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The Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System
Go to the documentation of this file.
61 long GlobalDate(
int a_day,
int a_month,
int a_year);
89 void CreateDaylength(
double latitude,
double longitude,
int timezone,
int year=2021);
void Reset2(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:54
int SupplySimHH() const
Returns half the landscape height in m.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:573
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:925
bool m_marchfirst
Definition: Calendar.h:110
int m_hours
Definition: Calendar.h:108
void SetPolyFood(int a_poly, double a_value)
Set polygon food quality.
Definition: Hare_All.h:725
static double * m_vegPalatability
Will hold and array of palatability for hare for each tov type. Most are 1, but unpalatable vegetatio...
Definition: Hare_All.h:318
double m_daylightproportion
Definition: Calendar.h:106
int GetYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:71
int month
Definition: Calendar.h:34
int year
Definition: Calendar.h:33
bool TickHour(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:178
int m_sunrise[365]
Definition: Calendar.h:113
int GetPegDirection()
Get direction of peg.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:467
int SupplySimH() const
Returns landscape height in m.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:569
double m_pesticidedegradationrate
State variable used to hold the daily degredation rate of the pesticide in the body.
Definition: Hare_All.h:306
void SetFirstYear(int a_year)
Definition: Calendar.h:81
int GetYearNumber(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:72
int GetHour(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:76
void CreateDaylength(double latitude, double longitude, int timezone, int year=2021)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:66
double m_EnergyMax
State variable - the amount of energy it is possible to eat as a multiplyer or RMR.
Definition: Hare_All.h:223
class Calendar * g_date
Definition: Calendar.cpp:37
int GetMonthRaw(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:74
double calcSunrise() const
Definition: sunset.cpp:455
Definition: Calendar.h:38
bool ValidDate(int a_day, int a_month)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:129
Calendar * CreateCalendar()
Definition: Calendar.cpp:230
double value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:142
virtual void InternalPesticideHandlingAndResponse()
Handles internal effects of pesticide exposure. If any effects are needed this method must be re-impl...
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:559
int GetMonth(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:73
double setCurrentDate(int, int, int)
Definition: sunset.cpp:508
int GetDayInMonth(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:77
int m_firstyear
Definition: Calendar.h:94
int DayLength(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:63
double ForageSquare(int a_x, int a_y)
Forage from an area.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:320
THare_Population_Manager * m_OurPopulationManager
Pointer to the hare population manager.
Definition: Hare_All.h:194
void setPosition(double, double, int)
Definition: sunset.cpp:93
int m_day_in_year
Definition: Calendar.h:97
int SupplySimWH() const
Returns half the landscape width in m.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:571
void SetLastYear(int a_year)
Definition: Calendar.h:82
double Forage(int &time)
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:52
int GetPegDistance()
Get peg distance.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:442
void Tick(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:191
CfgFloat cfg_hare_pesticide_ingestion_exposure_rate("HARE_PESTICIDE_INGESTION_RATE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)
double calcSunset() const
Definition: sunset.cpp:466
int m_minutes
Definition: Calendar.h:107
double GetDaylightProportion(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:78
#define __FSQRS
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:46
class Calendar * g_date
Definition: Calendar.cpp:37
Definition: Calendar.h:31
int m_dawn
Definition: Calendar.h:104
Definition: Calendar.cpp:61
Calendar * CreateCalendar()
Definition: Calendar.cpp:230
int SupplySimAreaHeight(void)
Gets the simulation landscape height.
Definition: Landscape.h:2302
long Date(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:57
void Reset(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:39
int SupplySimAreaWidth(void)
Gets the simulation landscape width.
