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1.2 (after EcoStack, March 2024)
The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
This is the complete list of members for Pesticide, including all inherited members.
AddGranularPesticide(int a_minx, int a_miny, int a_maxx, int a_maxy, double a_cover, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
DailyQueueAdd(LE *a_element_sprayed, double a_amount, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp, int a_drifttype=0) | Pesticide | |
DailyQueueAddGranular(LE *a_element_sprayed, double a_amount, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | |
DailyQueueAddSeedCoating(LE *a_element_sprayed, double a_amount, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | |
DailyQueueClear(PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
DailyQueueProcess(PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
DecayMap(vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > &map, vector< double > &decay_frac, int a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
DecreaseVegetationPesticide(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp, double a_amount) | Pesticide | |
DiffusionMatrixInit(void) | Pesticide | protected |
DiffusionSprayPixel(int a_x, int a_limit_x, int a_y, int a_limit_y, double a_amount, double a_cover, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | inlineprotected |
DiffusionVectorInit(void) | Pesticide | protected |
DiffusionVectorTest(void) | Pesticide | |
ElementIsWater(int a_x, int a_y) | Pesticide | inlineprotected |
GetAnythingToDecay(PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | inline |
m_corr_x | Pesticide | protected |
m_corr_y | Pesticide | protected |
m_daily_granular_queue | Pesticide | protected |
m_daily_seedcoating_queue | Pesticide | protected |
m_daily_spray_queue | Pesticide | protected |
m_dead_biomass | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices_dust_drift | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices_orchard_early | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices_orchard_late | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices_vineyard_early | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_matrices_vineyard_late | Pesticide | protected |
m_diffusion_vector | Pesticide | protected |
m_drift_distance | Pesticide | protected |
m_dust_drift_remainder | Pesticide | protected |
m_green_biomass | Pesticide | protected |
m_land | Pesticide | protected |
m_map | Pesticide | protected |
m_nectar_mass | Pesticide | protected |
m_NoPPPs | Pesticide | protected |
m_orchard_drift_type | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_daily_decay_frac | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_drift_max | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_height | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_main | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_record | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_size | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_twin | Pesticide | protected |
m_pest_map_width | Pesticide | protected |
m_pesticide_file_rec | Pesticide | protected |
m_pesticide_file_rec_all_comp | Pesticide | protected |
m_pesticideRecord | Pesticide | protected |
m_pollen_mass | Pesticide | protected |
m_prop | Pesticide | protected |
m_rainfallcategory | Pesticide | protected |
m_RainWashoffFactor | Pesticide | protected |
m_seedcoating_to_decay | Pesticide | protected |
m_something_to_decay | Pesticide | protected |
m_wind | Pesticide | protected |
m_x_excess | Pesticide | protected |
m_y_excess | Pesticide | protected |
MainMapDecay(PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
Pesticide(Landscape *a_map) | Pesticide | |
RecordAllPesticideCompartments(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp, ofstream &outfile) | Pesticide | |
RecordPesticideConcentrationPollenNectar(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp, ofstream &outfile) | Pesticide | |
RecordPesticideLoad(int a_ppp) | Pesticide | |
RecordPesticideMap(int a_ppp, ofstream &outfile, vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > &map) | Pesticide | |
ReducePlantPesticide(int a_minx, int a_maxx, int a_miny, int a_maxy, int a_map_index, float a_reduc, bool a_remove_from_surface=false) | Pesticide | |
RemovePlantPesticide(int a_minx, int a_maxx, int a_miny, int a_maxy, int a_map_index) | Pesticide | |
SavePPM(double *a_map, int a_beginx, int a_width, int a_beginy, int a_height, char *a_filename) | Pesticide | |
SupplyPesticide(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | inline |
SupplyPesticide(int a_polyref, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | inline |
SupplyPesticideSeed(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | |
SupplyPesticideSeed(int a_polyref, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | |
Tick(void) | Pesticide | |
TwinMapClear() | Pesticide | protected |
TwinMapDiffusion(int a_minx, int a_miny, int a_maxx, int a_maxy, double a_cover, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp) | Pesticide | protected |
TwinMapDiffusionMatrix(int a_minx, int a_miny, int a_maxx, int a_maxy, double a_cover, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp, vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > *a_drift_matrices_ptr) | Pesticide | protected |
TwinMapSpray(LE *a_element_spryaed, double a_amount, int a_minx, int a_miny, int a_maxx, int a_maxy) | Pesticide | protected |
TwinMapSprayCorrectBorders(void) | Pesticide | protected |
TwinMapSprayPixel(int a_large_map_x, int a_large_map_y, double a_fractional_amount) | Pesticide | inlineprotected |
~Pesticide(void) | Pesticide | inlinevirtual |