObject | inline |
GetStepDone() const | TALMaSSObject | inline |
KillThis() | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
m_AgeDays | TAnimal | protected |
m_CurrentStateNo | TALMaSSObject | protected |
m_DayInYear | TAnimal | protectedstatic |
m_DispersalMax | TPredator | protected |
m_FailureCount | TPredator | protected |
m_guard_cell_x | TAnimal | protected |
m_guard_cell_y | TAnimal | protected |
m_HaveTerritory | TPredator | protected |
m_HomeRange | TPredator | protected |
m_KillEfficiency | TPredator | protected |
m_kills_this_season | TPredator | protected |
m_Location_x | TAnimal | protected |
m_Location_y | TAnimal | protected |
m_my_pesticide | TAnimal | protected |
m_NoFailuresBeforeDispersal | TPredator | protected |
m_OurLandscape | TAnimal | protectedstatic |
m_OurPopulationManager | TPredator | protected |
m_Prey | TPredator | protected |
m_Search_x | TPredator | protected |
m_Search_y | TPredator | protected |
m_SearchArea | TPredator | protected |
m_SimulationHeight | TAnimal | protectedstatic |
m_SimulationWidth | TAnimal | protectedstatic |
m_StepDone | TALMaSSObject | protected |
m_TemperatureToday | TAnimal | protectedstatic |
OnArrayBoundsError() | TALMaSSObject | static |
OnFarmEvent(FarmToDo) | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
OverlapMyTerritory(unsigned x, unsigned y) | TPredator | |
PreyResponse1 | TPredator | protected |
PreyResponse2 | TPredator | protected |
ReinitialiseObject(int a_x, int a_y, Landscape *a_l_ptr) | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
ReinitialiseObject(int a_x, int a_y) | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
ReinitialiseObjectBase() | TALMaSSObject | inline |
SetAge(int a_age) | TAnimal | inline |
SetCurrentStateNo(int a_num) | TALMaSSObject | inline |
SetDayInYear(int a_value) | TAnimal | inlinestatic |
SetGuardMapIndex(int a_index_x, int a_index_y) | TAnimal | inline |
SetOurLandscape(Landscape *a_value) | TAnimal | inlinestatic |
SetSimulationHeight(int a_value) | TAnimal | inlinestatic |
SetSimulationWidth(int a_value) | TAnimal | inlinestatic |
SetStepDone(bool a_bool) | TALMaSSObject | inline |
SetTempToday(double a_value) | TAnimal | inlinestatic |
SetX(const int a_x) | TAnimal | inline |
SetY(const int a_y) | TAnimal | inline |
SimH | TPredator | protected |
SimW | TPredator | protected |
SpeciesID | TPredator | protected |
st_Dispersal() | TPredator | virtual |
st_Hunting() | TPredator | virtual |
st_Movement() | TPredator | virtual |
Step(void) | TPredator | inlinevirtual |
Supply_m_Location_x() const | TAnimal | inline |
Supply_m_Location_y() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyAge() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyFarmOwnerRef() const | TAnimal | |
SupplyGuardCellX() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyGuardCellY() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyHomeRange() | TPredator | inline |
SupplyKill() | TPredator | inline |
SupplyKillEff() | TPredator | inline |
SupplyPoint() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyPolygonRef() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyPolygonType() const | TAnimal | inline |
SupplyPosition() const | TAnimal | |
SupplySpeciesID() | TPredator | inline |
SupplyTerr() | TPredator | inline |
TALMaSSObject() | TALMaSSObject | |
TAnimal(int x, int y, Landscape *L) | TAnimal | |
TAnimal(int x, int y) | TAnimal | |
TPredator(Vole_Population_Manager *ThePrey, int p_x, int p_y, Landscape *p_L, TPredator_Population_Manager *p_PPM) | TPredator | |
WhatState() | TAnimal | inlinevirtual |
~TALMaSSObject()=default | TALMaSSObject | virtual |
~TPredator() | TPredator | |