Definition: Landscape.h:2297
int m_Location_y
The objects ALMaSS y coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:366
static Landscape * m_OurLandscape
A pointer to the landscape object shared with all TAnimal objects.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:342
void Walking(int a_dist, int a_direction)
Definition: Hare_THare.cpp:176
int m_todayslength
Definition: Calendar.h:101
long m_olddays
Definition: Calendar.h:93
Definition: Hare_All.h:92
int GetFirstYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:69
int m_day_in_month
Definition: Calendar.h:96
void MovePeg()
Move the peg according to attraction forces.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:535
long OldDays(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:60
CfgFloat cfg_hare_pesticide_contact_exposure_rate("HARE_PESTICIDE_CONTACT_RATE", CFG_CUSTOM, 0.0)
double g_FarmIntensiveness
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:300
int GetLastYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:70
void Warn(MapErrorState a_level, std::string a_msg1, std::string a_msg2)
Definition: MapErrorMsg.cpp:69
int SunSetTime(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:65
void EnergyBalance(TTypeOfActivity a_activity, int dist)
Adjust energy balance for an activity.
Definition: Hare_THare.cpp:261
int value() const
Definition: Configurator.h:116
int SunRiseTime(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:64
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:781
double ForageSquareP(int a_x, int a_y, double *a_pestexposure)
Forage from an area and resturn pesticide exposure as well as food.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:375
double m_pesticide_burden
State variable used to hold the current body-burden of pesticide.
Definition: Hare_All.h:301
double SupplyPesticideP(int a_x, int a_y, PlantProtectionProducts a_ppp)
Gets plant pesticide for a location.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:1420
double ForageP(int &time)
Foraging but also incorporating pesticide exposure.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:179
MapErrorMsg * g_msg
Definition: MapErrorMsg.cpp:41
Integer configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:102
int m_month
Definition: Calendar.h:98
double GetPolyFood(int a_poly)
Get stored polygon food quality.
Definition: Hare_All.h:720
int day
Definition: Calendar.h:35
Double configurator entry class.
Definition: Configurator.h:126
int SupplySimW() const
Returns landscape width in m.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:567
int m_dusk
Definition: Calendar.h:105
int m_sunset[365]
Definition: Calendar.h:114
int m_simulationyear
Definition: Calendar.h:100
int GetPegPull()
Get attractive force of peg.
Definition: HareForagenPeg.cpp:458
Definition: Configurator.h:70
int g_random_fnc(const int a_range)
Definition: ALMaSS_Random.cpp:74
int m_lastyear
Definition: Calendar.h:95
int m_peg_y
peg y-coordinate
Definition: Hare_All.h:260
int DayInYear(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:58
bool TickMinute(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:156
int m_todayssunrise
Definition: Calendar.h:102
bool TickMinute10(void)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:167
bool MarchFirst(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:80
long m_date
Definition: Calendar.h:92
bool m_janfirst
Definition: Calendar.h:109
int m_daylength[365]
Definition: Calendar.h:112
bool JanFirst(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:79
TTypesOfCrops SupplyCropType(int a_x, int a_y)
Returns the crop type of the polygon using the polygon reference number a_polyref or coordinates a_x,...
Definition: Landscape.h:1931
int m_Location_x
The objects ALMaSS x coordinate.
Definition: PopulationManager.h:362
int SupplyPolyRef(int a_x, int a_y)
Get the in map polygon reference number from the x, y location.
Definition: Landscape.h:2157
long GlobalDate(int a_day, int a_month, int a_year)
Definition: Calendar.cpp:92
Definition: MapErrorMsg.h:34
Definition: LandscapeFarmingEnums.h:1079
int m_peg_x
peg x-coordinate
Definition: Hare_All.h:256
int m_year
Definition: Calendar.h:99
double g_hare_peg_inertia
Definition: Hare_All.cpp:48
CfgInt cfg_hare_pegmoveto_chance("HARE_PEGMOVETOCHANCE", CFG_CUSTOM, 5000)
int m_todayssunset
Definition: Calendar.h:103
double GetHareFoodQuality(int a_polygon)
Returns the hare food quality of polygons LKM.
Definition: Landscape.cpp:5472
int GetMinute(void)
Definition: Calendar.h:75